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Created May 30, 2017 22:08
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#include "bitboard.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bitscan.h"
#include "move.h"
#define IN_CHECK_FALSE 0
#define IN_CHECK_TRUE 1
/* to get the rotated index of the unrotated index 0 <= n < 64, you would
say board_index_90[n] for example. Also, remember that these are
upside-down, since a1/LSB must come first */
static const uint8_t board_rotation_index_90[64] = {
0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56,
1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57,
2, 10, 18, 26, 34, 42, 50, 58,
3, 11, 19, 27, 35, 43, 51, 59,
4, 12, 20, 28, 36, 44, 52, 60,
5, 13, 21, 29, 37, 45, 53, 61,
6, 14, 22, 30, 38, 46, 54, 62,
7, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47, 55, 63
static const uint8_t board_rotation_index_45[64] = {
0, 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, 27, 35,
1, 4, 8, 13, 19, 26, 34, 42,
3, 7, 12, 18, 25, 33, 41, 48,
6, 11, 17, 24, 32, 40, 47, 53,
10, 16, 23, 31, 39, 46, 52, 57,
15, 22, 30, 38, 45, 51, 56, 60,
21, 29, 37, 44, 50, 55, 59, 62,
28, 36, 43, 49, 54, 58, 61, 63
static const uint8_t board_rotation_index_315[64] = {
28, 21, 15, 10, 6, 3, 1, 0,
36, 29, 22, 16, 11, 7, 4, 2,
43, 37, 30, 23, 17, 12, 8, 5,
49, 44, 38, 31, 24, 18, 13, 9,
54, 50, 45, 39, 32, 25, 19, 14,
58, 55, 51, 46, 40, 33, 26, 20,
61, 59, 56, 52, 47, 41, 34, 27,
63, 62, 60, 57, 53, 48, 42, 35
// generate a 64-bit random number
static inline uint64_t board_rand64(void);
// generate a bunch of random numbers to put in for zobrists
static void board_init_zobrist(Bitboard *board);
/* for rotating board states when creating the board. The rotated versions
are normally mutated along with the normal state, so this should not
need to be used when making and undoing moved */
static uint64_t board_rotate_90(uint64_t board);
static uint64_t board_rotate_45(uint64_t board);
static uint64_t board_rotate_315(uint64_t board);
static uint64_t board_rotate_internal(uint64_t board,
const uint8_t rotation_index[64]);
static void board_place_piece(Bitboard *board, Piecetype piece, Color color,
uint8_t loc);
static void board_unplace_piece(Bitboard *board, Piecetype piece, Color color,
uint8_t loc);
static void board_mogrify_piece(Bitboard *board,
Piecetype src_piece, Color src_color,
Piecetype dest_piece, Color dest_color,
uint8_t loc);
void board_init(Bitboard *board)
"rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1");
void board_init_with_fen(Bitboard *board, char *fen)
memset(board->boards, 0, 2*6*sizeof(uint64_t)); // clear out boards
int row = 7;
while (row >= 0)
int col = 0;
while (col < 8)
if (*fen >= '1' && *fen <= '8')
// skip that number of slots
col += (*fen - '0');
// figure out what piece to put here
Color color = WHITE;
Piecetype piece;
switch (*fen)
// fall through on the black ones
case 'p': color = BLACK;
case 'P': piece = PAWN; break;
case 'n': color = BLACK;
case 'N': piece = KNIGHT; break;
case 'b': color = BLACK;
case 'B': piece = BISHOP; break;
case 'r': color = BLACK;
case 'R': piece = ROOK; break;
case 'q': color = BLACK;
case 'Q': piece = QUEEN; break;
case 'k': color = BLACK;
case 'K': piece = KING; break;
default: piece = KING; break; // bad fen
// set the proper bit
board->boards[color][piece] |=
(1ULL << board_index_of(row, col));
fen++; // go to the next letter
fen++; // skip the slash or space
row--; // next row
// calculate the composite and rotated boards
for (Color c = WHITE; c <= BLACK; c++)
board->composite_boards[c] = 0;
for (Piecetype p = PAWN; p <= KING; p++)
board->composite_boards[c] |= board->boards[c][p];
board->full_composite =
board->composite_boards[WHITE] | board->composite_boards[BLACK];
board->full_composite_45 = board_rotate_45(board->full_composite);
board->full_composite_90 = board_rotate_90(board->full_composite);
board->full_composite_315 = board_rotate_315(board->full_composite);
// w or b to move
board->to_move = (*fen == 'w' ? WHITE : BLACK);
fen += 2; // skip the w or b and then the space
/* castling rights. Assume no one has castled, since we can't know
otherwise */
board->castle_status = 0;
if (*fen != '-')
while (*fen != ' ')
/* the offset into castle_status is 4 for white KS. It
increases from that as below */
int index = 4;
switch (*fen)
case 'q': index++;
case 'Q': index++;
case 'k': index++;
case 'K': break;
default: break; // bad fen
board->castle_status |= (1ULL << index);
fen++; // next castling bit
fen++; // skip the dash
fen++; // skip the space
// enpassant index
if (*fen != '-')
int col = *fen - 'a';
int row = *fen - '1';
// the board keeps a different notion of enpassant row than FEN
if (row == 2)
row = 3;
else if (row == 5)
row = 4;
board->enpassant_index = board_index_of(row, col);
board->enpassant_index = 0;
fen++; // skip the dash
/* this is hax. The space does not need to be skipped, since strtol
will ignore it. However we don't have any of the board history,
but the halfmove count says how far back we need to check the
history. So zero it out, which will hopefully not conencide
with any used zobrist */
board->halfmove_count = strtol(fen, NULL, 10);
memset(board->history, 0, 256*sizeof(uint64_t));
// set up the mess of zobrist random numbers and the rest of the state
board->undo_index = 0;
board->history_index = 0;
board->history[0] = board->zobrist;
board->in_check[0] = board->in_check[1] = IN_CHECK_UNKNOWN;
board->generation = 0;
static inline uint64_t board_rand64()
// OR two 32-bit randoms together
return (((uint64_t)random()) << 32) | ((uint64_t)random());
static void board_init_zobrist(Bitboard *board)
// initially start with a random zobrist
board->zobrist = board_rand64();
// fill in each color/piece/position combination with a random mask
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < 64; k++)
board->zobrist_pos[i][j][k] = board_rand64();
// same for each castle status ...
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
board->zobrist_castle[i] = board_rand64();
// ... and enpassant index ...
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
board->zobrist_enpassant[i] = board_rand64();
// ... and to move
board->zobrist_black = board_rand64();
static uint64_t board_rotate_90(uint64_t board)
return board_rotate_internal(board, board_rotation_index_90);
static uint64_t board_rotate_45(uint64_t board)
return board_rotate_internal(board, board_rotation_index_45);
static uint64_t board_rotate_315(uint64_t board)
return board_rotate_internal(board, board_rotation_index_315);
static uint64_t board_rotate_internal(uint64_t board,
const uint8_t rotation_index[64])
uint64_t result = 0;
static const uint64_t bit = 1;
uint8_t current_index = 0;
// scan down each bit, flipping the right bit in the rotated result
while (board)
if (board & bit)
result |= bit << rotation_index[current_index];
board >>= 1;
return result;
void board_do_move(Bitboard *board, Move move)
// write old zobrist as a game state in the history
board->history[board->history_index++] = board->zobrist;
/* save data to undo ring buffer. 0x3F == 63. Max value for
enpassant_index is 63, max value for halfmove_count is 50 */
uint64_t undo_data = 0;
undo_data |= board->enpassant_index & 0x3F;
undo_data |= (board->castle_status & 0xFF) << 2;
undo_data |= (board->halfmove_count & 0x3F) << 10;
undo_data |= ((uint64_t)move) << 32;
board->undo_ring_buffer[board->undo_index++] = undo_data;
board->to_move = (1 - board->to_move);
board->zobrist ^= board->zobrist_black;
board->in_check[0] = board->in_check[1] = IN_CHECK_UNKNOWN;
if (move == MOVE_NULL)
// halfmove_count is reset on pawn moves or captures
if (move_piecetype(move) == PAWN || move_is_capture(move))
board->halfmove_count = 0;
uint8_t src = move_source_index(move);
uint8_t dest = move_destination_index(move);
Piecetype piece = move_piecetype(move);
Color color = move_color(move);
board->zobrist ^= board->zobrist_castle[board->castle_status];
if (move_is_castle(move) || move_piecetype(move) == KING)
/* moving your king at all means you can no longer castle on either
side. Castling also means you can no longer castle (again) on either
side */
board->castle_status &= ~((5 << 4) << color);
if (src == 0 || dest == 0)
board->castle_status &= ~(1 << 6); // white can no longer castle QS
if (src == 7 || dest == 7)
board->castle_status &= ~(1 << 4); // white can no longer castle KS
if (src == 56 || dest == 56)
board->castle_status &= ~(1 << 7); // black can no longer castle QS
if (src == 63 || dest == 63)
board->castle_status &= ~(1 << 5); // black can no longer castle KS
if (move_is_castle(move))
if (board_col_of(dest) == 2) // queenside castle
board_unplace_piece(board, ROOK, color, dest - 2);
board_place_piece(board, ROOK, color, dest + 1);
board->castle_status |= (4 << color);
else // kingside castle
board_unplace_piece(board, ROOK, color, dest + 1);
board_place_piece(board, ROOK, color, dest - 1);
board->castle_status |= (1 << color);
board->zobrist ^= board->zobrist_castle[board->castle_status];
/* if src and dest are 16 or -16 units apart (two rows) on a pawn move,
update the enpassant index with the destination square. If this
didn't happen, clear the enpassant index */
if (board->enpassant_index)
board->zobrist ^=
int delta = src - dest;
if (move_piecetype(move) == PAWN && (delta == 16 || delta == -16))
board->enpassant_index = dest;
board->enpassant_index = 0;
if (board->enpassant_index)
board->zobrist ^=
board_unplace_piece(board, piece, color, src);
Piecetype dest_piece =
move_is_promotion(move) ? move_promoted_piecetype(move) : piece;
if (move_is_capture(move))
move_captured_piecetype(move), 1-color,
dest_piece, color,
board_place_piece(board, dest_piece, color, dest);
if (move_is_enpassant(move))
if (color == WHITE) // the captured pawn is one row behind
board_unplace_piece(board, PAWN, BLACK, dest - 8);
else // the captured pawn is one row up
board_unplace_piece(board, PAWN, WHITE, dest + 8);
void board_undo_move(Bitboard *board)
uint64_t undo_data = board->undo_ring_buffer[--(board->undo_index)];
Move move = undo_data >> 32;
board->to_move = (1 - board->to_move);
board->zobrist ^= board->zobrist_black;
board->in_check[0] = board->in_check[1] = IN_CHECK_UNKNOWN;
if (move == MOVE_NULL)
board->zobrist ^= board->zobrist_castle[board->castle_status];
if (board->enpassant_index)
board->zobrist ^=
// restore from undo ring buffer
board->enpassant_index = undo_data & 0x3F;
board->castle_status = (undo_data >> 2) & 0xFF;
board->halfmove_count = (undo_data >> 10) & 0x3F;
board->zobrist ^= board->zobrist_castle[board->castle_status];
if (board->enpassant_index)
board->zobrist ^=
uint8_t src = move_source_index(move);
uint8_t dest = move_destination_index(move);
Piecetype piece = move_piecetype(move);
Color color = move_color(move);
board_place_piece(board, piece, color, src);
Piecetype dest_piece =
move_is_promotion(move) ? move_promoted_piecetype(move) : piece;
if (move_is_capture(move))
dest_piece, color,
move_captured_piecetype(move), 1-color,
board_unplace_piece(board, dest_piece, color, dest);
if (move_is_enpassant(move))
if (color == WHITE) // the captured pawn is one row behind
board_place_piece(board, PAWN, BLACK, dest - 8);
else // the captured pawn is one row up
board_place_piece(board, PAWN, WHITE, dest + 8);
if (move_is_castle(move))
if (board_col_of(dest) == 2) // queenside castle
board_place_piece(board, ROOK, color, dest - 2);
board_unplace_piece(board, ROOK, color, dest + 1);
else // kingside castle
board_place_piece(board, ROOK, color, dest + 1);
board_unplace_piece(board, ROOK, color, dest - 1);
// restore old zobrist
//board->zobrist = board->history[--board->history_index];
static void board_place_piece(Bitboard *board, Piecetype piece, Color color,
uint8_t loc)
board->boards[color][piece] |= 1ULL << loc;
board->composite_boards[color] |= 1ULL << loc;
board->full_composite |= 1ULL << loc;
board->full_composite_45 |= 1ULL << board_rotation_index_45[loc];
board->full_composite_90 |= 1ULL << board_rotation_index_90[loc];
board->full_composite_315 |= 1ULL << board_rotation_index_315[loc];
board->zobrist ^= board->zobrist_pos[color][piece][loc];
static void board_unplace_piece(Bitboard *board, Piecetype piece, Color color,
uint8_t loc)
board->boards[color][piece] &= ~(1ULL << loc);
board->composite_boards[color] &= ~(1ULL << loc);
board->full_composite &= ~(1ULL << loc);
board->full_composite_45 &= ~(1ULL << board_rotation_index_45[loc]);
board->full_composite_90 &= ~(1ULL << board_rotation_index_90[loc]);
board->full_composite_315 &= ~(1ULL << board_rotation_index_315[loc]);
board->zobrist ^= board->zobrist_pos[color][piece][loc];
static void board_mogrify_piece(Bitboard *board,
Piecetype src_piece, Color src_color,
Piecetype dest_piece, Color dest_color,
uint8_t loc)
board->boards[src_color][src_piece] &= ~(1ULL << loc);
board->boards[dest_color][dest_piece] |= 1ULL << loc;
if (src_color != dest_color)
board->composite_boards[src_color] &= ~(1ULL << loc);
board->composite_boards[dest_color] |= 1ULL << loc;
board->zobrist ^= board->zobrist_pos[src_color][src_piece][loc];
board->zobrist ^= board->zobrist_pos[dest_color][dest_piece][loc];
int board_in_check(Bitboard *board, Color color)
// TODO: is this worth it? try caching in unused undo_data bits
// said color is in check iff its king is being attacked
if (board->in_check[color] == IN_CHECK_UNKNOWN)
board->in_check[color] = move_square_is_attacked(board, 1-color,
return board->in_check[color];
Move board_last_move(Bitboard *board)
return board->undo_ring_buffer[board->undo_index - 1] >> 32;
void board_print(Bitboard *board)
char* separator = "-----------------";
char* template = "| | | | | | | | | ";
char* this_line = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(template) + 1));
/* print every row in sequence. Check each color and each type to see
if pieces are in that row, filling in the right slot in the template
with the sigil. Add the row number after each row, and print
column letters after each column. */
for (int row = 7; row >= 0; row--)
strcpy(this_line, template);
for (int color = 0; color <= 1; color++)
for (int type = 0; type <= 5; type++)
char sigil = 0;
switch (type)
case PAWN: sigil = 'P'; break;
case BISHOP: sigil = 'B'; break;
case KNIGHT: sigil = 'N'; break;
case ROOK: sigil = 'R'; break;
case QUEEN: sigil = 'Q'; break;
case KING: sigil = 'K'; break;
default: sigil = '?'; break;
if (color == BLACK)
sigil = tolower(sigil);
int column = 0;
uint8_t bits =
(uint8_t)((board->boards[color][type] >> (row << 3))
& 0xFF);
while (bits)
if (bits & 0x01)
this_line[column*2 + 1] = sigil;
bits >>= 1;
this_line[18] = '1' + row;
puts(" a b c d e f g h ");
printf("Enpassant index: %x\tHalfmove count: %x\tCastle status: %x\n",
board->enpassant_index, board->halfmove_count,
printf("Zobrist: %.16"PRIx64"\n", board->zobrist);
printf("To move: %i\n", board->to_move);
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