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Created April 14, 2017 15:20
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type Result<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string list
module Result =
let map f xResult =
match xResult with
| Success x ->
Success (f x)
| Failure errs ->
Failure errs
let retn x =
Success x
let apply fResult xResult =
match fResult,xResult with
| Success f, Success x ->
Success (f x)
| Failure errs, Success x ->
Failure errs
| Success f, Failure errs ->
Failure errs
| Failure errs1, Failure errs2 ->
Failure (List.concat [errs1; errs2])
let bind f xResult =
match xResult with
| Success x ->
f x
| Failure errs ->
Failure errs
module Async =
let map f xAsync = async {
// get the contents of xAsync
let! x = xAsync
// apply the function and lift the result
return f x
let retn x = async {
// lift x to an Async
return x
let apply fAsync xAsync = async {
// start the two asyncs in parallel
let! fChild = Async.StartChild fAsync
let! xChild = Async.StartChild xAsync
// wait for the results
let! f = fChild
let! x = xChild
// apply the function to the results
return f x
let bind f xAsync = async {
// get the contents of xAsync
let! x = xAsync
// apply the function but don't lift the result
// as f will return an Async
return! f x
module List =
let rec traverseResultA f list =
let (<*>) = Result.apply
let retn = Result.retn
let cons head tail = head :: tail
let initState = retn []
let folder head tail =
retn cons <*> (f head) <*> tail
List.foldBack folder list initState
let rec traverseResultM f list =
let (>>=) x f = Result.bind f x
let retn = Result.retn
let cons head tail = head :: tail
let initState = retn []
let folder head tail =
f head >>= (fun h ->
tail >>= (fun t ->
retn (cons h t) ))
List.foldBack folder list initState
let rec traverseAsyncA f list =
let (<*>) = Async.apply
let retn = Async.retn
let cons head tail = head :: tail
let initState = retn []
let folder head tail =
retn cons <*> (f head) <*> tail
List.foldBack folder list initState
let rec traverseAsyncM f list =
let (>>=) x f = Async.bind f x
let retn = Async.retn
let cons head tail = head :: tail
let initState = retn []
let folder head tail =
f head >>= (fun h ->
tail >>= (fun t ->
retn (cons h t) ))
List.foldBack folder list initState
let sequenceResultA x = traverseResultA id x
let sequenceResultM x = traverseResultM id x
let sequenceAsyncA x = traverseAsyncA id x
let sequenceAsyncM x = traverseAsyncM id x
type [<Measure>] ms
type WebClientWithTimeout(timeout:int<ms>) =
inherit System.Net.WebClient()
override this.GetWebRequest(address) =
let result = base.GetWebRequest(address)
result.Timeout <- int timeout
type UriContent =
UriContent of System.Uri * string
type UriContentSize =
UriContentSize of System.Uri * int
let getUriContent (uri:System.Uri) =
async {
use client = new WebClientWithTimeout(1000<ms>) // 1 sec timeout
printfn " [%s] Started ..." uri.Host
let! html = client.AsyncDownloadString(uri)
printfn " [%s] ... finished" uri.Host
let uriContent = UriContent (uri, html)
return (Success uriContent)
| ex ->
printfn " [%s] ... exception" uri.Host
let err = sprintf "[%s] %A" uri.Host ex.Message
return Failure [err ]
let showContentResult result =
match result with
| Success (UriContent (uri, html)) ->
printfn "SUCCESS: [%s] First 100 chars: %s" uri.Host (html.Substring(0,100))
| Failure errs ->
printfn "FAILURE: %A" errs
System.Uri ("http://example.bad")
|> getUriContent
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> showContentResult
let makeContentSize (UriContent (uri, html)) =
if System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(html) then
Failure ["empty page"]
let uriContentSize = UriContentSize (uri, html.Length)
Success uriContentSize
let getUriContentSize uri =
getUriContent uri
|> (Result.bind makeContentSize)
let showContentSizeResult result =
match result with
| Success (UriContentSize (uri, len)) ->
printfn "SUCCESS: [%s] Content size is %i" uri.Host len
| Failure errs ->
printfn "FAILURE: %A" errs
System.Uri ("")
|> getUriContentSize
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> showContentSizeResult
let maxContentSize list =
let contentSize (UriContentSize (_, len)) = len
list |> List.maxBy contentSize
let largestPageSizeA urls =
// turn the list of strings into a list of Uris
// (In F# v4, we can call System.Uri directly!)
|> (fun s -> System.Uri(s))
// turn the list of Uris into a "Async<Result<UriContentSize>> list"
|> getUriContentSize
// turn the "Async<Result<UriContentSize>> list"
// into an "Async<Result<UriContentSize> list>"
|> List.sequenceAsyncA
// turn the "Async<Result<UriContentSize> list>"
// into a "Async<Result<UriContentSize list>>"
|> List.sequenceResultA
// find the largest in the inner list to get
// a "Async<Result<UriContentSize>>"
|> ( maxContentSize)
let time countN label f =
let stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
// do a full GC at the start but not thereafter
// allow garbage to collect for each iteration
printfn "======================="
printfn "%s" label
printfn "======================="
let mutable totalMs = 0L
for iteration in [1..countN] do
printfn "#%2i elapsed:%6ims " iteration stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
totalMs <- totalMs + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds
let avgTimePerRun = totalMs / int64 countN
printfn "%s: Average time per run:%6ims " label avgTimePerRun
let goodSites = [
let badSites = [
let largestPageSizeM urls =
|> (fun s -> System.Uri(s))
|> getUriContentSize
|> List.sequenceAsyncM // <= "M" version
|> List.sequenceResultM // <= "M" version
|> ( maxContentSize)
let f() =
largestPageSizeM badSites
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> showContentSizeResult
//time 5 "largestPageSizeA_Good" f
/// type alias (optional)
type AsyncResult<'a> = Async<Result<'a>>
/// functions for AsyncResult
module AsyncResult =
let map f =
f |> |>
let retn x =
x |> Result.retn |> Async.retn
let apply fAsyncResult xAsyncResult =
fAsyncResult |> Async.bind (fun fResult ->
xAsyncResult |> (fun xResult ->
Result.apply fResult xResult))
let bind f xAsyncResult = async {
let! xResult = xAsyncResult
match xResult with
| Success x -> return! f x
| Failure err -> return (Failure err)
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