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Last active October 12, 2019 20:09
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  • Save jwilger/1fd422d2a0b17f86840f4b691b9f12f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jwilger/1fd422d2a0b17f86840f4b691b9f12f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test Script for Indexing and Query Performance of Simple PostgreSQL event storage
* Inserts 2-million events with some randomized data for fields that will typically
* be used for searching.
* Run from the command line with:
* PGOPTIONS='--client-min-messages=warning' psql -X -q -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --pset pager=off \
* -f event_store_test.sql | less
\echo 'Inserting event data. This may take quite some time...'
\o /dev/null
drop database if exists event_store_perf_test;
create database event_store_perf_test;
\c event_store_perf_test
create extension pgcrypto;
drop table if exists test_orgs;
create temporary table test_orgs (id) as
select gen_random_uuid() from generate_series(1,10) as id;
drop table if exists test_aggregates;
create temporary table test_aggregates as
(array['User', 'UserAssignment', 'Progress'])[floor(random() * 3 + 1)] as type,
gen_random_uuid() as id, as org_id
from test_orgs, generate_series(1,1000);
drop table if exists test_event_types;
create temporary table test_event_types as
select md5(random()::text) as name from generate_series(1,20);
drop table if exists events;
create table events (
id bigserial primary key,
organization_id uuid not null,
stream_id text not null,
event_type text not null,
event_timestamp timestamp not null default now()
create index events_stream_id_idx on events (stream_id);
create index events_organization_id_idx on events (organization_id);
create index events_event_type_idx on events (event_type);
create index events_event_type_id_idx on events (event_type, id);
create index events_event_type_org_id_id_idx on events (event_type, organization_id, id);
insert into events (organization_id, stream_id, event_type, event_timestamp)
(type || ':' || id) as stream_id
) x,
name as event_type
from test_event_types
) as y
) as z
order by random();
drop table if exists test_orgs;
drop table if exists test_aggregates;
drop table if exists test_event_types;
select stream_id from events limit 1;
select event_type from events limit 1;
select organization_id from events limit 1;
\echo ''
\echo ''
\echo ''
\echo '******************************************************************************************'
\echo '******************************************************************************************'
\echo ''
\echo 'Number of events inserted:'
select to_char(count(*), '999G999G999G999') from events;
\echo ''
\echo ''
\echo ''
\echo '******************************************************************************************'
\echo '******************************************************************************************'
\echo ''
\echo 'select all events for a given stream (i.e. to event-source an aggregate)'
\echo 'select * from events where stream_id = :''stream_id'' order by id;'
explain analyze select * from events where stream_id = :'stream_id' order by id;
select to_char(count(*), '999G999G999') as num_matched from events where stream_id = :'stream_id';
\echo ''
\echo ''
\echo ''
\echo '******************************************************************************************'
\echo '******************************************************************************************'
\echo ''
\echo 'select all events of a given event type (i.e. to recreate projections)'
\echo 'explain analyze select * from events where event_type = :''event_type'' order by id;'
explain analyze select * from events where event_type = :'event_type' order by id;
select to_char(count(*), '999G999G999') as num_matched from events where event_type = :'event_type';
\echo ''
\echo ''
\echo ''
\echo '******************************************************************************************'
\echo '******************************************************************************************'
\echo ''
\echo 'select all events of a given event type with position and limit (i.e. to update projection)'
\echo 'select * from events where event_type = :''event_type'' and id > 32471 order by id limit 10;'
explain analyze select * from events where event_type = :'event_type' and id > 32471 order by id limit 10;
\echo ''
\echo ''
\echo ''
\echo '******************************************************************************************'
\echo '******************************************************************************************'
\echo ''
\echo 'select all events for single organization of a given event type with position and limit'
\echo '(i.e. to update projection for a given organization)'
\echo 'explain analyze select * from events where event_type = :''event_type'' and organization_id = :''organization_id'' and id > 32471 order by id limit 10;'
explain analyze select * from events where event_type = :'event_type' and organization_id = :'organization_id' and id > 32471 order by id limit 10;
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