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Created January 26, 2024 16:06
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(ns ansible
[ :as shell]
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]))
(defn- keyword-to-string [x]
(if (keyword? x)
(name x)
(defn ansible-parameters [a-map]
(str "{"
(string/join ", "
(for [[key value] a-map]
(str "\""
(keyword-to-string key)
"\": \""
(keyword-to-string value)
(deftest test-ansible-parameters
(is (= "{\"cmd\": \"ls\", \"chdir\": \"/\"}"
(ansible-parameters {:cmd "ls"
:chdir "/"}))))
(defn run-ansible [user host key-file module module-parameters & [additional-ansible-parameters]]
(let [result (apply shell/sh
"-i" (str host ",")
"--key-file" key-file
"-e" (str "ansible_ssh_user=" user)
"-m" (name module)
"-a" (ansible-parameters module-parameters)
(when (not= 0 (:exit result))
(throw (Exception. (pr-str result))))
(run-ansible "myaccount"
{:cmd "ls -l"})
(run-ansible "myaccount"
{:cmd "ls -l"}
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