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jvns/ Secret

Last active March 27, 2024 19:51
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some git mistakes people have listed on Mastodon. the ones in bold are (anecdotally) more common

  • committing

    • staging changes carefully, then running git commit -a
    • git commit --amending the wrong commit (eg thinking I've already committed some changes, but I haven't)
    • forgetting that I've already done a git push, and then doing another git commit --amend
    • got confused about what repo/machine I was on and wrote wrong commit message
    • git commit -ammend instead of git commit --amend
    • committing with the wrong email address
    • accidentally committing a large binary file and only noticing much later
    • forgetting to add new source files before committing
    • not committing frequently enough
    • git commit instead of git commit --amend
  • rebase

    • forgetting to put in a temporary tag before doing an interactive rebase.
    • forgetting when to do git rebase --continue vs git commit --amend vs git commit during a rebase
    • rebasing a long history without squashing first, getting a new merge conflict for every commit and then losing track of which changes come from which branch.
    • overambitious git rebase --interactive
    • tagging releases before i rebase instead of after.
    • trying to recover from merge/rebase conflicts instead of backing away slowly and cherry picking my way to victory.
    • switching from rebase updates to merge updates too soon
    • squashing too much before merging
  • losing uncommitted changes

    • losing uncommitted changes with git checkout or git restore
    • misunderstanding what git reset --hard does and losing work
    • 'git clean -fd' without first doing 'git add'
  • reset

    • running git reset when I have uncommitted changes
  • merge

    • getting distracted in the middle of a merge, and then coming back to a half-merged mess
    • getting distracted in the middle of a merge or rebase and later creating a new commit before having finished.
    • committing a revert of a merge has messed me up in the past, because if you then try to re-merge the original work, the original work is already in history and has already been reverted.
    • not noticing that a merge or rebase failed, charging on with new code, and later wondering why there are merge markers.
    • branch of a branch, but I forget about it for a while and rebase the ‘middle’ from upstream without thinking about the implications. The ‘leaf’ has merge commits too though, and it takes a while to unwind (in the past, I’ve given up, copied the entire repo state to a temp dir, deleted the branch and recreate it again with a single commit by copying the dir back over)
    • delete/rename conflicts. I had to checkout to a previous commit, copy a file manually, do the merge /rebase, and then reapply my changes by hand.
    • incorrectly resolved merge conflicts
  • push/pull

    • forgetting to pull before starting work (forget to pull the latest main, create a new branch, open a PR, immediate merge conflicts)
    • accidentally pushing WIP commits to main
    • pulling the wrong upstream branch into a local branch
    • pushing to the wrong remote
    • force pushing without having pulled
    • cloning a repo with the wrong identity
    • forgetting to push
  • wrong commit

    • cherry picking wrong commit
  • wrong branch

    • commiting to main instead of starting a new branch
    • committing in detached HEAD state & switching branches
    • merging into the wrong branch
    • git branch -Ding the wrong branch
    • typing git branch NEW instead of git checkout -b NEWBRANCH and forgetting that git branch doesn't actually check out the new branch
    • committing to the wrong branch
  • submodules

    • updating submodules in the same repo on two computers.
    • interrupting git during a submodule update --init which can leave repos with a branch checked out but all files missing.
    • git add external/repo/ when I mean git add external/repo The first one adds all the files in the repo, the second makes a submodule.
  • stash

    • git add-ing a bunch of stuff and then running git stash without --keep-index ("git should have a stash.keepIndex configuration option that changes that behavior to be the default")
    • pop something old with git stash, screw up the merge, lose it forever (prevention: use git stash apply)
    • stashing changes and then forgetting about them and having to redo the work
    • forgetting to --include-untracked on a git stash
  • other

    • deleting .git
    • pressing Ctrl-C to cancel a long-running sync/checkout/etc. and getting into some weird transient state
    • Reverting no changes (because I don't know, used wrong hash?) or reverting then trying to pull and somehow ending up with my changes anyway?
    • not creating a .gitignore file early enough and committing junk
  • mysterious

    • I don't know what I did, but git once complained (IIRC) that “master” was an ambiguous name
    • Trying to squash a subset of a bunch of commits into one so it can be merged, and the local copy of the repo gets corrupted
    • in a really big repo: fetching so many temporary branches over and over that the GC stops working
    • I accidentally committed and pushed a bunch of images before double-checking that LFS was set up to track them correctly. Had to rebuild entire commit graph and force push everything.
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