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Last active December 14, 2015 07:39
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Basic simulation of a Node module
function Module(scope, global){
this.scope = scope;
this.exports = {}; = global || window || this;
function ModuleError(message) {;
Error.captureStackTrace(this, ModuleError); = 'ModuleError';
this.message = message;
ModuleError.prototype = Error.prototype;
ModuleError.prototype.constructor = ModuleError;
Module.prototype.compile = function(code) {
var scope = this.scope
, closure = new Function('module', 'exports', code)
scope.exports = this.exports;
closure = closure.bind(;
try {
closure(scope, scope.exports);
catch (error) {
console.error( new ModuleError(error) )
// Try it out...
var module = new Module({
myVariable: 'myValue',
myFunc: function(){ console.log("I'm a scoped function local to the module"); }
module.compile('console.log(module.myVariable);'); // myValue
module.compile('module.myFunc();'); // I'm a scoped function local to the module.
module.compile('nonExistentFunction();'); // throws ModuleError: ReferenceError: nonExistentFunction is not defined
module.compile('exports.MyClass = function MyClass(){};');
module.compile('console.log(exports)'); // Object {MyClass: function}
module.compile('module.exports.MyOtherClass = function MyOtherClass(){};');
module.compile('console.log(exports)'); // Object {MyClass: function, MyOtherClass: function}
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