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Created November 14, 2022 22:16
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  • Save jwiegley/9d1754325220b37162b99f731a1f45cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jwiegley/9d1754325220b37162b99f731a1f45cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{ compiler ? "ghc8107"
, rev ? "7a94fcdda304d143f9a40006c033d7e190311b54"
, sha256 ? "0d643wp3l77hv2pmg2fi7vyxn4rwy0iyr8djcw1h5x72315ck9ik"
, pkgs ?
import (builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "${rev}.tar.gz";
inherit sha256; }) {
config.allowBroken = false;
config.allowUnfree = true;
, returnShellEnv ? false
, mkDerivation ? null
let gitignoreSrc = import (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "hercules-ci";
repo = "gitignore";
rev = "9e80c4d83026fa6548bc53b1a6fab8549a6991f6";
sha256 = "04n9chlpbifgc5pa3zx6ff3rji9am6msrbn1z3x1iinjz2xjfp4p";
}) {};
nix-thunk = import ./deps/nix-thunk {};
pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler}.developPackage {
name = "pact";
root = gitignoreSrc.gitignoreSource ./.;
cabal2nixOptions = "--flag=build-tool";
overrides = self: super: with pkgs.haskell.lib; {
pretty-simple = dontCheck (self.callHackageDirect {
pkg = "pretty-simple";
ver = "";
sha256 = "19zwzzvjgadmzp9gw235bsr6wkljr8k0cqy75h5q8n0d5m60ip7m";
} {});
direct-sqlite = self.callHackageDirect {
pkg = "direct-sqlite";
ver = "2.3.27";
sha256 = "0w8wj3210h08qlws40qhidkscgsil3635zk83kdlj929rbd8khip";
} {};
sbv = dontCheck (self.callHackageDirect {
pkg = "sbv";
ver = "9.0";
sha256 = "14g2qax1vc7q4g78fa562dviqvcd0l52kd5jmgv90g3g3ci15bnl";
} {});
statistics = dontCheck (self.callHackageDirect {
pkg = "statistics";
ver = "";
sha256 = "1sg1gv2sc8rdsl6qby6p80xv3iasy6w2khbkc6cx7j2iva67v33r";
} {});
hashable = doJailbreak super.hashable;
rebase = doJailbreak super.rebase;
ralist = markUnbroken (doJailbreak super.ralist);
# Cuckoo tests fail due to a missing symbol
cuckoo = dontCheck super.cuckoo;
# These tests pull in unnecessary dependencies
http2 = dontCheck super.http2;
prettyprinter = dontCheck super.prettyprinter;
aeson = dontCheck super.aeson;
generic-data = dontCheck super.generic-data;
source-overrides = {
OneTuple = "0.3";
aeson = "";
ansi-terminal = "0.11.3";
prettyprinter-ansi-terminal = "1.1.2";
time-compat = "1.9.5";
trifecta = "2.1.1";
unordered-containers = "";
hspec-golden = "";
# These are required in order to not break payload validation
base16-bytestring = "";
prettyprinter = "1.6.0";
hashable = "";
base64-bytestring = "";
modifier = drv: pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal drv (
with pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler};
attrs: {
libraryToolDepends = (attrs.libraryToolDepends or []) ++ [
buildTools = (attrs.buildTools or []) ++ [
inherit returnShellEnv;
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