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Last active March 27, 2018 01:52
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type LearningResource{
learningResourceId: ID
name: String
type: String
level: String
contextId: ID
sequenceNumber: Int
children: [LearningResource]
type Assignment {
contextId: String
dueDate: String
bookId: String
description: String
assignmentId: ID
launchUri: String
name: String
learningResources: [LearningResource]
type AssignmentStructureNodes {
level: String
learningResource: StructureNodesResource
children: [AssignmentStructureNodes]
type StructureNodesResource{
itemId: String
title: String
type Student {
studentId: ID
firstName: String
lastName: String
email: String
engagement(courseSectionId: ID!, learningResourceIds: [ID]!, reportingContextIds: [ID!]!): Engagement
type CompositeError {
error: Boolean
failedRequestCount: Int
successfulRequestCount: Int
errorCodes: [Int]
errorMessages: [String]
type EngagementResults {
totalCount: Int
itemCount: Int
data: [Engagement]
bucket(filter: RangeFilter): EngagementResults
compositeError: CompositeError
lastUpdated: Long
startTimePeriod: String
endTimePeriod: String
type Engagement {
productId: String
courseSectionId: String
personViewedCount: Int
avgTimeSpent(timeUnit: TimeUnit = MIN): Float
timeSpentTotal(timeUnit: TimeUnit = MIN): Float
student: Student
learningResource: LearningResource
type TemporalEngagementResults {
totalCount: Int
itemCount: Int
offset: Int
limit: Int
queryStartDate: String
queryEndDate: String
input RangeFilter {
gt: Float
gte: Float
lt: Float
lte: Float
eq: Float
input StringRangeFilter {
gt: String
gte: String
lt: String
lte: String
eq: String
enum TimeUnit {
enum SortListBy {
enum SortAssignmentBy {
enum SortOrder {
enum TimeBin {
input EngagementFilter {
timeSpent: NumberRangeFilter
timeWindow: StringRangeFilter!
type EngagementActiveCount {
startHour: Stirng
endHour: String
personActiveCount: Int
type EngagementActiveCountResults {
itemCount: Int
totalCount: Int
offset: Int
limit: Int
activeCounts: [EngagementActiveCount]
type query {
topLevelLearningResource(courseSectionId: ID!,learningResourceId: ID): LearningResource
assignments(courseSectionId: ID!, sortBy: SortAssignmentBy=dueDate, sortOrder:SortOrder=asc):[Assignment]
latestAssignment(courseSectionId: ID! , timeZoneOffset: Int): Assignment
learningResources(learningResourceIds: [ID!]!, sortBy: String, sortOrder:SortOrder=asc): [LearningResource]
engagementQuery(courseSectionId: ID!, learningResourceIds: [ID]!, reportingContextIds: [ID!]!, filter: RangeFilter,sortBy:String="timeSpentTotal", sortOrder:SortOrder=desc,filterByName:String,limit:Int=100,offSet:Int=0) : EngagementResults
engagementQueryV2(courseSectionId: ID!, learningResourceIds: [ID]!, reportingContextIds: [ID!]!, filter: RangeFilter,sortBy:String="timeSpentTotal", sortOrder:SortOrder=desc,filterByName:String,limit:Int=100,offSet:Int=0) : EngagementResults
averageEngagement(courseSectionId: ID!, learningResourceIds: [ID!]!, reportingContextIds: [ID!]!) : Engagement
averageEngagementListByCS(courseSectionId: ID!, learningResourceLevel: Int = 2,offset: Int = 0, limit: Int = 18): EngagementResults
temporalEngagement(courseSectionId: ID!, learningResourceIds: [ID]!, reportingContextIds: [ID!]!, filter: EngagementFilter, timeBin: TimeBin = day,sortBy:String="timeSpentTotal", sortOrder:SortOrder=des): TemporalEngagementResults
engagementActiveCount(courseSectionId: ID!, filter: EngagementFilter, offset: Int = 0, limit: Int = 1, sortBy: String, sortOrder:SortOrder):EngagementActiveCountResults
schema {
query: query
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