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Created September 9, 2019 04:33
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Hacky scripts to update the ros-melodic-* AUR PKGBUILD sources to point to github sources vs. ros-gbp
import json
import os
import re
import requests
import subprocess
import time
import urllib
import yaml
### uncommment / fill in the below
#gh_oauth='' # a github token for authentication, otherwise calls are throttled
#global_path = 'path/to/dir/ros-melodic-aur' # directory of all of ros-melodic-* pkg dirs
#repos = yaml.load(open('./distribution.yaml', 'r').read(), Loader=yaml.BaseLoader)['repositories']
rosdistro_url = ''
rosdistro = yaml.load(requests.get(rosdistro_url, allow_redirects=True).content,
# packages that are missing information or are special cases
skip = ['fcl', 'libviso2', 'viso2_ros', 'opencv3', 'roscpp_git', 'message_filters_git', 'ivcon', 'stage', 'nodelet_tutorial_math',
'common_tutorials', 'turtle_actionlib', 'pluginlib_tutorials', 'rosbag_migration_rule', 'actionlib_tutorials', 'ompl', 'bfl', 'convex_decomposition', 'mavlink']
def build_aur_dict(path='./'):
"""Assumes we are in top-level directory with all the repo files.
Build list of all repos in directory; assumes all start with ros-melodic."""
aur_list = [d for d in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(d) and d.startswith('ros-melodic')]
aur_list = [d for d in repo_list if 'PKGBUILD' in os.listdir(d)]
aur_dict = {'{}'.format(pkgname): '{}'.format(pkgname.replace('ros-melodic-', '').replace('-', '_')) for pkgname in aur_list}
return aur_dict
aur_dict = build_aur_dict()
os_dict = {}
for repo in rosdistro:
"""Go through distro, and make entry for each package in a repository"""
d = rosdistro[repo]
if 'source' in d:
src = d['source']['url']
elif 'release' in d:
src = d['release']['url']
target = re.sub('\.git', '', src.split('/')[3] + '/' + src.split('/')[4])
pkgver = d.get('release', {'version': None}).get('version', None)
if pkgver:
pkgver = pkgver.split('-')[0]
if 'github' in src:
dl = '' + target + '/archive/' + pkgver + '.tar.gz' if pkgver else None
dl = None
pkg_list = d.get('release', {'packages': [repo]}).get('packages', [repo])
for pkg in pkg_list:
siblings = len(pkg_list)-1
pkgname = 'ros-melodic-{}'.format(re.sub('_', '-', pkg))
ros_dict[pkg] = {'repo': repo, 'siblings': siblings, 'pkgname': pkgname, 'src': src, 'pkgver': pkgver, 'dl': dl}
def update_src(pkgname):
pkg = aur_dict[pkgname]
if pkg in skip:
print('skipping: {}'.format(pkgname))
return (pkgname, 'skip')
d = ros_dict[pkg]
if not d.get('pkgver', None):
print('pkgver not in dict: {}'.format(pkgname))
return (pkgname, 'no_tag')
if not d.get('dl', None):
print('dl not in dict: {}'.format(pkgname))
return (pkgname, 'no_dl')
old_pkgver = re.findall("^pkgver=.*", open('PKGBUILD').read(), re.MULTILINE)
old_dir = re.findall("^_dir=.*", open('PKGBUILD').read(), re.MULTILINE)
old_src = re.findall("^source=\(.*\)", open('PKGBUILD').read(), re.MULTILINE)
old_sha = re.findall("^sha256sums=\(.*\)", open('PKGBUILD').read(), re.MULTILINE)
if all((old_dir, old_src, old_sha, old_pkgver)):
old_pkgver = old_pkgver[0]
old_dir = old_dir[0]
old_src = old_src[0]
old_sha = old_sha[0]
print('getting PKGBUILD lines failed: {}'.format(pkgname))
return (pkgname, 'multi_pkgbuild')
new_pkgver = "pkgver='{}'".format(d['pkgver'])
new_dir = '_dir="{}-${{pkgver}}{}"'.format(d['repo'],
'/{}'.format(pkg) if d['siblings'] else '')
new_src = 'source=("${{pkgname}}-${{pkgver}}.tar.gz"::"{}")'.format(d['dl'])
if old_pkgver == new_pkgver and old_dir == new_dir and old_src == new_src:
print('already matches: {}'.format(pkgname))
return (pkgname, 'updated')
print('starting: {}'.format(pkgname))
fname = '{}-{}.tar.gz'.format(pkg, d['pkgver'])
urllib.request.urlretrieve(d['dl'], fname)
except urllib.error.HTTPError:
print('download failed: {}'.format(pkgname))
return (pkgname, 'dl_fail')
sha256 =['sha256sum', fname], capture_output=True)
new_sha = "sha256sums=('{}')".format(sha256.stdout.decode('utf-8').split(' ')[0])
os.remove(fname)['git', 'branch', 'src-fix'])['git', 'checkout', 'src-fix'])
with open('PKGBUILD', 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
with open('PKGBUILD', 'w') as f:
for line in lines:
line = re.sub(re.escape(old_pkgver), new_pkgver, line)
line = re.sub(re.escape(old_src), new_src, line)
line = re.sub(re.escape(old_dir), new_dir, line)
line = re.sub(re.escape(old_sha), new_sha, line)
with open('.SRCINFO', "w") as outfile:['makepkg', '--printsrcinfo'], stdout=outfile)['git commit -am "updated _dir, sources, and shasums"'], shell=True)
return (repo, 'updated')
results = [update_src(pkgname) for pkgname in aur_dict]
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