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Created June 28, 2016 12:40
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Phyloseq Barplot, customizable ggplot2
ggphylobarplot <- function(physobj,
barlevel = "lowest",
colorlevel = "phylum",
splitvar = "Time",
splitlevelorder = c("1w", "1m", "3m"),
splitlevellabels = c("1 week", "1 month", "3 months"),
sortlevel = "1w",
mracut = .009,
agglomerate = FALSE,
agglomeratelevel = "genus",
decr = FALSE,
ycut = NULL,
colors = c("orange3","red4","chartreuse4","darkorchid2","dodgerblue3"),
justDF = FALSE,
breakinterval = 0.1) {
physobj <- physobj %>% transform_sample_counts(function(x) x/sum(x))
physobj <- tax_glom(physobj, barlevel)
splitlevelorder <- get_variable(physobj, splitvar) %>% as.character %>% unique
subphys <- lapply(splitlevelorder, function(level) {
index <- get_variable(physobj, splitvar) %>% as.character %in% level
if(sum(index) == 0)
stop("Invalid split level: ", level)
prune_samples(index, physobj)
}) %>% setNames(splitlevelorder)
means <- lapply(subphys, function(x) taxa_sums(x)/nsamples(x)) %>%"cbind", .) %>% data.frame(bug = rownames(.), ., stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% setNames(c("bug", splitlevelorder))
means$keep <- rowSums(select(means, -bug) > mracut) > 0
others <- means %>% filter(!keep) %>% select(-bug, -keep) %>% colSums %>% data.frame %>% t
means <- means %>% filter(keep) %>% select(-keep) %>% mutate(name = tax_table(physobj)[.[,"bug"],barlevel] %>% as.character) %>% rbind(cbind(bug = "Other", others, name = "Other"))
means <- means[order(means[,sortlevel], decreasing = decr),] %>% arrange(xor(decr,name != "Other")) %>% mutate(name = factor(name, levels = name))
means[means$bug != "Other","colvar"] <- tax_table(physobj)[means %>% filter(bug != "Other") %>% .[,"bug"],colorlevel] %>% as.character
real_levels <- sort(unique(means$colvar %>% na.omit))
if(length(real_levels) > length(colors) & !is.null(colors))
stop(paste0("Not enough colors. Need ", length(real_levels), " colors!"))
plotdat <- gather(means, group, value, -bug, -name, -colvar) %>%
mutate( value = as.numeric(value),
group = factor(group, levels = splitlevelorder, labels = splitlevellabels),
percent = paste0(sprintf("%.2f",value*100), "%"))
ycut <- max(plotdat$value, na.rm = T)
colors <- rainbow(length(real_levels))
colors <- c(colors, "grey")
plotdat <- plotdat %>% mutate(colvar = factor(ifelse(, "Other", colvar), levels = c(real_levels, "Other")))
ggplot(plotdat, aes(y=as.numeric(name), x=value)) + facet_grid(.~group, scales = "free", space = "free") +
geom_rect(aes(fill = colvar, xmin = 0, xmax = value, ymin = as.numeric(name) + 0.4, ymax = as.numeric(name) - 0.4)) +
geom_text(aes(label = percent), nudge_x = 0.1, hjust = 1) +
ylab(NULL) +
scale_x_continuous(name = "Mean relative abundance", labels = scales::percent, breaks = seq(0,1,breakinterval)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = 1:length(unique(plotdat$name)), labels = levels(plotdat$name), limits = c(1-.41,length(unique(plotdat$name))+.41)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = colors, name = NULL, breaks = real_levels) +
theme_bw() + theme(strip.background = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank())
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