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Created January 13, 2013 20:41
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Tune some system-specific PostgreSQL parameters.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8
from __future__ import print_function
from fabric.api import env, run, sudo
from fabric.colors import cyan, green, yellow
from fabric.state import output
env.user = "ubuntu"
env.forward_agent = True
output['everything'] = False
conf = "/etc/postgresql/9.2/main/postgresql.conf"
def pg_import_tune():
"""Tune PostgreSQL for bulk imports."""
print(cyan("Tuning PostgreSQL for bulk import."))
print(yellow(" • Stopping PostgreSQL."))
sudo("service postgresql stop")
memsize = int(run("free -b | grep ^Mem | awk '{print $2}'").strip())
memsize_mb = int(memsize / 1048576)
# Set the maximum amount of allocatable SysV shared memory to
# 80% of the total system RAM.
print(yellow(" • Setting shmmax to 80% of total RAM."))
shmmax_b = int(memsize * 0.80)
sudo("echo 'kernel.shmmax={}' >> /etc/sysctl.conf".format(shmmax_b))
sudo("echo 'kernel.shmall={}' >> /etc/sysctl.conf".format(shmmax_b))
sudo("sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf")
print(yellow(" • Setting shared_buffers to 1/3 of RAM."))
shared_bufs = int(memsize_mb * 0.33)
sudo("sed -i 's/#*shared_buffers = [0-9]*MB/shared_buffers = {}MB/' {}"
.format(shared_bufs, conf))
print(yellow(" • Setting maintenance_work_mem to 1/3 of RAM."))
maintenance_mem = int(memsize_mb * 0.33)
sudo("sed -i 's/#*maintenance_work_mem = [0-9]*MB/"
"maintenance_work_mem = {}MB/' {}".format(maintenance_mem, conf))
print(yellow(" • Disabling fsync."))
sudo("sed -i 's/#*fsync = on/fsync = off/' {}".format(conf))
print(yellow(" • Increasing WAL checkpoint settings."))
sudo("sed -i 's/#*checkpoint_segments = [0-9]*/"
"checkpoint_segments = 256/' {}".format(conf))
sudo("sed -i 's/#*checkpoint_timeout = 5min/"
"checkpoint_timeout = 1h/' {}".format(conf))
print(yellow(" • Starting PostgreSQL."))
sudo("service postgresql start")
print(green("✓ Tuning complete!"), end="\n\n")
def pg_mem_tune():
"""Tune PostgreSQL to make effective use of available RAM."""
print(cyan("Tuning PostgreSQL memory settings."))
print(yellow(" • Stopping PostgreSQL."))
sudo("service postgresql stop")
memsize = int(run("free -b | grep ^Mem | awk '{print $2}'").strip())
memsize_mb = int(memsize / 1048576)
# Set the maximum amount of allocatable SysV shared memory to
# 80% of the total system RAM.
print(yellow(" • Setting shmmax to 80% of total RAM."))
shmmax_b = int(memsize * 0.80)
sudo("echo 'kernel.shmmax={}' >> /etc/sysctl.conf".format(shmmax_b))
sudo("echo 'kernel.shmall={}' >> /etc/sysctl.conf".format(shmmax_b))
sudo("sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf")
# The shared_buffers parameter determines how much memory Postgres can use
# for caching data (this is in addition to the OS buffer cache). Although
# the docs suggest that this is aggressive, set it to 75% of the total
# avaialble shared memory.
print(yellow(" • Setting shared_buffers to 15% of RAM."))
shared_bufs = int(memsize_mb * 0.15)
sudo("sed -i 's/#*shared_buffers = [0-9]*MB/shared_buffers = {}MB/' {}"
.format(shared_bufs, conf))
# The work_mem parameter determines how much memory each process can use
# for intermediate results. Set this to memsize / max_connections.
max_conn = int(run("grep --color=never -Po "
"'(?<=^max_connections = )\d+' {}".format(conf)))
work_mem = int(memsize_mb / max_conn)
print(yellow(" • Setting work_mem to {}MB.".format(work_mem)))
sudo("sed -i 's/#*work_mem = [0-9]*MB/work_mem = {}MB/' {}"
.format(work_mem, conf))
# The maintenance_work_mem parameter determines how much memory is used by
# maintenance queries such as "VACCUM, CREATE INDEX", etc. Set this to
# memsize / 8.
maintenance_mem = int(memsize_mb / 8)
print(yellow(" • Setting maintenance_work_mem to {}MB."
sudo("sed -i 's/#*maintenance_work_mem = [0-9]*MB/"
"maintenance_work_mem = {}MB/' {}".format(maintenance_mem, conf))
# The effective_cache_size parameter is used by the query planner to
# figure out whether plans it is considering can fit in RAM or not. Set
# this to most of available system RAM.
print(yellow(" • Setting effective_cache_size to 75% of available RAM."))
cache_size = int(run("free -m | grep ^Mem | awk '{print $4+$7}'").strip())
cache_size = int(cache_size * 0.75)
sudo("sed -i 's/#*effective_cache_size = [0-9]*MB/"
"effective_cache_size = {}MB/' {}".format(cache_size, conf))
print(yellow(" • Starting PostgreSQL."))
sudo("service postgresql start")
print(green("✓ Tuning complete!"), end="\n\n")
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