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Last active January 27, 2018 21:56
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Minimal implementation of a covariant graph abstract data type using adjacency lists
package graph
trait Graph[+A] {
def isEmpty: Boolean
def size: Int
def contains[A0 >: A](vertex: A0): Boolean
def +[A0 >: A](vertex: A0): Graph[A0]
def -[A0 >: A](vertex: A0): Graph[A0]
def contains[A0 >: A](edge: (A0, A0)): Boolean
def +[A0 >: A](edge: (A0, A0)): Graph[A0]
def -[A0 >: A](edge: (A0, A0)): Graph[A0]
def adjacencies[A0 >: A](vertex: A0): Seq[A0]
object Graph {
def empty[A]: Graph[A] = new LinkedGraph[A](Nil)
def ofVertices[A](vertices: A*): Graph[A] =
vertices.foldLeft(empty[A])(_ + _)
private[graph] class LinkedGraph[+A](val graph: List[(A, List[A])]) extends Graph[A] {
override def isEmpty: Boolean =
override def size: Int =
override def contains[A0 >: A](vertex: A0): Boolean =
graph exists (_._1 == vertex)
override def +[A0 >: A](vertex: A0): Graph[A0] =
if (this contains vertex) this else new LinkedGraph[A0]((vertex, Nil) :: graph)
override def -[A0 >: A](vertex: A0): Graph[A0] =
if (!(this contains vertex)) this else new LinkedGraph[A0](
graph.withFilter {
case (`vertex`, _) => false
case _ => true
}.map {
case (a, bs) => (a, bs filterNot (_ == vertex))
override def contains[A0 >: A](edge: (A0, A0)): Boolean = {
import edge.{_1, _2}
graph.exists {
case (a, bs) => a == _1 && (bs contains _2)
override def +[A0 >: A](edge: (A0, A0)): Graph[A0] = {
import edge.{_1, _2}
if ((this contains _1) && (this contains _2) && !(this contains edge)) {
val updatedGraph = {
case (`_1`, bs) => (_1, _2 :: bs)
case other => other
new LinkedGraph[A0](updatedGraph)
} else this
override def -[A0 >: A](edge: (A0, A0)): Graph[A0] =
if (this contains edge) {
import edge.{_1, _2}
val updatedGraph = {
case (`_1`, bs) => (_1, bs filterNot (_ == _2))
case other => other
new LinkedGraph[A0](updatedGraph)
} else this
override def adjacencies[A0 >: A](vertex: A0): Seq[A0] =
graph.find(_._1 == vertex).map(_._2).getOrElse(Seq.empty)
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