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Created June 23, 2015 13:35
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0.15 version of Lib.elm
import Set
import Array
import Text
import Time
import Mouse
import Keyboard
import Graphics.Collage
import Graphics.Element
import Graphics.Input
import Html
import Color
import Signal exposing ((<~), sampleOn, constant, foldp, map, map2, merge)
-- write program here
-- ignore everything below here
gridsize = 20
makeGrid x1 y1 x2 y2 =
x_ = (x1 + x2) / 2
xh = x_ - x1
y_ = (y1 + y2) / 2
yh = y_ - y1
[ group <| (\i -> let x = toFloat i * gridsize - x_ in path' (dotted (Color.greyscale 0.15)) [ (x,-yh), (x,yh) ])
[ ceiling (x1/gridsize) .. floor (x2/gridsize) ]
, group <| (\j -> let y = toFloat j * gridsize - y_ in path' (dotted (Color.greyscale 0.15)) [ (-xh,y), (xh,y) ])
[ ceiling (y1/gridsize) .. floor (y2/gridsize) ]
, move (-x_,-y_) (Graphics.Collage.filled red ( 2))
type Timing = Every Float | FPS Float | AnimationFrame
display' : (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> ((Float,Float) -> Float -> Picture) -> Maybe Timing -> Signal Graphics.Element.Element
display' p1 p2 f =
displayWithState' p1 p2 (\p t _ -> f p t) () (\_ _ _ -> identity)
displayWithState' : (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> ((Float,Float) -> Float -> a -> Picture) -> a -> (Event -> (Float,Float) -> Float -> a -> a) -> Maybe Timing -> Signal Graphics.Element.Element
displayWithState' (x1,y1) (x2,y2) f =
x2_ = max (x1 + 1) x2
y2_ = max (y1 + 1) y2
d = (toFloat (-x1 - x2_) / 2, toFloat (-y1 - y2_) / 2)
toScreen x1 y2_ (\_ p t s -> Graphics.Collage.collage (x2_ - x1) (y2_ - y1) [ move d (f p t s) ]) []
display : (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> ((Float,Float) -> Float -> Picture) -> Maybe Timing -> Signal Graphics.Element.Element
display p1 p2 f mt =
elaborateDisplay ( (always "Zeit auf Null") mt) p1 p2 (\p t _ -> f p t) () (\_ _ _ -> identity) mt
displayWithState : (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> ((Float,Float) -> Float -> a -> Picture) -> a -> (Event -> (Float,Float) -> Float -> a -> a) -> Maybe Timing -> Signal Graphics.Element.Element
displayWithState =
elaborateDisplay (Just "auf Anfang")
elaborateDisplay mr (x1,y1) (x2,y2) f ini upd =
let x2_ = max (x1 + 1) x2
y2_ = max (y1 + 1) y2
x1' = toFloat x1
y1' = toFloat y1
x2' = toFloat x2_
y2' = toFloat y2_
grid = makeGrid x1' y1' x2' y2'
gridMbx = Signal.mailbox False -- value here actually irrelevant
gridCheck = Graphics.Input.checkbox (Signal.message gridMbx.address)
restartMbx = Signal.mailbox ()
restartButt = case mr of
Nothing -> []
Just msg -> [ Graphics.Element.spacer 10 10, Graphics.Input.button (Signal.message restartMbx.address ()) msg ]
x = x2_ - x1
y = y2_ - y1
d = ((-x1' - x2') / 2, (-y1' - y2') / 2)
f' g p t s =
Graphics.Element.flow Graphics.Element.up
[ Graphics.Element.flow Graphics.Element.left <| p :: gridCheck g :: restartButt
, Graphics.Element.color (Color.greyscale 0.05) <|
Graphics.Element.container x y Graphics.Element.middle <|
Graphics.Collage.collage x y
((if g then [ grid ] else []) ++ [ move d (f p t s) ]) ]
toScreen x1 y2_ f'
(\g _ t' state -> (t', { state | gridOn <- g, s <- upd NoEvent state.mousePos t' state.s }))
(\_ t _ state -> (0, { state | lastReset <- t, s <- ini }))
ini upd
type Event = Space | Left | Up | Right | Down | Click | NoEvent
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
toScreen x1 y2 f extra_sigs ini upd mt =
letters = Array.fromList [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z]
in (\(t, { gridOn, mousePos, s }) -> f gridOn mousePos t s) <|
foldp' -- Signal.Extra.foldp'
(\(t, action) (_, state) -> action t ((t - state.lastReset) / 1000) state)
(\(t, _) -> (0, { gridOn = False, mousePos = (0,0), lastReset = t, s = ini }))
Time.timestamp <|
Signal.mergeMany <| ( (\event _ t' state -> (t', { state | s <- upd event state.mousePos t' state.s })))
[ (always NoEvent) <|
case mt of
Nothing -> Signal.constant 0
Just (Every f) -> Time.every (if f < 0.017 then 17 else 1000 * f)
Just (FPS f) -> Time.fps (if f > 60 then 60 else f)
Just AnimationFrame -> Time.fps 50 -- AnimationFrame.frame
(\ks -> case Set.toList ks of
[32] -> Space
[37] -> Left
[38] -> Up
[39] -> Right
[40] -> Down
[a] -> Maybe.withDefault NoEvent (Array.get (a - 65) letters)
_ -> NoEvent)
, (always Click) Mouse.clicks
(\(x,y) _ t' state -> let pos = (toFloat (x1 + x), toFloat (y2 - y))
in (t', { state | mousePos <- pos, s <- upd NoEvent pos t' state.s }))
type alias Picture = Graphics.Collage.Form
circle : Float -> Picture
circle = circle' Graphics.Collage.defaultLine
circle' : LineStyle -> Float -> Picture
circle' s r =
Graphics.Collage.outlined s <| r
rectangle : (Float,Float) -> Picture
rectangle = rectangle' Graphics.Collage.defaultLine
rectangle' : LineStyle -> (Float,Float) -> Picture
rectangle' s (x,y) =
Graphics.Collage.outlined s <|
Graphics.Collage.rect x y
path : List (Float,Float) -> Picture
path = path' Graphics.Collage.defaultLine
path' : LineStyle -> List (Float,Float) -> Picture
path' s ps =
Graphics.Collage.traced s <|
Graphics.Collage.path ps
oval : (Float,Float) -> Picture
oval = oval' Graphics.Collage.defaultLine
oval' : LineStyle -> (Float,Float) -> Picture
oval' s (x,y) =
Graphics.Collage.outlined s <|
Graphics.Collage.oval x y
square : Float -> Picture
square = square' Graphics.Collage.defaultLine
square' : LineStyle -> Float -> Picture
square' s a =
Graphics.Collage.outlined s <|
Graphics.Collage.square a
type alias Color = Color.Color
ngon : Float -> Float -> Picture
ngon = ngon' black
ngon' : Color -> Float -> Float -> Picture
ngon' c n r =
Graphics.Collage.rotate (pi/2) <|
Graphics.Collage.filled c <|
Graphics.Collage.ngon (floor n) r
polygon : List (Float,Float) -> Picture
polygon = polygon' Graphics.Collage.defaultLine
polygon' : LineStyle -> List (Float,Float) -> Picture
polygon' s ps =
Graphics.Collage.outlined s <|
Graphics.Collage.polygon ps
text : String -> Picture
text s =
Graphics.Collage.text <|
Text.fromString s
move : (Float,Float) -> Picture -> Picture
move = Graphics.Collage.move
group : List Picture -> Picture
group =
scale : Float -> Picture -> Picture
scale x f =
Graphics.Collage.scale x <|
group [ f ]
rotate : Float -> Picture -> Picture
rotate a f =
Graphics.Collage.rotate a <|
group [ f ]
alpha : Float -> Picture -> Picture
alpha = Graphics.Collage.alpha
type alias LineStyle = Graphics.Collage.LineStyle
solid : Color -> LineStyle
solid = Graphics.Collage.solid
dashed : Color -> LineStyle
dashed = Graphics.Collage.dashed
dotted : Color -> LineStyle
dotted = Graphics.Collage.dotted
red : Color
red =
orange : Color
orange =
yellow : Color
yellow = Color.yellow
green : Color
green =
blue : Color
blue =
purple : Color
purple = Color.purple
brown : Color
brown = Color.brown
white : Color
white = Color.white
black : Color
black =
image : (Float,Float) -> String -> Picture
image (x,y) s =
Graphics.Collage.toForm <|
Graphics.Element.image (round x) (round y) s
empty : Picture
empty = Graphics.Collage.toForm Graphics.Element.empty
icon : Float -> (Color -> Int -> Html.Html) -> Picture
icon = icon' black
icon' : Color -> Float -> (Color -> Int -> Html.Html) -> Picture
icon' c s i =
let s' = round s
Graphics.Collage.toForm <|
Html.toElement s' s' <|
i c s'
-- auxiliary, from Signal.Extra
(~>) : Signal a -> (a -> b) -> Signal b
(~>) =
flip map
infixl 4 ~>
initSignal : Signal a -> Signal a
initSignal s =
sampleOn (constant ()) s
zip : Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal (a,b)
zip =
map2 (,)
foldp' : (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Signal a -> Signal b
foldp' fun initFun input =
let -- initial has no events, only the initial value is used
initial = initSignal input ~> initFun
-- both the initial value and the normal input are given to fun'
rest = foldp fun' Nothing (zip input initial)
-- when mb is Nothing, input had its first event to use ini
-- otherwise use the b from Just
fun' (inp, ini) mb =
Maybe.withDefault ini mb
|> fun inp |> Just
fromJust (Just a) = a
fromJust <~ merge (Just <~ initial) rest
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