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Created July 9, 2018 07:09
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Amchart - Multiple chart react component
import React from "react";
import AmCharts from "@amcharts/amcharts3-react";
export default class Amcharts extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
return (
<div style={{height:"400px"}}>
width: "100%",
height: "500px"
"type": "stock",
"theme": "light",
"dataDateFormat": "DD-MM-YYYY",
"dataSets": [ {
"title": "MSFT",
"fieldMappings": [ {
"fromField": "Close",
"toField": "value"
}, {
"fromField": "Volume",
"toField": "volume"
} ],
"dataLoader": {
"url": "",
"format": "csv",
"delimiter": ",",
"useColumnNames": true,
"skip": 1,
"numberFields": ["Close", "Volume"],
"reverse": true,
"postProcess": function( data ) {
// Function that reformats dates
function reformatDate( input ) {
// Reformat months
var mapObj = {
"Jan": "01",
"Feb": "02",
"Mar": "03",
"Apr": "04",
"May": "05",
"Jun": "06",
"Jul": "07",
"Aug": "08",
"Sep": "09",
"Oct": "10",
"Nov": "11",
"Dec": "12"
var re = new RegExp( Object.keys( mapObj ).join( "|" ), "gi" );
input = input.replace( re, function( matched ) {
return mapObj[ matched ];
} );
// Reformat years and days into four and two digits respectively
var p = input.split("-");
if (p[0].length == 1) {
p[0] = "0" + p[0];
if (Number(p[2]) > 50) {
p[2] = "19" + p[2];
else {
p[2] = "20" + p[2];
return p.join("-");
// Reformat all dates
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
data[ i ].Date = reformatDate( data[ i ].Date );
return data;
"categoryField": "Date"
} ],
"panels": [ {
"showCategoryAxis": false,
"title": "Value",
"percentHeight": 70,
"stockGraphs": [ {
id: "g1",
valueField: "value",
comparable: true,
compareField: "value",
balloonText: "[[title]]:<b>[[value]]</b>",
compareGraphBalloonText: "[[title]]:<b>[[value]]</b>"
} ],
stockLegend: {
periodValueTextComparing: "[[percents.value.close]]%",
periodValueTextRegular: "[[value.close]]"
"title": "Volume",
"percentHeight": 30,
"stockGraphs": [ {
valueField: "volume",
type: "column",
showBalloon: false,
fillAlphas: 1
} ],
stockLegend: {
periodValueTextRegular: "[[value.close]]"
"chartScrollbarSettings": {
"graph": "g1"
"chartCursorSettings": {
"valueBalloonsEnabled": true,
"fullWidth": true,
"cursorAlpha": 0.1,
"valueLineBalloonEnabled": true,
"valueLineEnabled": true,
"valueLineAlpha": 0.5
periodSelector: {
periods: [ {
period: "MM",
selected: true,
count: 1,
label: "1 month"
}, {
period: "YYYY",
count: 1,
label: "1 year"
}, {
period: "YTD",
label: "YTD"
}, {
period: "MAX",
label: "MAX"
} ]
"event": "clickGraph",
"method": (e)=>{console.log(e,33333333)}
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