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Last active July 6, 2018 04:08
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POC for PageOx
import LoginScreen from "./login-screen-object";
import BasicInfoScreen from "./basic-info-screen-object";
const loginScreen = new LoginScreen();
const basicInfoScreen = new BasicInfoScreen();
describe("login screen", () => {
it("should be be deeplinkable", async () => {
await expect(loginScreen.element).toBeVisible();
it("should allow a user to login", async () => {
await loginScreen.fillInEmail("");
await loginScreen.fillInPassword("password");
await loginScreen.tapSubmit();
await expect(loginScreen).toBeVisible();
import faker from "faker";
import { PageObject } from "page-ox";
export default class LoginScreen extends PageObject {
static deepLinkURI = "/auth/login";
static element = element("login-screen"));
fillInEmail(email = faker.internet.exampleEmail()) {
return element("email-address-input")).typeText(email);
fillInPassword(password = faker.internet.password(15)) {
return element("password-input")).typeText(password);
tapSubmit() {
return element("email-address-input")).typeText(email);
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