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Created June 27, 2023 14:19
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Local asset trading

Lockup funds into an L2 prior to some event where the standard forms of payment may not be readily accessible, like on an airplane or a cruise ship. Customers are able to transact and purchase while on the trip, and then the activity is settled back to the L1 and the standard monetary exchanges after the conclusion of the trip.

This indicates a type of scenario allows for local economies that integrate back into the global economy after a period of time when it may not be possible to perform activity directly within the global economy: like during a trip, or during a crisis.

Another example of where this would become quite necessary is if Mars were colonized. In that case, you would want two global economies for each planet, but they should be able to reflect transactions back and forth with complete security.


NFTs on chain that represents a professional certification. You want to be able to prove that you have been certified for a particular skill, but you don’t want to reveal any information.

Posted queries against NFTs

If I have an NFT that represent title ownership for my house, I don’t want to make my address public information. Meanwhile, a government agency should be able to recognize this NFT as a proof of ownership. They would like to assess property taxes against the house, but this needs the address to perform the calculation.

We could support this by allow “queries” to be submitted against an NFT in the form of Pact code. These queries would live on chain in a queue associated with the NFT. As the holder of the title, I would receive a notification that such a query was awaiting my attention. I could then download the Pact code, convert it into a ZK circuit, calculate the answer being requested by the agency — in this case, the property taxes — and submit back the answer along with a ZK proof so that the agency knows that I used their calculation to determine the property taxes from the address.

Another aspect of this is that the user is able to audit the Pact code being submitted along with the request, and can make the determination of whether it’s something they ought to execute/answer.

To make this more generally feasible, there would like need to be a registry of audited contracts, for example, the Property Tax Calculation that would come with a signature certifying that it was produced by the City government. This way the user doesn’t necessarily need to read the Pact code itself (although they could), they could trust the agency by way of verifying its signature.

RFID and physical identification

If a crystal square has a unique Lichtenberg figure embedded within it, which — up to some degree of photographic accuracy — represents a physically unique pattern among all Earth-bound objects, then an RFID transmitting the details of this structure could be used to link the square to an NFT. If this square were affixed to a passport with permanent glue, then the RFID from the passport would link to an NFT, with the additional capability of examining the Lichtenberg figure itself to confirm the RFID identification. This would be a reliable way to associated an NFT with a physical object, it would just need the ability to permanently associate that object with the item being identified, in this case a passport.


If I forget to take my medicine while on vacation, I should be able to fill the prescription anywhere by showing proof to any pharmacy. This way the doctor needn’t phone the prescription into a particular pharmacy, rather I would just need to receive the tokens representing units of the drug, but units which are permanently linked to my identity.

Thus, we want non-transferrable tokens, so that I can redeem as much of a certain drug as might be needed at a given time, but am unable to transfer it to anyone else.

Mineral rights

The basic concept here is the ability to associate an NFT with a physical object, and then allow securitization of that NFT so that shares of it may be sold on an open market. For example, if I were to reflect the land my house is on as an NFT covering a particular geographical area, and I subdivide that NFT based on square meter lots within the property boundaries, then if gold or oil or diamonds should ever be found beneath my property, the holder of the NFT related to that particular area of ground, would be the legal owner of that discovery. These could be sold on a time-limited basis, the same way that countries today will sell mineral rights to other nations for a fixed period of years.

Family tree

Proof of progeny. An NFT could reflect my birth relation to my parents, and they would have similar NFTs relating them to their parents, etc. However, none of these relationships would be public attributes of the NFT. Instead, a person, using their NFT, could “query” another NFT, and the owner of that NFT could answer the question using ZK in such a way that it does not reveal any of the details of their own family tree — unless, of course, they wish to communicate those details by a private channel.

This scheme could extend the concept of a “permanent government identity”, issued at birth, which provides your identity within the context of your entire ancestry, but in a way that keeps all of those connections private to you.

Private e-mail

I want a system where, at a conference, I could make a QR code available to companies and other attendees, but without making my e-mail address known to anyone. They could “query” the NFT, and I could permit them to send me a private message during a specific time window, without ever making my e-mail visible to them.

This utilizes ZK to make not just certain data private, but access to me private as well. The only “public” input — if I enable the notifications — would be the requests for access coming in to the NFT. The NFT, meanwhile, would be something that I could delete a week after the conference, and none of those attendees or companies would have any way of discovering my details beyond that point.

This notion of identity is private and local, so that you can mint NFTs like this for particular situations, events, or individuals that you want to reach out to. Imagine “mintable business cards” that only work for a certain period of time.

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