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Last active April 22, 2022 18:12
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//For List
"List_Apex": {
"prefix": "listToUpdate",
"body": [
"List<${1:object}> ${2:lstName} = new List<${1}>();"
"description":"List of sObjects"
// for set
"Set_Apex": {
"prefix": "set<",
"body": [
"Set<${1:key}> ${2:setName} = new Set<${1}>();"
"description":"Set of sObjects"
// for map
"Map_Apex": {
"prefix": "map<",
"body": [
"Map<${1:key}, ${2:value}> ${3:mapName} = new Map<${1}, ${2}>();"
"description":"Map of sObjects"
// for each loop
"apex_for_update": {
"prefix": "for(",
"body": [
"List<${1:object}> ${1}sToUpdate = new List<${1}>();",
"for (${1} ${2:varName}: ${1}s) {",
" // do stuff",
" ${1}sToUpdate.add(${2});",
"// Database.SaveResult[] results = Database.update(${1}sToUpdate, false);"
"description": "Apex For Loop Update"
// soql apex
"soql_Apex": {
"prefix": "list soql",
"body": ["List<$1> $2 = [SELECT $3 $0 FROM $1];"],
"description": "SOQL query assignment to List variable"
// public method
"public_static_method": {
"prefix": "method",
"body": ["public static ${1:returnType} ${2:methodName} (${3:params}) {}"],
"description": "public static method"
// cached soql list
"cached_soql": {
"prefix": "cache",
"body": [
"private static List<${1:object}> get${1}s() {",
" List<${1}> ${1}s = [SELECT Id FROM ${1} WHERE CreatedDate = today]; ",
" return ${1}s;",
"private static List<${1}> ${1}s = get${1}s();"
"description": "returns a cached soql list"
// import an object and field for a lightning web component
"html_comment": {
"prefix": "comment",
"body": [
"<!-- ${1:comment} -->"
"description": "make a comment"
* @description: javascript shortcuts
* use ${1:variable} format for binding
// import an object and field for a lightning web component
"import_field": {
"prefix": "import field",
"body": [
"import ${1:UPPER}_OBJECT from '@salesforce/schema/${2:CamelObject}';",
"import ${3:UPFER_FIELD}_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/${2:CamelObject}.${4:CamelField}';",
"description": "import a field"
// assign data and error values from @wire service
"wire_if": {
"prefix": "@wire(",
"body": [
"@wire(${1:IMPORT_DATA}, { ${2:idVar}: '$recordId' })",
"wiredContacts({ error, data }) {",
" if (data) {",
" this.${3:dataVar} = data;",
" this.${4:errorVar} = undefined;",
" } else if (error) {",
" this.${4:errorVar} = error;",
" this.${3:dataVar} = undefined;",
" }",
"description": "@wire data and error variable "
* use ${1:variable}
// for lightning web component config files
// specifically for use in the flow builder
"target_configs": {
"prefix": "targetConfig",
"body": [
" <targetConfig targets=\"lightning__FlowScreen\">",
" <property name=\"recordId\" type=\"String\"/>",
" </targetConfig>",
"description": "targetConfigs for flow screen"
"targets": {
"prefix": "targets",
"body": [
" <target>lightning__AppPage</target>",
" <target>lightning__RecordPage</target>",
" <target>lightning__HomePage</target>",
" <target>lightning__FlowScreen</target>",
"description": "targets to deploy anywhere "
"help": {
"prefix": "help",
"body": [
"description": "inline help text for use in a flow component"
// for field formulas
"ischanged": {
"prefix": "ischanged(",
"body": [
" OR(",
" ISNEW(),",
" ISCHANGED(${1:field__c})"
" )"
"description": "check if field changed"
"formulaField": {
"prefix": "formula field",
"body": [
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>",
"<CustomField xmlns=\"\">",
" <fullName>${1:Field_Name__c}</fullName>",
" <externalId>false</externalId>",
" <formula>IF(logic,true,false)</formula>",
" <formulaTreatBlanksAs>BlankAsZero</formulaTreatBlanksAs>",
" <label>${2:Field Label}</label>",
" <required>false</required>",
" <type>Text</type>",
" <unique>false</unique>",
"description": "create new formula field"
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