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Last active October 18, 2018 18:29
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A minimal example of using tf-encrypted for secure inference
import tensorflow as tf
import tf_encrypted as tfe
# define the parties
"model-owner": "localhost:2222",
"prediction-client": "",
"server0": "",
"server1": ""})
# generic functions for loading model weights and input data on each party
def provide_weights(): """Loads the model weights on the model-owner party."""
def provide_input(): """Loads the input data on the prediction-client party."""
def receive_output(): """Receives and decrypts output on prediction-client."""
# get model weights/input data as private tensors from each party
w0, b0, w1, b1, w2, b2 = tfe.define_private_input("model-owner", provide_weights)
x = tfe.define_private_input("prediction-client", provide_input)
# compute secure prediction
layer0 = tfe.relu((tfe.matmul(x, w0) + b0))
layer1 = tfe.relu((tfe.matmul(layer0, w1) + b1))
logits = tfe.matmul(layer1, w2) + b2
# send prediction output back to client
prediction_op = tfe.define_output("prediction-client", [logits], receive_output)
# run secure graph execution in a tf.Session
with tfe.Session() as sess:, tag="init"), tag="prediction")
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