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Created June 16, 2016 21:22
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mixOmics splsda - examine variable contributions across CV folds
getBugsCV <- function(x, y, ncomp = 5, nfolds = 5, nvar = 5, direction = ">", seed = 42, nreps = 1){
sigbugs <- list(nfolds*nreps)
for(rep in 1:nreps){
folds <-, size = nrow(x), replace = TRUE)
for(fold in 1:nfolds){
train <- folds != fold
test <- folds == fold
fit <- splsda(x[train,], y[train], keepX = rep(nvar,ncomp), ncomp = ncomp)
sigbugs[[(rep-1)*nfolds + fold]] <- names(fit$loadings$X[,1])[fit$loadings$X[,1] != 0]
countlist <- function(list){
tab <- list %>% unlist %>% table
data.frame(counts = tab, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% setNames(c("OTU", "freq")) %>% mutate(OTU = as.character(OTU), freq = freq/length(list)) %>% arrange(desc(freq))
buglist <- getBugsCV(x, y, ncomp = 1, nfolds = 5, nvar = 4, nreps = 20, seed = 100)
overview <- countlist(buglist) %>% mutate(type = as.vector(tax_table(xt1mlda)[OTU,"lowest"])) %>% mutate(label = paste(OTU, type) %>% gsub("OTU", "", .)) %>% mutate( label = factor(label, levels = rev(label)))
ggplot(overview, aes(x = label, y = freq, group = 1)) + geom_point() + geom_line() + coord_flip() + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) + theme_bw() + xlab("Contributors") + ylab("Frequency present")
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