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Created April 15, 2011 14:53
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- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect;
CGAffineTransform flipVertical = CGAffineTransformMake(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, CGRectGetHeight(self.bounds));
CTFramesetterRef ref = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString((CFAttributedStringRef)self.attributedString);
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:self.bounds];
CTFrameRef ctFrame = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(ref, CFRangeMake(0, 0), [path CGPath], NULL);
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextConcatCTM(ctx, flipVertical);
//This one works fine
//CTFrameDraw(ctFrame, ctx);
NSMutableArray *lines = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:(id)(id)CTFrameGetLines(ctFrame)];
CGPoint * origins = malloc(sizeof(CGPoint) * [lines count]);
//Line truncation code
CTLineRef lastLine = (CTLineRef)[lines lastObject];
CFStringRef str = CFSTR("\u2026");
CFAttributedStringRef truncationString = (CFAttributedStringRef)[[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:(id)str] autorelease];
CTLineRef truncationToken = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(truncationString);
NSRange lastLineRange = NSMakeRange(CTLineGetStringRange(lastLine).location, 0);
lastLineRange.length = [self.attributedString length] - lastLineRange.location;
CFAttributedStringRef longString = (CFAttributedStringRef)[self.attributedString attributedSubstringFromRange:lastLineRange];
CTLineRef longLine = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(longString);
CTLineRef truncated = CTLineCreateTruncatedLine(longLine, CGRectGetWidth(self.bounds), kCTLineTruncationEnd, truncationToken);
if (truncated)
[lines replaceObjectAtIndex:[lines count]-1 withObject:(id)truncated];
#warning Comment out this line to fix the truncation problem
CTFrameGetLineOrigins(ctFrame, CFRangeMake(0, 0), origins);
for (int i = 0; i < [lines count]; ++i)
CGPoint origin = origins[i];
CGContextSetTextPosition(ctx, origin.x ,origin.y);
CTLineRef line = (CTLineRef)[lines objectAtIndex:i];
//This works fine
//CTLineDraw(line, ctx);
NSArray *runs = (id)CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line);
for (id t in runs)
CTRunRef run = (CTRunRef)t;
CTRunDraw(run, ctx, CFRangeMake(0, 0));
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