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Created December 14, 2015 20:18
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Save jvt/27a72981d95d9857f76f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
➜ server git:(master) ✗ DEBUG='*' node server.js
express:application booting in development mode +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / query +21ms
connect:dispatcher use / expressInit +9ms
express:application booting in development mode +0ms
express:application booting in development mode +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / query +31ms
connect:dispatcher use / expressInit +11ms
connect:dispatcher use / query +66ms
connect:dispatcher use / expressInit +3ms
express:application booting in development mode +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / query +22ms
connect:dispatcher use / expressInit +3ms
connect:dispatcher use / session +651ms
connect:dispatcher use / favicon +3ms
connect:dispatcher use / cookieParser +5ms
connect:dispatcher use / session +511ms
connect:dispatcher use / favicon +2ms
connect:dispatcher use / bodyParser +39ms
connect:dispatcher use / cookieParser +7ms
connect:dispatcher use / session +557ms
connect:dispatcher use / methodOverride +5ms
connect:dispatcher use / favicon +3ms
connect:dispatcher use / staticMiddleware +10ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +1ms
connect:dispatcher use / router +1ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / cookieParser +5ms
connect:dispatcher use / bodyParser +53ms
connect:dispatcher use / methodOverride +5ms
connect:dispatcher use / staticMiddleware +1ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / router +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +1ms
connect:dispatcher use / bodyParser +45ms
connect:dispatcher use / methodOverride +4ms
connect:dispatcher use / staticMiddleware +1ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / router +1ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +1ms
connect:dispatcher use / session +477ms
connect:dispatcher use / favicon +8ms
connect:dispatcher use / cookieParser +6ms
connect:dispatcher use / bodyParser +41ms
connect:dispatcher use / methodOverride +4ms
connect:dispatcher use / staticMiddleware +1ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / router +1ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / anonymous +0ms
express:router defined get / +3s
express:router defined get / +3s
express:router defined get / +3s
pool2 Attempting to acquire minimum resources (cur=0, min=2) +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=0) +2ms
express:router defined get * +1ms
connect:dispatcher use / router +0ms
express:router defined get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher use / router +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=1) +8ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=1, to be available=2 +3ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire minimum resources (cur=0, min=2) +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=0) +1ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=1) +17ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=0, ac=1, id=0) +20ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=1, to be available=2 +4ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=1, ac=0, id=1) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 3.285s +2ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +3ms
knex:query show tables like ? +3ms
express:router defined get * +7ms
connect:dispatcher use / router +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +9ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +17ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.003s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +1ms
jR0Fj3mqQT delete from `sessions` where expired < CAST(? as DATETIME) +3ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +3ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=0, ac=1, id=0) +43ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +1ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=1, ac=0, id=1) +3ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 3.473s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query show tables like ? +3ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +13ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +5ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query delete from `sessions` where expired < CAST(? as DATETIME) +2ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +2ms
Alarm heartbeat
pool2 Attempting to acquire minimum resources (cur=0, min=2) +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=0) +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=1) +9ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=1, to be available=2 +2ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=6, tba=2, tbt=2, max=10) +19ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=2) +1ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=6, tba=3, tbt=3, max=10) +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=3) +0ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=6, tba=4, tbt=4, max=10) +1ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=4) +0ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=6, tba=5, tbt=5, max=10) +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=5) +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=6, to be available=6 +1ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=0, ac=5, id=0) +16ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=1, ac=4, id=1) +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 3.72s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.023s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
knex:query show tables like ? +3ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=2, ac=3, id=2) +17ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=2) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=2) +0ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=3, ac=2, id=3) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=4, ac=1, id=4) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=5, ac=0, id=5) +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=5) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=5) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +2ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=2) to request; waited 0.062s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.062s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.062s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=5) to request; waited 0.062s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid6 +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.003s +2ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
knex:query delete from `sessions` where expired < CAST(? as DATETIME) +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid3 +15ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +2ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid6 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +9ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=5) +3ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=5) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.006s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=5) to request; waited 0.005s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +2ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid6 +3ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=5) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=5) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=5) to request; waited 0.002s +2ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +8ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid6 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +12ms initializing namespace / +0ms creating instance with opts {"path":"/"} +2ms attaching client serving req handler +3ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire minimum resources (cur=0, min=2) +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=0) +2ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=0, ac=1) +6ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=1, to be available=2 +25ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=2, to be available=2 +50ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=0, ac=1, id=0) +34ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +3ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +1ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=1, ac=0, id=1) +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 4.023s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.043s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
knex:query show tables like ? +5ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +698ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +634ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +3ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +3ms
express-session session found +13ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +23ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +1ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send hidden false +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/index.html" +1ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/) +1ms
express:router matched get / +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +32ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +5ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +55ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=4, tba=0, tbt=2, max=10) +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=2, ac=0) +1ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=4, tba=1, tbt=3, max=10) +2ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=2, ac=1) +0ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=4, tba=2, tbt=4, max=10) +3ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=2, ac=2) +0ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=4, tba=3, tbt=5, max=10) +2ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=2, ac=3) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.019s +6ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.018s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.044s +43ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=2, tba=0, tbt=2, max=10) +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=2, ac=0) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +5ms
36;1mpool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=2, tba=1, tbt=3, max=10) +4ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +5ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=2, ac=1) +8ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +3ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.037s +2ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.037s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
knex:query delete from `sessions` where expired < CAST(? as DATETIME) +5ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.021s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +9ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +2ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=2, ac=3, id=2) +9ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=2) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=2) +1ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=3, ac=2, id=3) +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=4, ac=1, id=4) +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.039s +7ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=2) to request; waited 0.061s +5ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.061s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +11ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +9ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.061s +7ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +1ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=2, ac=1, id=2) +5ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +868ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +0ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=3, ac=0, id=3) +23ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +778ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +3ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +3ms
express-session session found +11ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +21ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +1ms
send max-age 0 +3ms
send hidden false +1ms
send index index.html +1ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.057s +53ms
send index index.html +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +1ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid3 +1ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +1ms
express:router matched get * +20ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +33ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +93ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +140ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +142ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +1ms
express-session session found +4ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +1ms
send hidden undefined +3ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +1ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +103ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +48ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +223ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.01s +3ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.008s +1ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +12ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +10ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +81ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +83ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +3ms
express-session session found +6ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +4ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +10ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +1ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +2ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +1ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.004s +3ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +11ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +16ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +16ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +7ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +15ms
express-session session found +16ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +16ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +4ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +1ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +16ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +25ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +25ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +3ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +3ms
express-session session found +8ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +1ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +23ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +26ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +26ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +1ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +1ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +19ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +12ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +38ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +43ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +8ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.013s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +3ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +1ms
express-session session found +18ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +19ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +1ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +17ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +19ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +21ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +2ms
express-session session found +5ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +7ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +7ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +1ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +11ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +26ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +29ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.001s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +2ms
express-session session found +6ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +1ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +22ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +27ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +28ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.001s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +5ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +1ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +22ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +33ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +33ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +1ms
express-session session found +5ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +2ms
send max-age 0 +4ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +3ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : /stylesheets/materialize.css +826ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : /stylesheets/materialize.css +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : /stylesheets/style.css +2s
connect:dispatcher expressInit : /stylesheets/style.css +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : /stylesheets/materialize.css +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : /stylesheets/style.css +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +845ms
connect:dispatcher query : /components/materialize/dist/js/materialize.min.js +147ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : /components/materialize/dist/js/materialize.min.js +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : /components/materialize/dist/js/materialize.min.js +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +166ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +169ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +509ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +1ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : /components/materialize/dist/js/materialize.min.js +4ms
connect:dispatcher query : /js/JARVIS.js +5ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : /components/materialize/dist/js/materialize.min.js +0ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : /js/JARVIS.js +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : /components/materialize/dist/js/materialize.min.js +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : /components/materialize/dist/js/materialize.min.js +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : /js/JARVIS.js +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : /components/materialize/dist/js/materialize.min.js +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/components/materialize/dist/js/materialize.min.js" +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +5ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.005s +3ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
send content-type application/javascript +1ms
send not modified +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +427ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +2ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +3ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +1ms
express-session session found +8ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.007s +2ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +1ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +1ms
express-session session found +12ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : /stylesheets/style.css +17ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : /stylesheets/style.css +1ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : /stylesheets/materialize.css +14ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : /stylesheets/materialize.css +1ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : /stylesheets/materialize.css +1ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : /stylesheets/style.css +3ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : /stylesheets/materialize.css +1ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : /stylesheets/materialize.css +0ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : /stylesheets/style.css +1ms
send index index.html +1ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : /stylesheets/style.css +1ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/stylesheets/materialize.css" +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +2ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +1ms
send hidden undefined +1ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/stylesheets/style.css" +1ms
send content-type text/css +6ms
send not modified +1ms
send content-type text/css +2ms
send not modified +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +19ms
express-session session found +19ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : /js/JARVIS.js +6ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : /js/JARVIS.js +1ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : /js/JARVIS.js +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : /js/JARVIS.js +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : /js/JARVIS.js +0ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/js/JARVIS.js" +0ms
send content-type application/javascript +2ms
send not modified +1ms
connect:dispatcher query : /font/OFT/Exo2.0-Thin.otf +93ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : /font/OFT/Exo2.0-Thin.otf +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : /font/OFT/Exo2.0-Thin.otf +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +99ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +100ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : /font/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2 +106ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : /font/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher session : /font/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2 +0ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : /font/OFT/Exo2.0-Thin.otf +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : /font/OFT/Exo2.0-Thin.otf +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +126ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : /font/OFT/Exo2.0-Thin.otf +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : /font/OFT/Exo2.0-Thin.otf +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : /font/OFT/Exo2.0-Thin.otf +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +129ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/font/OFT/Exo2.0-Thin.otf" +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
send content-type font/opentype +0ms
send not modified +1ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +4ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +2ms
express-session session found +7ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : /font/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2 +9ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : /font/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2 +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : /font/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2 +2ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : /font/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2 +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : /font/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2 +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/font/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2" +1ms
send content-type application/octet-stream +1ms
send not modified +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +1s
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=5) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=5) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.007s +6ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=5) to request; waited 0.007s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : /components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js +2s
connect:dispatcher expressInit : /components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : /components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +0ms
knex:query select `thermostats`.* from `thermostats` +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.007s +4ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +15ms
express-session session found +26ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : /components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js +32ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : /components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : /components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js +2ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : /components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js +1ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : /components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js +1ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +2ms
send hidden undefined +1ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js" +0ms
send content-type application/javascript +11ms
send not modified +2ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +56ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=5) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=5) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=2) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=2) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=8, tba=0, tbt=6, max=10) +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=6, ac=0) +0ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=8, tba=1, tbt=7, max=10) +2ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=6, ac=1) +1ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=8, tba=2, tbt=8, max=10) +1ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=6, ac=2) +4ms
pool2 Growing pool: no resource to serve request (p=8, tba=3, tbt=9, max=10) +0ms
pool2 Attempting to acquire resource (cur=6, ac=3) +7ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=8, to be available=4 +8ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=8, to be available=4 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=8, to be available=4 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=8, to be available=4 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.03s +5ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=5) to request; waited 0.03s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.03s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.032s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=2) to request; waited 0.033s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.033s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +14ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=5) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=5) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=2) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=2) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.069s +10ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=5) to request; waited 0.069s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.07s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.069s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=2) to request; waited 0.069s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=6, ac=3, id=6) +2ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=6) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=6) +0ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=7, ac=2, id=7) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=7) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=7) +1ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=8, ac=1, id=8) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=8) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=8) +0ms
pool2 Successfully allocated new resource (cur=9, ac=0, id=9) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=6) to request; waited 0.087s +5ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid7 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=7) to request; waited 0.088s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=8) to request; waited 0.088s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid9 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +3ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid6 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid7 +3ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid9 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=8) +105ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=8) +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=7) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=7) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=6) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=6) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=8) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid9 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=7) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=6) to request; waited 0.002s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid7 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid9 +5ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid7 +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=6) +18ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=6) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=7) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=7) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=8) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=8) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=6) to request; waited 0.001s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid7 +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=7) to request; waited 0.002s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=8) to request; waited 0.003s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid9 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid7 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid9 +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=8) +85ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=8) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=7) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=7) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=6) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=6) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=2) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=2) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=5) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=5) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=9) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=9) +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +2ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +1ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +1ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Not growing pool: pending=18, to be available=0 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=8) to request; waited 0.009s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid9 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=7) to request; waited 0.01s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=6) to request; waited 0.01s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid7 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=2) to request; waited 0.01s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.01s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.01s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=5) to request; waited 0.01s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.01s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.01s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=9) to request; waited 0.01s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid10 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid9 +5ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=8) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=8) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=7) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=7) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid7 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=6) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=6) +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=2) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=2) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=5) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=5) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=0) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=8) to request; waited 0.025s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid9 +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=7) to request; waited 0.025s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=6) to request; waited 0.025s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid7 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=2) to request; waited 0.025s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.025s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.025s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=5) to request; waited 0.025s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.024s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=0) to request; waited 0.024s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid10 +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=9) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=9) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=9) to request; waited 0.088s +26ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid10 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid9 +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=8) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=8) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=7) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=7) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid7 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=6) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=6) +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=2) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=2) +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +11ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=1) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=1) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=5) +1ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=5) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid1 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=8) to request; waited 0.111s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid9 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=7) to request; waited 0.112s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=6) to request; waited 0.112s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid7 +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=2) to request; waited 0.113s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0.114s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=1) to request; waited 0.115s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=5) to request; waited 0.116s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.116s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid10 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid9 +5ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid8 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid7 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid3 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid2 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid6 +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +8ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +575ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +602ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +70ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.002s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +2ms
express-session session found +8ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +9ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +40ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +1ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +1ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +34ms
express:router matched get * +4ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +163ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : /favicon.ico +1s
connect:dispatcher expressInit : /favicon.ico +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : /favicon.ico +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +1s
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=3) +1s
pool2 Pinging resource (id=3) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=3) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid4 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +249ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid4 +2ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +251ms
express-session session found +4ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : /favicon.ico +5ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +7ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +1ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +1ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +18ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +24ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +24ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +2ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +4ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +14ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +1ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +27ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +44ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +44ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +9ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +29ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +41ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +42ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +9ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +11ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +22ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +2ms
express-session session found +14ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +15ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +1ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +12ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +16ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +17ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +1ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +7ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +10ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +12ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +9ms
express-session session found +13ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +15ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +1ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +5ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +5ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +1ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +26ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +42ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +44ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +10ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +11ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +17ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +26ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +26ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +1ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +11ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +11ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +1ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +1ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +13ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +14ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +34ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +36ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +3ms
express-session session found +7ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +7ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +8ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +8ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +1ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +12ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +27ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +41ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +42ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +1ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +15ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +25ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +26ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +2ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +7ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +8ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +8ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +1ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +10ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +12ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +5ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +5ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +11ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +1ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +23ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +37ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +38ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +10ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +11ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +2ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +9ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +9ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +20ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +20ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +2ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +11ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +14ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +15ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +15ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +16ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +16ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +1ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +12ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +12ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
express-session session found +1ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +15ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +17ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +17ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +1ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +9ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +10ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +12ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +5ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +19ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +19ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +1ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +1ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +22ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +24ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +25ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +13ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +15ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +30ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +30ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +4ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +1ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +14ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +314ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +329ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +332ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +44ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +46ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +47ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
express-session session found +4ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +1ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +11ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +15ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +4ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +14ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +15ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +16ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +1ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +11ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +12ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +15ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +4ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +3ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +5ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +11ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +11ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +2ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +3ms
express-session session found +5ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +1ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +20ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +22ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +23ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +11ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +7ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +19ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +20ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +1ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +15ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +17ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +18ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +2ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
engine intercepting request for path "/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +11ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +1ms
engine handling "GET" http request "/" +5ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
engine handshaking client "KHsv2hac4UHfMY-4AAAA" +4ms
engine:socket sending packet "open" ({"sid":"KHsv2hac4UHfMY-4AAAA","upgrades":["websocket"],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}) +4ms
engine:polling setting request +2ms
engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +2ms
engine:polling writing " �0{"sid":"KHsv2hac4UHfMY-4AAAA","upgrades":["websocket"],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}" +8ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +21ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +35ms
engine:socket executing batch send callback +6ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +38ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +1ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms incoming connection with id KHsv2hac4UHfMY-4AAAA +3s connecting to namespace / +1ms adding socket to nsp / +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +5ms
express-session session found +9ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +10ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms socket connected - writing packet +5ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms joining room KHsv2hac4UHfMY-4AAAA +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms writing packet {"type":0,"nsp":"/"} +1ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms encoding packet {"type":0,"nsp":"/"} +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +1ms
express:router matched get * +1ms encoded {"type":0,"nsp":"/"} as 0 +2ms
engine:socket sending packet "message" (0) +11ms
Connection has been made joined room KHsv2hac4UHfMY-4AAAA +3ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +12ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / engine upgrading existing transport +21ms
020-40&sid=KHsv2hac4UHfMY-4AAAA +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +26ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +26ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
engine:socket might upgrade socket transport from "polling" to "websocket" +1ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +11ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
engine intercepting request for path "/" +5ms
engine handling "GET" http request "/" +0ms
engine handshaking client "rxid0FTah6oIl6VbAAAB" +1ms
engine:socket sending packet "open" ({"sid":"rxid0FTah6oIl6VbAAAB","upgrades":["websocket"],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}) +1ms
engine:polling setting request +0ms
engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +1ms
engine:polling writing " �0{"sid":"rxid0FTah6oIl6VbAAAB","upgrades":["websocket"],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}" +0ms
engine:socket executing batch send callback +1ms incoming connection with id rxid0FTah6oIl6VbAAAB +31ms connecting to namespace / +0ms adding socket to nsp / +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +13ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +14ms socket connected - writing packet +7ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +16ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms joining room rxid0FTah6oIl6VbAAAB +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms writing packet {"type":0,"nsp":"/"} +2ms encoding packet {"type":0,"nsp":"/"} +60ms encoded {"type":0,"nsp":"/"} as 0 +0ms
engine:socket sending packet "message" (0) +29ms
Connection has been made joined room rxid0FTah6oIl6VbAAAB +20ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +21ms
engine intercepting request for path "/" +1ms
engine handling "GET" http request "/" +0ms
express-session session found +24ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +24ms
engine setting new request for existing client +0ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
engine:polling setting request +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +1ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
engine:polling writing "�40" +1ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
engine:socket executing batch send callback +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
engine:ws received "2probe" +3ms
engine:ws writing "3probe" +1ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +20ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +22ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +23ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +2ms
express-session session found +4ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
engine intercepting request for path "/" +27ms
send index index.html +8ms
engine handling "GET" http request "/" +5ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
engine setting new request for existing client +0ms
engine:polling setting request +0ms
engine:socket flushing buffer to transport +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
engine:polling writing "�40" +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
engine:socket executing batch send callback +1ms
engine:ws received "5" +13ms
engine:socket got upgrade packet - upgrading +1ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +17ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +30ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +30ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
engine:ws received "42["ready"]" +4ms
engine:socket packet +1ms decoded 2["ready"] as {"type":2,"nsp":"/","data":["ready"]} +58ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +2ms got packet {"type":2,"nsp":"/","data":["ready"]} +58ms emitting event ["ready"] +0ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +10ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +11ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +12ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
express-session session found +2ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +1ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +1ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +21ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +24ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +26ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +5ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +18ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +22ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +24ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +2ms
express-session session found +4ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +12ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +1ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +21ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +22ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +2ms
express-session session found +6ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +7ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +8ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
express-session session found +1ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +7ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +9ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +9ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +1ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +14ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +1ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +10ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +26ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +27ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +3ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.003s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +1ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +7ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +1ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +6ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +8ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +9ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +0ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +1ms
express-session session found +1ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +2ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +1ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher router : / +0ms
express:router dispatching GET / (/ +0ms
express:router matched get * +0ms
connect:dispatcher query : / +8ms
connect:dispatcher expressInit : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher session : / +0ms
express-session fetching jR0Fj3mqQT +10ms
pool2 Reserving request for resource (id=4) +10ms
pool2 Pinging resource (id=4) +1ms
pool2 Allocating resource (id=4) to request; waited 0.001s +0ms
knex:client acquiring connection from pool: __knexUid5 +0ms
knex:query select `sess` from `sessions` where `sid` = ? and CAST(? as DATETIME) <= expired +0ms
knex:client releasing connection to pool: __knexUid5 +2ms
express-session session found +3ms
connect:dispatcher favicon : / +4ms
connect:dispatcher cookieParser : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher bodyParser : / +10ms
connect:dispatcher methodOverride : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher staticMiddleware : / +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send hidden false +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send max-age 0 +0ms
send index index.html +0ms
send hidden undefined +0ms
send stat "/Users/JT/Documents/Projects/home-automation/server/public/" +0ms
connect:dispatcher anonymous : / +0ms
connect:dispatcher rout^C express:router matched get * +0ms
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