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Jason Weden, CISSP jweden

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* Example Pattern to use to quickly create continuous Performance tests along side Functional Acceptance Tests for REST APIs
package example
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Test
* Always good to have a parent class for test plans to centralize code across all test plans
jweden /
Last active December 12, 2015 07:59
Demonstration of the power of java 8 lambdas with generics.
public interface FunctionN<T,R> {
R apply(T...t);
jweden / ScalaRestTester.scala
Created March 14, 2012 01:38
Spray Rest Client with ScalaTest
package weden.jason.restTests
import org.testng.annotations.Test
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
import org.apache.log4j.{Logger, LogManager}
import cc.spray.http._
import cc.spray.http.HttpMethods._
import cc.spray.can.HttpClient
import akka.config.Supervision._
import{PoisonPill, Actor, Supervisor}
jweden / ScalaFunctionalTests.scala
Created December 29, 2011 03:03
Connecting to a postgres database via Squeryl
package weden.jason.dbaseFuncTests
import org.testng.annotations.Test
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
import org.apache.log4j.{Logger, LogManager}
import org.squeryl.adapters.PostgreSqlAdapter
import java.util.Date
import org.squeryl.{Schema, Session}
class ScalaFunctionalTests extends TestNGSuite {
jweden / sql.sql
Created December 29, 2011 02:57
SQL in database
(First_Name char(50),
Last_Name char(50),
Address char(50),
City char(50),
Country char(25),
Birth_Date date)
insert into customer values (jason,weden,4 Mow Lane, Albany, NY, 12-2-1972)
jweden / ScalaFunctionalTests.scala
Created December 11, 2011 04:22
ScalaTest TestNG Test Class
package weden.jason.authServerFuncTests
import org.testng.annotations.Test
import org.testng.Assert._
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
class ScalaFunctionalTests extends TestBase with TestNGSuite {
@Test(invocationCount = 3)
def easyTest() {
import TestBase._
jweden / pom.xml
Created May 4, 2011 01:26
Maven pom configuration file snippet incorporating groovy
jweden /
Created May 4, 2011 00:38
Superclass for tests that calls into the groovy class to obtain data for the data-driven tests
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
jweden / TestcaseGrabber.groovy
Created May 4, 2011 00:36
Reads in groovy-style properties file
* This is the groovy class which puts the test cases in the external
* file into a data structure for the java program to use.
public class TestcaseGrabber {
protected List<Map<String,String>> getTestcases() {
def testConfig = null;
try {
jweden / gist:954536
Created May 4, 2011 00:35 -- Groovy Properties File
testCases = [
['testDescription': 'Initial Test',
'xmlToUse' : '''<searchWithXML>
['testDescription': 'Second Test',