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Created August 27, 2016 01:14
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dropbox.d.ts, auto-generated
declare module DropboxTypes {
interface DropboxOptions {
// An access token for making authenticated requests.
accessToken: string;
// The client id for your app. Used to create authentication URL.
clientId: string;
// Select user is only used by team endpoints. It specifies which user the team access token should be acting as.
selectUser?: string;
class Dropbox {
* The Dropbox SDK class.
constructor(options: { accessToken: string, clientId: string, selectUser: string });
* Returns an instance of Dropbox that can make calls to user api endpoints on
* behalf of the passed user id, using the team access token. Only relevant for
* team endpoints.
actAsUser(userId: string): Dropbox;
* Disables the access token used to authenticate the call.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<void>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public authTokenRevoke(arg: void): Promise<void>;
* Returns the metadata for a file or folder. This is an alpha endpoint
* compatible with the properties API. Note: Metadata for the root folder is
* unsupported.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesAlphaGetMetadataError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesAlphaGetMetadata(arg: FilesAlphaGetMetadataArg): Promise<FilesMetadata>;
* Create a new file with the contents provided in the request. Note that
* this endpoint is part of the properties API alpha and is slightly
* different from upload. Do not use this to upload a file larger than 150
* MB. Instead, create an upload session with upload_session/start.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesUploadErrorWithProperties>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesAlphaUpload(arg: FilesCommitInfoWithProperties): Promise<FilesFileMetadata>;
* Copy a file or folder to a different location in the user's Dropbox. If
* the source path is a folder all its contents will be copied.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesRelocationError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesCopy(arg: FilesRelocationArg): Promise<FilesMetadata>;
* Get a copy reference to a file or folder. This reference string can be
* used to save that file or folder to another user's Dropbox by passing it
* to copy_reference/save.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesGetCopyReferenceError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesCopyReferenceGet(arg: FilesGetCopyReferenceArg): Promise<FilesGetCopyReferenceResult>;
* Save a copy reference returned by copy_reference/get to the user's
* Dropbox.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesSaveCopyReferenceError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesCopyReferenceSave(arg: FilesSaveCopyReferenceArg): Promise<FilesSaveCopyReferenceResult>;
* Create a folder at a given path.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesCreateFolderError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesCreateFolder(arg: FilesCreateFolderArg): Promise<FilesFolderMetadata>;
* Delete the file or folder at a given path. If the path is a folder, all
* its contents will be deleted too. A successful response indicates that
* the file or folder was deleted. The returned metadata will be the
* corresponding FileMetadata or FolderMetadata for the item at time of
* deletion, and not a DeletedMetadata object.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesDeleteError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesDelete(arg: FilesDeleteArg): Promise<FilesMetadata>;
* Download a file from a user's Dropbox.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesDownloadError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesDownload(arg: FilesDownloadArg): Promise<FilesFileMetadata>;
* Returns the metadata for a file or folder. Note: Metadata for the root
* folder is unsupported.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesGetMetadataError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesGetMetadata(arg: FilesGetMetadataArg): Promise<FilesMetadata>;
* Get a preview for a file. Currently previews are only generated for the
* files with the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .docm, .ppt, .pps,
* .ppsx, .ppsm, .pptx, .pptm, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .rtf
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesPreviewError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesGetPreview(arg: FilesPreviewArg): Promise<FilesFileMetadata>;
* Get a temporary link to stream content of a file. This link will expire
* in four hours and afterwards you will get 410 Gone. Content-Type of the
* link is determined automatically by the file's mime type.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesGetTemporaryLinkError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesGetTemporaryLink(arg: FilesGetTemporaryLinkArg): Promise<FilesGetTemporaryLinkResult>;
* Get a thumbnail for an image. This method currently supports files with
* the following file extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, tif, gif and bmp.
* Photos that are larger than 20MB in size won't be converted to a
* thumbnail.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesThumbnailError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesGetThumbnail(arg: FilesThumbnailArg): Promise<FilesFileMetadata>;
* Returns the contents of a folder.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesListFolderError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesListFolder(arg: FilesListFolderArg): Promise<FilesListFolderResult>;
* Once a cursor has been retrieved from list_folder, use this to paginate
* through all files and retrieve updates to the folder.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesListFolderContinueError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesListFolderContinue(arg: FilesListFolderContinueArg): Promise<FilesListFolderResult>;
* A way to quickly get a cursor for the folder's state. Unlike list_folder,
* list_folder/get_latest_cursor doesn't return any entries. This endpoint
* is for app which only needs to know about new files and modifications and
* doesn't need to know about files that already exist in Dropbox.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesListFolderError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesListFolderGetLatestCursor(arg: FilesListFolderArg): Promise<FilesListFolderGetLatestCursorResult>;
* A longpoll endpoint to wait for changes on an account. In conjunction
* with list_folder/continue, this call gives you a low-latency way to
* monitor an account for file changes. The connection will block until
* there are changes available or a timeout occurs. This endpoint is useful
* mostly for client-side apps. If you're looking for server-side
* notifications, check out our webhooks documentation
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesListFolderLongpollError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesListFolderLongpoll(arg: FilesListFolderLongpollArg): Promise<FilesListFolderLongpollResult>;
* Return revisions of a file
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesListRevisionsError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesListRevisions(arg: FilesListRevisionsArg): Promise<FilesListRevisionsResult>;
* Move a file or folder to a different location in the user's Dropbox. If
* the source path is a folder all its contents will be moved.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesRelocationError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesMove(arg: FilesRelocationArg): Promise<FilesMetadata>;
* Permanently delete the file or folder at a given path (see
* Note: This endpoint is only
* available for Dropbox Business apps.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesDeleteError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesPermanentlyDelete(arg: FilesDeleteArg): Promise<void>;
* Add custom properties to a file using a filled property template. See
* properties/template/add to create new property templates.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesAddPropertiesError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesPropertiesAdd(arg: FilesPropertyGroupWithPath): Promise<void>;
* Overwrite custom properties from a specified template associated with a
* file.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesInvalidPropertyGroupError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesPropertiesOverwrite(arg: FilesPropertyGroupWithPath): Promise<void>;
* Remove all custom properties from a specified template associated with a
* file. To remove specific property key value pairs, see properties/update.
* To update a property template, see properties/template/update. Property
* templates can't be removed once created.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesRemovePropertiesError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesPropertiesRemove(arg: FilesRemovePropertiesArg): Promise<void>;
* Get the schema for a specified template.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<PropertiesPropertyTemplateError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesPropertiesTemplateGet(arg: PropertiesGetPropertyTemplateArg): Promise<PropertiesGetPropertyTemplateResult>;
* Get the property template identifiers for a user. To get the schema of
* each template use properties/template/get.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<PropertiesPropertyTemplateError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesPropertiesTemplateList(arg: void): Promise<PropertiesListPropertyTemplateIds>;
* Add, update or remove custom properties from a specified template
* associated with a file. Fields that already exist and not described in
* the request will not be modified.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesUpdatePropertiesError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesPropertiesUpdate(arg: FilesUpdatePropertyGroupArg): Promise<void>;
* Restore a file to a specific revision
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesRestoreError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesRestore(arg: FilesRestoreArg): Promise<FilesFileMetadata>;
* Save a specified URL into a file in user's Dropbox. If the given path
* already exists, the file will be renamed to avoid the conflict (e.g.
* myfile (1).txt).
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesSaveUrlError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesSaveUrl(arg: FilesSaveUrlArg): Promise<FilesSaveUrlResult>;
* Check the status of a save_url job.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<AsyncPollError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesSaveUrlCheckJobStatus(arg: AsyncPollArg): Promise<FilesSaveUrlJobStatus>;
* Searches for files and folders. Note: Recent changes may not immediately
* be reflected in search results due to a short delay in indexing.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesSearchError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesSearch(arg: FilesSearchArg): Promise<FilesSearchResult>;
* Create a new file with the contents provided in the request. Do not use
* this to upload a file larger than 150 MB. Instead, create an upload
* session with upload_session/start.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesUploadError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesUpload(arg: FilesCommitInfo): Promise<FilesFileMetadata>;
* Append more data to an upload session. A single request should not upload
* more than 150 MB of file contents.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesUploadSessionLookupError>.
* @deprecated
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesUploadSessionAppend(arg: FilesUploadSessionCursor): Promise<void>;
* Append more data to an upload session. When the parameter close is set,
* this call will close the session. A single request should not upload more
* than 150 MB of file contents.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesUploadSessionLookupError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesUploadSessionAppendV2(arg: FilesUploadSessionAppendArg): Promise<void>;
* Finish an upload session and save the uploaded data to the given file
* path. A single request should not upload more than 150 MB of file
* contents.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<FilesUploadSessionFinishError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesUploadSessionFinish(arg: FilesUploadSessionFinishArg): Promise<FilesFileMetadata>;
* This route helps you commit many files at once into a user's Dropbox. Use
* upload_session/start and upload_session/append_v2 to upload file
* contents. We recommend uploading many files in parallel to increase
* throughput. Once the file contents have been uploaded, rather than
* calling upload_session/finish, use this route to finish all your upload
* sessions in a single request. UploadSessionStartArg.close or
* UploadSessionAppendArg.close needs to be true for last
* upload_session/start or upload_session/append_v2 call. This route will
* return job_id immediately and do the async commit job in background. We
* have another route upload_session/finish_batch/check to check the job
* status. For the same account, this route should be executed serially.
* That means you should not start next job before current job finishes.
* Also we only allow up to 1000 entries in a single request
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<void>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesUploadSessionFinishBatch(arg: FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchArg): Promise<AsyncLaunchEmptyResult>;
* Returns the status of an asynchronous job for
* upload_session/finish_batch. If success, it returns list of result for
* each entry
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<AsyncPollError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesUploadSessionFinishBatchCheck(arg: AsyncPollArg): Promise<FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchJobStatus>;
* Upload sessions allow you to upload a single file using multiple
* requests. This call starts a new upload session with the given data. You
* can then use upload_session/append_v2 to add more data and
* upload_session/finish to save all the data to a file in Dropbox. A single
* request should not upload more than 150 MB of file contents.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<void>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public filesUploadSessionStart(arg: FilesUploadSessionStartArg): Promise<FilesUploadSessionStartResult>;
* Adds specified members to a file.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingAddFileMemberError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingAddFileMember(arg: SharingAddFileMemberArgs): Promise<Array<SharingFileMemberActionResult>>;
* Allows an owner or editor (if the ACL update policy allows) of a shared
* folder to add another member. For the new member to get access to all the
* functionality for this folder, you will need to call mount_folder on
* their behalf. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingAddFolderMemberError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingAddFolderMember(arg: SharingAddFolderMemberArg): Promise<void>;
* Changes a member's access on a shared file.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingFileMemberActionError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingChangeFileMemberAccess(arg: SharingChangeFileMemberAccessArgs): Promise<SharingFileMemberActionResult>;
* Returns the status of an asynchronous job. Apps must have full Dropbox
* access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<AsyncPollError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingCheckJobStatus(arg: AsyncPollArg): Promise<SharingJobStatus>;
* Returns the status of an asynchronous job for sharing a folder. Apps must
* have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<AsyncPollError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingCheckRemoveMemberJobStatus(arg: AsyncPollArg): Promise<SharingRemoveMemberJobStatus>;
* Returns the status of an asynchronous job for sharing a folder. Apps must
* have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<AsyncPollError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingCheckShareJobStatus(arg: AsyncPollArg): Promise<SharingShareFolderJobStatus>;
* Create a shared link. If a shared link already exists for the given path,
* that link is returned. Note that in the returned PathLinkMetadata, the
* PathLinkMetadata.url field is the shortened URL if
* CreateSharedLinkArg.short_url argument is set to true. Previously, it was
* technically possible to break a shared link by moving or renaming the
* corresponding file or folder. In the future, this will no longer be the
* case, so your app shouldn't rely on this behavior. Instead, if your app
* needs to revoke a shared link, use revoke_shared_link.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingCreateSharedLinkError>.
* @deprecated
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingCreateSharedLink(arg: SharingCreateSharedLinkArg): Promise<SharingPathLinkMetadata>;
* Create a shared link with custom settings. If no settings are given then
* the default visibility is RequestedVisibility.public (The resolved
* visibility, though, may depend on other aspects such as team and shared
* folder settings).
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettings(arg: SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsArg): Promise<SharingSharedLinkMetadata>;
* Returns shared file metadata.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingGetFileMetadataError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingGetFileMetadata(arg: SharingGetFileMetadataArg): Promise<SharingSharedFileMetadata>;
* Returns shared file metadata.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingSharingUserError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingGetFileMetadataBatch(arg: SharingGetFileMetadataBatchArg): Promise<Array<SharingGetFileMetadataBatchResult>>;
* Returns shared folder metadata by its folder ID. Apps must have full
* Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingSharedFolderAccessError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingGetFolderMetadata(arg: SharingGetMetadataArgs): Promise<SharingSharedFolderMetadata>;
* Download the shared link's file from a user's Dropbox.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingGetSharedLinkFileError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingGetSharedLinkFile(arg: Object): Promise<SharingSharedLinkMetadata>;
* Get the shared link's metadata.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingSharedLinkError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingGetSharedLinkMetadata(arg: SharingGetSharedLinkMetadataArg): Promise<SharingSharedLinkMetadata>;
* Returns a list of LinkMetadata objects for this user, including
* collection links. If no path is given or the path is empty, returns a
* list of all shared links for the current user, including collection
* links. If a non-empty path is given, returns a list of all shared links
* that allow access to the given path. Collection links are never returned
* in this case. Note that the url field in the response is never the
* shortened URL.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingGetSharedLinksError>.
* @deprecated
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingGetSharedLinks(arg: SharingGetSharedLinksArg): Promise<SharingGetSharedLinksResult>;
* Use to obtain the members who have been invited to a file, both inherited
* and uninherited members.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingListFileMembersError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListFileMembers(arg: SharingListFileMembersArg): Promise<SharingSharedFileMembers>;
* Get members of multiple files at once. The arguments to this route are
* more limited, and the limit on query result size per file is more strict.
* To customize the results more, use the individual file endpoint.
* Inherited users are not included in the result, and permissions are not
* returned for this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingSharingUserError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListFileMembersBatch(arg: SharingListFileMembersBatchArg): Promise<Array<SharingListFileMembersBatchResult>>;
* Once a cursor has been retrieved from list_file_members or
* list_file_members/batch, use this to paginate through all shared file
* members.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingListFileMembersContinueError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListFileMembersContinue(arg: SharingListFileMembersContinueArg): Promise<SharingSharedFileMembers>;
* Returns shared folder membership by its folder ID. Apps must have full
* Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingSharedFolderAccessError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListFolderMembers(arg: SharingListFolderMembersArgs): Promise<SharingSharedFolderMembers>;
* Once a cursor has been retrieved from list_folder_members, use this to
* paginate through all shared folder members. Apps must have full Dropbox
* access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingListFolderMembersContinueError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListFolderMembersContinue(arg: SharingListFolderMembersContinueArg): Promise<SharingSharedFolderMembers>;
* Return the list of all shared folders the current user has access to.
* Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<void>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListFolders(arg: SharingListFoldersArgs): Promise<SharingListFoldersResult>;
* Once a cursor has been retrieved from list_folders, use this to paginate
* through all shared folders. The cursor must come from a previous call to
* list_folders or list_folders/continue. Apps must have full Dropbox access
* to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingListFoldersContinueError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListFoldersContinue(arg: SharingListFoldersContinueArg): Promise<SharingListFoldersResult>;
* Return the list of all shared folders the current user can mount or
* unmount. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<void>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListMountableFolders(arg: SharingListFoldersArgs): Promise<SharingListFoldersResult>;
* Once a cursor has been retrieved from list_mountable_folders, use this to
* paginate through all mountable shared folders. The cursor must come from
* a previous call to list_mountable_folders or
* list_mountable_folders/continue. Apps must have full Dropbox access to
* use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingListFoldersContinueError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListMountableFoldersContinue(arg: SharingListFoldersContinueArg): Promise<SharingListFoldersResult>;
* Returns a list of all files shared with current user. Does not include
* files the user has received via shared folders, and does not include
* unclaimed invitations.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingSharingUserError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListReceivedFiles(arg: SharingListFilesArg): Promise<SharingListFilesResult>;
* Get more results with a cursor from list_received_files.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingListFilesContinueError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListReceivedFilesContinue(arg: SharingListFilesContinueArg): Promise<SharingListFilesResult>;
* List shared links of this user. If no path is given or the path is empty,
* returns a list of all shared links for the current user. If a non-empty
* path is given, returns a list of all shared links that allow access to
* the given path - direct links to the given path and links to parent
* folders of the given path. Links to parent folders can be suppressed by
* setting direct_only to true.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingListSharedLinksError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingListSharedLinks(arg: SharingListSharedLinksArg): Promise<SharingListSharedLinksResult>;
* Modify the shared link's settings. If the requested visibility conflict
* with the shared links policy of the team or the shared folder (in case
* the linked file is part of a shared folder) then the
* LinkPermissions.resolved_visibility of the returned SharedLinkMetadata
* will reflect the actual visibility of the shared link and the
* LinkPermissions.requested_visibility will reflect the requested
* visibility.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingModifySharedLinkSettingsError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingModifySharedLinkSettings(arg: SharingModifySharedLinkSettingsArgs): Promise<SharingSharedLinkMetadata>;
* The current user mounts the designated folder. Mount a shared folder for
* a user after they have been added as a member. Once mounted, the shared
* folder will appear in their Dropbox. Apps must have full Dropbox access
* to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingMountFolderError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingMountFolder(arg: SharingMountFolderArg): Promise<SharingSharedFolderMetadata>;
* The current user relinquishes their membership in the designated file.
* Note that the current user may still have inherited access to this file
* through the parent folder. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this
* endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingRelinquishFileMembershipError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingRelinquishFileMembership(arg: SharingRelinquishFileMembershipArg): Promise<void>;
* The current user relinquishes their membership in the designated shared
* folder and will no longer have access to the folder. A folder owner
* cannot relinquish membership in their own folder. This will run
* synchronously if leave_a_copy is false, and asynchronously if
* leave_a_copy is true. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this
* endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingRelinquishFolderMembership(arg: SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipArg): Promise<AsyncLaunchEmptyResult>;
* Identical to remove_file_member_2 but with less information returned.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingRemoveFileMemberError>.
* @deprecated
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingRemoveFileMember(arg: SharingRemoveFileMemberArg): Promise<SharingFileMemberActionIndividualResult>;
* Removes a specified member from the file.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingRemoveFileMemberError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingRemoveFileMember2(arg: SharingRemoveFileMemberArg): Promise<SharingFileMemberRemoveActionResult>;
* Allows an owner or editor (if the ACL update policy allows) of a shared
* folder to remove another member. Apps must have full Dropbox access to
* use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingRemoveFolderMemberError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingRemoveFolderMember(arg: SharingRemoveFolderMemberArg): Promise<AsyncLaunchResultBase>;
* Revoke a shared link. Note that even after revoking a shared link to a
* file, the file may be accessible if there are shared links leading to any
* of the file parent folders. To list all shared links that enable access
* to a specific file, you can use the list_shared_links with the file as
* the ListSharedLinksArg.path argument.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingRevokeSharedLinkError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingRevokeSharedLink(arg: SharingRevokeSharedLinkArg): Promise<void>;
* Share a folder with collaborators. Most sharing will be completed
* synchronously. Large folders will be completed asynchronously. To make
* testing the async case repeatable, set `ShareFolderArg.force_async`. If a
* ShareFolderLaunch.async_job_id is returned, you'll need to call
* check_share_job_status until the action completes to get the metadata for
* the folder. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingShareFolderError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingShareFolder(arg: SharingShareFolderArg): Promise<SharingShareFolderLaunch>;
* Transfer ownership of a shared folder to a member of the shared folder.
* User must have AccessLevel.owner access to the shared folder to perform a
* transfer. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingTransferFolderError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingTransferFolder(arg: SharingTransferFolderArg): Promise<void>;
* The current user unmounts the designated folder. They can re-mount the
* folder at a later time using mount_folder. Apps must have full Dropbox
* access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingUnmountFolderError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingUnmountFolder(arg: SharingUnmountFolderArg): Promise<void>;
* Remove all members from this file. Does not remove inherited members.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingUnshareFileError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingUnshareFile(arg: SharingUnshareFileArg): Promise<void>;
* Allows a shared folder owner to unshare the folder. You'll need to call
* check_job_status to determine if the action has completed successfully.
* Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingUnshareFolderError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingUnshareFolder(arg: SharingUnshareFolderArg): Promise<AsyncLaunchEmptyResult>;
* Allows an owner or editor of a shared folder to update another member's
* permissions. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingUpdateFolderMemberError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingUpdateFolderMember(arg: SharingUpdateFolderMemberArg): Promise<SharingMemberAccessLevelResult>;
* Update the sharing policies for a shared folder. User must have
* AccessLevel.owner access to the shared folder to update its policies.
* Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<SharingUpdateFolderPolicyError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public sharingUpdateFolderPolicy(arg: SharingUpdateFolderPolicyArg): Promise<SharingSharedFolderMetadata>;
* Creates a new, empty group, with a requested name. Permission : Team
* member management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupCreateError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamAlphaGroupsCreate(arg: TeamGroupCreateArg): Promise<TeamGroupFullInfo>;
* Retrieves information about one or more groups. Permission : Team
* Information
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupsGetInfoError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamAlphaGroupsGetInfo(arg: TeamGroupsSelector): Promise<Object>;
* Lists groups on a team. Permission : Team Information
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<void>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamAlphaGroupsList(arg: TeamGroupsListArg): Promise<TeamGroupsListResult>;
* Once a cursor has been retrieved from alpha/groups/list, use this to
* paginate through all groups. Permission : Team information
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupsListContinueError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamAlphaGroupsListContinue(arg: TeamGroupsListContinueArg): Promise<TeamGroupsListResult>;
* Updates a group's name, external ID or management type. Permission : Team
* member management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupUpdateError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamAlphaGroupsUpdate(arg: TeamGroupUpdateArgs): Promise<TeamGroupFullInfo>;
* List all device sessions of a team's member.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamListMemberDevicesError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamDevicesListMemberDevices(arg: TeamListMemberDevicesArg): Promise<TeamListMemberDevicesResult>;
* List all device sessions of a team.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamListMembersDevicesError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamDevicesListMembersDevices(arg: TeamListMembersDevicesArg): Promise<TeamListMembersDevicesResult>;
* List all device sessions of a team.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamListTeamDevicesError>.
* @deprecated
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamDevicesListTeamDevices(arg: TeamListTeamDevicesArg): Promise<TeamListTeamDevicesResult>;
* Revoke a device session of a team's member
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamRevokeDeviceSessionError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamDevicesRevokeDeviceSession(arg: TeamRevokeDeviceSessionArg): Promise<void>;
* Revoke a list of device sessions of team members
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamRevokeDeviceSessionBatchError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamDevicesRevokeDeviceSessionBatch(arg: TeamRevokeDeviceSessionBatchArg): Promise<TeamRevokeDeviceSessionBatchResult>;
* Retrieves information about a team.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<void>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGetInfo(arg: void): Promise<TeamTeamGetInfoResult>;
* Creates a new, empty group, with a requested name. Permission : Team
* member management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupCreateError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsCreate(arg: TeamGroupCreateArg): Promise<TeamGroupFullInfo>;
* Deletes a group. The group is deleted immediately. However the revoking
* of group-owned resources may take additional time. Use the
* groups/job_status/get to determine whether this process has completed.
* Permission : Team member management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupDeleteError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsDelete(arg: TeamGroupSelector): Promise<AsyncLaunchEmptyResult>;
* Retrieves information about one or more groups. Permission : Team
* Information
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupsGetInfoError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsGetInfo(arg: TeamGroupsSelector): Promise<Object>;
* Once an async_job_id is returned from groups/delete, groups/members/add ,
* or groups/members/remove use this method to poll the status of
* granting/revoking group members' access to group-owned resources.
* Permission : Team member management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupsPollError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsJobStatusGet(arg: AsyncPollArg): Promise<AsyncPollEmptyResult>;
* Lists groups on a team. Permission : Team Information
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<void>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsList(arg: TeamGroupsListArg): Promise<TeamGroupsListResult>;
* Once a cursor has been retrieved from groups/list, use this to paginate
* through all groups. Permission : Team information
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupsListContinueError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsListContinue(arg: TeamGroupsListContinueArg): Promise<TeamGroupsListResult>;
* Adds members to a group. The members are added immediately. However the
* granting of group-owned resources may take additional time. Use the
* groups/job_status/get to determine whether this process has completed.
* Permission : Team member management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupMembersAddError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsMembersAdd(arg: TeamGroupMembersAddArg): Promise<TeamGroupMembersChangeResult>;
* Lists members of a group. Permission : Team Information
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupSelectorError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsMembersList(arg: TeamGroupsMembersListArg): Promise<TeamGroupsMembersListResult>;
* Once a cursor has been retrieved from groups/members/list, use this to
* paginate through all members of the group. Permission : Team information
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupsMembersListContinueError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsMembersListContinue(arg: TeamGroupsMembersListContinueArg): Promise<TeamGroupsMembersListResult>;
* Removes members from a group. The members are removed immediately.
* However the revoking of group-owned resources may take additional time.
* Use the groups/job_status/get to determine whether this process has
* completed. This method permits removing the only owner of a group, even
* in cases where this is not possible via the web client. Permission : Team
* member management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupMembersRemoveError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsMembersRemove(arg: TeamGroupMembersRemoveArg): Promise<TeamGroupMembersChangeResult>;
* Sets a member's access type in a group. Permission : Team member
* management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupMemberSetAccessTypeError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsMembersSetAccessType(arg: TeamGroupMembersSetAccessTypeArg): Promise<Object>;
* Updates a group's name and/or external ID. Permission : Team member
* management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamGroupUpdateError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamGroupsUpdate(arg: TeamGroupUpdateArgs): Promise<TeamGroupFullInfo>;
* List all linked applications of the team member. Note, this endpoint does
* not list any team-linked applications.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamListMemberAppsError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamLinkedAppsListMemberLinkedApps(arg: TeamListMemberAppsArg): Promise<TeamListMemberAppsResult>;
* List all applications linked to the team members' accounts. Note, this
* endpoint does not list any team-linked applications.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamListMembersAppsError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamLinkedAppsListMembersLinkedApps(arg: TeamListMembersAppsArg): Promise<TeamListMembersAppsResult>;
* List all applications linked to the team members' accounts. Note, this
* endpoint doesn't list any team-linked applications.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamListTeamAppsError>.
* @deprecated
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamLinkedAppsListTeamLinkedApps(arg: TeamListTeamAppsArg): Promise<TeamListTeamAppsResult>;
* Revoke a linked application of the team member
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamRevokeLinkedAppError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamLinkedAppsRevokeLinkedApp(arg: TeamRevokeLinkedApiAppArg): Promise<void>;
* Revoke a list of linked applications of the team members
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamRevokeLinkedAppBatchError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamLinkedAppsRevokeLinkedAppBatch(arg: TeamRevokeLinkedApiAppBatchArg): Promise<TeamRevokeLinkedAppBatchResult>;
* Adds members to a team. Permission : Team member management A maximum of
* 20 members can be specified in a single call. If no Dropbox account
* exists with the email address specified, a new Dropbox account will be
* created with the given email address, and that account will be invited to
* the team. If a personal Dropbox account exists with the email address
* specified in the call, this call will create a placeholder Dropbox
* account for the user on the team and send an email inviting the user to
* migrate their existing personal account onto the team. Team member
* management apps are required to set an initial given_name and surname for
* a user to use in the team invitation and for 'Perform as team member'
* actions taken on the user before they become 'active'.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<void>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersAdd(arg: TeamMembersAddArg): Promise<TeamMembersAddLaunch>;
* Once an async_job_id is returned from members/add , use this to poll the
* status of the asynchronous request. Permission : Team member management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<AsyncPollError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersAddJobStatusGet(arg: AsyncPollArg): Promise<TeamMembersAddJobStatus>;
* Returns information about multiple team members. Permission : Team
* information This endpoint will return MembersGetInfoItem.id_not_found,
* for IDs (or emails) that cannot be matched to a valid team member.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamMembersGetInfoError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersGetInfo(arg: TeamMembersGetInfoArgs): Promise<Object>;
* Lists members of a team. Permission : Team information
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamMembersListError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersList(arg: TeamMembersListArg): Promise<TeamMembersListResult>;
* Once a cursor has been retrieved from members/list, use this to paginate
* through all team members. Permission : Team information
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamMembersListContinueError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersListContinue(arg: TeamMembersListContinueArg): Promise<TeamMembersListResult>;
* Recover a deleted member. Permission : Team member management Exactly one
* of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify the
* user account.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamMembersRecoverError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersRecover(arg: TeamMembersRecoverArg): Promise<void>;
* Removes a member from a team. Permission : Team member management Exactly
* one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify
* the user account. This is not a deactivation where the account can be
* re-activated again. Calling members/add with the removed user's email
* address will create a new account with a new team_member_id that will not
* have access to any content that was shared with the initial account. This
* endpoint may initiate an asynchronous job. To obtain the final result of
* the job, the client should periodically poll
* members/remove/job_status/get.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamMembersRemoveError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersRemove(arg: TeamMembersRemoveArg): Promise<AsyncLaunchEmptyResult>;
* Once an async_job_id is returned from members/remove , use this to poll
* the status of the asynchronous request. Permission : Team member
* management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<AsyncPollError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersRemoveJobStatusGet(arg: AsyncPollArg): Promise<AsyncPollEmptyResult>;
* Sends welcome email to pending team member. Permission : Team member
* management Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be
* provided to identify the user account. No-op if team member is not
* pending.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamMembersSendWelcomeError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersSendWelcomeEmail(arg: TeamUserSelectorArg): Promise<void>;
* Updates a team member's permissions. Permission : Team member management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamMembersSetPermissionsError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersSetAdminPermissions(arg: TeamMembersSetPermissionsArg): Promise<TeamMembersSetPermissionsResult>;
* Updates a team member's profile. Permission : Team member management
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamMembersSetProfileError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersSetProfile(arg: TeamMembersSetProfileArg): Promise<TeamTeamMemberInfo>;
* Suspend a member from a team. Permission : Team member management Exactly
* one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to identify
* the user account.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamMembersSuspendError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersSuspend(arg: TeamMembersDeactivateArg): Promise<void>;
* Unsuspend a member from a team. Permission : Team member management
* Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to
* identify the user account.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamMembersUnsuspendError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamMembersUnsuspend(arg: TeamMembersUnsuspendArg): Promise<void>;
* Add a property template. See route files/properties/add to add properties
* to a file.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<PropertiesModifyPropertyTemplateError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamPropertiesTemplateAdd(arg: TeamAddPropertyTemplateArg): Promise<TeamAddPropertyTemplateResult>;
* Get the schema for a specified template.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<PropertiesPropertyTemplateError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamPropertiesTemplateGet(arg: PropertiesGetPropertyTemplateArg): Promise<PropertiesGetPropertyTemplateResult>;
* Get the property template identifiers for a team. To get the schema of
* each template use properties/template/get.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<PropertiesPropertyTemplateError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamPropertiesTemplateList(arg: void): Promise<PropertiesListPropertyTemplateIds>;
* Update a property template. This route can update the template name, the
* template description and add optional properties to templates.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<PropertiesModifyPropertyTemplateError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamPropertiesTemplateUpdate(arg: TeamUpdatePropertyTemplateArg): Promise<TeamUpdatePropertyTemplateResult>;
* Retrieves reporting data about a team's user activity.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamDateRangeError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamReportsGetActivity(arg: TeamDateRange): Promise<TeamGetActivityReport>;
* Retrieves reporting data about a team's linked devices.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamDateRangeError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamReportsGetDevices(arg: TeamDateRange): Promise<TeamGetDevicesReport>;
* Retrieves reporting data about a team's membership.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamDateRangeError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamReportsGetMembership(arg: TeamDateRange): Promise<TeamGetMembershipReport>;
* Retrieves reporting data about a team's storage usage.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<TeamDateRangeError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public teamReportsGetStorage(arg: TeamDateRange): Promise<TeamGetStorageReport>;
* Get information about a user's account.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<UsersGetAccountError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public usersGetAccount(arg: UsersGetAccountArg): Promise<UsersBasicAccount>;
* Get information about multiple user accounts. At most 300 accounts may
* be queried per request.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<UsersGetAccountBatchError>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public usersGetAccountBatch(arg: UsersGetAccountBatchArg): Promise<Object>;
* Get information about the current user's account.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<void>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public usersGetCurrentAccount(arg: void): Promise<UsersFullAccount>;
* Get the space usage information for the current user's account.
* When an error occurs, the route rejects the promise with type
* Error<void>.
* @param arg The request parameters.
public usersGetSpaceUsage(arg: void): Promise<UsersSpaceUsage>;
* An Error object returned from a route.
interface Error<T> {
// Text summary of the error.
error_summary: string;
// The error object.
error: T;
// User-friendly error message.
user_message: UserMessage;
* User-friendly error message.
interface UserMessage {
// The message.
text: string;
// The locale of the message.
locale: string;
type Timestamp = string;
* The job finished synchronously and successfully.
interface AsyncLaunchEmptyResultComplete {
'.tag': 'complete';
* Result returned by methods that may either launch an asynchronous job or
* complete synchronously. Upon synchronous completion of the job, no
* additional information is returned.
type AsyncLaunchEmptyResult = AsyncLaunchResultBase | AsyncLaunchEmptyResultComplete;
* This response indicates that the processing is asynchronous. The string is
* an id that can be used to obtain the status of the asynchronous job.
interface AsyncLaunchResultBaseAsyncJobId {
'.tag': 'async_job_id';
async_job_id: string;
* Result returned by methods that launch an asynchronous job. A method who
* may either launch an asynchronous job, or complete the request
* synchronously, can use this union by extending it, and adding a 'complete'
* field with the type of the synchronous response. See
* :type:`LaunchEmptyResult` for an example.
type AsyncLaunchResultBase = AsyncLaunchResultBaseAsyncJobId;
* Arguments for methods that poll the status of an asynchronous job.
interface AsyncPollArg {
* Id of the asynchronous job. This is the value of a response returned from
* the method that launched the job.
async_job_id: string;
* The asynchronous job has completed successfully.
interface AsyncPollEmptyResultComplete {
'.tag': 'complete';
* Result returned by methods that poll for the status of an asynchronous job.
* Upon completion of the job, no additional information is returned.
type AsyncPollEmptyResult = AsyncPollResultBase | AsyncPollEmptyResultComplete;
* The job ID is invalid.
interface AsyncPollErrorInvalidAsyncJobId {
'.tag': 'invalid_async_job_id';
* Something went wrong with the job on Dropbox's end. You'll need to verify
* that the action you were taking succeeded, and if not, try again. This
* should happen very rarely.
interface AsyncPollErrorInternalError {
'.tag': 'internal_error';
interface AsyncPollErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error returned by methods for polling the status of asynchronous job.
type AsyncPollError = AsyncPollErrorInvalidAsyncJobId | AsyncPollErrorInternalError | AsyncPollErrorOther;
* The asynchronous job is still in progress.
interface AsyncPollResultBaseInProgress {
'.tag': 'in_progress';
* Result returned by methods that poll for the status of an asynchronous job.
* Unions that extend this union should add a 'complete' field with a type of
* the information returned upon job completion. See :type:`PollEmptyResult`
* for an example.
type AsyncPollResultBase = AsyncPollResultBaseInProgress;
* The access token is invalid.
interface AuthAuthErrorInvalidAccessToken {
'.tag': 'invalid_access_token';
* The user specified in 'Dropbox-API-Select-User' is no longer on the team.
interface AuthAuthErrorInvalidSelectUser {
'.tag': 'invalid_select_user';
* The user specified in 'Dropbox-API-Select-Admin' is not a Dropbox Business
* team admin.
interface AuthAuthErrorInvalidSelectAdmin {
'.tag': 'invalid_select_admin';
interface AuthAuthErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Errors occurred during authentication.
type AuthAuthError = AuthAuthErrorInvalidAccessToken | AuthAuthErrorInvalidSelectUser | AuthAuthErrorInvalidSelectAdmin | AuthAuthErrorOther;
* Error occurred because the app is being rate limited.
interface AuthRateLimitError {
* The reason why the app is being rate limited.
reason: AuthRateLimitReason;
* The number of seconds that the app should wait before making another
* request.
retry_after: number;
* You are making too many requests in the past few minutes.
interface AuthRateLimitReasonTooManyRequests {
'.tag': 'too_many_requests';
* There are currently too many write operations happening in the user's
* Dropbox.
interface AuthRateLimitReasonTooManyWriteOperations {
'.tag': 'too_many_write_operations';
interface AuthRateLimitReasonOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type AuthRateLimitReason = AuthRateLimitReasonTooManyRequests | AuthRateLimitReasonTooManyWriteOperations | AuthRateLimitReasonOther;
* This property group already exists for this file.
interface FilesAddPropertiesErrorPropertyGroupAlreadyExists {
'.tag': 'property_group_already_exists';
type FilesAddPropertiesError = FilesInvalidPropertyGroupError | FilesAddPropertiesErrorPropertyGroupAlreadyExists;
interface FilesAlphaGetMetadataArg extends FilesGetMetadataArg {
* If set to a valid list of template IDs,
* :field:`FileMetadata.property_groups` is set for files with custom
* properties.
include_property_templates?: Array<Object>;
interface FilesAlphaGetMetadataErrorPropertiesError {
'.tag': 'properties_error';
properties_error: FilesLookUpPropertiesError;
type FilesAlphaGetMetadataError = FilesGetMetadataError | FilesAlphaGetMetadataErrorPropertiesError;
interface FilesCommitInfo {
* The file contents to be uploaded.
contents: Object;
* Path in the user's Dropbox to save the file.
path: string;
* Selects what to do if the file already exists.
mode: FilesWriteMode;
* If there's a conflict, as determined by :field:`mode`, have the Dropbox
* server try to autorename the file to avoid conflict.
autorename: boolean;
* The value to store as the :field:`client_modified` timestamp. Dropbox
* automatically records the time at which the file was written to the
* Dropbox servers. It can also record an additional timestamp, provided by
* Dropbox desktop clients, mobile clients, and API apps of when the file
* was actually created or modified.
client_modified?: Timestamp;
* Normally, users are made aware of any file modifications in their Dropbox
* account via notifications in the client software. If :val:`true`, this
* tells the clients that this modification shouldn't result in a user
* notification.
mute: boolean;
interface FilesCommitInfoWithProperties extends FilesCommitInfo {
* The file contents to be uploaded.
contents: Object;
* List of custom properties to add to file.
property_groups?: Array<PropertiesPropertyGroup>;
interface FilesCreateFolderArg {
* Path in the user's Dropbox to create.
path: string;
interface FilesCreateFolderErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesWriteError;
type FilesCreateFolderError = FilesCreateFolderErrorPath;
interface FilesDeleteArg {
* Path in the user's Dropbox to delete.
path: string;
interface FilesDeleteErrorPathLookup {
'.tag': 'path_lookup';
path_lookup: FilesLookupError;
interface FilesDeleteErrorPathWrite {
'.tag': 'path_write';
path_write: FilesWriteError;
interface FilesDeleteErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesDeleteError = FilesDeleteErrorPathLookup | FilesDeleteErrorPathWrite | FilesDeleteErrorOther;
* Indicates that there used to be a file or folder at this path, but it no
* longer exists.
interface FilesDeletedMetadata extends FilesMetadata {
* Dimensions for a photo or video.
interface FilesDimensions {
* Height of the photo/video.
height: number;
* Width of the photo/video.
width: number;
interface FilesDownloadArg {
* The path of the file to download.
path: string;
* Deprecated. Please specify revision in :field:`path` instead
rev?: string;
interface FilesDownloadErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
interface FilesDownloadErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesDownloadError = FilesDownloadErrorPath | FilesDownloadErrorOther;
interface FilesFileMetadata extends FilesMetadata {
* A unique identifier for the file.
id: string;
* For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop client when
* the file was added to Dropbox. Since this time is not verified (the
* Dropbox server stores whatever the desktop client sends up), this should
* only be used for display purposes (such as sorting) and not, for example,
* to determine if a file has changed or not.
client_modified: Timestamp;
* The last time the file was modified on Dropbox.
server_modified: Timestamp;
* A unique identifier for the current revision of a file. This field is the
* same rev as elsewhere in the API and can be used to detect changes and
* avoid conflicts.
rev: string;
* The file size in bytes.
size: number;
* Additional information if the file is a photo or video.
media_info?: FilesMediaInfo;
* Set if this file is contained in a shared folder.
sharing_info?: FilesFileSharingInfo;
* Additional information if the file has custom properties with the
* property template specified.
property_groups?: Array<PropertiesPropertyGroup>;
* This flag will only be present if include_has_explicit_shared_members is
* true in :route:`list_folder` or :route:`get_metadata`. If this flag is
* present, it will be true if this file has any explicit shared members.
* This is different from sharing_info in that this could be true in the
* case where a file has explicit members but is not contained within a
* shared folder.
has_explicit_shared_members?: boolean;
* Sharing info for a file which is contained by a shared folder.
interface FilesFileSharingInfo extends FilesSharingInfo {
* ID of shared folder that holds this file.
parent_shared_folder_id: string;
* The last user who modified the file. This field will be null if the
* user's account has been deleted.
modified_by?: string;
interface FilesFolderMetadata extends FilesMetadata {
* A unique identifier for the folder.
id: string;
* Deprecated. Please use :field:`sharing_info` instead.
shared_folder_id?: string;
* Set if the folder is contained in a shared folder or is a shared folder
* mount point.
sharing_info?: FilesFolderSharingInfo;
* Additional information if the file has custom properties with the
* property template specified.
property_groups?: Array<PropertiesPropertyGroup>;
* Sharing info for a folder which is contained in a shared folder or is a
* shared folder mount point.
interface FilesFolderSharingInfo extends FilesSharingInfo {
* Set if the folder is contained by a shared folder.
parent_shared_folder_id?: string;
* If this folder is a shared folder mount point, the ID of the shared
* folder mounted at this location.
shared_folder_id?: string;
* Specifies that the folder can only be traversed and the user can only see
* a limited subset of the contents of this folder because they don't have
* read access to this folder. They do, however, have access to some sub
* folder.
traverse_only: boolean;
* Specifies that the folder cannot be accessed by the user
no_access: boolean;
interface FilesGetCopyReferenceArg {
* The path to the file or folder you want to get a copy reference to.
path: string;
interface FilesGetCopyReferenceErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
interface FilesGetCopyReferenceErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesGetCopyReferenceError = FilesGetCopyReferenceErrorPath | FilesGetCopyReferenceErrorOther;
interface FilesGetCopyReferenceResult {
* Metadata of the file or folder.
metadata: FilesMetadata;
* A copy reference to the file or folder.
copy_reference: string;
* The expiration date of the copy reference. This value is currently set to
* be far enough in the future so that expiration is effectively not an
* issue.
expires: Timestamp;
interface FilesGetMetadataArg {
* The path of a file or folder on Dropbox.
path: string;
* If true, :field:`FileMetadata.media_info` is set for photo and video.
include_media_info: boolean;
* If true, :type:`DeletedMetadata` will be returned for deleted file or
* folder, otherwise :field:`LookupError.not_found` will be returned.
include_deleted: boolean;
* If true, the results will include a flag for each file indicating whether
* or not that file has any explicit members.
include_has_explicit_shared_members: boolean;
interface FilesGetMetadataErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
type FilesGetMetadataError = FilesGetMetadataErrorPath;
interface FilesGetTemporaryLinkArg {
* The path to the file you want a temporary link to.
path: string;
interface FilesGetTemporaryLinkErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
interface FilesGetTemporaryLinkErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesGetTemporaryLinkError = FilesGetTemporaryLinkErrorPath | FilesGetTemporaryLinkErrorOther;
interface FilesGetTemporaryLinkResult {
* Metadata of the file.
metadata: FilesFileMetadata;
* The temporary link which can be used to stream content the file.
link: string;
* GPS coordinates for a photo or video.
interface FilesGpsCoordinates {
* Latitude of the GPS coordinates.
latitude: number;
* Longitude of the GPS coordinates.
longitude: number;
* A field value in this property group is too large.
interface FilesInvalidPropertyGroupErrorPropertyFieldTooLarge {
'.tag': 'property_field_too_large';
* The property group specified does not conform to the property template.
interface FilesInvalidPropertyGroupErrorDoesNotFitTemplate {
'.tag': 'does_not_fit_template';
type FilesInvalidPropertyGroupError = FilesPropertiesError | FilesInvalidPropertyGroupErrorPropertyFieldTooLarge | FilesInvalidPropertyGroupErrorDoesNotFitTemplate;
interface FilesListFolderArg {
* The path to the folder you want to see the contents of.
path: string;
* If true, the list folder operation will be applied recursively to all
* subfolders and the response will contain contents of all subfolders.
recursive: boolean;
* If true, :field:`FileMetadata.media_info` is set for photo and video.
include_media_info: boolean;
* If true, the results will include entries for files and folders that used
* to exist but were deleted.
include_deleted: boolean;
* If true, the results will include a flag for each file indicating whether
* or not that file has any explicit members.
include_has_explicit_shared_members: boolean;
interface FilesListFolderContinueArg {
* The cursor returned by your last call to :route:`list_folder` or
* :route:`list_folder/continue`.
cursor: string;
interface FilesListFolderContinueErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
* Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call :route:`list_folder`
* to obtain a new cursor.
interface FilesListFolderContinueErrorReset {
'.tag': 'reset';
interface FilesListFolderContinueErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesListFolderContinueError = FilesListFolderContinueErrorPath | FilesListFolderContinueErrorReset | FilesListFolderContinueErrorOther;
interface FilesListFolderErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
interface FilesListFolderErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesListFolderError = FilesListFolderErrorPath | FilesListFolderErrorOther;
interface FilesListFolderGetLatestCursorResult {
* Pass the cursor into :route:`list_folder/continue` to see what's changed
* in the folder since your previous query.
cursor: string;
interface FilesListFolderLongpollArg {
* A cursor as returned by :route:`list_folder` or
* :route:`list_folder/continue`. Cursors retrieved by setting
* :field:`ListFolderArg.include_media_info` to :val:`true` are not
* supported.
cursor: string;
* A timeout in seconds. The request will block for at most this length of
* time, plus up to 90 seconds of random jitter added to avoid the
* thundering herd problem. Care should be taken when using this parameter,
* as some network infrastructure does not support long timeouts.
timeout: number;
* Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call :route:`list_folder`
* to obtain a new cursor.
interface FilesListFolderLongpollErrorReset {
'.tag': 'reset';
interface FilesListFolderLongpollErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesListFolderLongpollError = FilesListFolderLongpollErrorReset | FilesListFolderLongpollErrorOther;
interface FilesListFolderLongpollResult {
* Indicates whether new changes are available. If true, call
* :route:`list_folder/continue` to retrieve the changes.
changes: boolean;
* If present, backoff for at least this many seconds before calling
* :route:`list_folder/longpoll` again.
backoff?: number;
interface FilesListFolderResult {
* The files and (direct) subfolders in the folder.
entries: Array<FilesMetadata>;
* Pass the cursor into :route:`list_folder/continue` to see what's changed
* in the folder since your previous query.
cursor: string;
* If true, then there are more entries available. Pass the cursor to
* :route:`list_folder/continue` to retrieve the rest.
has_more: boolean;
interface FilesListRevisionsArg {
* The path to the file you want to see the revisions of.
path: string;
* The maximum number of revision entries returned.
limit: number;
interface FilesListRevisionsErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
interface FilesListRevisionsErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesListRevisionsError = FilesListRevisionsErrorPath | FilesListRevisionsErrorOther;
interface FilesListRevisionsResult {
* If the file is deleted.
is_deleted: boolean;
* The revisions for the file. Only non-delete revisions will show up here.
entries: Array<FilesFileMetadata>;
* This property group does not exist for this file.
interface FilesLookUpPropertiesErrorPropertyGroupNotFound {
'.tag': 'property_group_not_found';
type FilesLookUpPropertiesError = FilesLookUpPropertiesErrorPropertyGroupNotFound;
interface FilesLookupErrorMalformedPath {
'.tag': 'malformed_path';
malformed_path: string;
* There is nothing at the given path.
interface FilesLookupErrorNotFound {
'.tag': 'not_found';
* We were expecting a file, but the given path refers to something that isn't
* a file.
interface FilesLookupErrorNotFile {
'.tag': 'not_file';
* We were expecting a folder, but the given path refers to something that
* isn't a folder.
interface FilesLookupErrorNotFolder {
'.tag': 'not_folder';
* The file cannot be transferred because the content is restricted. For
* example, sometimes there are legal restrictions due to copyright claims.
interface FilesLookupErrorRestrictedContent {
'.tag': 'restricted_content';
interface FilesLookupErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesLookupError = FilesLookupErrorMalformedPath | FilesLookupErrorNotFound | FilesLookupErrorNotFile | FilesLookupErrorNotFolder | FilesLookupErrorRestrictedContent | FilesLookupErrorOther;
* Indicate the photo/video is still under processing and metadata is not
* available yet.
interface FilesMediaInfoPending {
'.tag': 'pending';
* The metadata for the photo/video.
interface FilesMediaInfoMetadata {
'.tag': 'metadata';
metadata: FilesMediaMetadata;
type FilesMediaInfo = FilesMediaInfoPending | FilesMediaInfoMetadata;
* Metadata for a photo or video.
interface FilesMediaMetadata {
* Dimension of the photo/video.
dimensions?: FilesDimensions;
* The GPS coordinate of the photo/video.
location?: FilesGpsCoordinates;
* The timestamp when the photo/video is taken.
time_taken?: Timestamp;
* Metadata for a file or folder.
interface FilesMetadata {
* The last component of the path (including extension). This never contains
* a slash.
name: string;
* The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a
* slash. This field will be null if the file or folder is not mounted.
path_lower?: string;
* The cased path to be used for display purposes only. In rare instances
* the casing will not correctly match the user's filesystem, but this
* behavior will match the path provided in the Core API v1. Changes to the
* casing of paths won't be returned by :route:`list_folder/continue`. This
* field will be null if the file or folder is not mounted.
path_display?: string;
* Deprecated. Please use :field:`FileSharingInfo.parent_shared_folder_id`
* or :field:`FolderSharingInfo.parent_shared_folder_id` instead.
parent_shared_folder_id?: string;
* Metadata for a photo.
interface FilesPhotoMetadata extends FilesMediaMetadata {
interface FilesPreviewArg {
* The path of the file to preview.
path: string;
* Deprecated. Please specify revision in :field:`path` instead
rev?: string;
* An error occurs when downloading metadata for the file.
interface FilesPreviewErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
* This preview generation is still in progress and the file is not ready for
* preview yet.
interface FilesPreviewErrorInProgress {
'.tag': 'in_progress';
* The file extension is not supported preview generation.
interface FilesPreviewErrorUnsupportedExtension {
'.tag': 'unsupported_extension';
* The file content is not supported for preview generation.
interface FilesPreviewErrorUnsupportedContent {
'.tag': 'unsupported_content';
type FilesPreviewError = FilesPreviewErrorPath | FilesPreviewErrorInProgress | FilesPreviewErrorUnsupportedExtension | FilesPreviewErrorUnsupportedContent;
interface FilesPropertiesErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
type FilesPropertiesError = PropertiesPropertyTemplateError | FilesPropertiesErrorPath;
interface FilesPropertyGroupUpdate {
* A unique identifier for a property template.
template_id: string;
* List of property fields to update if the field already exists. If the
* field doesn't exist, add the field to the property group.
add_or_update_fields?: Array<PropertiesPropertyField>;
* List of property field names to remove from property group if the field
* exists.
remove_fields?: Array<string>;
interface FilesPropertyGroupWithPath {
* A unique identifier for the file.
path: string;
* Filled custom property templates associated with a file.
property_groups: Array<PropertiesPropertyGroup>;
interface FilesRelocationArg {
* Path in the user's Dropbox to be copied or moved.
from_path: string;
* Path in the user's Dropbox that is the destination.
to_path: string;
interface FilesRelocationErrorFromLookup {
'.tag': 'from_lookup';
from_lookup: FilesLookupError;
interface FilesRelocationErrorFromWrite {
'.tag': 'from_write';
from_write: FilesWriteError;
interface FilesRelocationErrorTo {
'.tag': 'to';
to: FilesWriteError;
* Shared folders can't be copied.
interface FilesRelocationErrorCantCopySharedFolder {
'.tag': 'cant_copy_shared_folder';
* Your move operation would result in nested shared folders. This is not
* allowed.
interface FilesRelocationErrorCantNestSharedFolder {
'.tag': 'cant_nest_shared_folder';
* You cannot move a folder into itself.
interface FilesRelocationErrorCantMoveFolderIntoItself {
'.tag': 'cant_move_folder_into_itself';
* The operation would involve more than 10,000 files and folders.
interface FilesRelocationErrorTooManyFiles {
'.tag': 'too_many_files';
interface FilesRelocationErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesRelocationError = FilesRelocationErrorFromLookup | FilesRelocationErrorFromWrite | FilesRelocationErrorTo | FilesRelocationErrorCantCopySharedFolder | FilesRelocationErrorCantNestSharedFolder | FilesRelocationErrorCantMoveFolderIntoItself | FilesRelocationErrorTooManyFiles | FilesRelocationErrorOther;
interface FilesRemovePropertiesArg {
* A unique identifier for the file.
path: string;
* A list of identifiers for a property template created by route
* properties/template/add.
property_template_ids: Array<Object>;
interface FilesRemovePropertiesErrorPropertyGroupLookup {
'.tag': 'property_group_lookup';
property_group_lookup: FilesLookUpPropertiesError;
type FilesRemovePropertiesError = FilesPropertiesError | FilesRemovePropertiesErrorPropertyGroupLookup;
interface FilesRestoreArg {
* The path to the file you want to restore.
path: string;
* The revision to restore for the file.
rev: string;
* An error occurs when downloading metadata for the file.
interface FilesRestoreErrorPathLookup {
'.tag': 'path_lookup';
path_lookup: FilesLookupError;
* An error occurs when trying to restore the file to that path.
interface FilesRestoreErrorPathWrite {
'.tag': 'path_write';
path_write: FilesWriteError;
* The revision is invalid. It may point to a different file.
interface FilesRestoreErrorInvalidRevision {
'.tag': 'invalid_revision';
interface FilesRestoreErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesRestoreError = FilesRestoreErrorPathLookup | FilesRestoreErrorPathWrite | FilesRestoreErrorInvalidRevision | FilesRestoreErrorOther;
interface FilesSaveCopyReferenceArg {
* A copy reference returned by :route:`copy_reference/get`.
copy_reference: string;
* Path in the user's Dropbox that is the destination.
path: string;
interface FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesWriteError;
* The copy reference is invalid.
interface FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorInvalidCopyReference {
'.tag': 'invalid_copy_reference';
* You don't have permission to save the given copy reference. Please make
* sure this app is same app which created the copy reference and the source
* user is still linked to the app.
interface FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
* The file referenced by the copy reference cannot be found.
interface FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorNotFound {
'.tag': 'not_found';
* The operation would involve more than 10,000 files and folders.
interface FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorTooManyFiles {
'.tag': 'too_many_files';
interface FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesSaveCopyReferenceError = FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorPath | FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorInvalidCopyReference | FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorNoPermission | FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorNotFound | FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorTooManyFiles | FilesSaveCopyReferenceErrorOther;
interface FilesSaveCopyReferenceResult {
* The metadata of the saved file or folder in the user's Dropbox.
metadata: FilesMetadata;
interface FilesSaveUrlArg {
* The path in Dropbox where the URL will be saved to.
path: string;
* The URL to be saved.
url: string;
interface FilesSaveUrlErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesWriteError;
* Failed downloading the given URL.
interface FilesSaveUrlErrorDownloadFailed {
'.tag': 'download_failed';
* The given URL is invalid.
interface FilesSaveUrlErrorInvalidUrl {
'.tag': 'invalid_url';
* The file where the URL is saved to no longer exists.
interface FilesSaveUrlErrorNotFound {
'.tag': 'not_found';
interface FilesSaveUrlErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesSaveUrlError = FilesSaveUrlErrorPath | FilesSaveUrlErrorDownloadFailed | FilesSaveUrlErrorInvalidUrl | FilesSaveUrlErrorNotFound | FilesSaveUrlErrorOther;
* Metadata of the file where the URL is saved to.
interface FilesSaveUrlJobStatusComplete {
'.tag': 'complete';
complete: FilesFileMetadata;
interface FilesSaveUrlJobStatusFailed {
'.tag': 'failed';
failed: FilesSaveUrlError;
type FilesSaveUrlJobStatus = AsyncPollResultBase | FilesSaveUrlJobStatusComplete | FilesSaveUrlJobStatusFailed;
* Metadata of the file where the URL is saved to.
interface FilesSaveUrlResultComplete {
'.tag': 'complete';
complete: FilesFileMetadata;
type FilesSaveUrlResult = AsyncLaunchResultBase | FilesSaveUrlResultComplete;
interface FilesSearchArg {
* The path in the user's Dropbox to search. Should probably be a folder.
path: string;
* The string to search for. The search string is split on spaces into
* multiple tokens. For file name searching, the last token is used for
* prefix matching (i.e. "bat c" matches "bat cave" but not "batman car").
query: string;
* The starting index within the search results (used for paging).
start: number;
* The maximum number of search results to return.
max_results: number;
* The search mode (filename, filename_and_content, or deleted_filename).
* Note that searching file content is only available for Dropbox Business
* accounts.
mode: FilesSearchMode;
interface FilesSearchErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
interface FilesSearchErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesSearchError = FilesSearchErrorPath | FilesSearchErrorOther;
interface FilesSearchMatch {
* The type of the match.
match_type: FilesSearchMatchType;
* The metadata for the matched file or folder.
metadata: FilesMetadata;
* This item was matched on its file or folder name.
interface FilesSearchMatchTypeFilename {
'.tag': 'filename';
* This item was matched based on its file contents.
interface FilesSearchMatchTypeContent {
'.tag': 'content';
* This item was matched based on both its contents and its file name.
interface FilesSearchMatchTypeBoth {
'.tag': 'both';
* Indicates what type of match was found for a given item.
type FilesSearchMatchType = FilesSearchMatchTypeFilename | FilesSearchMatchTypeContent | FilesSearchMatchTypeBoth;
* Search file and folder names.
interface FilesSearchModeFilename {
'.tag': 'filename';
* Search file and folder names as well as file contents.
interface FilesSearchModeFilenameAndContent {
'.tag': 'filename_and_content';
* Search for deleted file and folder names.
interface FilesSearchModeDeletedFilename {
'.tag': 'deleted_filename';
type FilesSearchMode = FilesSearchModeFilename | FilesSearchModeFilenameAndContent | FilesSearchModeDeletedFilename;
interface FilesSearchResult {
* A list (possibly empty) of matches for the query.
matches: Array<FilesSearchMatch>;
* Used for paging. If true, indicates there is another page of results
* available that can be fetched by calling :route:`search` again.
more: boolean;
* Used for paging. Value to set the start argument to when calling
* :route:`search` to fetch the next page of results.
start: number;
* Sharing info for a file or folder.
interface FilesSharingInfo {
* True if the file or folder is inside a read-only shared folder.
read_only: boolean;
interface FilesThumbnailArg {
* The path to the image file you want to thumbnail.
path: string;
* The format for the thumbnail image, jpeg (default) or png. For images
* that are photos, jpeg should be preferred, while png is better for
* screenshots and digital arts.
format: FilesThumbnailFormat;
* The size for the thumbnail image.
size: FilesThumbnailSize;
* An error occurs when downloading metadata for the image.
interface FilesThumbnailErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
* The file extension doesn't allow conversion to a thumbnail.
interface FilesThumbnailErrorUnsupportedExtension {
'.tag': 'unsupported_extension';
* The image cannot be converted to a thumbnail.
interface FilesThumbnailErrorUnsupportedImage {
'.tag': 'unsupported_image';
* An error occurs during thumbnail conversion.
interface FilesThumbnailErrorConversionError {
'.tag': 'conversion_error';
type FilesThumbnailError = FilesThumbnailErrorPath | FilesThumbnailErrorUnsupportedExtension | FilesThumbnailErrorUnsupportedImage | FilesThumbnailErrorConversionError;
interface FilesThumbnailFormatJpeg {
'.tag': 'jpeg';
interface FilesThumbnailFormatPng {
'.tag': 'png';
type FilesThumbnailFormat = FilesThumbnailFormatJpeg | FilesThumbnailFormatPng;
* 32 by 32 px.
interface FilesThumbnailSizeW32h32 {
'.tag': 'w32h32';
* 64 by 64 px.
interface FilesThumbnailSizeW64h64 {
'.tag': 'w64h64';
* 128 by 128 px.
interface FilesThumbnailSizeW128h128 {
'.tag': 'w128h128';
* 640 by 480 px.
interface FilesThumbnailSizeW640h480 {
'.tag': 'w640h480';
* 1024 by 768
interface FilesThumbnailSizeW1024h768 {
'.tag': 'w1024h768';
type FilesThumbnailSize = FilesThumbnailSizeW32h32 | FilesThumbnailSizeW64h64 | FilesThumbnailSizeW128h128 | FilesThumbnailSizeW640h480 | FilesThumbnailSizeW1024h768;
interface FilesUpdatePropertiesErrorPropertyGroupLookup {
'.tag': 'property_group_lookup';
property_group_lookup: FilesLookUpPropertiesError;
type FilesUpdatePropertiesError = FilesInvalidPropertyGroupError | FilesUpdatePropertiesErrorPropertyGroupLookup;
interface FilesUpdatePropertyGroupArg {
* A unique identifier for the file.
path: string;
* Filled custom property templates associated with a file.
update_property_groups: Array<FilesPropertyGroupUpdate>;
* Unable to save the uploaded contents to a file.
interface FilesUploadErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesUploadWriteFailed;
interface FilesUploadErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesUploadError = FilesUploadErrorPath | FilesUploadErrorOther;
interface FilesUploadErrorWithPropertiesPropertiesError {
'.tag': 'properties_error';
properties_error: FilesInvalidPropertyGroupError;
type FilesUploadErrorWithProperties = FilesUploadError | FilesUploadErrorWithPropertiesPropertiesError;
interface FilesUploadSessionAppendArg {
* The file contents to be uploaded.
contents: Object;
* Contains the upload session ID and the offset.
cursor: FilesUploadSessionCursor;
* If true, the current session will be closed, at which point you won't be
* able to call :route:`upload_session/append_v2` anymore with the current
* session.
close: boolean;
interface FilesUploadSessionCursor {
* The file contents to be uploaded.
contents: Object;
* The upload session ID (returned by :route:`upload_session/start`).
session_id: string;
* The amount of data that has been uploaded so far. We use this to make
* sure upload data isn't lost or duplicated in the event of a network
* error.
offset: number;
interface FilesUploadSessionFinishArg {
* The file contents to be uploaded.
contents: Object;
* Contains the upload session ID and the offset.
cursor: FilesUploadSessionCursor;
* Contains the path and other optional modifiers for the commit.
commit: FilesCommitInfo;
interface FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchArg {
* Commit information for each file in the batch.
entries: Array<FilesUploadSessionFinishArg>;
* The :route:`upload_session/finish_batch` has finished.
interface FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchJobStatusComplete {
'.tag': 'complete';
complete: FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchResult;
type FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchJobStatus = AsyncPollResultBase | FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchJobStatusComplete;
interface FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchResult {
* Commit result for each file in the batch.
entries: Array<FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntry>;
interface FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntrySuccess {
'.tag': 'success';
success: FilesFileMetadata;
interface FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntryFailure {
'.tag': 'failure';
failure: FilesUploadSessionFinishError;
type FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntry = FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntrySuccess | FilesUploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntryFailure;
* The session arguments are incorrect; the value explains the reason.
interface FilesUploadSessionFinishErrorLookupFailed {
'.tag': 'lookup_failed';
lookup_failed: FilesUploadSessionLookupError;
* Unable to save the uploaded contents to a file.
interface FilesUploadSessionFinishErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesWriteError;
* The batch request commits files into too many different shared folders.
* Please limit your batch request to files contained in a single shared
* folder.
interface FilesUploadSessionFinishErrorTooManySharedFolderTargets {
'.tag': 'too_many_shared_folder_targets';
interface FilesUploadSessionFinishErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesUploadSessionFinishError = FilesUploadSessionFinishErrorLookupFailed | FilesUploadSessionFinishErrorPath | FilesUploadSessionFinishErrorTooManySharedFolderTargets | FilesUploadSessionFinishErrorOther;
* The upload session id was not found.
interface FilesUploadSessionLookupErrorNotFound {
'.tag': 'not_found';
* The specified offset was incorrect. See the value for the correct offset.
* (This error may occur when a previous request was received and processed
* successfully but the client did not receive the response, e.g. due to a
* network error.)
interface FilesUploadSessionLookupErrorIncorrectOffset {
'.tag': 'incorrect_offset';
incorrect_offset: FilesUploadSessionOffsetError;
* You are attempting to append data to an upload session that has alread been
* closed (i.e. committed).
interface FilesUploadSessionLookupErrorClosed {
'.tag': 'closed';
* The session must be closed before calling upload_session/finish_batch.
interface FilesUploadSessionLookupErrorNotClosed {
'.tag': 'not_closed';
interface FilesUploadSessionLookupErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesUploadSessionLookupError = FilesUploadSessionLookupErrorNotFound | FilesUploadSessionLookupErrorIncorrectOffset | FilesUploadSessionLookupErrorClosed | FilesUploadSessionLookupErrorNotClosed | FilesUploadSessionLookupErrorOther;
interface FilesUploadSessionOffsetError {
* The offset up to which data has been collected.
correct_offset: number;
interface FilesUploadSessionStartArg {
* The file contents to be uploaded.
contents: Object;
* If true, the current session will be closed, at which point you won't be
* able to call :route:`upload_session/append_v2` anymore with the current
* session.
close: boolean;
interface FilesUploadSessionStartResult {
* A unique identifier for the upload session. Pass this to
* :route:`upload_session/append_v2` and :route:`upload_session/finish`.
session_id: string;
interface FilesUploadWriteFailed {
* The reason why the file couldn't be saved.
reason: FilesWriteError;
* The upload session ID; this may be used to retry the commit.
upload_session_id: string;
* Metadata for a video.
interface FilesVideoMetadata extends FilesMediaMetadata {
* The duration of the video in milliseconds.
duration?: number;
* There's a file in the way.
interface FilesWriteConflictErrorFile {
'.tag': 'file';
* There's a folder in the way.
interface FilesWriteConflictErrorFolder {
'.tag': 'folder';
* There's a file at an ancestor path, so we couldn't create the required
* parent folders.
interface FilesWriteConflictErrorFileAncestor {
'.tag': 'file_ancestor';
interface FilesWriteConflictErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesWriteConflictError = FilesWriteConflictErrorFile | FilesWriteConflictErrorFolder | FilesWriteConflictErrorFileAncestor | FilesWriteConflictErrorOther;
interface FilesWriteErrorMalformedPath {
'.tag': 'malformed_path';
malformed_path: string;
* Couldn't write to the target path because there was something in the way.
interface FilesWriteErrorConflict {
'.tag': 'conflict';
conflict: FilesWriteConflictError;
* The user doesn't have permissions to write to the target location.
interface FilesWriteErrorNoWritePermission {
'.tag': 'no_write_permission';
* The user doesn't have enough available space (bytes) to write more data.
interface FilesWriteErrorInsufficientSpace {
'.tag': 'insufficient_space';
* Dropbox will not save the file or folder because of its name.
interface FilesWriteErrorDisallowedName {
'.tag': 'disallowed_name';
interface FilesWriteErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type FilesWriteError = FilesWriteErrorMalformedPath | FilesWriteErrorConflict | FilesWriteErrorNoWritePermission | FilesWriteErrorInsufficientSpace | FilesWriteErrorDisallowedName | FilesWriteErrorOther;
* Never overwrite the existing file. The autorename strategy is to append a
* number to the file name. For example, "document.txt" might become "document
* (2).txt".
interface FilesWriteModeAdd {
'.tag': 'add';
* Always overwrite the existing file. The autorename strategy is the same as
* it is for :field:`add`.
interface FilesWriteModeOverwrite {
'.tag': 'overwrite';
* Overwrite if the given "rev" matches the existing file's "rev". The
* autorename strategy is to append the string "conflicted copy" to the file
* name. For example, "document.txt" might become "document (conflicted
* copy).txt" or "document (Panda's conflicted copy).txt".
interface FilesWriteModeUpdate {
'.tag': 'update';
update: string;
* Your intent when writing a file to some path. This is used to determine
* what constitutes a conflict and what the autorename strategy is. In some
* situations, the conflict behavior is identical: (a) If the target path
* doesn't contain anything, the file is always written; no conflict. (b) If
* the target path contains a folder, it's always a conflict. (c) If the
* target path contains a file with identical contents, nothing gets written;
* no conflict. The conflict checking differs in the case where there's a file
* at the target path with contents different from the contents you're trying
* to write.
type FilesWriteMode = FilesWriteModeAdd | FilesWriteModeOverwrite | FilesWriteModeUpdate;
interface PropertiesGetPropertyTemplateArg {
* An identifier for property template added by route
* properties/template/add.
template_id: string;
* The Property template for the specified template.
interface PropertiesGetPropertyTemplateResult extends PropertiesPropertyGroupTemplate {
interface PropertiesListPropertyTemplateIds {
* List of identifiers for templates added by route properties/template/add.
template_ids: Array<Object>;
* A property field name already exists in the template.
interface PropertiesModifyPropertyTemplateErrorConflictingPropertyNames {
'.tag': 'conflicting_property_names';
* There are too many properties in the changed template. The maximum number
* of properties per template is 32.
interface PropertiesModifyPropertyTemplateErrorTooManyProperties {
'.tag': 'too_many_properties';
* There are too many templates for the team.
interface PropertiesModifyPropertyTemplateErrorTooManyTemplates {
'.tag': 'too_many_templates';
* The template name, description or field names is too large.
interface PropertiesModifyPropertyTemplateErrorTemplateAttributeTooLarge {
'.tag': 'template_attribute_too_large';
type PropertiesModifyPropertyTemplateError = PropertiesPropertyTemplateError | PropertiesModifyPropertyTemplateErrorConflictingPropertyNames | PropertiesModifyPropertyTemplateErrorTooManyProperties | PropertiesModifyPropertyTemplateErrorTooManyTemplates | PropertiesModifyPropertyTemplateErrorTemplateAttributeTooLarge;
interface PropertiesPropertyField {
* This is the name or key of a custom property in a property template. File
* property names can be up to 256 bytes.
name: string;
* Value of a custom property attached to a file. Values can be up to 1024
* bytes.
value: string;
* Describe a single property field type which that can be part of a property
* template.
interface PropertiesPropertyFieldTemplate {
* This is the name or key of a custom property in a property template. File
* property names can be up to 256 bytes.
name: string;
* This is the description for a custom property in a property template.
* File property description can be up to 1024 bytes.
description: string;
* This is the data type of the value of this property. This type will be
* enforced upon property creation and modifications.
type: PropertiesPropertyType;
* Collection of custom properties in filled property templates.
interface PropertiesPropertyGroup {
* A unique identifier for a property template type.
template_id: string;
* This is a list of custom properties associated with a file. There can be
* up to 32 properties for a template.
fields: Array<PropertiesPropertyField>;
* Describes property templates that can be filled and associated with a file.
interface PropertiesPropertyGroupTemplate {
* A display name for the property template. Property template names can be
* up to 256 bytes.
name: string;
* Description for new property template. Property template descriptions can
* be up to 1024 bytes.
description: string;
* This is a list of custom properties associated with a property template.
* There can be up to 64 properties in a single property template.
fields: Array<PropertiesPropertyFieldTemplate>;
* Property template does not exist for given identifier.
interface PropertiesPropertyTemplateErrorTemplateNotFound {
'.tag': 'template_not_found';
template_not_found: string;
* You do not have the permissions to modify this property template.
interface PropertiesPropertyTemplateErrorRestrictedContent {
'.tag': 'restricted_content';
interface PropertiesPropertyTemplateErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type PropertiesPropertyTemplateError = PropertiesPropertyTemplateErrorTemplateNotFound | PropertiesPropertyTemplateErrorRestrictedContent | PropertiesPropertyTemplateErrorOther;
* The associated property will be of type string. Unicode is supported.
interface PropertiesPropertyTypeString {
'.tag': 'string';
interface PropertiesPropertyTypeOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Data type of the given property added. This endpoint is in beta and only
* properties of type strings is supported.
type PropertiesPropertyType = PropertiesPropertyTypeString | PropertiesPropertyTypeOther;
* The collaborator is the owner of the shared folder. Owners can view and
* edit the shared folder as well as set the folder's policies using
* :route:`update_folder_policy`.
interface SharingAccessLevelOwner {
'.tag': 'owner';
* The collaborator can both view and edit the shared folder.
interface SharingAccessLevelEditor {
'.tag': 'editor';
* The collaborator can only view the shared folder.
interface SharingAccessLevelViewer {
'.tag': 'viewer';
* The collaborator can only view the shared folder and does not have any
* access to comments.
interface SharingAccessLevelViewerNoComment {
'.tag': 'viewer_no_comment';
interface SharingAccessLevelOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Defines the access levels for collaborators.
type SharingAccessLevel = SharingAccessLevelOwner | SharingAccessLevelEditor | SharingAccessLevelViewer | SharingAccessLevelViewerNoComment | SharingAccessLevelOther;
* Only the owner can update the ACL.
interface SharingAclUpdatePolicyOwner {
'.tag': 'owner';
* Any editor can update the ACL. This may be further restricted to editors on
* the same team.
interface SharingAclUpdatePolicyEditors {
'.tag': 'editors';
interface SharingAclUpdatePolicyOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Policy governing who can change a shared folder's access control list
* (ACL). In other words, who can add, remove, or change the privileges of
* members.
type SharingAclUpdatePolicy = SharingAclUpdatePolicyOwner | SharingAclUpdatePolicyEditors | SharingAclUpdatePolicyOther;
* Arguments for :route:`add_file_member`.
interface SharingAddFileMemberArgs {
* File to which to add members.
file: string;
* Members to add. Note that even an email address is given, this may result
* in a user being directy added to the membership if that email is the
* user's main account email.
members: Array<SharingMemberSelector>;
* Message to send to added members in their invitation.
custom_message?: string;
* Whether added members should be notified via device notifications of
* their invitation.
quiet: boolean;
* AccessLevel union object, describing what access level we want to give
* new members.
access_level: SharingAccessLevel;
* If the custom message should be added as a comment on the file.
add_message_as_comment: boolean;
interface SharingAddFileMemberErrorUserError {
'.tag': 'user_error';
user_error: SharingSharingUserError;
interface SharingAddFileMemberErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharingFileAccessError;
* The user has reached the rate limit for invitations.
interface SharingAddFileMemberErrorRateLimit {
'.tag': 'rate_limit';
* The custom message did not pass comment permissions checks.
interface SharingAddFileMemberErrorInvalidComment {
'.tag': 'invalid_comment';
interface SharingAddFileMemberErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Errors for :route:`add_file_member`.
type SharingAddFileMemberError = SharingAddFileMemberErrorUserError | SharingAddFileMemberErrorAccessError | SharingAddFileMemberErrorRateLimit | SharingAddFileMemberErrorInvalidComment | SharingAddFileMemberErrorOther;
interface SharingAddFolderMemberArg {
* The ID for the shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
* The intended list of members to add. Added members will receive invites
* to join the shared folder.
members: Array<SharingAddMember>;
* Whether added members should be notified via email and device
* notifications of their invite.
quiet: boolean;
* Optional message to display to added members in their invitation.
custom_message?: string;
* Unable to access shared folder.
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharedFolderAccessError;
* The current user's e-mail address is unverified.
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorEmailUnverified {
'.tag': 'email_unverified';
* :field:`AddFolderMemberArg.members` contains a bad invitation recipient.
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorBadMember {
'.tag': 'bad_member';
bad_member: SharingAddMemberSelectorError;
* Your team policy does not allow sharing outside of the team.
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorCantShareOutsideTeam {
'.tag': 'cant_share_outside_team';
* The value is the member limit that was reached.
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorTooManyMembers {
'.tag': 'too_many_members';
too_many_members: number;
* The value is the pending invite limit that was reached.
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorTooManyPendingInvites {
'.tag': 'too_many_pending_invites';
too_many_pending_invites: number;
* The current user has hit the limit of invites they can send per day. Try
* again in 24 hours.
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorRateLimit {
'.tag': 'rate_limit';
* The current user is trying to share with too many people at once.
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorTooManyInvitees {
'.tag': 'too_many_invitees';
* The current user's account doesn't support this action. An example of this
* is when adding a read-only member. This action can only be performed by
* users that have upgraded to a Pro or Business plan.
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorInsufficientPlan {
'.tag': 'insufficient_plan';
* This action cannot be performed on a team shared folder.
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorTeamFolder {
'.tag': 'team_folder';
* The current user does not have permission to perform this action.
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
interface SharingAddFolderMemberErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingAddFolderMemberError = SharingAddFolderMemberErrorAccessError | SharingAddFolderMemberErrorEmailUnverified | SharingAddFolderMemberErrorBadMember | SharingAddFolderMemberErrorCantShareOutsideTeam | SharingAddFolderMemberErrorTooManyMembers | SharingAddFolderMemberErrorTooManyPendingInvites | SharingAddFolderMemberErrorRateLimit | SharingAddFolderMemberErrorTooManyInvitees | SharingAddFolderMemberErrorInsufficientPlan | SharingAddFolderMemberErrorTeamFolder | SharingAddFolderMemberErrorNoPermission | SharingAddFolderMemberErrorOther;
* The member and type of access the member should have when added to a shared
* folder.
interface SharingAddMember {
* The member to add to the shared folder.
member: SharingMemberSelector;
* The access level to grant :field:`member` to the shared folder.
* :field:`AccessLevel.owner` is disallowed.
access_level: SharingAccessLevel;
* Automatically created groups can only be added to team folders.
interface SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorAutomaticGroup {
'.tag': 'automatic_group';
* The value is the ID that could not be identified.
interface SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorInvalidDropboxId {
'.tag': 'invalid_dropbox_id';
invalid_dropbox_id: string;
* The value is the e-email address that is malformed.
interface SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorInvalidEmail {
'.tag': 'invalid_email';
invalid_email: string;
* The value is the ID of the Dropbox user with an unverified e-mail address.
* Invite unverified users by e-mail address instead of by their Dropbox ID.
interface SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorUnverifiedDropboxId {
'.tag': 'unverified_dropbox_id';
unverified_dropbox_id: string;
* At least one of the specified groups in :field:`AddFolderMemberArg.members`
* is deleted.
interface SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorGroupDeleted {
'.tag': 'group_deleted';
* Sharing to a group that is not on the current user's team.
interface SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorGroupNotOnTeam {
'.tag': 'group_not_on_team';
interface SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingAddMemberSelectorError = SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorAutomaticGroup | SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorInvalidDropboxId | SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorInvalidEmail | SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorUnverifiedDropboxId | SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorGroupDeleted | SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorGroupNotOnTeam | SharingAddMemberSelectorErrorOther;
* Arguments for :route:`change_file_member_access`.
interface SharingChangeFileMemberAccessArgs {
* File for which we are changing a member's access.
file: string;
* The member whose access we are changing.
member: SharingMemberSelector;
* The new access level for the member.
access_level: SharingAccessLevel;
* Metadata for a collection-based shared link.
interface SharingCollectionLinkMetadata extends SharingLinkMetadata {
interface SharingCreateSharedLinkArg {
* The path to share.
path: string;
* Whether to return a shortened URL.
short_url: boolean;
* If it's okay to share a path that does not yet exist, set this to either
* :field:`PendingUploadMode.file` or :field:`PendingUploadMode.folder` to
* indicate whether to assume it's a file or folder.
pending_upload?: SharingPendingUploadMode;
interface SharingCreateSharedLinkErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
interface SharingCreateSharedLinkErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingCreateSharedLinkError = SharingCreateSharedLinkErrorPath | SharingCreateSharedLinkErrorOther;
interface SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsArg {
* The path to be shared by the shared link
path: string;
* The requested settings for the newly created shared link
settings?: SharingSharedLinkSettings;
interface SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
* User's email should be verified
interface SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsErrorEmailNotVerified {
'.tag': 'email_not_verified';
* The shared link already exists
interface SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsErrorSharedLinkAlreadyExists {
'.tag': 'shared_link_already_exists';
* There is an error with the given settings
interface SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsErrorSettingsError {
'.tag': 'settings_error';
settings_error: SharingSharedLinkSettingsError;
* Access to the requested path is forbidden
interface SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsErrorAccessDenied {
'.tag': 'access_denied';
type SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsError = SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsErrorPath | SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsErrorEmailNotVerified | SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsErrorSharedLinkAlreadyExists | SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsErrorSettingsError | SharingCreateSharedLinkWithSettingsErrorAccessDenied;
* Change or edit contents of the file.
interface SharingFileActionEditContents {
'.tag': 'edit_contents';
* Add a member with view permissions.
interface SharingFileActionInviteViewer {
'.tag': 'invite_viewer';
* Add a member with view permissions but no comment permissions.
interface SharingFileActionInviteViewerNoComment {
'.tag': 'invite_viewer_no_comment';
* Stop sharing this file.
interface SharingFileActionUnshare {
'.tag': 'unshare';
* Relinquish one's own membership to the file.
interface SharingFileActionRelinquishMembership {
'.tag': 'relinquish_membership';
* This action is deprecated. Use create_link instead.
interface SharingFileActionShareLink {
'.tag': 'share_link';
* Create a shared link to the file.
interface SharingFileActionCreateLink {
'.tag': 'create_link';
interface SharingFileActionOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Sharing actions that may be taken on files.
type SharingFileAction = SharingFileActionEditContents | SharingFileActionInviteViewer | SharingFileActionInviteViewerNoComment | SharingFileActionUnshare | SharingFileActionRelinquishMembership | SharingFileActionShareLink | SharingFileActionCreateLink | SharingFileActionOther;
* File specified by id was not found.
interface SharingFileErrorResultFileNotFoundError {
'.tag': 'file_not_found_error';
file_not_found_error: string;
* User does not have permission to take the specified action on the file.
interface SharingFileErrorResultInvalidFileActionError {
'.tag': 'invalid_file_action_error';
invalid_file_action_error: string;
* User does not have permission to access file specified by file.Id.
interface SharingFileErrorResultPermissionDeniedError {
'.tag': 'permission_denied_error';
permission_denied_error: string;
interface SharingFileErrorResultOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingFileErrorResult = SharingFileErrorResultFileNotFoundError | SharingFileErrorResultInvalidFileActionError | SharingFileErrorResultPermissionDeniedError | SharingFileErrorResultOther;
* The metadata of a file shared link
interface SharingFileLinkMetadata extends SharingSharedLinkMetadata {
* The modification time set by the desktop client when the file was added
* to Dropbox. Since this time is not verified (the Dropbox server stores
* whatever the desktop client sends up), this should only be used for
* display purposes (such as sorting) and not, for example, to determine if
* a file has changed or not.
client_modified: Timestamp;
* The last time the file was modified on Dropbox.
server_modified: Timestamp;
* A unique identifier for the current revision of a file. This field is the
* same rev as elsewhere in the API and can be used to detect changes and
* avoid conflicts.
rev: string;
* The file size in bytes.
size: number;
* Specified member was not found.
interface SharingFileMemberActionErrorInvalidMember {
'.tag': 'invalid_member';
* User does not have permission to perform this action on this member.
interface SharingFileMemberActionErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
* Specified file was invalid or user does not have access.
interface SharingFileMemberActionErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharingFileAccessError;
interface SharingFileMemberActionErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingFileMemberActionError = SharingFileMemberActionErrorInvalidMember | SharingFileMemberActionErrorNoPermission | SharingFileMemberActionErrorAccessError | SharingFileMemberActionErrorOther;
* Member was successfully removed from this file. If AccessLevel is given,
* the member still has access via a parent shared folder.
interface SharingFileMemberActionIndividualResultSuccess {
'.tag': 'success';
success: SharingAccessLevel;
* User was not able to perform this action.
interface SharingFileMemberActionIndividualResultMemberError {
'.tag': 'member_error';
member_error: SharingFileMemberActionError;
type SharingFileMemberActionIndividualResult = SharingFileMemberActionIndividualResultSuccess | SharingFileMemberActionIndividualResultMemberError;
* Per-member result for :route:`remove_file_member_2` or
* :route:`add_file_member` or :route:`change_file_member_access`.
interface SharingFileMemberActionResult {
* One of specified input members.
member: SharingMemberSelector;
* The outcome of the action on this member.
result: SharingFileMemberActionIndividualResult;
* Member was successfully removed from this file.
interface SharingFileMemberRemoveActionResultSuccess {
'.tag': 'success';
success: SharingMemberAccessLevelResult;
* User was not able to remove this member.
interface SharingFileMemberRemoveActionResultMemberError {
'.tag': 'member_error';
member_error: SharingFileMemberActionError;
interface SharingFileMemberRemoveActionResultOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingFileMemberRemoveActionResult = SharingFileMemberRemoveActionResultSuccess | SharingFileMemberRemoveActionResultMemberError | SharingFileMemberRemoveActionResultOther;
* Whether the user is allowed to take the sharing action on the file.
interface SharingFilePermission {
* The action that the user may wish to take on the file.
action: SharingFileAction;
* True if the user is allowed to take the action.
allow: boolean;
* The reason why the user is denied the permission. Not present if the
* action is allowed
reason?: SharingPermissionDeniedReason;
* Change folder options, such as who can be invited to join the folder.
interface SharingFolderActionChangeOptions {
'.tag': 'change_options';
* Change or edit contents of the folder.
interface SharingFolderActionEditContents {
'.tag': 'edit_contents';
* Invite a user or group to join the folder with read and write permission.
interface SharingFolderActionInviteEditor {
'.tag': 'invite_editor';
* Invite a user or group to join the folder with read permission.
interface SharingFolderActionInviteViewer {
'.tag': 'invite_viewer';
* Invite a user or group to join the folder with read permission but no
* comment permissions.
interface SharingFolderActionInviteViewerNoComment {
'.tag': 'invite_viewer_no_comment';
* Relinquish one's own membership in the folder.
interface SharingFolderActionRelinquishMembership {
'.tag': 'relinquish_membership';
* Unmount the folder.
interface SharingFolderActionUnmount {
'.tag': 'unmount';
* Stop sharing this folder.
interface SharingFolderActionUnshare {
'.tag': 'unshare';
* Keep a copy of the contents upon leaving or being kicked from the folder.
interface SharingFolderActionLeaveACopy {
'.tag': 'leave_a_copy';
* This action is deprecated. Use create_link instead.
interface SharingFolderActionShareLink {
'.tag': 'share_link';
* Create a shared link for folder.
interface SharingFolderActionCreateLink {
'.tag': 'create_link';
interface SharingFolderActionOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Actions that may be taken on shared folders.
type SharingFolderAction = SharingFolderActionChangeOptions | SharingFolderActionEditContents | SharingFolderActionInviteEditor | SharingFolderActionInviteViewer | SharingFolderActionInviteViewerNoComment | SharingFolderActionRelinquishMembership | SharingFolderActionUnmount | SharingFolderActionUnshare | SharingFolderActionLeaveACopy | SharingFolderActionShareLink | SharingFolderActionCreateLink | SharingFolderActionOther;
* The metadata of a folder shared link
interface SharingFolderLinkMetadata extends SharingSharedLinkMetadata {
* Whether the user is allowed to take the action on the shared folder.
interface SharingFolderPermission {
* The action that the user may wish to take on the folder.
action: SharingFolderAction;
* True if the user is allowed to take the action.
allow: boolean;
* The reason why the user is denied the permission. Not present if the
* action is allowed, or if no reason is available.
reason?: SharingPermissionDeniedReason;
* A set of policies governing membership and privileges for a shared folder.
interface SharingFolderPolicy {
* Who can be a member of this shared folder, as set on the folder itself.
* The effective policy may differ from this value if the team-wide policy
* is more restrictive. Present only if the folder is owned by a team.
member_policy?: SharingMemberPolicy;
* Who can be a member of this shared folder, taking into account both the
* folder and the team-wide policy. This value may differ from that of
* member_policy if the team-wide policy is more restrictive than the folder
* policy. Present only if the folder is owned by a team.
resolved_member_policy?: SharingMemberPolicy;
* Who can add and remove members from this shared folder.
acl_update_policy: SharingAclUpdatePolicy;
* Who links can be shared with.
shared_link_policy: SharingSharedLinkPolicy;
* Arguments of :route:`get_file_metadata`
interface SharingGetFileMetadataArg {
* The file to query.
file: string;
* File actions to query.
actions?: Array<SharingFileAction>;
* Arguments of :route:`get_file_metadata/batch`
interface SharingGetFileMetadataBatchArg {
* The files to query.
files: Array<Object>;
* File actions to query.
actions?: Array<SharingFileAction>;
* Per file results of :route:`get_file_metadata/batch`
interface SharingGetFileMetadataBatchResult {
* This is the input file identifier corresponding to one of
* :field:`GetFileMetadataBatchArg.files`.
file: string;
* The result for this particular file
result: SharingGetFileMetadataIndividualResult;
interface SharingGetFileMetadataErrorUserError {
'.tag': 'user_error';
user_error: SharingSharingUserError;
interface SharingGetFileMetadataErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharingFileAccessError;
interface SharingGetFileMetadataErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error result for :route:`get_file_metadata`.
type SharingGetFileMetadataError = SharingGetFileMetadataErrorUserError | SharingGetFileMetadataErrorAccessError | SharingGetFileMetadataErrorOther;
* The result for this file if it was successful.
interface SharingGetFileMetadataIndividualResultMetadata {
'.tag': 'metadata';
metadata: SharingSharedFileMetadata;
* The result for this file if it was an error.
interface SharingGetFileMetadataIndividualResultAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharingFileAccessError;
interface SharingGetFileMetadataIndividualResultOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingGetFileMetadataIndividualResult = SharingGetFileMetadataIndividualResultMetadata | SharingGetFileMetadataIndividualResultAccessError | SharingGetFileMetadataIndividualResultOther;
interface SharingGetMetadataArgs {
* The ID for the shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
* This is a list indicating whether the returned folder data will include a
* boolean value :field:`FolderPermission.allow` that describes whether the
* current user can perform the FolderAction on the folder.
actions?: Array<SharingFolderAction>;
* Directories cannot be retrieved by this endpoint.
interface SharingGetSharedLinkFileErrorSharedLinkIsDirectory {
'.tag': 'shared_link_is_directory';
type SharingGetSharedLinkFileError = SharingSharedLinkError | SharingGetSharedLinkFileErrorSharedLinkIsDirectory;
interface SharingGetSharedLinkMetadataArg {
* URL of the shared link.
url: string;
* If the shared link is to a folder, this parameter can be used to retrieve
* the metadata for a specific file or sub-folder in this folder. A relative
* path should be used.
path?: string;
* If the shared link has a password, this parameter can be used.
link_password?: string;
interface SharingGetSharedLinksArg {
* See :route:`get_shared_links` description.
path?: string;
interface SharingGetSharedLinksErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: string;
interface SharingGetSharedLinksErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingGetSharedLinksError = SharingGetSharedLinksErrorPath | SharingGetSharedLinksErrorOther;
interface SharingGetSharedLinksResult {
* Shared links applicable to the path argument.
links: Array<SharingLinkMetadata>;
* The information about a group. Groups is a way to manage a list of users
* who need same access permission to the shared folder.
interface SharingGroupInfo extends Team_commonGroupSummary {
* The type of group.
group_type: Team_commonGroupType;
* If the current user is an owner of the group.
is_owner: boolean;
* If the group is owned by the current user's team.
same_team: boolean;
* The information about a group member of the shared content.
interface SharingGroupMembershipInfo extends SharingMembershipInfo {
* The information about the membership group.
group: SharingGroupInfo;
interface SharingInsufficientQuotaAmounts {
* The amount of space needed to add the item (the size of the item).
space_needed: number;
* The amount of extra space needed to add the item.
space_shortage: number;
* The amount of space left in the user's Dropbox, less than space_needed.
space_left: number;
* E-mail address of invited user.
interface SharingInviteeInfoEmail {
'.tag': 'email';
email: string;
interface SharingInviteeInfoOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Information about the recipient of a shared content invitation.
type SharingInviteeInfo = SharingInviteeInfoEmail | SharingInviteeInfoOther;
* Information about an invited member of a shared content.
interface SharingInviteeMembershipInfo extends SharingMembershipInfo {
* Recipient of the invitation.
invitee: SharingInviteeInfo;
* The user this invitation is tied to, if available.
user?: SharingUserInfo;
* Error occurred while performing :route:`unshare_folder` action.
interface SharingJobErrorUnshareFolderError {
'.tag': 'unshare_folder_error';
unshare_folder_error: SharingUnshareFolderError;
* Error occurred while performing :route:`remove_folder_member` action.
interface SharingJobErrorRemoveFolderMemberError {
'.tag': 'remove_folder_member_error';
remove_folder_member_error: SharingRemoveFolderMemberError;
* Error occurred while performing :route:`relinquish_folder_membership`
* action.
interface SharingJobErrorRelinquishFolderMembershipError {
'.tag': 'relinquish_folder_membership_error';
relinquish_folder_membership_error: SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipError;
interface SharingJobErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error occurred while performing an asynchronous job from
* :route:`unshare_folder` or :route:`remove_folder_member`.
type SharingJobError = SharingJobErrorUnshareFolderError | SharingJobErrorRemoveFolderMemberError | SharingJobErrorRelinquishFolderMembershipError | SharingJobErrorOther;
* The asynchronous job has finished.
interface SharingJobStatusComplete {
'.tag': 'complete';
* The asynchronous job returned an error.
interface SharingJobStatusFailed {
'.tag': 'failed';
failed: SharingJobError;
type SharingJobStatus = AsyncPollResultBase | SharingJobStatusComplete | SharingJobStatusFailed;
* Metadata for a shared link. This can be either a :type:`PathLinkMetadata`
* or :type:`CollectionLinkMetadata`.
interface SharingLinkMetadata {
* URL of the shared link.
url: string;
* Who can access the link.
visibility: SharingVisibility;
* Expiration time, if set. By default the link won't expire.
expires?: Timestamp;
interface SharingLinkPermissions {
* The current visibility of the link after considering the shared links
* policies of the the team (in case the link's owner is part of a team) and
* the shared folder (in case the linked file is part of a shared folder).
* This field is shown only if the caller has access to this info (the
* link's owner always has access to this data).
resolved_visibility?: SharingResolvedVisibility;
* The shared link's requested visibility. This can be overridden by the
* team and shared folder policies. The final visibility, after considering
* these policies, can be found in :field:`resolved_visibility`. This is
* shown only if the caller is the link's owner.
requested_visibility?: SharingRequestedVisibility;
* Whether the caller can revoke the shared link
can_revoke: boolean;
* The failure reason for revoking the link. This field will only be present
* if the :field:`can_revoke` is :val:`false`.
revoke_failure_reason?: SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReason;
* Arguments for :route:`list_file_members`.
interface SharingListFileMembersArg {
* The file for which you want to see members.
file: string;
* The actions for which to return permissions on a member
actions?: Array<SharingMemberAction>;
* Whether to include members who only have access from a parent shared
* folder.
include_inherited: boolean;
* Number of members to return max per query. Defaults to 100 if no limit is
* specified.
limit: number;
* Arguments for :route:`list_file_members/batch`.
interface SharingListFileMembersBatchArg {
* Files for which to return members.
files: Array<Object>;
* Number of members to return max per query. Defaults to 10 if no limit is
* specified.
limit: number;
* Per-file result for :route:`list_file_members/batch`.
interface SharingListFileMembersBatchResult {
* This is the input file identifier, whether an ID or a path.
file: string;
* The result for this particular file
result: SharingListFileMembersIndividualResult;
* Arguments for :route:`list_file_members/continue`.
interface SharingListFileMembersContinueArg {
* The cursor returned by your last call to :route:`list_file_members`,
* :route:`list_file_members/continue`, or :route:`list_file_members/batch`.
cursor: string;
interface SharingListFileMembersContinueErrorUserError {
'.tag': 'user_error';
user_error: SharingSharingUserError;
interface SharingListFileMembersContinueErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharingFileAccessError;
* :field:`ListFileMembersContinueArg.cursor` is invalid.
interface SharingListFileMembersContinueErrorInvalidCursor {
'.tag': 'invalid_cursor';
interface SharingListFileMembersContinueErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error for :route:`list_file_members/continue`.
type SharingListFileMembersContinueError = SharingListFileMembersContinueErrorUserError | SharingListFileMembersContinueErrorAccessError | SharingListFileMembersContinueErrorInvalidCursor | SharingListFileMembersContinueErrorOther;
interface SharingListFileMembersCountResult {
* A list of members on this file.
members: SharingSharedFileMembers;
* The number of members on this file. This does not include inherited
* members
member_count: number;
interface SharingListFileMembersErrorUserError {
'.tag': 'user_error';
user_error: SharingSharingUserError;
interface SharingListFileMembersErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharingFileAccessError;
interface SharingListFileMembersErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error for :route:`list_file_members`.
type SharingListFileMembersError = SharingListFileMembersErrorUserError | SharingListFileMembersErrorAccessError | SharingListFileMembersErrorOther;
* The results of the query for this file if it was successful
interface SharingListFileMembersIndividualResultResult {
'.tag': 'result';
result: SharingListFileMembersCountResult;
* The result of the query for this file if it was an error.
interface SharingListFileMembersIndividualResultAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharingFileAccessError;
interface SharingListFileMembersIndividualResultOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingListFileMembersIndividualResult = SharingListFileMembersIndividualResultResult | SharingListFileMembersIndividualResultAccessError | SharingListFileMembersIndividualResultOther;
* Arguments for :route:`list_received_files`.
interface SharingListFilesArg {
* Number of files to return max per query. Defaults to 100 if no limit is
* specified.
limit: number;
* File actions to query.
actions?: Array<SharingFileAction>;
* Arguments for :route:`list_received_files/continue`.
interface SharingListFilesContinueArg {
* Cursor in :field:`ListFilesResult.cursor`
cursor: string;
* User account had a problem.
interface SharingListFilesContinueErrorUserError {
'.tag': 'user_error';
user_error: SharingSharingUserError;
* :field:`ListFilesContinueArg.cursor` is invalid.
interface SharingListFilesContinueErrorInvalidCursor {
'.tag': 'invalid_cursor';
interface SharingListFilesContinueErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error results for :route:`list_received_files/continue`.
type SharingListFilesContinueError = SharingListFilesContinueErrorUserError | SharingListFilesContinueErrorInvalidCursor | SharingListFilesContinueErrorOther;
* Success results for :route:`list_received_files`.
interface SharingListFilesResult {
* Information about the files shared with current user.
entries: Array<SharingSharedFileMetadata>;
* Cursor used to obtain additional shared files.
cursor?: string;
interface SharingListFolderMembersArgs extends SharingListFolderMembersCursorArg {
* The ID for the shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
interface SharingListFolderMembersContinueArg {
* The cursor returned by your last call to :route:`list_folder_members` or
* :route:`list_folder_members/continue`.
cursor: string;
interface SharingListFolderMembersContinueErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharedFolderAccessError;
* :field:`ListFolderMembersContinueArg.cursor` is invalid.
interface SharingListFolderMembersContinueErrorInvalidCursor {
'.tag': 'invalid_cursor';
interface SharingListFolderMembersContinueErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingListFolderMembersContinueError = SharingListFolderMembersContinueErrorAccessError | SharingListFolderMembersContinueErrorInvalidCursor | SharingListFolderMembersContinueErrorOther;
interface SharingListFolderMembersCursorArg {
* This is a list indicating whether each returned member will include a
* boolean value :field:`MemberPermission.allow` that describes whether the
* current user can perform the MemberAction on the member.
actions?: Array<SharingMemberAction>;
* The maximum number of results that include members, groups and invitees
* to return per request.
limit: number;
interface SharingListFoldersArgs {
* The maximum number of results to return per request.
limit: number;
* This is a list indicating whether each returned folder data entry will
* include a boolean field :field:`FolderPermission.allow` that describes
* whether the current user can perform the `FolderAction` on the folder.
actions?: Array<SharingFolderAction>;
interface SharingListFoldersContinueArg {
* The cursor returned by the previous API call specified in the endpoint
* description.
cursor: string;
* :field:`ListFoldersContinueArg.cursor` is invalid.
interface SharingListFoldersContinueErrorInvalidCursor {
'.tag': 'invalid_cursor';
interface SharingListFoldersContinueErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingListFoldersContinueError = SharingListFoldersContinueErrorInvalidCursor | SharingListFoldersContinueErrorOther;
* Result for :route:`list_folders` or :route:`list_mountable_folders`,
* depending on which endpoint was requested. Unmounted shared folders can be
* identified by the absence of :field:`SharedFolderMetadata.path_lower`.
interface SharingListFoldersResult {
* List of all shared folders the authenticated user has access to.
entries: Array<SharingSharedFolderMetadata>;
* Present if there are additional shared folders that have not been
* returned yet. Pass the cursor into the corresponding continue endpoint
* (either :route:`list_folders/continue` or
* :route:`list_mountable_folders/continue`) to list additional folders.
cursor?: string;
interface SharingListSharedLinksArg {
* See :route:`list_shared_links` description.
path?: string;
* The cursor returned by your last call to :route:`list_shared_links`.
cursor?: string;
* See :route:`list_shared_links` description.
direct_only?: boolean;
interface SharingListSharedLinksErrorPath {
'.tag': 'path';
path: FilesLookupError;
* Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call
* :route:`list_shared_links` to obtain a new cursor.
interface SharingListSharedLinksErrorReset {
'.tag': 'reset';
interface SharingListSharedLinksErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingListSharedLinksError = SharingListSharedLinksErrorPath | SharingListSharedLinksErrorReset | SharingListSharedLinksErrorOther;
interface SharingListSharedLinksResult {
* Shared links applicable to the path argument.
links: Array<SharingSharedLinkMetadata>;
* Is true if there are additional shared links that have not been returned
* yet. Pass the cursor into :route:`list_shared_links` to retrieve them.
has_more: boolean;
* Pass the cursor into :route:`list_shared_links` to obtain the additional
* links. Cursor is returned only if no path is given or the path is empty.
cursor?: string;
* Contains information about a member's access level to content after an
* operation.
interface SharingMemberAccessLevelResult {
* The member still has this level of access to the content through a parent
* folder.
access_level?: SharingAccessLevel;
* A localized string with additional information about why the user has
* this access level to the content.
warning?: string;
* The parent folders that a member has access to. The field is present if
* the user has access to the first parent folder where the member gains
* access.
access_details?: Array<SharingParentFolderAccessInfo>;
* Allow the member to keep a copy of the folder when removing.
interface SharingMemberActionLeaveACopy {
'.tag': 'leave_a_copy';
* Make the member an editor of the folder.
interface SharingMemberActionMakeEditor {
'.tag': 'make_editor';
* Make the member an owner of the folder.
interface SharingMemberActionMakeOwner {
'.tag': 'make_owner';
* Make the member a viewer of the folder.
interface SharingMemberActionMakeViewer {
'.tag': 'make_viewer';
* Make the member a viewer of the folder without commenting permissions.
interface SharingMemberActionMakeViewerNoComment {
'.tag': 'make_viewer_no_comment';
* Remove the member from the folder.
interface SharingMemberActionRemove {
'.tag': 'remove';
interface SharingMemberActionOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Actions that may be taken on members of a shared folder.
type SharingMemberAction = SharingMemberActionLeaveACopy | SharingMemberActionMakeEditor | SharingMemberActionMakeOwner | SharingMemberActionMakeViewer | SharingMemberActionMakeViewerNoComment | SharingMemberActionRemove | SharingMemberActionOther;
* Whether the user is allowed to take the action on the associated member.
interface SharingMemberPermission {
* The action that the user may wish to take on the member.
action: SharingMemberAction;
* True if the user is allowed to take the action.
allow: boolean;
* The reason why the user is denied the permission. Not present if the
* action is allowed
reason?: SharingPermissionDeniedReason;
* Only a teammate can become a member.
interface SharingMemberPolicyTeam {
'.tag': 'team';
* Anyone can become a member.
interface SharingMemberPolicyAnyone {
'.tag': 'anyone';
interface SharingMemberPolicyOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Policy governing who can be a member of a shared folder. Only applicable to
* folders owned by a user on a team.
type SharingMemberPolicy = SharingMemberPolicyTeam | SharingMemberPolicyAnyone | SharingMemberPolicyOther;
* Dropbox account, team member, or group ID of member.
interface SharingMemberSelectorDropboxId {
'.tag': 'dropbox_id';
dropbox_id: string;
* E-mail address of member.
interface SharingMemberSelectorEmail {
'.tag': 'email';
email: string;
interface SharingMemberSelectorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Includes different ways to identify a member of a shared folder.
type SharingMemberSelector = SharingMemberSelectorDropboxId | SharingMemberSelectorEmail | SharingMemberSelectorOther;
* The information about a member of the shared content.
interface SharingMembershipInfo {
* The access type for this member.
access_type: SharingAccessLevel;
* The permissions that requesting user has on this member. The set of
* permissions corresponds to the MemberActions in the request.
permissions?: Array<SharingMemberPermission>;
* Suggested name initials for a member.
initials?: string;
* True if the member has access from a parent folder.
is_inherited: boolean;
interface SharingModifySharedLinkSettingsArgs {
* URL of the shared link to change its settings
url: string;
* Set of settings for the shared link.
settings: SharingSharedLinkSettings;
* If set to true, removes the expiration of the shared link.
remove_expiration: boolean;
* There is an error with the given settings
interface SharingModifySharedLinkSettingsErrorSettingsError {
'.tag': 'settings_error';
settings_error: SharingSharedLinkSettingsError;
* The caller's email should be verified
interface SharingModifySharedLinkSettingsErrorEmailNotVerified {
'.tag': 'email_not_verified';
type SharingModifySharedLinkSettingsError = SharingSharedLinkError | SharingModifySharedLinkSettingsErrorSettingsError | SharingModifySharedLinkSettingsErrorEmailNotVerified;
interface SharingMountFolderArg {
* The ID of the shared folder to mount.
shared_folder_id: string;
interface SharingMountFolderErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharedFolderAccessError;
* Mounting would cause a shared folder to be inside another, which is
* disallowed.
interface SharingMountFolderErrorInsideSharedFolder {
'.tag': 'inside_shared_folder';
* The current user does not have enough space to mount the shared folder.
interface SharingMountFolderErrorInsufficientQuota {
'.tag': 'insufficient_quota';
insufficient_quota: SharingInsufficientQuotaAmounts;
* The shared folder is already mounted.
interface SharingMountFolderErrorAlreadyMounted {
'.tag': 'already_mounted';
* The current user does not have permission to perform this action.
interface SharingMountFolderErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
* The shared folder is not mountable. One example where this can occur is
* when the shared folder belongs within a team folder in the user's Dropbox.
interface SharingMountFolderErrorNotMountable {
'.tag': 'not_mountable';
interface SharingMountFolderErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingMountFolderError = SharingMountFolderErrorAccessError | SharingMountFolderErrorInsideSharedFolder | SharingMountFolderErrorInsufficientQuota | SharingMountFolderErrorAlreadyMounted | SharingMountFolderErrorNoPermission | SharingMountFolderErrorNotMountable | SharingMountFolderErrorOther;
* Contains information about a parent folder that a member has access to.
interface SharingParentFolderAccessInfo {
* Display name for the folder.
folder_name: string;
* The identifier of the parent shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
* The user's permissions for the parent shared folder.
permissions: Array<SharingMemberPermission>;
* Metadata for a path-based shared link.
interface SharingPathLinkMetadata extends SharingLinkMetadata {
* Path in user's Dropbox.
path: string;
* Assume pending uploads are files.
interface SharingPendingUploadModeFile {
'.tag': 'file';
* Assume pending uploads are folders.
interface SharingPendingUploadModeFolder {
'.tag': 'folder';
* Flag to indicate pending upload default (for linking to not-yet-existing
* paths).
type SharingPendingUploadMode = SharingPendingUploadModeFile | SharingPendingUploadModeFolder;
* User is not on the same team as the folder owner.
interface SharingPermissionDeniedReasonUserNotSameTeamAsOwner {
'.tag': 'user_not_same_team_as_owner';
* User is prohibited by the owner from taking the action.
interface SharingPermissionDeniedReasonUserNotAllowedByOwner {
'.tag': 'user_not_allowed_by_owner';
* Target is indirectly a member of the folder, for example by being part of a
* group.
interface SharingPermissionDeniedReasonTargetIsIndirectMember {
'.tag': 'target_is_indirect_member';
* Target is the owner of the folder.
interface SharingPermissionDeniedReasonTargetIsOwner {
'.tag': 'target_is_owner';
* Target is the user itself.
interface SharingPermissionDeniedReasonTargetIsSelf {
'.tag': 'target_is_self';
* Target is not an active member of the team.
interface SharingPermissionDeniedReasonTargetNotActive {
'.tag': 'target_not_active';
* Folder is team folder for a limited team.
interface SharingPermissionDeniedReasonFolderIsLimitedTeamFolder {
'.tag': 'folder_is_limited_team_folder';
interface SharingPermissionDeniedReasonOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Possible reasons the user is denied a permission.
type SharingPermissionDeniedReason = SharingPermissionDeniedReasonUserNotSameTeamAsOwner | SharingPermissionDeniedReasonUserNotAllowedByOwner | SharingPermissionDeniedReasonTargetIsIndirectMember | SharingPermissionDeniedReasonTargetIsOwner | SharingPermissionDeniedReasonTargetIsSelf | SharingPermissionDeniedReasonTargetNotActive | SharingPermissionDeniedReasonFolderIsLimitedTeamFolder | SharingPermissionDeniedReasonOther;
interface SharingRelinquishFileMembershipArg {
* The path or id for the file.
file: string;
interface SharingRelinquishFileMembershipErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharingFileAccessError;
* The current user has access to the shared file via a group. You can't
* relinquish membership to a file shared via groups.
interface SharingRelinquishFileMembershipErrorGroupAccess {
'.tag': 'group_access';
* The current user does not have permission to perform this action.
interface SharingRelinquishFileMembershipErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
interface SharingRelinquishFileMembershipErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingRelinquishFileMembershipError = SharingRelinquishFileMembershipErrorAccessError | SharingRelinquishFileMembershipErrorGroupAccess | SharingRelinquishFileMembershipErrorNoPermission | SharingRelinquishFileMembershipErrorOther;
interface SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipArg {
* The ID for the shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
* Keep a copy of the folder's contents upon relinquishing membership.
leave_a_copy: boolean;
interface SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharedFolderAccessError;
* The current user is the owner of the shared folder. Owners cannot
* relinquish membership to their own folders. Try unsharing or transferring
* ownership first.
interface SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorFolderOwner {
'.tag': 'folder_owner';
* The shared folder is currently mounted. Unmount the shared folder before
* relinquishing membership.
interface SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorMounted {
'.tag': 'mounted';
* The current user has access to the shared folder via a group. You can't
* relinquish membership to folders shared via groups.
interface SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorGroupAccess {
'.tag': 'group_access';
* This action cannot be performed on a team shared folder.
interface SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorTeamFolder {
'.tag': 'team_folder';
* The current user does not have permission to perform this action.
interface SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
interface SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipError = SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorAccessError | SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorFolderOwner | SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorMounted | SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorGroupAccess | SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorTeamFolder | SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorNoPermission | SharingRelinquishFolderMembershipErrorOther;
* Arguments for :route:`remove_file_member_2`.
interface SharingRemoveFileMemberArg {
* File from which to remove members.
file: string;
* Member to remove from this file. Note that even if an email is specified,
* it may result in the removal of a user (not an invitee) if the user's
* main account corresponds to that email address.
member: SharingMemberSelector;
interface SharingRemoveFileMemberErrorUserError {
'.tag': 'user_error';
user_error: SharingSharingUserError;
interface SharingRemoveFileMemberErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharingFileAccessError;
* This member does not have explicit access to the file and therefore cannot
* be removed. The return value is the access that a user might have to the
* file from a parent folder.
interface SharingRemoveFileMemberErrorNoExplicitAccess {
'.tag': 'no_explicit_access';
no_explicit_access: SharingMemberAccessLevelResult;
interface SharingRemoveFileMemberErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Errors for :route:`remove_file_member_2`.
type SharingRemoveFileMemberError = SharingRemoveFileMemberErrorUserError | SharingRemoveFileMemberErrorAccessError | SharingRemoveFileMemberErrorNoExplicitAccess | SharingRemoveFileMemberErrorOther;
interface SharingRemoveFolderMemberArg {
* The ID for the shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
* The member to remove from the folder.
member: SharingMemberSelector;
* If true, the removed user will keep their copy of the folder after it's
* unshared, assuming it was mounted. Otherwise, it will be removed from
* their Dropbox. Also, this must be set to false when kicking a group.
leave_a_copy: boolean;
interface SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharedFolderAccessError;
interface SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorMemberError {
'.tag': 'member_error';
member_error: SharingSharedFolderMemberError;
* The target user is the owner of the shared folder. You can't remove this
* user until ownership has been transferred to another member.
interface SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorFolderOwner {
'.tag': 'folder_owner';
* The target user has access to the shared folder via a group.
interface SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorGroupAccess {
'.tag': 'group_access';
* This action cannot be performed on a team shared folder.
interface SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorTeamFolder {
'.tag': 'team_folder';
* The current user does not have permission to perform this action.
interface SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
interface SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingRemoveFolderMemberError = SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorAccessError | SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorMemberError | SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorFolderOwner | SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorGroupAccess | SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorTeamFolder | SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorNoPermission | SharingRemoveFolderMemberErrorOther;
* Removing the folder member has finished. The value is information about
* whether the member has another form of access.
interface SharingRemoveMemberJobStatusComplete {
'.tag': 'complete';
complete: SharingMemberAccessLevelResult;
interface SharingRemoveMemberJobStatusFailed {
'.tag': 'failed';
failed: SharingRemoveFolderMemberError;
type SharingRemoveMemberJobStatus = AsyncPollResultBase | SharingRemoveMemberJobStatusComplete | SharingRemoveMemberJobStatusFailed;
* Anyone who has received the link can access it. No login required.
interface SharingRequestedVisibilityPublic {
'.tag': 'public';
* Only members of the same team can access the link. Login is required.
interface SharingRequestedVisibilityTeamOnly {
'.tag': 'team_only';
* A link-specific password is required to access the link. Login is not
* required.
interface SharingRequestedVisibilityPassword {
'.tag': 'password';
* The access permission that can be requested by the caller for the shared
* link. Note that the final resolved visibility of the shared link takes into
* account other aspects, such as team and shared folder settings. Check the
* :type:`ResolvedVisibility` for more info on the possible resolved
* visibility values of shared links.
type SharingRequestedVisibility = SharingRequestedVisibilityPublic | SharingRequestedVisibilityTeamOnly | SharingRequestedVisibilityPassword;
* Only members of the same team who have the link-specific password can
* access the link. Login is required.
interface SharingResolvedVisibilityTeamAndPassword {
'.tag': 'team_and_password';
* Only members of the shared folder containing the linked file can access the
* link. Login is required.
interface SharingResolvedVisibilitySharedFolderOnly {
'.tag': 'shared_folder_only';
interface SharingResolvedVisibilityOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* The actual access permissions values of shared links after taking into
* account user preferences and the team and shared folder settings. Check the
* :type:`RequestedVisibility` for more info on the possible visibility values
* that can be set by the shared link's owner.
type SharingResolvedVisibility = SharingRequestedVisibility | SharingResolvedVisibilityTeamAndPassword | SharingResolvedVisibilitySharedFolderOnly | SharingResolvedVisibilityOther;
interface SharingRevokeSharedLinkArg {
* URL of the shared link.
url: string;
* Shared link is malformed.
interface SharingRevokeSharedLinkErrorSharedLinkMalformed {
'.tag': 'shared_link_malformed';
type SharingRevokeSharedLinkError = SharingSharedLinkError | SharingRevokeSharedLinkErrorSharedLinkMalformed;
interface SharingShareFolderArg {
* The path to the folder to share. If it does not exist, then a new one is
* created.
path: string;
* Who can be a member of this shared folder. Only applicable if the current
* user is on a team.
member_policy: SharingMemberPolicy;
* Who can add and remove members of this shared folder.
acl_update_policy: SharingAclUpdatePolicy;
* The policy to apply to shared links created for content inside this
* shared folder. The current user must be on a team to set this policy to
* :field:`SharedLinkPolicy.members`.
shared_link_policy: SharingSharedLinkPolicy;
* Whether to force the share to happen asynchronously.
force_async: boolean;
* The current user does not have permission to perform this action.
interface SharingShareFolderErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
type SharingShareFolderError = SharingShareFolderErrorBase | SharingShareFolderErrorNoPermission;
* The current user's e-mail address is unverified.
interface SharingShareFolderErrorBaseEmailUnverified {
'.tag': 'email_unverified';
* :field:`ShareFolderArg.path` is invalid.
interface SharingShareFolderErrorBaseBadPath {
'.tag': 'bad_path';
bad_path: SharingSharePathError;
* Team policy is more restrictive than :field:`ShareFolderArg.member_policy`.
interface SharingShareFolderErrorBaseTeamPolicyDisallowsMemberPolicy {
'.tag': 'team_policy_disallows_member_policy';
* The current user's account is not allowed to select the specified
* :field:`ShareFolderArg.shared_link_policy`.
interface SharingShareFolderErrorBaseDisallowedSharedLinkPolicy {
'.tag': 'disallowed_shared_link_policy';
interface SharingShareFolderErrorBaseOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingShareFolderErrorBase = SharingShareFolderErrorBaseEmailUnverified | SharingShareFolderErrorBaseBadPath | SharingShareFolderErrorBaseTeamPolicyDisallowsMemberPolicy | SharingShareFolderErrorBaseDisallowedSharedLinkPolicy | SharingShareFolderErrorBaseOther;
* The share job has finished. The value is the metadata for the folder.
interface SharingShareFolderJobStatusComplete {
'.tag': 'complete';
complete: SharingSharedFolderMetadata;
interface SharingShareFolderJobStatusFailed {
'.tag': 'failed';
failed: SharingShareFolderError;
type SharingShareFolderJobStatus = AsyncPollResultBase | SharingShareFolderJobStatusComplete | SharingShareFolderJobStatusFailed;
interface SharingShareFolderLaunchComplete {
'.tag': 'complete';
complete: SharingSharedFolderMetadata;
type SharingShareFolderLaunch = AsyncLaunchResultBase | SharingShareFolderLaunchComplete;
* A file is at the specified path.
interface SharingSharePathErrorIsFile {
'.tag': 'is_file';
* We do not support sharing a folder inside a shared folder.
interface SharingSharePathErrorInsideSharedFolder {
'.tag': 'inside_shared_folder';
* We do not support shared folders that contain shared folders.
interface SharingSharePathErrorContainsSharedFolder {
'.tag': 'contains_shared_folder';
* We do not support sharing an app folder.
interface SharingSharePathErrorIsAppFolder {
'.tag': 'is_app_folder';
* We do not support sharing a folder inside an app folder.
interface SharingSharePathErrorInsideAppFolder {
'.tag': 'inside_app_folder';
* A public folder can't be shared this way. Use a public link instead.
interface SharingSharePathErrorIsPublicFolder {
'.tag': 'is_public_folder';
* A folder inside a public folder can't be shared this way. Use a public link
* instead.
interface SharingSharePathErrorInsidePublicFolder {
'.tag': 'inside_public_folder';
* Folder is already shared. Contains metadata about the existing shared
* folder.
interface SharingSharePathErrorAlreadyShared {
'.tag': 'already_shared';
already_shared: SharingSharedFolderMetadata;
* Path is not valid.
interface SharingSharePathErrorInvalidPath {
'.tag': 'invalid_path';
* We do not support sharing a Mac OS X package.
interface SharingSharePathErrorIsOsxPackage {
'.tag': 'is_osx_package';
* We do not support sharing a folder inside a Mac OS X package.
interface SharingSharePathErrorInsideOsxPackage {
'.tag': 'inside_osx_package';
interface SharingSharePathErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingSharePathError = SharingSharePathErrorIsFile | SharingSharePathErrorInsideSharedFolder | SharingSharePathErrorContainsSharedFolder | SharingSharePathErrorIsAppFolder | SharingSharePathErrorInsideAppFolder | SharingSharePathErrorIsPublicFolder | SharingSharePathErrorInsidePublicFolder | SharingSharePathErrorAlreadyShared | SharingSharePathErrorInvalidPath | SharingSharePathErrorIsOsxPackage | SharingSharePathErrorInsideOsxPackage | SharingSharePathErrorOther;
* Shared file user, group, and invitee membership. Used for the results of
* :route:`list_file_members` and :route:`list_file_members/continue`, and
* used as part of the results for :route:`list_file_members/batch`.
interface SharingSharedFileMembers {
* The list of user members of the shared file.
users: Array<SharingUserMembershipInfo>;
* The list of group members of the shared file.
groups: Array<SharingGroupMembershipInfo>;
* The list of invited members of a file, but have not logged in and claimed
* this.
invitees: Array<SharingInviteeMembershipInfo>;
* Present if there are additional shared file members that have not been
* returned yet. Pass the cursor into :route:`list_file_members/continue` to
* list additional members.
cursor?: string;
* Properties of the shared file.
interface SharingSharedFileMetadata {
* Policies governing this shared file.
policy: SharingFolderPolicy;
* The sharing permissions that requesting user has on this file. This
* corresponds to the entries given in
* :field:`GetFileMetadataBatchArg.actions` or
* :field:`GetFileMetadataArg.actions`.
permissions?: Array<SharingFilePermission>;
* The team that owns the file. This field is not present if the file is not
* owned by a team.
owner_team?: UsersTeam;
* The ID of the parent shared folder. This field is present only if the
* file is contained within a shared folder.
parent_shared_folder_id?: string;
* URL for displaying a web preview of the shared file.
preview_url: string;
* The lower-case full path of this file. Absent for unmounted files.
path_lower?: string;
* The cased path to be used for display purposes only. In rare instances
* the casing will not correctly match the user's filesystem, but this
* behavior will match the path provided in the Core API v1. Absent for
* unmounted files.
path_display?: string;
* The name of this file.
name: string;
* The ID of the file.
id: string;
* Timestamp indicating when the current user was invited to this shared
* file. If the user was not invited to the shared file, the timestamp will
* indicate when the user was invited to the parent shared folder. This
* value may be absent.
time_invited?: Timestamp;
* This shared folder ID is invalid.
interface SharingSharedFolderAccessErrorInvalidId {
'.tag': 'invalid_id';
* The user is not a member of the shared folder thus cannot access it.
interface SharingSharedFolderAccessErrorNotAMember {
'.tag': 'not_a_member';
* The current user's e-mail address is unverified.
interface SharingSharedFolderAccessErrorEmailUnverified {
'.tag': 'email_unverified';
* The shared folder is unmounted.
interface SharingSharedFolderAccessErrorUnmounted {
'.tag': 'unmounted';
interface SharingSharedFolderAccessErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* There is an error accessing the shared folder.
type SharingSharedFolderAccessError = SharingSharedFolderAccessErrorInvalidId | SharingSharedFolderAccessErrorNotAMember | SharingSharedFolderAccessErrorEmailUnverified | SharingSharedFolderAccessErrorUnmounted | SharingSharedFolderAccessErrorOther;
* The target dropbox_id is invalid.
interface SharingSharedFolderMemberErrorInvalidDropboxId {
'.tag': 'invalid_dropbox_id';
* The target dropbox_id is not a member of the shared folder.
interface SharingSharedFolderMemberErrorNotAMember {
'.tag': 'not_a_member';
* The target member only has inherited access to the shared folder.
interface SharingSharedFolderMemberErrorNoExplicitAccess {
'.tag': 'no_explicit_access';
no_explicit_access: SharingMemberAccessLevelResult;
interface SharingSharedFolderMemberErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingSharedFolderMemberError = SharingSharedFolderMemberErrorInvalidDropboxId | SharingSharedFolderMemberErrorNotAMember | SharingSharedFolderMemberErrorNoExplicitAccess | SharingSharedFolderMemberErrorOther;
* Shared folder user and group membership.
interface SharingSharedFolderMembers {
* The list of user members of the shared folder.
users: Array<SharingUserMembershipInfo>;
* The list of group members of the shared folder.
groups: Array<SharingGroupMembershipInfo>;
* The list of invitees to the shared folder.
invitees: Array<SharingInviteeMembershipInfo>;
* Present if there are additional shared folder members that have not been
* returned yet. Pass the cursor into :route:`list_folder_members/continue`
* to list additional members.
cursor?: string;
* The metadata which includes basic information about the shared folder.
interface SharingSharedFolderMetadata extends SharingSharedFolderMetadataBase {
* The lower-cased full path of this shared folder. Absent for unmounted
* folders.
path_lower?: string;
* The name of the this shared folder.
name: string;
* The ID of the shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
* Actions the current user may perform on the folder and its contents. The
* set of permissions corresponds to the FolderActions in the request.
permissions?: Array<SharingFolderPermission>;
* Timestamp indicating when the current user was invited to this shared
* folder.
time_invited: Timestamp;
* URL for displaying a web preview of the shared folder.
preview_url: string;
* Properties of the shared folder.
interface SharingSharedFolderMetadataBase {
* The current user's access level for this shared folder.
access_type: SharingAccessLevel;
* Whether this folder is a :link:`team folder
is_team_folder: boolean;
* Policies governing this shared folder.
policy: SharingFolderPolicy;
* The team that owns the folder. This field is not present if the folder is
* not owned by a team.
owner_team?: UsersTeam;
* The ID of the parent shared folder. This field is present only if the
* folder is contained within another shared folder.
parent_shared_folder_id?: string;
* User is not logged in.
interface SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonLoginRequired {
'.tag': 'login_required';
* User's email is not verified.
interface SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonEmailVerifyRequired {
'.tag': 'email_verify_required';
* The link is password protected.
interface SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonPasswordRequired {
'.tag': 'password_required';
* Access is allowed for team members only.
interface SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonTeamOnly {
'.tag': 'team_only';
* Access is allowed for the shared link's owner only.
interface SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonOwnerOnly {
'.tag': 'owner_only';
interface SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReason = SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonLoginRequired | SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonEmailVerifyRequired | SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonPasswordRequired | SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonTeamOnly | SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonOwnerOnly | SharingSharedLinkAccessFailureReasonOther;
* The shared link wasn't found
interface SharingSharedLinkErrorSharedLinkNotFound {
'.tag': 'shared_link_not_found';
* The caller is not allowed to access this shared link
interface SharingSharedLinkErrorSharedLinkAccessDenied {
'.tag': 'shared_link_access_denied';
interface SharingSharedLinkErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingSharedLinkError = SharingSharedLinkErrorSharedLinkNotFound | SharingSharedLinkErrorSharedLinkAccessDenied | SharingSharedLinkErrorOther;
* The metadata of a shared link
interface SharingSharedLinkMetadata {
* URL of the shared link.
url: string;
* A unique identifier for the linked file.
id?: string;
* The linked file name (including extension). This never contains a slash.
name: string;
* Expiration time, if set. By default the link won't expire.
expires?: Timestamp;
* The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a
* slash. This field will only be present only if the linked file is in the
* authenticated user's dropbox.
path_lower?: string;
* The link's access permissions.
link_permissions: SharingLinkPermissions;
* The team membership information of the link's owner. This field will
* only be present if the link's owner is a team member.
team_member_info?: SharingTeamMemberInfo;
* The team information of the content's owner. This field will only be
* present if the content's owner is a team member and the content's owner
* team is different from the link's owner team.
content_owner_team_info?: UsersTeam;
* Links can be shared with anyone.
interface SharingSharedLinkPolicyAnyone {
'.tag': 'anyone';
* Links can only be shared among members of the shared folder.
interface SharingSharedLinkPolicyMembers {
'.tag': 'members';
interface SharingSharedLinkPolicyOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Policy governing who can view shared links.
type SharingSharedLinkPolicy = SharingSharedLinkPolicyAnyone | SharingSharedLinkPolicyMembers | SharingSharedLinkPolicyOther;
interface SharingSharedLinkSettings {
* The requested access for this shared link.
requested_visibility?: SharingRequestedVisibility;
* If :field:`requested_visibility` is :field:`RequestedVisibility.password`
* this is needed to specify the password to access the link.
link_password?: string;
* Expiration time of the shared link. By default the link won't expire.
expires?: Timestamp;
* The given settings are invalid (for example, all attributes of the
* :type:`SharedLinkSettings` are empty, the requested visibility is
* :field:`RequestedVisibility.password` but the
* :field:`SharedLinkSettings.link_password` is missing,
* :field:`SharedLinkSettings.expires` is set to the past, etc.)
interface SharingSharedLinkSettingsErrorInvalidSettings {
'.tag': 'invalid_settings';
* User is not allowed to modify the settings of this link. Note that basic
* users can only set :field:`RequestedVisibility.public` as the
* :field:`SharedLinkSettings.requested_visibility` and cannot set
* :field:`SharedLinkSettings.expires`
interface SharingSharedLinkSettingsErrorNotAuthorized {
'.tag': 'not_authorized';
type SharingSharedLinkSettingsError = SharingSharedLinkSettingsErrorInvalidSettings | SharingSharedLinkSettingsErrorNotAuthorized;
* Current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform the desired
* action.
interface SharingSharingFileAccessErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
* File specified was not found.
interface SharingSharingFileAccessErrorInvalidFile {
'.tag': 'invalid_file';
* A folder can't be shared this way. Use folder sharing or a shared link
* instead.
interface SharingSharingFileAccessErrorIsFolder {
'.tag': 'is_folder';
* A file inside a public folder can't be shared this way. Use a public link
* instead.
interface SharingSharingFileAccessErrorInsidePublicFolder {
'.tag': 'inside_public_folder';
* A Mac OS X package can't be shared this way. Use a shared link instead.
interface SharingSharingFileAccessErrorInsideOsxPackage {
'.tag': 'inside_osx_package';
interface SharingSharingFileAccessErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* User could not access this file.
type SharingSharingFileAccessError = SharingSharingFileAccessErrorNoPermission | SharingSharingFileAccessErrorInvalidFile | SharingSharingFileAccessErrorIsFolder | SharingSharingFileAccessErrorInsidePublicFolder | SharingSharingFileAccessErrorInsideOsxPackage | SharingSharingFileAccessErrorOther;
* The current user must verify the account e-mail address before performing
* this action.
interface SharingSharingUserErrorEmailUnverified {
'.tag': 'email_unverified';
interface SharingSharingUserErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* User account had a problem preventing this action.
type SharingSharingUserError = SharingSharingUserErrorEmailUnverified | SharingSharingUserErrorOther;
* Information about a team member.
interface SharingTeamMemberInfo {
* Information about the member's team
team_info: UsersTeam;
* The display name of the user.
display_name: string;
* ID of user as a member of a team. This field will only be present if the
* member is in the same team as current user.
member_id?: string;
interface SharingTransferFolderArg {
* The ID for the shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
* A account or team member ID to transfer ownership to.
to_dropbox_id: string;
interface SharingTransferFolderErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharedFolderAccessError;
* :field:`TransferFolderArg.to_dropbox_id` is invalid.
interface SharingTransferFolderErrorInvalidDropboxId {
'.tag': 'invalid_dropbox_id';
* The new designated owner is not currently a member of the shared folder.
interface SharingTransferFolderErrorNewOwnerNotAMember {
'.tag': 'new_owner_not_a_member';
* The new designated owner has not added the folder to their Dropbox.
interface SharingTransferFolderErrorNewOwnerUnmounted {
'.tag': 'new_owner_unmounted';
* The new designated owner's e-mail address is unverified.
interface SharingTransferFolderErrorNewOwnerEmailUnverified {
'.tag': 'new_owner_email_unverified';
* This action cannot be performed on a team shared folder.
interface SharingTransferFolderErrorTeamFolder {
'.tag': 'team_folder';
* The current user does not have permission to perform this action.
interface SharingTransferFolderErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
interface SharingTransferFolderErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingTransferFolderError = SharingTransferFolderErrorAccessError | SharingTransferFolderErrorInvalidDropboxId | SharingTransferFolderErrorNewOwnerNotAMember | SharingTransferFolderErrorNewOwnerUnmounted | SharingTransferFolderErrorNewOwnerEmailUnverified | SharingTransferFolderErrorTeamFolder | SharingTransferFolderErrorNoPermission | SharingTransferFolderErrorOther;
interface SharingUnmountFolderArg {
* The ID for the shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
interface SharingUnmountFolderErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharedFolderAccessError;
* The current user does not have permission to perform this action.
interface SharingUnmountFolderErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
* The shared folder can't be unmounted. One example where this can occur is
* when the shared folder's parent folder is also a shared folder that resides
* in the current user's Dropbox.
interface SharingUnmountFolderErrorNotUnmountable {
'.tag': 'not_unmountable';
interface SharingUnmountFolderErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingUnmountFolderError = SharingUnmountFolderErrorAccessError | SharingUnmountFolderErrorNoPermission | SharingUnmountFolderErrorNotUnmountable | SharingUnmountFolderErrorOther;
* Arguments for :route:`unshare_file`.
interface SharingUnshareFileArg {
* The file to unshare.
file: string;
interface SharingUnshareFileErrorUserError {
'.tag': 'user_error';
user_error: SharingSharingUserError;
interface SharingUnshareFileErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharingFileAccessError;
interface SharingUnshareFileErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error result for :route:`unshare_file`.
type SharingUnshareFileError = SharingUnshareFileErrorUserError | SharingUnshareFileErrorAccessError | SharingUnshareFileErrorOther;
interface SharingUnshareFolderArg {
* The ID for the shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
* If true, members of this shared folder will get a copy of this folder
* after it's unshared. Otherwise, it will be removed from their Dropbox.
* The current user, who is an owner, will always retain their copy.
leave_a_copy: boolean;
interface SharingUnshareFolderErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharedFolderAccessError;
* This action cannot be performed on a team shared folder.
interface SharingUnshareFolderErrorTeamFolder {
'.tag': 'team_folder';
* The current user does not have permission to perform this action.
interface SharingUnshareFolderErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
interface SharingUnshareFolderErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingUnshareFolderError = SharingUnshareFolderErrorAccessError | SharingUnshareFolderErrorTeamFolder | SharingUnshareFolderErrorNoPermission | SharingUnshareFolderErrorOther;
interface SharingUpdateFolderMemberArg {
* The ID for the shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
* The member of the shared folder to update. Only the
* :field:`MemberSelector.dropbox_id` may be set at this time.
member: SharingMemberSelector;
* The new access level for :field:`member`. :field:`AccessLevel.owner` is
* disallowed.
access_level: SharingAccessLevel;
interface SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharedFolderAccessError;
interface SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorMemberError {
'.tag': 'member_error';
member_error: SharingSharedFolderMemberError;
* If updating the access type required the member to be added to the shared
* folder and there was an error when adding the member.
interface SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorNoExplicitAccess {
'.tag': 'no_explicit_access';
no_explicit_access: SharingAddFolderMemberError;
* The current user's account doesn't support this action. An example of this
* is when downgrading a member from editor to viewer. This action can only be
* performed by users that have upgraded to a Pro or Business plan.
interface SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorInsufficientPlan {
'.tag': 'insufficient_plan';
* The current user does not have permission to perform this action.
interface SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
interface SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingUpdateFolderMemberError = SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorAccessError | SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorMemberError | SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorNoExplicitAccess | SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorInsufficientPlan | SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorNoPermission | SharingUpdateFolderMemberErrorOther;
* If any of the policy's are unset, then they retain their current setting.
interface SharingUpdateFolderPolicyArg {
* The ID for the shared folder.
shared_folder_id: string;
* Who can be a member of this shared folder. Only applicable if the current
* user is on a team.
member_policy?: SharingMemberPolicy;
* Who can add and remove members of this shared folder.
acl_update_policy?: SharingAclUpdatePolicy;
* The policy to apply to shared links created for content inside this
* shared folder. The current user must be on a team to set this policy to
* :field:`SharedLinkPolicy.members`.
shared_link_policy?: SharingSharedLinkPolicy;
interface SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorAccessError {
'.tag': 'access_error';
access_error: SharingSharedFolderAccessError;
* :field:`UpdateFolderPolicyArg.member_policy` was set even though user is
* not on a team.
interface SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorNotOnTeam {
'.tag': 'not_on_team';
* Team policy is more restrictive than :field:`ShareFolderArg.member_policy`.
interface SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorTeamPolicyDisallowsMemberPolicy {
'.tag': 'team_policy_disallows_member_policy';
* The current account is not allowed to select the specified
* :field:`ShareFolderArg.shared_link_policy`.
interface SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorDisallowedSharedLinkPolicy {
'.tag': 'disallowed_shared_link_policy';
* The current user does not have permission to perform this action.
interface SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorNoPermission {
'.tag': 'no_permission';
interface SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type SharingUpdateFolderPolicyError = SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorAccessError | SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorNotOnTeam | SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorTeamPolicyDisallowsMemberPolicy | SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorDisallowedSharedLinkPolicy | SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorNoPermission | SharingUpdateFolderPolicyErrorOther;
* Basic information about a user. Use :route:`users.get_account` and
* :route:`users.get_account_batch` to obtain more detailed information.
interface SharingUserInfo {
* The account ID of the user.
account_id: string;
* If the user is in the same team as current user.
same_team: boolean;
* The team member ID of the shared folder member. Only present if
* :field:`same_team` is true.
team_member_id?: string;
* The information about a user member of the shared content.
interface SharingUserMembershipInfo extends SharingMembershipInfo {
* The account information for the membership user.
user: SharingUserInfo;
* Anyone who has received the link can access it. No login required.
interface SharingVisibilityPublic {
'.tag': 'public';
* Only members of the same team can access the link. Login is required.
interface SharingVisibilityTeamOnly {
'.tag': 'team_only';
* A link-specific password is required to access the link. Login is not
* required.
interface SharingVisibilityPassword {
'.tag': 'password';
* Only members of the same team who have the link-specific password can
* access the link.
interface SharingVisibilityTeamAndPassword {
'.tag': 'team_and_password';
* Only members of the shared folder containing the linked file can access the
* link. Login is required.
interface SharingVisibilitySharedFolderOnly {
'.tag': 'shared_folder_only';
interface SharingVisibilityOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Who can access a shared link. The most open visibility is :field:`public`.
* The default depends on many aspects, such as team and user preferences and
* shared folder settings.
type SharingVisibility = SharingVisibilityPublic | SharingVisibilityTeamOnly | SharingVisibilityPassword | SharingVisibilityTeamAndPassword | SharingVisibilitySharedFolderOnly | SharingVisibilityOther;
* Information on active web sessions
interface TeamActiveWebSession extends TeamDeviceSession {
* Information on the hosting device
user_agent: string;
* Information on the hosting operating system
os: string;
* Information on the browser used for this web session
browser: string;
* Arguments for adding property templates.
interface TeamAddPropertyTemplateArg extends PropertiesPropertyGroupTemplate {
interface TeamAddPropertyTemplateResult {
* An identifier for property template added by
* :route:`properties/template/add`.
template_id: string;
* User is an administrator of the team - has all permissions.
interface TeamAdminTierTeamAdmin {
'.tag': 'team_admin';
* User can do most user provisioning, de-provisioning and management.
interface TeamAdminTierUserManagementAdmin {
'.tag': 'user_management_admin';
* User can do a limited set of common support tasks for existing users.
interface TeamAdminTierSupportAdmin {
'.tag': 'support_admin';
* User is not an admin of the team.
interface TeamAdminTierMemberOnly {
'.tag': 'member_only';
* Describes which team-related admin permissions a user has.
type TeamAdminTier = TeamAdminTierTeamAdmin | TeamAdminTierUserManagementAdmin | TeamAdminTierSupportAdmin | TeamAdminTierMemberOnly;
* Information on linked third party applications
interface TeamApiApp {
* The application unique id
app_id: string;
* The application name
app_name: string;
* The application publisher name
publisher?: string;
* The publisher's URL
publisher_url?: string;
* The time this application was linked
linked?: Timestamp;
* Whether the linked application uses a dedicated folder
is_app_folder: boolean;
* Base report structure.
interface TeamBaseDfbReport {
* First date present in the results as 'YYYY-MM-DD' or None.
start_date: string;
* Input arguments that can be provided for most reports.
interface TeamDateRange {
* Optional starting date (inclusive)
start_date?: Timestamp;
* Optional ending date (exclusive)
end_date?: Timestamp;
interface TeamDateRangeErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Errors that can originate from problems in input arguments to reports.
type TeamDateRangeError = TeamDateRangeErrorOther;
* Information about linked Dropbox desktop client sessions
interface TeamDesktopClientSession extends TeamDeviceSession {
* Name of the hosting desktop
host_name: string;
* The Dropbox desktop client type
client_type: TeamDesktopPlatform;
* The Dropbox client version
client_version: string;
* Information on the hosting platform
platform: string;
* Whether it's possible to delete all of the account files upon unlinking
is_delete_on_unlink_supported: boolean;
* Official Windows Dropbox desktop client
interface TeamDesktopPlatformWindows {
'.tag': 'windows';
* Official Mac Dropbox desktop client
interface TeamDesktopPlatformMac {
'.tag': 'mac';
* Official Linux Dropbox desktop client
interface TeamDesktopPlatformLinux {
'.tag': 'linux';
interface TeamDesktopPlatformOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamDesktopPlatform = TeamDesktopPlatformWindows | TeamDesktopPlatformMac | TeamDesktopPlatformLinux | TeamDesktopPlatformOther;
interface TeamDeviceSession {
* The session id
session_id: string;
* The IP address of the last activity from this session
ip_address?: string;
* The country from which the last activity from this session was made
country?: string;
* The time this session was created
created?: Timestamp;
* The time of the last activity from this session
updated?: Timestamp;
interface TeamDeviceSessionArg {
* The session id
session_id: string;
* The unique id of the member owning the device
team_member_id: string;
* Each of the items is an array of values, one value per day. The value is
* the number of devices active within a time window, ending with that day. If
* there is no data for a day, then the value will be None.
interface TeamDevicesActive {
* Array of number of linked windows (desktop) clients with activity.
windows: Array<Object>;
* Array of number of linked mac (desktop) clients with activity.
macos: Array<Object>;
* Array of number of linked linus (desktop) clients with activity.
linux: Array<Object>;
* Array of number of linked ios devices with activity.
ios: Array<Object>;
* Array of number of linked android devices with activity.
android: Array<Object>;
* Array of number of other linked devices (blackberry, windows phone, etc)
* with activity.
other: Array<Object>;
* Array of total number of linked clients with activity.
total: Array<Object>;
* Activity Report Result. Each of the items in the storage report is an array
* of values, one value per day. If there is no data for a day, then the value
* will be None.
interface TeamGetActivityReport extends TeamBaseDfbReport {
* Array of total number of adds by team members.
adds: Array<Object>;
* Array of number of edits by team members. If the same user edits the same
* file multiple times this is counted as a single edit.
edits: Array<Object>;
* Array of total number of deletes by team members.
deletes: Array<Object>;
* Array of the number of users who have been active in the last 28 days.
active_users_28_day: Array<Object>;
* Array of the number of users who have been active in the last week.
active_users_7_day: Array<Object>;
* Array of the number of users who have been active in the last day.
active_users_1_day: Array<Object>;
* Array of the number of shared folders with some activity in the last 28
* days.
active_shared_folders_28_day: Array<Object>;
* Array of the number of shared folders with some activity in the last
* week.
active_shared_folders_7_day: Array<Object>;
* Array of the number of shared folders with some activity in the last day.
active_shared_folders_1_day: Array<Object>;
* Array of the number of shared links created.
shared_links_created: Array<Object>;
* Array of the number of views by team users to shared links created by the
* team.
shared_links_viewed_by_team: Array<Object>;
* Array of the number of views by users outside of the team to shared links
* created by the team.
shared_links_viewed_by_outside_user: Array<Object>;
* Array of the number of views by non-logged-in users to shared links
* created by the team.
shared_links_viewed_by_not_logged_in: Array<Object>;
* Array of the total number of views to shared links created by the team.
shared_links_viewed_total: Array<Object>;
* Devices Report Result. Contains subsections for different time ranges of
* activity. Each of the items in each subsection of the storage report is an
* array of values, one value per day. If there is no data for a day, then the
* value will be None.
interface TeamGetDevicesReport extends TeamBaseDfbReport {
* Report of the number of devices active in the last day.
active_1_day: TeamDevicesActive;
* Report of the number of devices active in the last 7 days.
active_7_day: TeamDevicesActive;
* Report of the number of devices active in the last 28 days.
active_28_day: TeamDevicesActive;
* Membership Report Result. Each of the items in the storage report is an
* array of values, one value per day. If there is no data for a day, then the
* value will be None.
interface TeamGetMembershipReport extends TeamBaseDfbReport {
* Team size, for each day.
team_size: Array<Object>;
* The number of pending invites to the team, for each day.
pending_invites: Array<Object>;
* The number of members that joined the team, for each day.
members_joined: Array<Object>;
* The number of suspended team members, for each day.
suspended_members: Array<Object>;
* The total number of licenses the team has, for each day.
licenses: Array<Object>;
* Storage Report Result. Each of the items in the storage report is an array
* of values, one value per day. If there is no data for a day, then the value
* will be None.
interface TeamGetStorageReport extends TeamBaseDfbReport {
* Sum of the shared, unshared, and datastore usages, for each day.
total_usage: Array<Object>;
* Array of the combined size (bytes) of team members' shared folders, for
* each day.
shared_usage: Array<Object>;
* Array of the combined size (bytes) of team members' root namespaces, for
* each day.
unshared_usage: Array<Object>;
* Array of the number of shared folders owned by team members, for each
* day.
shared_folders: Array<Object>;
* Array of storage summaries of team members' account sizes. Each storage
* summary is an array of key, value pairs, where each pair describes a
* storage bucket. The key indicates the upper bound of the bucket and the
* value is the number of users in that bucket. There is one such summary
* per day. If there is no data for a day, the storage summary will be
* empty.
member_storage_map: Array<Array<TeamStorageBucket>>;
* User is a member of the group, but has no special permissions.
interface TeamGroupAccessTypeMember {
'.tag': 'member';
* User can rename the group, and add/remove members.
interface TeamGroupAccessTypeOwner {
'.tag': 'owner';
* Role of a user in group.
type TeamGroupAccessType = TeamGroupAccessTypeMember | TeamGroupAccessTypeOwner;
interface TeamGroupCreateArg {
* Group name.
group_name: string;
* The creator of a team can associate an arbitrary external ID to the
* group.
group_external_id?: string;
* Whether the team can be managed by selected users, or only by team admins
group_management_type?: Team_commonGroupManagementType;
* There is already an existing group with the requested name.
interface TeamGroupCreateErrorGroupNameAlreadyUsed {
'.tag': 'group_name_already_used';
* Group name is empty or has invalid characters.
interface TeamGroupCreateErrorGroupNameInvalid {
'.tag': 'group_name_invalid';
* The new external ID is already being used by another group.
interface TeamGroupCreateErrorExternalIdAlreadyInUse {
'.tag': 'external_id_already_in_use';
interface TeamGroupCreateErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamGroupCreateError = TeamGroupCreateErrorGroupNameAlreadyUsed | TeamGroupCreateErrorGroupNameInvalid | TeamGroupCreateErrorExternalIdAlreadyInUse | TeamGroupCreateErrorOther;
* This group has already been deleted.
interface TeamGroupDeleteErrorGroupAlreadyDeleted {
'.tag': 'group_already_deleted';
type TeamGroupDeleteError = TeamGroupSelectorError | TeamGroupDeleteErrorGroupAlreadyDeleted;
* Full description of a group.
interface TeamGroupFullInfo extends Team_commonGroupSummary {
* List of group members.
members?: Array<TeamGroupMemberInfo>;
* The group creation time as a UTC timestamp in milliseconds since the Unix
* epoch.
created: number;
* Profile of group member, and role in group.
interface TeamGroupMemberInfo {
* Profile of group member.
profile: TeamMemberProfile;
* The role that the user has in the group.
access_type: TeamGroupAccessType;
* Argument for selecting a group and a single user.
interface TeamGroupMemberSelector {
* Specify a group.
group: TeamGroupSelector;
* Identity of a user that is a member of :field:`group`.
user: TeamUserSelectorArg;
* The specified user is not a member of this group.
interface TeamGroupMemberSelectorErrorMemberNotInGroup {
'.tag': 'member_not_in_group';
* Error that can be raised when :type:`GroupMemberSelector` is used, and the
* user is required to be a member of the specified group.
type TeamGroupMemberSelectorError = TeamGroupSelectorError | TeamGroupMemberSelectorErrorMemberNotInGroup;
* A company managed group cannot be managed by a user.
interface TeamGroupMemberSetAccessTypeErrorUserCannotBeManagerOfCompanyManagedGroup {
'.tag': 'user_cannot_be_manager_of_company_managed_group';
type TeamGroupMemberSetAccessTypeError = TeamGroupMemberSelectorError | TeamGroupMemberSetAccessTypeErrorUserCannotBeManagerOfCompanyManagedGroup;
interface TeamGroupMembersAddArg extends TeamIncludeMembersArg {
* Group to which users will be added.
group: TeamGroupSelector;
* List of users to be added to the group.
members: Array<TeamMemberAccess>;
* You cannot add duplicate users. One or more of the members you are trying
* to add is already a member of the group.
interface TeamGroupMembersAddErrorDuplicateUser {
'.tag': 'duplicate_user';
* Group is not in this team. You cannot add members to a group that is
* outside of your team.
interface TeamGroupMembersAddErrorGroupNotInTeam {
'.tag': 'group_not_in_team';
* These members are not part of your team. Currently, you cannot add members
* to a group if they are not part of your team, though this may change in a
* subsequent version. To add new members to your Dropbox Business team, use
* the :route:`members/add` endpoint.
interface TeamGroupMembersAddErrorMembersNotInTeam {
'.tag': 'members_not_in_team';
members_not_in_team: Array<string>;
* These users were not found in Dropbox.
interface TeamGroupMembersAddErrorUsersNotFound {
'.tag': 'users_not_found';
users_not_found: Array<string>;
* A suspended user cannot be added to a group as
* :field:`GroupAccessType.owner`.
interface TeamGroupMembersAddErrorUserMustBeActiveToBeOwner {
'.tag': 'user_must_be_active_to_be_owner';
* A company-managed group cannot be managed by a user.
interface TeamGroupMembersAddErrorUserCannotBeManagerOfCompanyManagedGroup {
'.tag': 'user_cannot_be_manager_of_company_managed_group';
user_cannot_be_manager_of_company_managed_group: Array<string>;
type TeamGroupMembersAddError = TeamGroupSelectorError | TeamGroupMembersAddErrorDuplicateUser | TeamGroupMembersAddErrorGroupNotInTeam | TeamGroupMembersAddErrorMembersNotInTeam | TeamGroupMembersAddErrorUsersNotFound | TeamGroupMembersAddErrorUserMustBeActiveToBeOwner | TeamGroupMembersAddErrorUserCannotBeManagerOfCompanyManagedGroup;
* Result returned by :route:`groups/members/add` and
* :route:`groups/members/remove`.
interface TeamGroupMembersChangeResult {
* The group info after member change operation has been performed.
group_info: TeamGroupFullInfo;
* An ID that can be used to obtain the status of granting/revoking
* group-owned resources.
async_job_id: string;
interface TeamGroupMembersRemoveArg extends TeamIncludeMembersArg {
* Group from which users will be removed.
group: TeamGroupSelector;
* List of users to be removed from the group.
users: Array<TeamUserSelectorArg>;
* Group is not in this team. You cannot remove members from a group that is
* outside of your team.
interface TeamGroupMembersRemoveErrorGroupNotInTeam {
'.tag': 'group_not_in_team';
type TeamGroupMembersRemoveError = TeamGroupMembersSelectorError | TeamGroupMembersRemoveErrorGroupNotInTeam;
* Argument for selecting a group and a list of users.
interface TeamGroupMembersSelector {
* Specify a group.
group: TeamGroupSelector;
* A list of users that are members of :field:`group`.
users: TeamUsersSelectorArg;
* At least one of the specified users is not a member of the group.
interface TeamGroupMembersSelectorErrorMemberNotInGroup {
'.tag': 'member_not_in_group';
* Error that can be raised when :type:`GroupMembersSelector` is used, and the
* users are required to be members of the specified group.
type TeamGroupMembersSelectorError = TeamGroupSelectorError | TeamGroupMembersSelectorErrorMemberNotInGroup;
interface TeamGroupMembersSetAccessTypeArg extends TeamGroupMemberSelector {
* New group access type the user will have.
access_type: TeamGroupAccessType;
* Whether to return the list of members in the group. Note that the
* default value will cause all the group members to be returned in the
* response. This may take a long time for large groups.
return_members: boolean;
* Group ID.
interface TeamGroupSelectorGroupId {
'.tag': 'group_id';
group_id: string;
* External ID of the group.
interface TeamGroupSelectorGroupExternalId {
'.tag': 'group_external_id';
group_external_id: string;
* Argument for selecting a single group, either by group_id or by external
* group ID.
type TeamGroupSelector = TeamGroupSelectorGroupId | TeamGroupSelectorGroupExternalId;
* No matching group found. No groups match the specified group ID.
interface TeamGroupSelectorErrorGroupNotFound {
'.tag': 'group_not_found';
interface TeamGroupSelectorErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error that can be raised when :type:`GroupSelector` is used.
type TeamGroupSelectorError = TeamGroupSelectorErrorGroupNotFound | TeamGroupSelectorErrorOther;
interface TeamGroupUpdateArgs extends TeamIncludeMembersArg {
* Specify a group.
group: TeamGroupSelector;
* Optional argument. Set group name to this if provided.
new_group_name?: string;
* Optional argument. New group external ID. If the argument is None, the
* group's external_id won't be updated. If the argument is empty string,
* the group's external id will be cleared.
new_group_external_id?: string;
* Set new group management type, if provided.
new_group_management_type?: Team_commonGroupManagementType;
* The new external ID is already being used by another group.
interface TeamGroupUpdateErrorExternalIdAlreadyInUse {
'.tag': 'external_id_already_in_use';
type TeamGroupUpdateError = TeamGroupSelectorError | TeamGroupUpdateErrorExternalIdAlreadyInUse;
* The group is not on your team.
interface TeamGroupsGetInfoErrorGroupNotOnTeam {
'.tag': 'group_not_on_team';
interface TeamGroupsGetInfoErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamGroupsGetInfoError = TeamGroupsGetInfoErrorGroupNotOnTeam | TeamGroupsGetInfoErrorOther;
* An ID that was provided as a parameter to :route:`groups/get_info`, and did
* not match a corresponding group. The ID can be a group ID, or an external
* ID, depending on how the method was called.
interface TeamGroupsGetInfoItemIdNotFound {
'.tag': 'id_not_found';
id_not_found: string;
* Info about a group.
interface TeamGroupsGetInfoItemGroupInfo {
'.tag': 'group_info';
group_info: TeamGroupFullInfo;
type TeamGroupsGetInfoItem = TeamGroupsGetInfoItemIdNotFound | TeamGroupsGetInfoItemGroupInfo;
interface TeamGroupsListArg {
* Number of results to return per call.
limit: number;
interface TeamGroupsListContinueArg {
* Indicates from what point to get the next set of groups.
cursor: string;
* The cursor is invalid.
interface TeamGroupsListContinueErrorInvalidCursor {
'.tag': 'invalid_cursor';
interface TeamGroupsListContinueErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamGroupsListContinueError = TeamGroupsListContinueErrorInvalidCursor | TeamGroupsListContinueErrorOther;
interface TeamGroupsListResult {
groups: Array<Team_commonGroupSummary>;
* Pass the cursor into :route:`groups/list/continue` to obtain the
* additional groups.
cursor: string;
* Is true if there are additional groups that have not been returned yet.
* An additional call to :route:`groups/list/continue` can retrieve them.
has_more: boolean;
interface TeamGroupsMembersListArg {
* The group whose members are to be listed.
group: TeamGroupSelector;
* Number of results to return per call.
limit: number;
interface TeamGroupsMembersListContinueArg {
* Indicates from what point to get the next set of groups.
cursor: string;
* The cursor is invalid.
interface TeamGroupsMembersListContinueErrorInvalidCursor {
'.tag': 'invalid_cursor';
interface TeamGroupsMembersListContinueErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamGroupsMembersListContinueError = TeamGroupsMembersListContinueErrorInvalidCursor | TeamGroupsMembersListContinueErrorOther;
interface TeamGroupsMembersListResult {
members: Array<TeamGroupMemberInfo>;
* Pass the cursor into :route:`groups/members/list/continue` to obtain
* additional group members.
cursor: string;
* Is true if there are additional group members that have not been returned
* yet. An additional call to :route:`groups/members/list/continue` can
* retrieve them.
has_more: boolean;
* You are not allowed to poll this job.
interface TeamGroupsPollErrorAccessDenied {
'.tag': 'access_denied';
type TeamGroupsPollError = AsyncPollError | TeamGroupsPollErrorAccessDenied;
* List of group IDs.
interface TeamGroupsSelectorGroupIds {
'.tag': 'group_ids';
group_ids: Array<Object>;
* List of external IDs of groups.
interface TeamGroupsSelectorGroupExternalIds {
'.tag': 'group_external_ids';
group_external_ids: Array<string>;
* Argument for selecting a list of groups, either by group_ids, or external
* group IDs.
type TeamGroupsSelector = TeamGroupsSelectorGroupIds | TeamGroupsSelectorGroupExternalIds;
interface TeamIncludeMembersArg {
* Whether to return the list of members in the group. Note that the
* default value will cause all the group members to be returned in the
* response. This may take a long time for large groups.
return_members: boolean;
interface TeamListMemberAppsArg {
* The team member id
team_member_id: string;
* Member not found.
interface TeamListMemberAppsErrorMemberNotFound {
'.tag': 'member_not_found';
interface TeamListMemberAppsErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error returned by :route:`linked_apps/list_member_linked_apps`.
type TeamListMemberAppsError = TeamListMemberAppsErrorMemberNotFound | TeamListMemberAppsErrorOther;
interface TeamListMemberAppsResult {
* List of third party applications linked by this team member
linked_api_apps: Array<TeamApiApp>;
interface TeamListMemberDevicesArg {
* The team's member id
team_member_id: string;
* Whether to list web sessions of the team's member
include_web_sessions: boolean;
* Whether to list linked desktop devices of the team's member
include_desktop_clients: boolean;
* Whether to list linked mobile devices of the team's member
include_mobile_clients: boolean;
* Member not found.
interface TeamListMemberDevicesErrorMemberNotFound {
'.tag': 'member_not_found';
interface TeamListMemberDevicesErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamListMemberDevicesError = TeamListMemberDevicesErrorMemberNotFound | TeamListMemberDevicesErrorOther;
interface TeamListMemberDevicesResult {
* List of web sessions made by this team member
active_web_sessions?: Array<TeamActiveWebSession>;
* List of desktop clients used by this team member
desktop_client_sessions?: Array<TeamDesktopClientSession>;
* List of mobile client used by this team member
mobile_client_sessions?: Array<TeamMobileClientSession>;
* Arguments for :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps`.
interface TeamListMembersAppsArg {
* At the first call to the :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps`
* the cursor shouldn't be passed. Then, if the result of the call includes
* a cursor, the following requests should include the received cursors in
* order to receive the next sub list of the team applications
cursor?: string;
* Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call
* :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps` again with an empty cursor to
* obtain a new cursor.
interface TeamListMembersAppsErrorReset {
'.tag': 'reset';
interface TeamListMembersAppsErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error returned by :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps`
type TeamListMembersAppsError = TeamListMembersAppsErrorReset | TeamListMembersAppsErrorOther;
* Information returned by :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps`.
interface TeamListMembersAppsResult {
* The linked applications of each member of the team
apps: Array<TeamMemberLinkedApps>;
* If true, then there are more apps available. Pass the cursor to
* :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps` to retrieve the rest.
has_more: boolean;
* Pass the cursor into :route:`linked_apps/list_members_linked_apps` to
* receive the next sub list of team's applications.
cursor?: string;
interface TeamListMembersDevicesArg {
* At the first call to the :route:`devices/list_members_devices` the cursor
* shouldn't be passed. Then, if the result of the call includes a cursor,
* the following requests should include the received cursors in order to
* receive the next sub list of team devices
cursor?: string;
* Whether to list web sessions of the team members
include_web_sessions: boolean;
* Whether to list desktop clients of the team members
include_desktop_clients: boolean;
* Whether to list mobile clients of the team members
include_mobile_clients: boolean;
* Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call
* :route:`devices/list_members_devices` again with an empty cursor to obtain
* a new cursor.
interface TeamListMembersDevicesErrorReset {
'.tag': 'reset';
interface TeamListMembersDevicesErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamListMembersDevicesError = TeamListMembersDevicesErrorReset | TeamListMembersDevicesErrorOther;
interface TeamListMembersDevicesResult {
* The devices of each member of the team
devices: Array<TeamMemberDevices>;
* If true, then there are more devices available. Pass the cursor to
* :route:`devices/list_members_devices` to retrieve the rest.
has_more: boolean;
* Pass the cursor into :route:`devices/list_members_devices` to receive the
* next sub list of team's devices.
cursor?: string;
* Arguments for :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps`.
interface TeamListTeamAppsArg {
* At the first call to the :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps` the
* cursor shouldn't be passed. Then, if the result of the call includes a
* cursor, the following requests should include the received cursors in
* order to receive the next sub list of the team applications
cursor?: string;
* Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call
* :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps` again with an empty cursor to
* obtain a new cursor.
interface TeamListTeamAppsErrorReset {
'.tag': 'reset';
interface TeamListTeamAppsErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error returned by :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps`
type TeamListTeamAppsError = TeamListTeamAppsErrorReset | TeamListTeamAppsErrorOther;
* Information returned by :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps`.
interface TeamListTeamAppsResult {
* The linked applications of each member of the team
apps: Array<TeamMemberLinkedApps>;
* If true, then there are more apps available. Pass the cursor to
* :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps` to retrieve the rest.
has_more: boolean;
* Pass the cursor into :route:`linked_apps/list_team_linked_apps` to
* receive the next sub list of team's applications.
cursor?: string;
interface TeamListTeamDevicesArg {
* At the first call to the :route:`devices/list_team_devices` the cursor
* shouldn't be passed. Then, if the result of the call includes a cursor,
* the following requests should include the received cursors in order to
* receive the next sub list of team devices
cursor?: string;
* Whether to list web sessions of the team members
include_web_sessions: boolean;
* Whether to list desktop clients of the team members
include_desktop_clients: boolean;
* Whether to list mobile clients of the team members
include_mobile_clients: boolean;
* Indicates that the cursor has been invalidated. Call
* :route:`devices/list_team_devices` again with an empty cursor to obtain a
* new cursor.
interface TeamListTeamDevicesErrorReset {
'.tag': 'reset';
interface TeamListTeamDevicesErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamListTeamDevicesError = TeamListTeamDevicesErrorReset | TeamListTeamDevicesErrorOther;
interface TeamListTeamDevicesResult {
* The devices of each member of the team
devices: Array<TeamMemberDevices>;
* If true, then there are more devices available. Pass the cursor to
* :route:`devices/list_team_devices` to retrieve the rest.
has_more: boolean;
* Pass the cursor into :route:`devices/list_team_devices` to receive the
* next sub list of team's devices.
cursor?: string;
* Specify access type a member should have when joined to a group.
interface TeamMemberAccess {
* Identity of a user.
user: TeamUserSelectorArg;
* Access type.
access_type: TeamGroupAccessType;
interface TeamMemberAddArg {
member_email: string;
* Member's first name.
member_given_name: string;
* Member's last name.
member_surname: string;
* External ID for member.
member_external_id?: string;
* Whether to send a welcome email to the member. If send_welcome_email is
* false, no email invitation will be sent to the user. This may be useful
* for apps using single sign-on (SSO) flows for onboarding that want to
* handle announcements themselves.
send_welcome_email: boolean;
role: TeamAdminTier;
* Describes a user that was successfully added to the team.
interface TeamMemberAddResultSuccess {
'.tag': 'success';
success: TeamTeamMemberInfo;
* Team is already full. The organization has no available licenses.
interface TeamMemberAddResultTeamLicenseLimit {
'.tag': 'team_license_limit';
team_license_limit: string;
* Team is already full. The free team member limit has been reached.
interface TeamMemberAddResultFreeTeamMemberLimitReached {
'.tag': 'free_team_member_limit_reached';
free_team_member_limit_reached: string;
* User is already on this team. The provided email address is associated with
* a user who is already a member of (including in recoverable state) or
* invited to the team.
interface TeamMemberAddResultUserAlreadyOnTeam {
'.tag': 'user_already_on_team';
user_already_on_team: string;
* User is already on another team. The provided email address is associated
* with a user that is already a member or invited to another team.
interface TeamMemberAddResultUserOnAnotherTeam {
'.tag': 'user_on_another_team';
user_on_another_team: string;
* User is already paired.
interface TeamMemberAddResultUserAlreadyPaired {
'.tag': 'user_already_paired';
user_already_paired: string;
* User migration has failed.
interface TeamMemberAddResultUserMigrationFailed {
'.tag': 'user_migration_failed';
user_migration_failed: string;
* A user with the given external member ID already exists on the team
* (including in recoverable state).
interface TeamMemberAddResultDuplicateExternalMemberId {
'.tag': 'duplicate_external_member_id';
duplicate_external_member_id: string;
* User creation has failed.
interface TeamMemberAddResultUserCreationFailed {
'.tag': 'user_creation_failed';
user_creation_failed: string;
* Describes the result of attempting to add a single user to the team.
* 'success' is the only value indicating that a user was indeed added to the
* team - the other values explain the type of failure that occurred, and
* include the email of the user for which the operation has failed.
type TeamMemberAddResult = TeamMemberAddResultSuccess | TeamMemberAddResultTeamLicenseLimit | TeamMemberAddResultFreeTeamMemberLimitReached | TeamMemberAddResultUserAlreadyOnTeam | TeamMemberAddResultUserOnAnotherTeam | TeamMemberAddResultUserAlreadyPaired | TeamMemberAddResultUserMigrationFailed | TeamMemberAddResultDuplicateExternalMemberId | TeamMemberAddResultUserCreationFailed;
* Information on devices of a team's member.
interface TeamMemberDevices {
* The member unique Id
team_member_id: string;
* List of web sessions made by this team member
web_sessions?: Array<TeamActiveWebSession>;
* List of desktop clients by this team member
desktop_clients?: Array<TeamDesktopClientSession>;
* List of mobile clients by this team member
mobile_clients?: Array<TeamMobileClientSession>;
* Information on linked applications of a team member.
interface TeamMemberLinkedApps {
* The member unique Id
team_member_id: string;
* List of third party applications linked by this team member
linked_api_apps: Array<TeamApiApp>;
* Basic member profile.
interface TeamMemberProfile {
* ID of user as a member of a team.
team_member_id: string;
* External ID that a team can attach to the user. An application using the
* API may find it easier to use their own IDs instead of Dropbox IDs like
* account_id or team_member_id.
external_id?: string;
* A user's account identifier.
account_id?: string;
* Email address of user.
email: string;
* Is true if the user's email is verified to be owned by the user.
email_verified: boolean;
* The user's status as a member of a specific team.
status: TeamTeamMemberStatus;
* Representations for a person's name.
name: UsersName;
* The user's membership type: full (normal team member) vs limited (does
* not use a license; no access to the team's shared quota).
membership_type: TeamTeamMembershipType;
* The user is not a member of the team.
interface TeamMemberSelectorErrorUserNotInTeam {
'.tag': 'user_not_in_team';
type TeamMemberSelectorError = TeamUserSelectorError | TeamMemberSelectorErrorUserNotInTeam;
interface TeamMembersAddArg {
* Details of new members to be added to the team.
new_members: Array<TeamMemberAddArg>;
* Whether to force the add to happen asynchronously.
force_async: boolean;
* The asynchronous job has finished. For each member that was specified in
* the parameter :type:`MembersAddArg` that was provided to
* :route:`members/add`, a corresponding item is returned in this list.
interface TeamMembersAddJobStatusComplete {
'.tag': 'complete';
complete: Array<TeamMemberAddResult>;
* The asynchronous job returned an error. The string contains an error
* message.
interface TeamMembersAddJobStatusFailed {
'.tag': 'failed';
failed: string;
type TeamMembersAddJobStatus = AsyncPollResultBase | TeamMembersAddJobStatusComplete | TeamMembersAddJobStatusFailed;
interface TeamMembersAddLaunchComplete {
'.tag': 'complete';
complete: Array<TeamMemberAddResult>;
type TeamMembersAddLaunch = AsyncLaunchResultBase | TeamMembersAddLaunchComplete;
* Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to
* identify the user account.
interface TeamMembersDeactivateArg {
* Identity of user to remove/suspend.
user: TeamUserSelectorArg;
* If provided, controls if the user's data will be deleted on their linked
* devices.
wipe_data: boolean;
* The user is not a member of the team.
interface TeamMembersDeactivateErrorUserNotInTeam {
'.tag': 'user_not_in_team';
interface TeamMembersDeactivateErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamMembersDeactivateError = TeamUserSelectorError | TeamMembersDeactivateErrorUserNotInTeam | TeamMembersDeactivateErrorOther;
interface TeamMembersGetInfoArgs {
* List of team members.
members: Array<TeamUserSelectorArg>;
interface TeamMembersGetInfoErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamMembersGetInfoError = TeamMembersGetInfoErrorOther;
* An ID that was provided as a parameter to :route:`members/get_info`, and
* did not match a corresponding user. This might be a team_member_id, an
* email, or an external ID, depending on how the method was called.
interface TeamMembersGetInfoItemIdNotFound {
'.tag': 'id_not_found';
id_not_found: string;
* Info about a team member.
interface TeamMembersGetInfoItemMemberInfo {
'.tag': 'member_info';
member_info: TeamTeamMemberInfo;
* Describes a result obtained for a single user whose id was specified in the
* parameter of :route:`members/get_info`.
type TeamMembersGetInfoItem = TeamMembersGetInfoItemIdNotFound | TeamMembersGetInfoItemMemberInfo;
interface TeamMembersListArg {
* Number of results to return per call.
limit: number;
* Whether to return removed members.
include_removed: boolean;
interface TeamMembersListContinueArg {
* Indicates from what point to get the next set of members.
cursor: string;
* The cursor is invalid.
interface TeamMembersListContinueErrorInvalidCursor {
'.tag': 'invalid_cursor';
interface TeamMembersListContinueErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamMembersListContinueError = TeamMembersListContinueErrorInvalidCursor | TeamMembersListContinueErrorOther;
interface TeamMembersListErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamMembersListError = TeamMembersListErrorOther;
interface TeamMembersListResult {
* List of team members.
members: Array<TeamTeamMemberInfo>;
* Pass the cursor into :route:`members/list/continue` to obtain the
* additional members.
cursor: string;
* Is true if there are additional team members that have not been returned
* yet. An additional call to :route:`members/list/continue` can retrieve
* them.
has_more: boolean;
* Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to
* identify the user account.
interface TeamMembersRecoverArg {
* Identity of user to recover.
user: TeamUserSelectorArg;
* The user is not recoverable.
interface TeamMembersRecoverErrorUserUnrecoverable {
'.tag': 'user_unrecoverable';
* The user is not a member of the team.
interface TeamMembersRecoverErrorUserNotInTeam {
'.tag': 'user_not_in_team';
interface TeamMembersRecoverErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamMembersRecoverError = TeamUserSelectorError | TeamMembersRecoverErrorUserUnrecoverable | TeamMembersRecoverErrorUserNotInTeam | TeamMembersRecoverErrorOther;
interface TeamMembersRemoveArg extends TeamMembersDeactivateArg {
* If provided, files from the deleted member account will be transferred to
* this user.
transfer_dest_id?: TeamUserSelectorArg;
* If provided, errors during the transfer process will be sent via email to
* this user. If the transfer_dest_id argument was provided, then this
* argument must be provided as well.
transfer_admin_id?: TeamUserSelectorArg;
* Downgrade the member to a Basic account. The user will retain the email
* address associated with their Dropbox account and data in their account
* that is not restricted to team members.
keep_account: boolean;
* The user is the last admin of the team, so it cannot be removed from it.
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorRemoveLastAdmin {
'.tag': 'remove_last_admin';
* Expected removed user and transfer_dest user to be different
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorRemovedAndTransferDestShouldDiffer {
'.tag': 'removed_and_transfer_dest_should_differ';
* Expected removed user and transfer_admin user to be different.
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorRemovedAndTransferAdminShouldDiffer {
'.tag': 'removed_and_transfer_admin_should_differ';
* No matching user found for the argument transfer_dest_id.
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorTransferDestUserNotFound {
'.tag': 'transfer_dest_user_not_found';
* The provided transfer_dest_id does not exist on this team.
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorTransferDestUserNotInTeam {
'.tag': 'transfer_dest_user_not_in_team';
* No matching user found for the argument transfer_admin_id.
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorTransferAdminUserNotFound {
'.tag': 'transfer_admin_user_not_found';
* The provided transfer_admin_id does not exist on this team.
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorTransferAdminUserNotInTeam {
'.tag': 'transfer_admin_user_not_in_team';
* The transfer_admin_id argument must be provided when file transfer is
* requested.
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorUnspecifiedTransferAdminId {
'.tag': 'unspecified_transfer_admin_id';
* Specified transfer_admin user is not a team admin.
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorTransferAdminIsNotAdmin {
'.tag': 'transfer_admin_is_not_admin';
* Cannot keep account and transfer the data to another user at the same time.
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorCannotKeepAccountAndTransfer {
'.tag': 'cannot_keep_account_and_transfer';
* Cannot keep account and delete the data at the same time.
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorCannotKeepAccountAndDeleteData {
'.tag': 'cannot_keep_account_and_delete_data';
* The email address of the user is too long to be disabled.
interface TeamMembersRemoveErrorEmailAddressTooLongToBeDisabled {
'.tag': 'email_address_too_long_to_be_disabled';
type TeamMembersRemoveError = TeamMembersDeactivateError | TeamMembersRemoveErrorRemoveLastAdmin | TeamMembersRemoveErrorRemovedAndTransferDestShouldDiffer | TeamMembersRemoveErrorRemovedAndTransferAdminShouldDiffer | TeamMembersRemoveErrorTransferDestUserNotFound | TeamMembersRemoveErrorTransferDestUserNotInTeam | TeamMembersRemoveErrorTransferAdminUserNotFound | TeamMembersRemoveErrorTransferAdminUserNotInTeam | TeamMembersRemoveErrorUnspecifiedTransferAdminId | TeamMembersRemoveErrorTransferAdminIsNotAdmin | TeamMembersRemoveErrorCannotKeepAccountAndTransfer | TeamMembersRemoveErrorCannotKeepAccountAndDeleteData | TeamMembersRemoveErrorEmailAddressTooLongToBeDisabled;
interface TeamMembersSendWelcomeErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamMembersSendWelcomeError = TeamMemberSelectorError | TeamMembersSendWelcomeErrorOther;
* Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to
* identify the user account.
interface TeamMembersSetPermissionsArg {
* Identity of user whose role will be set.
user: TeamUserSelectorArg;
* The new role of the member.
new_role: TeamAdminTier;
* Cannot remove the admin setting of the last admin.
interface TeamMembersSetPermissionsErrorLastAdmin {
'.tag': 'last_admin';
* The user is not a member of the team.
interface TeamMembersSetPermissionsErrorUserNotInTeam {
'.tag': 'user_not_in_team';
* Cannot remove/grant permissions.
interface TeamMembersSetPermissionsErrorCannotSetPermissions {
'.tag': 'cannot_set_permissions';
* Team is full. The organization has no available licenses.
interface TeamMembersSetPermissionsErrorTeamLicenseLimit {
'.tag': 'team_license_limit';
interface TeamMembersSetPermissionsErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamMembersSetPermissionsError = TeamUserSelectorError | TeamMembersSetPermissionsErrorLastAdmin | TeamMembersSetPermissionsErrorUserNotInTeam | TeamMembersSetPermissionsErrorCannotSetPermissions | TeamMembersSetPermissionsErrorTeamLicenseLimit | TeamMembersSetPermissionsErrorOther;
interface TeamMembersSetPermissionsResult {
* The member ID of the user to which the change was applied.
team_member_id: string;
* The role after the change.
role: TeamAdminTier;
* Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to
* identify the user account. At least one of new_email, new_external_id,
* new_given_name, and/or new_surname must be provided.
interface TeamMembersSetProfileArg {
* Identity of user whose profile will be set.
user: TeamUserSelectorArg;
* New email for member.
new_email?: string;
* New external ID for member.
new_external_id?: string;
* New given name for member.
new_given_name?: string;
* New surname for member.
new_surname?: string;
* It is unsafe to use both external_id and new_external_id
interface TeamMembersSetProfileErrorExternalIdAndNewExternalIdUnsafe {
'.tag': 'external_id_and_new_external_id_unsafe';
* None of new_email, new_given_name, new_surname, or new_external_id are
* specified
interface TeamMembersSetProfileErrorNoNewDataSpecified {
'.tag': 'no_new_data_specified';
* Email is already reserved for another user.
interface TeamMembersSetProfileErrorEmailReservedForOtherUser {
'.tag': 'email_reserved_for_other_user';
* The external ID is already in use by another team member.
interface TeamMembersSetProfileErrorExternalIdUsedByOtherUser {
'.tag': 'external_id_used_by_other_user';
* Setting profile disallowed
interface TeamMembersSetProfileErrorSetProfileDisallowed {
'.tag': 'set_profile_disallowed';
* Parameter new_email cannot be empty.
interface TeamMembersSetProfileErrorParamCannotBeEmpty {
'.tag': 'param_cannot_be_empty';
interface TeamMembersSetProfileErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamMembersSetProfileError = TeamMemberSelectorError | TeamMembersSetProfileErrorExternalIdAndNewExternalIdUnsafe | TeamMembersSetProfileErrorNoNewDataSpecified | TeamMembersSetProfileErrorEmailReservedForOtherUser | TeamMembersSetProfileErrorExternalIdUsedByOtherUser | TeamMembersSetProfileErrorSetProfileDisallowed | TeamMembersSetProfileErrorParamCannotBeEmpty | TeamMembersSetProfileErrorOther;
* The user is not active, so it cannot be suspended.
interface TeamMembersSuspendErrorSuspendInactiveUser {
'.tag': 'suspend_inactive_user';
* The user is the last admin of the team, so it cannot be suspended.
interface TeamMembersSuspendErrorSuspendLastAdmin {
'.tag': 'suspend_last_admin';
* Team is full. The organization has no available licenses.
interface TeamMembersSuspendErrorTeamLicenseLimit {
'.tag': 'team_license_limit';
type TeamMembersSuspendError = TeamMembersDeactivateError | TeamMembersSuspendErrorSuspendInactiveUser | TeamMembersSuspendErrorSuspendLastAdmin | TeamMembersSuspendErrorTeamLicenseLimit;
* Exactly one of team_member_id, email, or external_id must be provided to
* identify the user account.
interface TeamMembersUnsuspendArg {
* Identity of user to unsuspend.
user: TeamUserSelectorArg;
* The user is unsuspended, so it cannot be unsuspended again.
interface TeamMembersUnsuspendErrorUnsuspendNonSuspendedMember {
'.tag': 'unsuspend_non_suspended_member';
* Team is full. The organization has no available licenses.
interface TeamMembersUnsuspendErrorTeamLicenseLimit {
'.tag': 'team_license_limit';
type TeamMembersUnsuspendError = TeamMembersDeactivateError | TeamMembersUnsuspendErrorUnsuspendNonSuspendedMember | TeamMembersUnsuspendErrorTeamLicenseLimit;
* Official Dropbox iPhone client
interface TeamMobileClientPlatformIphone {
'.tag': 'iphone';
* Official Dropbox iPad client
interface TeamMobileClientPlatformIpad {
'.tag': 'ipad';
* Official Dropbox Android client
interface TeamMobileClientPlatformAndroid {
'.tag': 'android';
* Official Dropbox Windows phone client
interface TeamMobileClientPlatformWindowsPhone {
'.tag': 'windows_phone';
* Official Dropbox Blackberry client
interface TeamMobileClientPlatformBlackberry {
'.tag': 'blackberry';
interface TeamMobileClientPlatformOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamMobileClientPlatform = TeamMobileClientPlatformIphone | TeamMobileClientPlatformIpad | TeamMobileClientPlatformAndroid | TeamMobileClientPlatformWindowsPhone | TeamMobileClientPlatformBlackberry | TeamMobileClientPlatformOther;
* Information about linked Dropbox mobile client sessions
interface TeamMobileClientSession extends TeamDeviceSession {
* The device name
device_name: string;
* The mobile application type
client_type: TeamMobileClientPlatform;
* The dropbox client version
client_version?: string;
* The hosting OS version
os_version?: string;
* last carrier used by the device
last_carrier?: string;
interface TeamRemovedStatus {
* True if the removed team member is recoverable
is_recoverable: boolean;
interface TeamRevokeDesktopClientArg extends TeamDeviceSessionArg {
* Whether to delete all files of the account (this is possible only if
* supported by the desktop client and will be made the next time the
* client access the account)
delete_on_unlink: boolean;
* End an active session
interface TeamRevokeDeviceSessionArgWebSession {
'.tag': 'web_session';
web_session: TeamDeviceSessionArg;
* Unlink a linked desktop device
interface TeamRevokeDeviceSessionArgDesktopClient {
'.tag': 'desktop_client';
desktop_client: TeamRevokeDesktopClientArg;
* Unlink a linked mobile device
interface TeamRevokeDeviceSessionArgMobileClient {
'.tag': 'mobile_client';
mobile_client: TeamDeviceSessionArg;
type TeamRevokeDeviceSessionArg = TeamRevokeDeviceSessionArgWebSession | TeamRevokeDeviceSessionArgDesktopClient | TeamRevokeDeviceSessionArgMobileClient;
interface TeamRevokeDeviceSessionBatchArg {
revoke_devices: Array<TeamRevokeDeviceSessionArg>;
interface TeamRevokeDeviceSessionBatchErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamRevokeDeviceSessionBatchError = TeamRevokeDeviceSessionBatchErrorOther;
interface TeamRevokeDeviceSessionBatchResult {
revoke_devices_status: Array<TeamRevokeDeviceSessionStatus>;
* Device session not found.
interface TeamRevokeDeviceSessionErrorDeviceSessionNotFound {
'.tag': 'device_session_not_found';
* Member not found.
interface TeamRevokeDeviceSessionErrorMemberNotFound {
'.tag': 'member_not_found';
interface TeamRevokeDeviceSessionErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type TeamRevokeDeviceSessionError = TeamRevokeDeviceSessionErrorDeviceSessionNotFound | TeamRevokeDeviceSessionErrorMemberNotFound | TeamRevokeDeviceSessionErrorOther;
interface TeamRevokeDeviceSessionStatus {
* Result of the revoking request
success: boolean;
* The error cause in case of a failure
error_type?: TeamRevokeDeviceSessionError;
interface TeamRevokeLinkedApiAppArg {
* The application's unique id
app_id: string;
* The unique id of the member owning the device
team_member_id: string;
* Whether to keep the application dedicated folder (in case the application
* uses one)
keep_app_folder: boolean;
interface TeamRevokeLinkedApiAppBatchArg {
revoke_linked_app: Array<TeamRevokeLinkedApiAppArg>;
interface TeamRevokeLinkedAppBatchErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error returned by :route:`linked_apps/revoke_linked_app_batch`.
type TeamRevokeLinkedAppBatchError = TeamRevokeLinkedAppBatchErrorOther;
interface TeamRevokeLinkedAppBatchResult {
revoke_linked_app_status: Array<TeamRevokeLinkedAppStatus>;
* Application not found.
interface TeamRevokeLinkedAppErrorAppNotFound {
'.tag': 'app_not_found';
* Member not found.
interface TeamRevokeLinkedAppErrorMemberNotFound {
'.tag': 'member_not_found';
interface TeamRevokeLinkedAppErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Error returned by :route:`linked_apps/revoke_linked_app`.
type TeamRevokeLinkedAppError = TeamRevokeLinkedAppErrorAppNotFound | TeamRevokeLinkedAppErrorMemberNotFound | TeamRevokeLinkedAppErrorOther;
interface TeamRevokeLinkedAppStatus {
* Result of the revoking request
success: boolean;
* The error cause in case of a failure
error_type?: TeamRevokeLinkedAppError;
* Describes the number of users in a specific storage bucket.
interface TeamStorageBucket {
* The name of the storage bucket. For example, '1G' is a bucket of users
* with storage size up to 1 Giga.
bucket: string;
* The number of people whose storage is in the range of this storage
* bucket.
users: number;
interface TeamTeamGetInfoResult {
* The name of the team.
name: string;
* The ID of the team.
team_id: string;
* The number of licenses available to the team.
num_licensed_users: number;
* The number of accounts that have been invited or are already active
* members of the team.
num_provisioned_users: number;
policies: Team_policiesTeamMemberPolicies;
* Information about a team member.
interface TeamTeamMemberInfo {
* Profile of a user as a member of a team.
profile: TeamTeamMemberProfile;
* The user's role in the team.
role: TeamAdminTier;
* Profile of a user as a member of a team.
interface TeamTeamMemberProfile extends TeamMemberProfile {
* List of group IDs of groups that the user belongs to.
groups: Array<Object>;
* User has successfully joined the team.
interface TeamTeamMemberStatusActive {
'.tag': 'active';
* User has been invited to a team, but has not joined the team yet.
interface TeamTeamMemberStatusInvited {
'.tag': 'invited';
* User is no longer a member of the team, but the account can be
* un-suspended, re-establishing the user as a team member.
interface TeamTeamMemberStatusSuspended {
'.tag': 'suspended';
* User is no longer a member of the team. Removed users are only listed when
* include_removed is true in members/list.
interface TeamTeamMemberStatusRemoved {
'.tag': 'removed';
removed: TeamRemovedStatus;
* The user's status as a member of a specific team.
type TeamTeamMemberStatus = TeamTeamMemberStatusActive | TeamTeamMemberStatusInvited | TeamTeamMemberStatusSuspended | TeamTeamMemberStatusRemoved;
* User uses a license and has full access to team resources like the shared
* quota.
interface TeamTeamMembershipTypeFull {
'.tag': 'full';
* User does not have access to the shared quota and team admins have
* restricted administrative control.
interface TeamTeamMembershipTypeLimited {
'.tag': 'limited';
type TeamTeamMembershipType = TeamTeamMembershipTypeFull | TeamTeamMembershipTypeLimited;
interface TeamUpdatePropertyTemplateArg {
* An identifier for property template added by
* :route:`properties/template/add`.
template_id: string;
* A display name for the property template. Property template names can be
* up to 256 bytes.
name?: string;
* Description for new property template. Property template descriptions can
* be up to 1024 bytes.
description?: string;
* This is a list of custom properties to add to the property template.
* There can be up to 64 properties in a single property template.
add_fields?: Array<PropertiesPropertyFieldTemplate>;
interface TeamUpdatePropertyTemplateResult {
* An identifier for property template added by
* :route:`properties/template/add`.
template_id: string;
interface TeamUserSelectorArgTeamMemberId {
'.tag': 'team_member_id';
team_member_id: string;
interface TeamUserSelectorArgExternalId {
'.tag': 'external_id';
external_id: string;
interface TeamUserSelectorArgEmail {
'.tag': 'email';
email: string;
* Argument for selecting a single user, either by team_member_id, external_id
* or email.
type TeamUserSelectorArg = TeamUserSelectorArgTeamMemberId | TeamUserSelectorArgExternalId | TeamUserSelectorArgEmail;
* No matching user found. The provided team_member_id, email, or external_id
* does not exist on this team.
interface TeamUserSelectorErrorUserNotFound {
'.tag': 'user_not_found';
* Error that can be returned whenever a struct derived from
* :type:`UserSelectorArg` is used.
type TeamUserSelectorError = TeamUserSelectorErrorUserNotFound;
* List of member IDs.
interface TeamUsersSelectorArgTeamMemberIds {
'.tag': 'team_member_ids';
team_member_ids: Array<Object>;
* List of external user IDs.
interface TeamUsersSelectorArgExternalIds {
'.tag': 'external_ids';
external_ids: Array<Object>;
* List of email addresses.
interface TeamUsersSelectorArgEmails {
'.tag': 'emails';
emails: Array<Object>;
* Argument for selecting a list of users, either by team_member_ids,
* external_ids or emails.
type TeamUsersSelectorArg = TeamUsersSelectorArgTeamMemberIds | TeamUsersSelectorArgExternalIds | TeamUsersSelectorArgEmails;
* A group which is managed by team admins only.
interface Team_commonGroupManagementTypeCompanyManaged {
'.tag': 'company_managed';
* A group which is managed by selected users.
interface Team_commonGroupManagementTypeUserManaged {
'.tag': 'user_managed';
interface Team_commonGroupManagementTypeOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* The group type determines how a group is managed.
type Team_commonGroupManagementType = Team_commonGroupManagementTypeCompanyManaged | Team_commonGroupManagementTypeUserManaged | Team_commonGroupManagementTypeOther;
* Information about a group.
interface Team_commonGroupSummary {
group_name: string;
group_id: string;
* External ID of group. This is an arbitrary ID that an admin can attach to
* a group.
group_external_id?: string;
* The number of members in the group.
member_count?: number;
* Who is allowed to manage the group.
group_management_type: Team_commonGroupManagementType;
* A group to which team members are automatically added. Applicable to
* :link:`team folders` only.
interface Team_commonGroupTypeTeam {
'.tag': 'team';
* A group is created and managed by a user.
interface Team_commonGroupTypeUserManaged {
'.tag': 'user_managed';
interface Team_commonGroupTypeOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* The group type determines how a group is created and managed.
type Team_commonGroupType = Team_commonGroupTypeTeam | Team_commonGroupTypeUserManaged | Team_commonGroupTypeOther;
* Emm token is disabled
interface Team_policiesEmmStateDisabled {
'.tag': 'disabled';
* Emm token is optional
interface Team_policiesEmmStateOptional {
'.tag': 'optional';
* Emm token is required
interface Team_policiesEmmStateRequired {
'.tag': 'required';
interface Team_policiesEmmStateOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type Team_policiesEmmState = Team_policiesEmmStateDisabled | Team_policiesEmmStateOptional | Team_policiesEmmStateRequired | Team_policiesEmmStateOther;
* Team members can only join folders shared by teammates.
interface Team_policiesSharedFolderJoinPolicyFromTeamOnly {
'.tag': 'from_team_only';
* Team members can join any shared folder, including those shared by users
* outside the team.
interface Team_policiesSharedFolderJoinPolicyFromAnyone {
'.tag': 'from_anyone';
interface Team_policiesSharedFolderJoinPolicyOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Policy governing which shared folders a team member can join.
type Team_policiesSharedFolderJoinPolicy = Team_policiesSharedFolderJoinPolicyFromTeamOnly | Team_policiesSharedFolderJoinPolicyFromAnyone | Team_policiesSharedFolderJoinPolicyOther;
* Only a teammate can be a member of a folder shared by a team member.
interface Team_policiesSharedFolderMemberPolicyTeam {
'.tag': 'team';
* Anyone can be a member of a folder shared by a team member.
interface Team_policiesSharedFolderMemberPolicyAnyone {
'.tag': 'anyone';
interface Team_policiesSharedFolderMemberPolicyOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Policy governing who can be a member of a folder shared by a team member.
type Team_policiesSharedFolderMemberPolicy = Team_policiesSharedFolderMemberPolicyTeam | Team_policiesSharedFolderMemberPolicyAnyone | Team_policiesSharedFolderMemberPolicyOther;
* By default, anyone can access newly created shared links. No login will be
* required to access the shared links unless overridden.
interface Team_policiesSharedLinkCreatePolicyDefaultPublic {
'.tag': 'default_public';
* By default, only members of the same team can access newly created shared
* links. Login will be required to access the shared links unless overridden.
interface Team_policiesSharedLinkCreatePolicyDefaultTeamOnly {
'.tag': 'default_team_only';
* Only members of the same team can access newly created shared links. Login
* will be required to access the shared links.
interface Team_policiesSharedLinkCreatePolicyTeamOnly {
'.tag': 'team_only';
interface Team_policiesSharedLinkCreatePolicyOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Policy governing the visibility of newly created shared links.
type Team_policiesSharedLinkCreatePolicy = Team_policiesSharedLinkCreatePolicyDefaultPublic | Team_policiesSharedLinkCreatePolicyDefaultTeamOnly | Team_policiesSharedLinkCreatePolicyTeamOnly | Team_policiesSharedLinkCreatePolicyOther;
* Policies governing team members.
interface Team_policiesTeamMemberPolicies {
* Policies governing sharing.
sharing: Team_policiesTeamSharingPolicies;
* This describes the Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) state for this
* team. This information can be used to understand if an organization is
* integrating with a third-party EMM vendor to further manage and apply
* restrictions upon the team's Dropbox usage on mobile devices. This is a
* new feature and in the future we'll be adding more new fields and
* additional documentation.
emm_state: Team_policiesEmmState;
* Policies governing sharing within and outside of the team.
interface Team_policiesTeamSharingPolicies {
* Who can join folders shared by team members.
shared_folder_member_policy: Team_policiesSharedFolderMemberPolicy;
* Which shared folders team members can join.
shared_folder_join_policy: Team_policiesSharedFolderJoinPolicy;
* What is the visibility of newly created shared links.
shared_link_create_policy: Team_policiesSharedLinkCreatePolicy;
* The amount of detail revealed about an account depends on the user being
* queried and the user making the query.
interface UsersAccount {
* The user's unique Dropbox ID.
account_id: string;
* Details of a user's name.
name: UsersName;
* The user's e-mail address. Do not rely on this without checking the
* :field:`email_verified` field. Even then, it's possible that the user has
* since lost access to their e-mail.
email: string;
* Whether the user has verified their e-mail address.
email_verified: boolean;
* URL for the photo representing the user, if one is set.
profile_photo_url?: string;
* Whether the user has been disabled.
disabled: boolean;
* The basic account type.
interface UsersAccountTypeBasic {
'.tag': 'basic';
* The Dropbox Pro account type.
interface UsersAccountTypePro {
'.tag': 'pro';
* The Dropbox Business account type.
interface UsersAccountTypeBusiness {
'.tag': 'business';
* What type of account this user has.
type UsersAccountType = UsersAccountTypeBasic | UsersAccountTypePro | UsersAccountTypeBusiness;
* Basic information about any account.
interface UsersBasicAccount extends UsersAccount {
* Whether this user is a teammate of the current user. If this account is
* the current user's account, then this will be :val:`true`.
is_teammate: boolean;
* The user's unique team member id. This field will only be present if the
* user is part of a team and :field:`is_teammate` is :val:`true`.
team_member_id?: string;
* Detailed information about the current user's account.
interface UsersFullAccount extends UsersAccount {
* The user's two-letter country code, if available. Country codes are based
* on :link:`ISO 3166-1`.
country?: string;
* The language that the user specified. Locale tags will be :link:`IETF
* language tags`.
locale: string;
* The user's :link:`referral link`.
referral_link: string;
* If this account is a member of a team, information about that team.
team?: UsersFullTeam;
* This account's unique team member id. This field will only be present if
* :field:`team` is present.
team_member_id?: string;
* Whether the user has a personal and work account. If the current account
* is personal, then :field:`team` will always be :val:`null`, but
* :field:`is_paired` will indicate if a work account is linked.
is_paired: boolean;
* What type of account this user has.
account_type: UsersAccountType;
* Detailed information about a team.
interface UsersFullTeam extends UsersTeam {
* Team policies governing sharing.
sharing_policies: Team_policiesTeamSharingPolicies;
interface UsersGetAccountArg {
* A user's account identifier.
account_id: string;
interface UsersGetAccountBatchArg {
* List of user account identifiers. Should not contain any duplicate
* account IDs.
account_ids: Array<Object>;
* The value is an account ID specified in
* :field:`GetAccountBatchArg.account_ids` that does not exist.
interface UsersGetAccountBatchErrorNoAccount {
'.tag': 'no_account';
no_account: string;
interface UsersGetAccountBatchErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type UsersGetAccountBatchError = UsersGetAccountBatchErrorNoAccount | UsersGetAccountBatchErrorOther;
* The specified :field:`GetAccountArg.account_id` does not exist.
interface UsersGetAccountErrorNoAccount {
'.tag': 'no_account';
interface UsersGetAccountErrorOther {
'.tag': 'other';
type UsersGetAccountError = UsersGetAccountErrorNoAccount | UsersGetAccountErrorOther;
interface UsersIndividualSpaceAllocation {
* The total space allocated to the user's account (bytes).
allocated: number;
* Representations for a person's name to assist with internationalization.
interface UsersName {
* Also known as a first name.
given_name: string;
* Also known as a last name or family name.
surname: string;
* Locale-dependent name. In the US, a person's familiar name is their
* :field:`given_name`, but elsewhere, it could be any combination of a
* person's :field:`given_name` and :field:`surname`.
familiar_name: string;
* A name that can be used directly to represent the name of a user's
* Dropbox account.
display_name: string;
* An abbreviated form of the person's name. Their initials in most locales.
abbreviated_name: string;
* The user's space allocation applies only to their individual account.
interface UsersSpaceAllocationIndividual {
'.tag': 'individual';
individual: UsersIndividualSpaceAllocation;
* The user shares space with other members of their team.
interface UsersSpaceAllocationTeam {
'.tag': 'team';
team: UsersTeamSpaceAllocation;
interface UsersSpaceAllocationOther {
'.tag': 'other';
* Space is allocated differently based on the type of account.
type UsersSpaceAllocation = UsersSpaceAllocationIndividual | UsersSpaceAllocationTeam | UsersSpaceAllocationOther;
* Information about a user's space usage and quota.
interface UsersSpaceUsage {
* The user's total space usage (bytes).
used: number;
* The user's space allocation.
allocation: UsersSpaceAllocation;
* Information about a team.
interface UsersTeam {
* The team's unique ID.
id: string;
* The name of the team.
name: string;
interface UsersTeamSpaceAllocation {
* The total space currently used by the user's team (bytes).
used: number;
* The total space allocated to the user's team (bytes).
allocated: number;
declare var Dropbox: DropboxTypes.Dropbox;
declare module "dropbox" {
export = DropboxTypes.Dropbox;
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