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Created December 5, 2020 22:38
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This is demonstrating a solution to the "hiding a key in a chessboard" problem detailed here:
This is demonstrating a solution to the "hiding a key in a chessboard" problem detailed here:
"""This function cribbed from wikipedia. Yes I know it's impossibly slow."""
def crc_remainder(input_bitstring, polynomial_bitstring, initial_filler):
"""Calculate the CRC remainder of a string of bits using a chosen polynomial.
initial_filler should be '1' or '0'.
polynomial_bitstring = polynomial_bitstring.lstrip('0')
len_input = len(input_bitstring)
initial_padding = initial_filler * (len(polynomial_bitstring) - 1)
input_padded_array = list(input_bitstring + initial_padding)
while '1' in input_padded_array[:len_input]:
cur_shift = input_padded_array.index('1')
for i in range(len(polynomial_bitstring)):
input_padded_array[cur_shift + i] = str(int(polynomial_bitstring[i] != input_padded_array[cur_shift + i]))
return int(''.join(input_padded_array)[len_input:], 2)
def as_bitstring(k):
return "{0:b}".format(k)
# Number of squares
problem_size = 64
max_board_val = (2**problem_size) - 1
# Number of bits required to uniquely address a square
n_addr_bits = 1
while 2**n_addr_bits < problem_size: n_addr_bits += 1
# Number of bits in the CRC polynomial
n_poly_bits = n_addr_bits + 1
# For a given board layout, what key address is being indicated?
def getKeyAddrFor(board_val):
poly = '1000011'
return crc_remainder(as_bitstring(board_val), poly, '0')
# For a given board and key position, what address should you flip to indicate the correct key position?
def genMoveFor(board_val, key_pos):
flip_map = {}
# No-flip is actually not allowed... oops
flip_map[-1] = getKeyAddrFor(board_val)
for j in range(problem_size):
other_bv = board_val ^ (1 << j)
flip_map[j] = getKeyAddrFor(other_bv)
available_moves = []
for flip_pos, shown_val in flip_map.items():
if shown_val != key_pos:
# We have iterated to a single flip which will display the correct key position
if flip_pos == -1:
print("Using no-flip will work.")
print("Flipping the coin at location %d will work."%flip_pos)
return available_moves
print("NO SOLUTION FOUND FOR BOARD %X KEY POS %d"%(board_val, key_pos))
# Using the solution from the video, what key address is being indicated by a particular board layout?
def officialGetKeyAddrFor(board_val):
key_addr = 0
for i in range(64):
if (1<<i) & board_val: key_addr ^= i
return key_addr
# Using the solution from the video and given a particular board value and key location, what coin should we flip?
def officialGenMoveFor(board_val, key_pos):
return officialGetKeyAddrFor(board_val) ^ key_pos
from random import randint
for i in range(100):
print("Run %d"%i)
chosen_key_pos = randint(0,63)
board_val = randint(0,max_board_val)
# Switched off: test my solution vs. official solution
if 0:
my_move = genMoveFor(board_val, chosen_key_pos)
official_move = officialGenMoveFor(board_val, chosen_key_pos)
print("My move vs official move: %d vs %d"%(my_move[0], official_move))
test_board = board_val ^ (1<<official_move)
indicated_key_pos = officialGetKeyAddrFor(test_board)
print("Official chosen vs. indicated: %d vs %d"%(chosen_key_pos, indicated_key_pos))
# For a random board and key location, figure out the coin to flip, then verify that the new board shows the correct address
if 1:
print("board %X key pos %d" % (board_val, chosen_key_pos))
available_moves = genMoveFor(board_val, chosen_key_pos)
# Check returned moves
for move in available_moves:
flipped_bv = board_val
if move != -1:
flipped_bv ^= (1<<move)
indicated_key_pos = getKeyAddrFor(flipped_bv)
if indicated_key_pos == chosen_key_pos:
print("Successfully indicated key position %d"%chosen_key_pos)
print("Failed to indicate key pos %d, got %d"%(chosen_key_pos, indicated_key_pos))
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