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Created August 7, 2023 18:12
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---- MODULE SynchronousL2 ----
EXTENDS TLC, Naturals, Integers, Sequences, FiniteSets
(* --termination --fair algorithm SynchronousL2 {
Accounts = [ Alice |-> Supply \div 2
, Bob |-> Supply \div 2 ],
Locked = Empty,
L2Accounts = Empty,
KadenaState = "Normal",
L2State = "Waiting",
block = 1
define {
KadenaStates == {
"Normal", \* Regular blockchain operation
"Submit", \* On-chain contract wishes to lockup
"Locked" \* Accounts are locked on Kadena
L2States == {
"Waiting", \* Waiting on account locks to release funds
"Working", \* Handling transactions on L2
"Ready" \* Ready to prepare the return state
Empty == [ Alice |-> 0, Bob |-> 0 ]
Total(accounts) == accounts.Alice + accounts.Bob
\* It is always the case that no matter what state the system is in,
\* eventually the KadenaState will be Normal again.
Liveness == []<>(KadenaState = "Normal")
macro conserves_mass() {
assert Total(Accounts) + Total(Locked) = Supply;
\* This is a fair process because it is guaranteed, for the purposes of this
\* formal model, to never get "stuck".
fair+ process ( Kadena = 1 )
either {
await KadenaState = "Normal";
assert Total(Locked) = 0;
\* Any block may request transfer of funds to the L2
with (nextState \in { "Normal", "Submit" }) {
KadenaState := nextState;
assert L2State = "Waiting";
or {
await KadenaState = "Submit";
assert Total(Locked) = 0;
Locked := Accounts;
Accounts := Empty;
L2Accounts := Locked;
KadenaState := "Locked";
assert L2State = "Waiting";
L2State := "Working";
or {
await KadenaState = "Locked";
either {
await L2State = "Ready";
assert Total(Locked) = Total(L2Accounts);
Locked := Empty;
Accounts := L2Accounts;
KadenaState := "Normal";
L2State := "Waiting";
or {
assert Total(Accounts) = 0;
assert L2State = "Working";
block := block + 1;
fair+ process ( L2 = 2 )
either {
await L2State = "Waiting";
assert Total(L2Accounts) = 0;
assert \/ KadenaState = "Normal"
\/ KadenaState = "Submit";
or {
await L2State = "Working";
assert Total(L2Accounts) = Supply;
\* At some point in the future, the L2 will want to settle
with (nextState \in { "Working", "Ready" }) {
L2State := nextState;
assert KadenaState = "Locked";
or {
await L2State = "Ready";
assert Total(L2Accounts) = Supply;
assert KadenaState = "Locked";
} *)
\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "cac5dc80" /\ chksum(tla) = "179c0e42")
\* Label Loop of process Kadena at line 47 col 3 changed to Loop_
VARIABLES Accounts, Locked, L2Accounts, KadenaState, L2State, block, pc
(* define statement *)
KadenaStates == {
L2States == {
Empty == [ Alice |-> 0, Bob |-> 0 ]
Total(accounts) == accounts.Alice + accounts.Bob
Liveness == []<>(KadenaState = "Normal")
vars == << Accounts, Locked, L2Accounts, KadenaState, L2State, block, pc >>
ProcSet == {1} \cup {2}
Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ Accounts = [ Alice |-> Supply \div 2
, Bob |-> Supply \div 2
/\ Locked = Empty
/\ L2Accounts = Empty
/\ KadenaState = "Normal"
/\ L2State = "Waiting"
/\ block = 1
/\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> CASE self = 1 -> "Loop_"
[] self = 2 -> "Loop"]
Loop_ == /\ pc[1] = "Loop_"
/\ \/ /\ KadenaState = "Normal"
/\ Assert(Total(Locked) = 0,
"Failure of assertion at line 50, column 5.")
/\ \E nextState \in { "Normal", "Submit" }:
KadenaState' = nextState
/\ Assert(L2State = "Waiting",
"Failure of assertion at line 57, column 5.")
/\ UNCHANGED <<Accounts, Locked, L2Accounts, L2State>>
\/ /\ KadenaState = "Submit"
/\ Assert(Total(Locked) = 0,
"Failure of assertion at line 62, column 5.")
/\ Locked' = Accounts
/\ Accounts' = Empty
/\ L2Accounts' = Locked'
/\ KadenaState' = "Locked"
/\ Assert(L2State = "Waiting",
"Failure of assertion at line 70, column 5.")
/\ L2State' = "Working"
\/ /\ KadenaState = "Locked"
/\ \/ /\ L2State = "Ready"
/\ Assert(Total(Locked) = Total(L2Accounts),
"Failure of assertion at line 79, column 7.")
/\ Locked' = Empty
/\ Accounts' = L2Accounts
/\ KadenaState' = "Normal"
/\ L2State' = "Waiting"
\/ /\ Assert(Total(Accounts) = 0,
"Failure of assertion at line 89, column 7.")
/\ Assert(L2State = "Working",
"Failure of assertion at line 91, column 7.")
/\ UNCHANGED <<Accounts, Locked, KadenaState, L2State>>
/\ UNCHANGED L2Accounts
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![1] = "Step"]
/\ block' = block
Step == /\ pc[1] = "Step"
/\ block' = block + 1
/\ Assert(Total(Accounts) + Total(Locked) = Supply,
"Failure of assertion at line 41, column 5 of macro called at line 98, column 3.")
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![1] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED << Accounts, Locked, L2Accounts, KadenaState, L2State >>
Kadena == Loop_ \/ Step
Loop == /\ pc[2] = "Loop"
/\ \/ /\ L2State = "Waiting"
/\ Assert(Total(L2Accounts) = 0,
"Failure of assertion at line 107, column 5.")
/\ Assert(\/ KadenaState = "Normal"
\/ KadenaState = "Submit",
"Failure of assertion at line 109, column 5.")
\/ /\ L2State = "Working"
/\ Assert(Total(L2Accounts) = Supply,
"Failure of assertion at line 115, column 5.")
/\ \E nextState \in { "Working", "Ready" }:
L2State' = nextState
/\ Assert(KadenaState = "Locked",
"Failure of assertion at line 122, column 5.")
\/ /\ L2State = "Ready"
/\ Assert(Total(L2Accounts) = Supply,
"Failure of assertion at line 127, column 5.")
/\ Assert(KadenaState = "Locked",
"Failure of assertion at line 129, column 5.")
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![2] = "Done"]
/\ UNCHANGED << Accounts, Locked, L2Accounts, KadenaState, block >>
L2 == Loop
(* Allow infinite stuttering to prevent deadlock on termination. *)
Terminating == /\ \A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done"
Next == Kadena \/ L2
\/ Terminating
Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ WF_vars(Next)
/\ SF_vars(Kadena)
/\ SF_vars(L2)
Termination == <>(\A self \in ProcSet: pc[self] = "Done")
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