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Last active August 18, 2019 02:20
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Python wildcard apply / glob apply
# Author: jwilson8767
import collections
def glob_apply(obj, paths, fn: callable, **kwargs) -> None:
Iterates a deeply nested structure using dot-notation wildcard paths.
:param obj: The List/Sequence or Dict/Mapping to iterate
:param paths: A single dot-notation path like "some_obj.*.label" or a list of paths like ["some_obj.*.label", "some_obj.*.items.*.label"]
:param fn: The function to apply, should return the new value or mutated object.
full_path = None
def _map_seq_enumerate(obj):
if isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, str):
return enumerate(obj)
if isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping):
return obj.items()
return [] # return empty
def _glob_apply(obj, path):
if obj is None:
if len(path) == 1:
if path[0] == '*':
for i, _ in _map_seq_enumerate(obj):
obj[i] = fn(obj[i], **kwargs)
elif path[0] in obj:
obj[path[0]] = fn(obj[path[0]], **kwargs)
if path[0] == '*':
for i, _ in _map_seq_enumerate(obj):
_glob_apply(obj[i], path[1:])
if path[0] in obj:
_glob_apply(obj[path[0]], path[1:])
except TypeError as ex:
if str(ex) == 'list indices must be integers or slices, not str':
raise ValueError('Path "{}" could not be recursed because a list object was encountered where a dict was expected. Try adding ".*" before ".{}" '.format(full_path, path[0]))
raise ex
if isinstance(paths, str):
paths = [paths]
for _path in paths:
full_path = _path
_glob_apply(obj, full_path.split('.'))
# Example usage:
def wrap_parens(obj):
return '('+obj+')'
my_massively_nested_object = {
'foo': {
'items': [
{'label': 'bar'},
{'label': 'barr'},
# ...
'foo2': {
'items': [
{'label': '2bar'},
{'label': '2barr'},
# ...
glob_apply(my_massively_nested_object, '*.items.*.label', wrap_parens); # obj, path, func
'foo': {
'items': [
{'label': '(bar)'},
{'label': '(barr)'},
# ...
'foo2': {
'items': [
{'label': '(2bar)'},
{'label': '(2barr)'},
# ...
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