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Last active January 7, 2022 10:59
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SPARQL right-censored to binary
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
prefix ncit: <>
prefix snomedct: <>
prefix roo: <>
GRAPH <http://inferred-manually.local/> {
?patient roo:survival_5_years ?survival_5y.
where {
?patient rdf:type snomedct:116154003;
roo:P100028 [
roo:P100042 ?vital_status_value
roo:P100008 [
roo:P100311 [
rdf:type snomedct:445320007;
roo:P100042 ?vital_status_days;
# Determine the time interval to make binary
BIND( xsd:boolean(IF(?vital_status_days > 1825, "true", "false")) AS ?gt_5y).
# Make the outcome (survival) binary
BIND( xsd:boolean(IF(?vital_status_value = xsd:integer("0"), "true", "false")) AS ?survived).
# In the case when survival is less than time interval, AND survival true we need to make this unknown.
# In all other situations we can make the bind (hence testing the exemption case and the negation to make the bind in the end)
FILTER ( !( (?gt_5y = xsd:boolean("false")) && (?survived = xsd:boolean("true")) ) )
BIND( xsd:boolean(IF(?survived && ?gt_5y, "true", "false")) AS ?survival_5y).
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