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Created April 18, 2024 09:55
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  • Save jwbowers/48881df7df9bf33bca029db8fe9c9bc6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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List the percentage change in text between each commit and the previous commit. Can be more than 100.
import subprocess
import sys
import csv
# uses the GitPython module
import git
from pathlib import Path
## Notice need to install GitPython
## Recommended:
## python3 -m venv .venv
## source .venv/bin/activate
## pip3 install GitPython
## To use on the file causal_inference.Rmd at the unix/mac command line:
## python3 causal-inference/causal-inference.Rmd
## basically we just need to give it the path to a file
file_path = sys.argv[1]
def get_commits_for_file(file_path):
repo = git.Repo(".",search_parent_directories=True) # Open the Git repository
commits = list(repo.iter_commits(paths=file_path,reverse=True)) # Efficiently iterate using paths argument
commit_shas = []
for commit in commits:
commit_shas.append(commit.hexsha[:7]) # Capture the first 7 characters of the SHA
return commit_shas
except git.exc.NoSuchPathError:
print(f"Error: File '{file_path}' not found in repository.")
return [] # Return an empty list on error
#file_path = "causal-inference/causal-inference.Rmd"
#commits = get_commits_for_file(file_path)
##if commits:
## print("Commits for", file_path, ":")
## for commit_sha in commits:
## print(commit_sha)
## print("No commits found for", file_path)
def get_commit_diff(commit_hash, file_path):
result =
['git', 'diff', commit_hash, commit_hash + '^', file_path],
return result.stdout.split('\n')
def count_words(diff_lines):
added_words = 0
deleted_words = 0
for line in diff_lines:
if line.startswith('+'):
added_words += len(line[1:].split())
elif line.startswith('-'):
deleted_words += len(line[1:].split())
return added_words, deleted_words
def calculate_percentage_change(added_words, deleted_words, total_words):
return (added_words + deleted_words) / total_words * 100
def main():
#file_path = 'causal-inference/causal-inference.Rmd'
repo = git.Repo(".",search_parent_directories=True) # Open the Git repository
commits = get_commits_for_file(file_path)
with open('output.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
fieldnames = ['commit', 'percentage_change']
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for commit in commits:
if not commit:
if commit == commits[0]:
percentage_change = 100
the_commit_obj = repo.commit(commit)
git_blob = the_commit_obj.tree / file_path
file_content ='utf-8')
total_words = len(file_content.split())
diff_lines = get_commit_diff(commit, file_path)
added_words, deleted_words = count_words(diff_lines)
percentage_change = calculate_percentage_change(added_words, deleted_words, total_words)
writer.writerow({'commit': commit, 'percentage_change': percentage_change})
if __name__ == '__main__':
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