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Created November 5, 2023 19:07
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(* A C-valued presheaf on some category U.
C is often taken to be Sets. *)
Definition Presheaf (U C : Category) := U^op ⟶ C.
(* A coverage on a category C consists of a function assigning to each object
U ∈ C a collection of families of morphisms { fᵢ : Uᵢ → U } (i∈I), called
covering families, such that
if { fᵢ : Uᵢ → U } (i∈I) is a covering family
and g : V → U is a morphism,
then there exists a covering family { hⱼ : Vⱼ → V }
such that each composite g ∘ hⱼ factors through some fᵢ. *)
Class Site (C : Category) := {
covering_family (u : C) :=
∃ I : nat, Vector.t (∃ v : C, v ~> u) I;
coverage (u : C) : covering_family u;
(u : C) (fs : covering_family u)
(v : C) (g : v ~> u) :
∃ (hs : covering_family v),
(λ h : { w : C & w ~> v },
∃ (i : Fin.t (`1 fs)),
let f := Vector.nth (`2 fs) i in
∃ (k : `1 h ~> `1 f),
`2 f ∘ k ≈ g ∘ `2 h)
(`2 hs)
(* If { fᵢ : Uᵢ → U } (i∈I) is a family of morphisms with codomain U,
a presheaf X : Cᵒᵖ → Set is called a sheaf for this family if:
for any collection of elements xᵢ ∈ X(Uᵢ)
such that,
whenever g : V → Uᵢ and h : V → Uⱼ
are such that fᵢ ∘ g = fⱼ ∘ h,
we have X(g)(xᵢ) = X(h)(xⱼ),
then there exists a unique x ∈ X(U)
such that X(fᵢ)(x) = xᵢ for all i . *)
Class Sheaf {C : Category} `{@Site C} (X : Presheaf C Sets) := {
restriction :
∀ u : C,
let I := `1 (coverage u) in
let f := `2 (coverage u) in
(λ fᵢ : { v : C & v ~> u },
∀ (xᵢ : X (`1 fᵢ))
(P : ∀ (v : C)
(g : v ~> `1 fᵢ)
(j : Fin.t I),
let fⱼ := Vector.nth f j in
∀ (h : v ~> `1 fⱼ),
`2 fᵢ ∘ g ≈ `2 fⱼ ∘ h →
∀ xⱼ : X (`1 fⱼ),
fmap[X] g xᵢ = fmap[X] h xⱼ),
∃! x : X u, fmap[X] (`2 fᵢ) x = xᵢ)
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