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Last active August 3, 2023 08:48
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Change in Haskell using explicit memoization instead of State monad
module Change (findFewestCoins) where
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Map (Map, (!?))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Safe.Foldable (minimumByMay)
type Change = Maybe [Integer]
type Cache = Map Integer Change
findFewestCoins :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Change
findFewestCoins target coins = snd $ findAndUpdateCache Map.empty target where
findAndUpdateCache :: Cache -> Integer -> (Cache, Change)
findAndUpdateCache cache target' =
case compare target' 0 of
LT -> (cache, Nothing)
EQ -> (cache, Just [])
GT -> case cache !? target' of
Just solution -> (cache, solution)
Nothing -> (Map.insert target' solution cache', solution) where
(cache', solutions') = foldl (solveAndUpdate target') (cache, []) coins
candidates = [coin : solution' | (coin, Just solution') <- solutions']
solution = minimumByMay (compare `on` length) candidates
solveAndUpdate :: Integer -> (Cache, [(Integer, Change)]) -> Integer -> (Cache, [(Integer, Change)])
solveAndUpdate target (cache, ys) coin = (cache', (coin, solution) : ys)
where (cache', solution) = findAndUpdateCache cache $ target - coin
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