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Created March 19, 2024 08:03
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LLM Security Chatbot
import streamlit as st
from llama_cpp import Llama
import json
# Initialize the Llama model
llm = Llama(
st.title('Cybersecurity LLM ChatBot')
# Initialize or reset conversation history and debug info if not present
if 'conversation_history' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.conversation_history = []
if 'debug_info' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.debug_info = {}
user_query = st.text_area("Enter your query related to cybersecurity research", '')
prompt_template = """
Q: {user_query}
Context: The user is seeking in-depth analysis and actionable insights on cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
Please provide detailed information, potential mitigation strategies, and reference relevant tools or resources.
A: """
def display_debug_info():
if st.session_state.debug_info:
if st.button('Submit'):
if user_query:
st.session_state.conversation_history.append(f"User: {user_query}")
with st.spinner('Analyzing your query...'):
prompt = prompt_template.format(user_query=user_query)
output = llm(prompt, max_tokens=2048, stop=["Q:"], echo=True)
if 'choices' in output and len(output['choices']) > 0:
raw_response = output['choices'][0]['text']
user_friendly_response = raw_response.split('A: ')[-1].strip()
# Store formatted response to ensure it wraps properly
formatted_response = user_friendly_response
st.session_state.conversation_history.append(f"Agent: {formatted_response}")
st.session_state.debug_info = output # Store the most recent debug info
st.error("The model did not return a valid response. Please try again.")
st.warning("Please enter a query.")
st.write("### Conversation History:")
for exchange in st.session_state.conversation_history:
# Use st.write or st.text for automatic text wrapping
if st.button('Reset Conversation'):
st.session_state.conversation_history = []
st.session_state.debug_info = {}
# Button to show debug information
if st.button("Show Debug Information"):
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