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Created July 26, 2018 20:37
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Count ECS tasks per AZ for a service on a cluster
# Ouptuts the number of tasks running per AZ for a given service on a given ECS cluster
# Boilerplate to setup a temp dir since we save some files for intermediate processing
set -e -o pipefail
# the directory of the script
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# the temp directory used, within $DIR
# omit the -p parameter to create a temporal directory in the default location
WORK_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
# check if tmp dir was created
if [[ ! "$WORK_DIR" || ! -d "$WORK_DIR" ]]; then
echo "Could not create temp dir"
exit 1
# deletes the temp directory
function cleanup {
rm -rf "$WORK_DIR"
#echo "Deleted temp working directory $WORK_DIR"
# register the cleanup function to be called on the EXIT signal
trap cleanup EXIT
# End setup
# Begin script body
aws ecs list-tasks --cluster $CLUSTER --service-name $SERVICE > tasks.json
aws ecs describe-tasks \
--cluster $CLUSTER \
--tasks $(cat tasks.json | jq -r '.taskArns | join(" ")') \
--query 'tasks[].containerInstanceArn' \
> container-instances.json
aws ecs describe-container-instances \
--cluster $CLUSTER \
--container-instances $(cat container-instances.json | jq -r '. | join(" ")') \
--query 'containerInstances[].attributes[?name==`ecs.availability-zone`]' \
> container-instance-azs.json
cat container-instance-azs.json | jq -r '.[][]| .value ' | sort | uniq -c
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