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Last active February 9, 2017 10:29
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Alma SWORD Deposits
Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset="utf-8"
Content-Disposition: attachment; name=atom
MIME-Version: 1.0
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry xmlns=""
<title>Deposit sample</title>
<dcterms:title>Deposit Sample</dcterms:title>
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; name=payload; filename=test.txt
MIME-Version: 1.0
This is a test file deposited via SWORD.
var request = require('request');
headers = {
"In-Progress": false,
"On-behalf-of": USER_NAME
var options = {
method: 'POST',
auth: {
user: USER_NAME,
headers: headers,
multipart: [{
'content-type': 'application/atom+xml; charset="utf-8"',
'content-disposition': 'attachment; name=atom',
body: '<entry><dc:title>My Title</dc:title></entry>'
}, {
'content-type': 'application/zip',
'content-disposition': 'attachment; name=payload; filename=' + FILENAME)),
'Content-Transfer-Encoding': 'base64',
'Packaging': '',
'Content-MD5': utils.checksum(FILE),
body: utils.base64_encode(FILE)
require 'Sword2Ruby'
#Print out the version number
puts "Running Sword2Ruby version #{Sword2Ruby::VERSION}"
#Define the authentication credentials for the connection
sword_user ='user', 'password', 'on behalf of')
#Define the connection object using the username and password
connection =
#Get the Service Document
service ='', connection)
#Print out some properties for the Service
puts "service.sword_version: #{service.sword_version}"
puts "service.sword_max_upload_size: #{service.sword_max_upload_size}"
puts "service.workspaces.count: #{service.workspaces.count}"
puts "service.collections.count: #{service.collections.count}"
#Get a collection
collection = service.collections.last
entry =
entry.add_dublin_core_extension! "title", "Test from Ruby"
entry.add_dublin_core_extension! "creator", "Creator"
#Post a file to the collection
deposit_receipt = collection.post_multipart!(
:content_type=>"test/plain", #application/zip",
:packaging=>"", #SimpleZip"
#Print out the deposit receipt
puts "deposit_receipt.has_entry: #{deposit_receipt.has_entry}"
puts "deposit_receipt.entry.to_s: #{deposit_receipt.entry.to_s}"
// Test the V2 PHP client implementation using the Simple SWORD Server (SSS)
// The URL of the service document
$testurl = "http://localhost:8080/sd";
// The user (if required)
$testuser = "";
// The password of the user (if required)
$testpw = "";
// The on-behalf-of user (if required)
$testobo = "";
// The URL of the example deposit collection
$testdepositurl = "http://localhost:8080/col/1620699450000561";
// The test atom entry to deposit
$testatomentry = "test-files/atom_multipart/atom";
// The second test atom entry to deposit
$testatomentry2 = "test-files/atom_multipart/atom2";
// The test atom multipart file to deposit
$testmultipart = "test-files/atom_multipart_package";
// The second test file to deposit
$testmultipart2 = "test-files/atom_multipart_package2";
// The test content zip file to deposit
$testzipcontentfile = "test-files/";
// A plain content file
$testextrafile = "test-files/swordlogo.jpg";
// The file type of the extra file
$testextrafiletype = "image/jpg";
// The content type of the test file
$testcontenttype = "application/zip";
// The packaging format of the test file
$testpackaging = "";
$testsac = new SWORDAPPClient();
if (true) {
print "About to request servicedocument from " . $testurl . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testsdr = $testsac->servicedocument($testurl, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testsdr->sac_status . " (" . $testsdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if ($testsdr->sac_status == 200) {
print "\n\n";
if (true) {
print "About to deposit multipart file (" . $testmultipart . ") to " . $testdepositurl . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testdr = $testsac->depositMultipart($testdepositurl, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testmultipart, false);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status . " (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if (($testdr->sac_status >= 200) || ($testdr->sac_status < 300)) {
print "\n\n";
$edit_iri = $testdr->sac_edit_iri;
$cont_iri = $testdr->sac_content_src;
$edit_media = $testdr->sac_edit_media_iri;
$statement_atom = $testdr->sac_state_iri_atom;
$statement_ore = $testdr->sac_state_iri_ore;
if (false) {
print "About to request Atom serialisation of the deposit statement from " . $statement_atom . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testatomstatement = $testsac->retrieveAtomStatement($statement_atom, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo);
if (($testatomstatement->sac_status >= 200) || ($testatomstatement->sac_status < 300)) {
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to request OAI-ORE serialisation of the deposit statement from " . $statement_ore . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testoaiore = $testsac->retrieveOAIOREStatement($statement_ore, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo);
echo $testoaiore;
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to retrieve content from " . $edit_media . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testresp = $testsac->retrieveContent($edit_media, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, "");
// file_put_contents("", $testresp);
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to replace content at " . $edit_media . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$status = $testsac->replaceFileContent($edit_media, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testzipcontentfile, $testpackaging, $testcontenttype, false);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $status . "\n";
if ($status == 204) {
echo "Content replaced\n";
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to replace atom entry (" . $testatomentry2 . ") to " . $edit_iri . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testdr = $testsac->replaceMetadata($edit_iri, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testatomentry2, false);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status .
" (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if (($testdr->sac_status >= 200) || ($testdr->sac_status < 300)) {
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to replace multipart atom entry and file (" . $testmultipart2 . ") to " . $edit_iri . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testdr = $testsac->replaceMetadataAndFile($edit_iri, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testmultipart2, $testpackaging, false);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status .
" (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if (($testdr->sac_status >= 200) || ($testdr->sac_status < 300)) {
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to add file (" . $testextrafile . ") to " . $edit_media . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testdr = $testsac->addExtraFileToMediaResource($edit_media, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testextrafile, $testextrafiletype, false);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status .
" (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if (($testdr->sac_status >= 200) || ($testdr->sac_status < 300)) {
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to add package (" . $testzipcontentfile . ") to " . $edit_iri . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testdr = $testsac->addExtraPackage($edit_iri, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testzipcontentfile, $testpackaging, $testcontenttype, false);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status .
" (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if (($testdr->sac_status >= 200) || ($testdr->sac_status < 300)) {
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to add atom entry (" . $testatomentry2 . ") to " . $edit_iri . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testdr = $testsac->addExtraAtomEntry($edit_iri, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testatomentry2, false);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status .
" (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if (($testdr->sac_status >= 200) || ($testdr->sac_status < 300)) {
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to add multipart atom entry and file (" . $testmultipart2 . ") to " . $edit_iri . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testdr = $testsac->addExtraMultipartPackage($edit_iri, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testmultipart2, $testpackaging, false);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status .
" (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if (($testdr->sac_status >= 200) || ($testdr->sac_status < 300)) {
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to complete the deposit at " . $complete_url . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testdr = $testsac->completeIncompleteDeposit($testdepositurl, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status .
" (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if (($testdr->sac_status >= 200) || ($testdr->sac_status < 300)) {
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to delete container at " . $edit_iri . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
try {
$deleteresponse = $testsac->deleteContainer($edit_iri, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo);
print " - Container successfully deleted, HTTP code 204\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
print "\n\n";
if (false) {
print "About to deposit atom entry (" . $testatomentry . ") to " . $testdepositurl . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testdr = $testsac->depositAtomEntry($testdepositurl, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testatomentry, false);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status .
" (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if (($testdr->sac_status >= 200) || ($testdr->sac_status < 300)) {
print "\n\n";
$edit_iri = $testdr->sac_edit_iri;
$cont_iri = $testdr->sac_content_src;
$edit_media = $testdr->sac_edit_media_iri;
$statement_atom = $testdr->sac_state_iri_atom;
$statement_ore = $testdr->sac_state_iri_ore;
if (false) {
print "About to retrieve deposit receipt from " . $edit_iri . "\n";
if (empty($testuser)) {
print "As: anonymous\n";
} else {
print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
$testdr = $testsac->retrieveDepositReceipt($edit_iri, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, "");
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testsdr->sac_status . " (" . $testsdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if ($testdr->sac_status == 200) {
print "\n\n";
Copy link

To run the curl example, use a command line such as:
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=---------------1605871705; type=\"application/atom+xml\"" -H "MIME-Version: 1.0" -H "On-behalf-of: [username]" --data-binary @curl.txt --user [user]:[password] https://[alma-url]/sword/[INST]/col/[deposit_profile_id]

Be sure to replace all of the parameters marked by []

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