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Created June 8, 2014 08:43
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// Constraints.swift
// ConstraintsTest
// Created by Joshua Weinberg on 6/6/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Joshua Weinberg. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
func ==(lhs: ConstraintDescriptor, rhs: ConstraintDescriptor) -> Bool {
return true
struct ConstraintDescriptor: Hashable, Equatable {
enum ConstraintSide {
case Left
case Right
func toAttribute(axis: UILayoutConstraintAxis) -> NSLayoutAttribute {
switch (axis) {
case .Horizontal:
switch (self) {
case .Left:
return .Left
case .Right:
return .Right
case .Vertical:
switch (self) {
case .Left:
return .Top
case .Right:
return .Bottom
let multiplier: Double
let constant: Double
let toView: UIView?
let fromView: UIView?
let relation: NSLayoutRelation
let fromAttribute: ConstraintSide
let toAttribute: ConstraintSide
init(item: UIView?, attribute fromAttribute: ConstraintSide, relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation, toItem: UIView?, attribute toAttribute: ConstraintSide, multiplier: Double, constant: Double) {
self.fromView = item
self.toView = toItem
self.toAttribute = toAttribute
self.fromAttribute = fromAttribute
self.relation = relatedBy
self.multiplier = multiplier
self.constant = constant
var hashValue: Int {
var value = self.toAttribute.hashValue ^ self.fromAttribute.hashValue ^ self.relation.hashValue ^ self.multiplier.hashValue ^ self.constant.hashValue
if let hash = fromView?.hash {
value ^= hash
if let hash = toView?.hash {
value ^= hash
return value
func toConstraint(direction: UILayoutConstraintAxis) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
var adjustedFromAttribute:NSLayoutAttribute = fromAttribute.toAttribute(direction)
var adjustedToAttribute:NSLayoutAttribute = toAttribute.toAttribute(direction)
var constraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: fromView, attribute: adjustedFromAttribute, relatedBy:relation, toItem: toView, attribute: adjustedToAttribute, multiplier: CGFloat(multiplier), constant: CGFloat(constant))
return constraint
struct LayoutContext {
var leftView: UIView?
var rightView: UIView?
var constraints: Set<ConstraintDescriptor>
init(_ left: LayoutContext, _ right: LayoutContext) {
leftView = left.leftView
rightView = right.rightView
constraints = Set<ConstraintDescriptor>(ConstraintDescriptor[](left.constraints))
init(_ view: LayoutContext) {
leftView = view.leftView
rightView = view.rightView
constraints = Set<ConstraintDescriptor>(ConstraintDescriptor[](view.constraints))
init(_ view: UIView) {
leftView = view
rightView = view
constraints = Set<ConstraintDescriptor>()
operator prefix |- {}
@prefix func |-(view: UIView) -> LayoutContext {
var ctx = LayoutContext(view)
return (|-ctx)
@prefix func |-(ctx: LayoutContext) -> LayoutContext {
var c = LayoutContext(ctx)
var constraint = ConstraintDescriptor(item: ctx.leftView, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: ctx.leftView?.superview, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 8.0)
return c
operator postfix -| {}
@postfix func -|(view: UIView) -> LayoutContext {
var ctx = LayoutContext(view)
return (ctx-|)
@postfix func -|(ctx: LayoutContext) -> LayoutContext {
var c = LayoutContext(ctx)
var constraint = ConstraintDescriptor(item: ctx.rightView, attribute: .Right, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: ctx.rightView?.superview, attribute: .Right, multiplier: 1.0, constant: -8.0)
return c
func -(left: UIView, right: UIView) -> LayoutContext {
return LayoutContext(left) - LayoutContext(right)
func -(left: UIView, right: LayoutContext) -> LayoutContext {
return LayoutContext(left) - right
func -(left: LayoutContext, right: UIView) -> LayoutContext {
return left - LayoutContext(right)
func -(left: LayoutContext, right: LayoutContext) -> LayoutContext {
var ctx = LayoutContext(left, right)
var constraint = ConstraintDescriptor(item: ctx.leftView, attribute: .Right, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: ctx.rightView, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: -8.0)
return ctx
func H(contex: LayoutContext) -> NSLayoutConstraint[] {
var constraints = NSLayoutConstraint[]()
for constraint in contex.constraints {
return constraints
func V(contex: LayoutContext) -> NSLayoutConstraint[] {
var constraints = NSLayoutConstraint[]()
for constraint in contex.constraints {
return constraints
// Set.swift
// ConstraintsTest
// Created by Joshua Weinberg on 6/8/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Joshua Weinberg. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
extension NSObject: Hashable {
var hashValue: Int {
get {
return self.hash
struct Set<T: Hashable>: Sequence, ArrayLiteralConvertible, Printable {
typealias DictType = Dictionary<Int,T>
var storage = DictType()
static func convertFromArrayLiteral(elements: T...) -> Set<T> {
return Set(elements)
init() {
init(_ elements: T[]) {
for obj in elements {
func contains(obj: T) -> Bool {
if let x = storage[obj.hashValue] {
return true
} else {
return false
mutating func add(objs: T[]) {
for obj:T in objs {
mutating func add(objs: Set<T>) {
mutating func add(obj: T) {
storage[obj.hashValue] = obj
mutating func remove(obj: T) {
var description: String {
return storage.description
func generate() -> MapSequenceGenerator<DictType.GeneratorType, T> {
return storage.values.generate()
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