# A Dashing widget which shows an image. |
# |
# To use, in your dashboard.erb file: |
# |
# <li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="3" data-sizey="2"> |
# <div data-id="picture" data-view="BigImage" data-image="http://i.imgur.com/JycUgrg.jpg" |
# style="background-color:transparent;" |
# data-max="true" |
# ></div> |
# </li> |
# |
# You can update the image via a background job or API key. Whenever the image laods, the image |
# will be resized to fit the dimensions of the widget. If `data-max="false"`, then the image |
# will never be enlarged. |
# |
class Dashing.BigImage extends Dashing.Widget |
endsWith = (str, suffix) -> str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) isnt -1 |
# Courtesy @mr-deamon |
resizeImage = ($img, maxWidth, maxHeight, maximize) -> |
width = $img.width() |
height = $img.height() |
delta_x = width-maxWidth |
delta_y = height-maxHeight |
if delta_x <= delta_y |
$img.css("height", maxHeight) |
else |
$img.css("width", maxWidth) |
getImageSize = ($img, done) -> |
loadedHandler = -> |
$img.off 'load', loadedHandler |
done $img.width(), $img.height() |
img = $img[0] |
if !img.complete |
# Wait for the image to load |
$img.on 'load', loadedHandler |
else |
# Image is already loaded. Call the loadedHandler. |
sleep 0, loadedHandler |
sleep = (timeInMs, fn) -> setTimeout fn, timeInMs |
ready: -> |
container = $(@node).parent() |
@maxWidth = (Dashing.widget_base_dimensions[0] * container.data("sizex")) + Dashing.widget_margins[0] * 2 * (container.data("sizex") - 1) |
@maxHeight = (Dashing.widget_base_dimensions[1] * container.data("sizey")) |
draw this |
onData: (data) -> |
return if !@maxWidth or !@maxHeight |
draw this |
makeVideo = (url, type) -> |
return $(' |
<video preload="auto" autoplay="autoplay" muted="muted" loop="loop" webkit-playsinline> |
<source src="' + url + '" type="' + type + '"> |
</video> |
') |
draw = (self) -> |
$el = $(self.node) |
needResize = false |
# Remove the old image |
$el.find('img').remove() |
$el.find('video').remove() |
# Load the new image |
imageUrl = self.get("image") |
if endsWith imageUrl, ".mp4" |
$img = makeVideo imageUrl, 'video/mp4' |
else if endsWith imageUrl, ".gifv" |
imageUrl = imageUrl[0...-5] + ".mp4" |
$img = makeVideo imageUrl, 'video/mp4' |
else |
# Need to resize images to preserve aspect ration |
needResize = true |
$img = $('<img src="' + self.get("image") + '"/>') |
$el.append $img |
if needResize |
# Resize the image |
getImageSize $img, (width, height) => |
resizeImage $img, self.maxWidth, self.maxHeight, self.get 'max' |
I can't get this widget to work. It just shows the image in the original size, without making it fit