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Created January 25, 2019 08:17
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fun with python f-string
n = 0xffee
m = 1999888777
f = 1599.499899
n32 = 0xffeeddcc
n64 = 0xffeeddcc80402010
fstring =f'''
n = {n} (0x{n:X}), m = {m}, f = {f}
n64 = 0x{n64:X}, n32 = 0x{n32:X}
{{n:32X}} => "{n:32X}"
{{n:032x}} => "{n:032x}"
{{n:<32x}} => "{n:<32x}"
{{n:.<32x}} => "{n:.<32x}"
{{n:l<32x}} => "{n:l<32x}"
{{n:_^32x}} => "{n:_^32x}"
{{n64:019_x}} => "0x{n64:019_x}"
{{255:019_x}} => "0x{255:019_x}"
{{n64:079_b}} => "0b{n64:029_b}"
{{255:079_b}} => "0b{255:079_b}"
{{n32:09_x}} => "0x{n32:09_x}"
{{255:09_x}} => "0x{255:09_x}"
{{n32:029_b}} => "0x{n32:029_b}"
{{255:029_b}} => "0x{255:029_b}"
{{m:_}} => "{m:_}"
{{f:,}} => "{f:,}"
{{f:_}} => "{f:_}"
{{f:e}} => "{f:_e}"
{{f:+,}} => "{f:+,}"
{{-f:+,}} => "{-f:+,}"
# output:
# n = 65518 (0xFFEE), m = 1999888777, f = 1599.499899
# n64 = 0xFFEEDDCC80402010, n32 = 0xFFEEDDCC
# f"{var:[FILL][ALIGN][LENGTH][,_][BASE]}"
# {n:32X} => " FFEE"
# {n:032x} => "0000000000000000000000000000ffee"
# {n:<32x} => "ffee "
# {n:.<32x} => "ffee............................"
# {n:l<32x} => "ffeellllllllllllllllllllllllllll"
# {n:_^32x} => "______________ffee______________"
# {n64:019_x} => "0xffee_ddcc_8040_2010"
# {255:019_x} => "0x0000_0000_0000_00ff"
# {n64:079_b} => "0b1111_1111_1110_1110_1101_1101_1100_1100_1000_0000_0100_0000_0010_0000_0001_0000"
# {255:079_b} => "0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111"
# {n32:09_x} => "0xffee_ddcc"
# {255:09_x} => "0x0000_00ff"
# {n32:029_b} => "0x1111_1111_1110_1110_1101_1101_1100_1100"
# {255:029_b} => "0x0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111"
# {m:_} => "1_999_888_777"
# {f:,} => "1,599.499899"
# {f:_} => "1_599.499899"
# {f:e} => "1.599500e+03"
# {f:+,} => "+1,599.499899"
# {-f:+,} => "-1,599.499899"
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