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Created February 27, 2012 19:35
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Test Contents (thanks, Kent)
Composition: short-answer questions
Look at exercises in Prag Prog book
JS basics
Class, object, sequence diagrams
Basic OOP
Use cases
What's a good requirement?
Types of requirements
Program analyses -- relations, concepts
Use a class diagram
Models of concurrency
Program concepts, patterns
Equivalence classes
Testing definitions, strategies
Shaun's notes from tutorial:
Draw class or object diagram based on "story" given -- quite like ER assignment we did in lab
Pick out nouns, draw boxes as appropriate
Go through passage, underline all nouns you see, incorporate them into diagram
Know diamonds, multiplicities, etc.
Don't agonize over it -- will be quite short, given hour-long exam length
Know difference between functional & nonfunctional (security, usability, performance)
Identify examples of each
Be able to produce actual definition of both terms, as well as identify requirements given in another story
If you say "security is important nonfunctional requirement," tell why it is based on that particular story
"Why is requirements gathering important?"
We don't have domain knowledge, which we get by gathering requirements
Almost always asked about equivalence classes
Testing is about inputs & outputs -- if input doesn't produce expected output, there's a bug
You can put in infinite number of inputs, potentially -- so you choose which to test based on equivalence classes
Essentially partitioning space of all possible tests into equivalent classes
Boundary testing: catch off-by-one errors, etc.
Essentially, picking values from borders between equivalence classes
Equivalence classes for an int: negative, 0, positive
Shaun's guess: maybe the exam question wlil be about a function that takes a date parameter
What are the possible equivalence classes?
Dates with zeroes at the end
Leap years
Y2K stuff
Dec 31, 23:59:59
Boundaries at beginning/end of month
Types of tests:
Unit: testing units of functionality outside of context of rest of system
Testing at method/function level
Distinction between whitebox and blackbox testing
Blackbox about testing specification -- does code match spec? (Bug may be in either code or spec)
What is advantage of blackbox testing? Why not just do whitebox testing?
If you overlook edge case when writing code, you may well do the same when writing tests
You don't even consider that user might pass in null value
You may not have access to the soruce
Blackbox & whitebox are complementary
Whitebox verifies that code is working properly
Blackbox verifies that code meets specification
Integration: ensure that units work correclty when combined
Many bugs happen at interface between units -- nastiest bug that you'll encounter in real world
Performance bugs are a pain in the ass -- unit alone will be perfectly fast in isolation, but exceedingly slow once integrated into system
You know that individual units work fine because of unit testing
Often used interchangably with system testing
For this course, consider them to be the same thing
May perform "big bang" testing where everything combined at once, or may combine things one-at-a-time (preferable)
System testing: does entire system work as it should?
System integration testing: does system integrate properly with other systems?
Acceptance testing: you give system to customer, ask if it meets his needs
You give almost-complete product to customer, see if he's happy
'Tis first time Prag Prog book has been used for class at university
"Tests at end of chapters are too easy to stick into exam!" --Dr. Sillito
He also said to Shaun that a question or two from book would likely be on exam
Types of defects: given source listing with bugs identified, list type of each
Divide by zero
Arithmetic overflow/underflow
Race condition
Infinite loops/recursion
Null pointer dereference
Using uninitialized variable
Access violation
Resource leak
Buffer overflow
Excessive recursion causing stack overflow
Loop existing too early
Interfacing bugs:
Incorrect API usage
Incorrect protocol implementation
Incorrect hardware handling
Performance bugs:
Excessive algorithm computational complexity
Random disk or memory access
Unpropagated changes (mitigated by DRY)
Out-of-date or incorrect
Differences between documentation and final product
Think of int/char/float as abstraction on top of binary data
Object: something with attributes (aka data, state) and behaviour (operations)
When "obj.method" called, you don't know exactly what *function* call will be made -- depends on what obj's class is
Rails' routes.rb is a DSL
match "/tasks/:id" => "tasks#show", constraints => {:id => /.../}
SASS is a DSL for CSS
Improve performance through temporal decoupling
Orthogonal software = high cohesion, low coupling
Cohesion: if component is cohesive, it does only small number of (related) tasks
Coupling: how much interdependence there is between components
Crash early -- minimize distance between source of problem and where you notice its effects
Choosing between throwing exception and producing error:
Produce error when program can conceivably continue operating
Throw exception when it can't
Prototypes: good for illustrating whether your design choices make sense
May be quick-and-dirty code; may even be just UI mockup
Issues with caching:
Invalidating stale objects
Memory usage -- don't want to keep infrequently used objects in memory
What happens when you reference obj.something in JS?
If "something" is attribute on obj, then its value is returned
If not:
Does obj.__proto__.something exist?
If so, return
If not, look at obj.__proto__.__proto__ ...
var car = new Car(a, b, c)
Create new object (i.e., "{}")
Bind that new object to "this"
Set this.__proto__ to Car.prototype
call Car(a, b, c)
Requirement: describes what system must do, or a constraint of its development
Types of requirements:
1. Functional
Inputs accepted
Outputs generated
Data stored
Timing and synchronization
2. Quality
Response time
Resource usage (CPU, RAM, network, disk space, power)
Reliability -- average time before failures, probability of failure
Availability -- "how many 9s?"
3. Platform
Run on server? phone?
4. Process
Development methodology
Cost & delivery date
Requirement gathering = iterative
Devs must be flexible -- client's understanding of needs evolves
Clients must be flexible -- maybe devs underestimated cost of functionality
Ranking requirements:
Write each requirement on index card
Client writes priority (A=must-have, B=important, C=nice-to-have)
Dev writes best/median/worst dev time
Then, figure out which cards stay in the project stack
Domain model: conceptual model of system including its key concepts and vocabulary
Includes main entities (objects) & relationships
Can capture using UML class diagrams
Types of UML to know: class, object, sequence diagrams
Class diagrams:
Though aggregation is a type of association, it's stronger
Aggregation = "part-of" relationship -- when one class fully "contains" another
e.g., consider Forum to be aggregation of Topics, as Topics are "contained by" Forum -- they don't have independent existence
Aggregation is weaker than composition
Use composition if container being destroyed also means that its composed objects will be destroyed in process
Composer must have multiplicity of 0 or 1 -- department can compose only a single university
e.g., if Forum is composed of Posts, they can't compose another Forum
Dependency is weaker than association
Dependency indicates that one class uses another as a local variable or method parameter
Association indicates that a class' instance is a member variable of another
Dependency = dotted line, open triangular arrowhead
Association = open triangular arrowhead
Inheritance = closed triangular arrowhead
Aggregation = open diamond
Composition = closed diamond (think "c" for closed/coloured)
Carburetor composes Car, but Duck aggregates Pond
Sequence diagrams:
Synchronous call: solid line, full triangular head
Asynchronous call: solid line, stick triangular head
Return value: dashed line, stick triangular head
Line can originate from edge of diagram to initiate message exchange
Lifelines don't necessarily indicate object lifetime -- just that active operations are being performed by object
Use Cases
Parts of use case:
Stakeholder -- has vested interest in system's behaviour
Main success scenario
Can branch to error scenarios, alternative success scenarios
Example use case: cook food with microwave for specified time
Primary actor: cooker (C)
Preconditions: microwave (M) plugged in
Postconditions: food has been cooked
Main success cenario:
1. C opens door
2. M turns on light
3. C puts in food and closes door
4. C presses numerical buttons, M display time on LCD
5. C presses start button, M starts cooking
6. M counts down time
7. When specified time has elapsed, M stops cooking, sounds 3 beeps
8. C opens door, retrieves food
At step 6, C opens door
6a. M stops cooking
6b. C closes door and presses start button
6c. Continue main succses scenario at step 6
Equivalence Classes
Choose one input as representative of whole class of inputs
Assume that software processes all inputs in class in same manner
Provides shortcut -- don't need to test every possible input, as you collapse all equivalent inputs into single class
Note you must have classes for both valid & invalid inputs
Can also apply equivalence classes to outputs, but much rarer than doing so for inputs
Equivalence classes chosen in black-box manner, without access to underlying source -- only spec
Combine equivalence classes with boundary value analysis
When choosing precise values from classes to test, often choose ones lying just below, on, or just above boundaries
Example: "widget name must be 3-15 alphanumeric characters, of which first two must be letters"
Yields three requirements, each of which has multiple ECs:
1. Name must be alphanumeric
EC1: Name is alphanumeric (valid)
EC2: Name isn't alphanumeric (invalid)
2. Name must be 3-15 characters in length
EC3: Name length < 3 (invalid)
EC4: 3 <= name length <= 15 (valid)
EC5: Name length > 15 (invalid)
3. First two characters must be letters
EC6: First two characters are letters (valid)
EC7: First two characters aren't letters (invalid)
Multiple ECs may be covered by one test case; still, don't collapse separate ECs into a single EC
Design Patterns
One-to-many dependency defined such that when the "one" changes, the "many" are notified
If it's a one-to-one dependency, then it's the "command" pattern
Factory: allows creation of objects without specifying their exact classes
Subclasses can override class of object that will be created
Complex code related to creation can be rolled into factory
Abstract factory example:
DocumentCreator has createLetter(), createResume()
DocumentCreator subclassed by FancyDocumentCreator, ModernDocumentCreator, etc.
Composite: allow you to treat a single object or multiple objects the same way
e.g., in BST, treat nodes and leaves the same
Behaviour of object depends on its state
State machines don't necessarily imply the use of this pattern
Example: paint program
AbstractTool subclassed by PenTool, SelectionTool, etc.
Cursor then has "tool" variable that stores instance of one of those
Cursor calls mouseUp(), mouseDown(), etc. on tool
Adapter: wrapper -- translate from one interface to another
Object adapter: adapter contains instance of class it wraps
Class adapter: extend parent class(es) whose functionality you're wrapping, then call methods as appropriate
Doesn't need multiple inheritance -- can be done in Java by implementing interfaces
Single process, single thread, synchronous
Single process, single thread, asynchronous
Requires that *all* time-intensive calls be implemented as callbacks
Single process, multiple threads, synchronous
Synchronicity makes for easier programming, but requires that you deal with cross-thread issues
Interesting architecture:
Spin up a single process, single threaded, asynchronous server on each core
Implement additional "load balancer" process that dispatches requests in round-robin fashion
Problem: what if one of the async server instances is serving a huge request?
That's where having more knowledge about exactly what the server instances are doing allows you to serve more intelligently
Grocery store:
Customers care only about response time
Managers care about mean response time (how long does average customer wait?) and throughput (how many customers am I getting through?)
How does cost grow as a function of throughput (i.e., # of active users)?
High initial dev cost, but adding each subsequent user costs less and less
This is most likely -- given architecture can scale only so far
At certain point, adding more users causes cost to go to infinity
Likely to observe not smooth curve, but sharp "phase transitions" -- must invest substantial amount to rearchitect system at certain stages
In testing concurrency, three metrics to consider:
Total time
Requests/s (throughput)
Mean time per request (mean response time)
Pragmatic Advice
Ch. 7: Requirements gathering:
51: Don't gather requirements -- dig for them.
52: Work with a user to think like a user.
53: Abstractions live longer than details.
Don't represent years with literal two-digit value
Instead, build "YEAR" abstraction -- even though underlying representation can be two-digit value
54: Use a project glossary.
55: Don't think outside the box -- find the box.
You might think constraints exist that aren't preset in reality
56: Listen to nagging doubts -- start when you're ready.
Try to build prototype to overcome procrastination -- will tell you what you're missing, if you're ready to begin
57: Some things are better done than described.
e.g., describe how to tie your shoes.
58: Don't be a slave to formal methods.
59: Expensive tools do not produce better designs.
Ch. 2: A pragmatic approach:
12: Make it easy to reuse.
Easier your code is to resuse, less likely you/others will duplicate the knowledge it represents
13: Eliminate effects between unrelated things.
14: There are no final decisions.
Reversibility is key
15: Use tracer bullets to find the target.
"Ready, fire, aim" rather than "Ready, aim, aim, aim, ..."
16: Prototype to learn.
Ignore correctness, completeness, robustness, style
Make sure client understands this is prototype -- it will be crap, so must not go into production
17: Program close to the problem domain.
DSLs are key -- includes data languages (Windows .rc files) and imperative languages
18: Estimate to avoid surprises.
Look back at your estimates to improve future estimate accuracy
Best source for estimates is someone who's already built similar system
19: Iterate the schedule with the code.
Ch. 5: Bend or break:
37: Configure, don't integrate.
Use metadata to describe configuration
38: Put abstractions in code, details in metadata
39: Analyze workflow to improve concurrency.
Avoid temporal coupling
40: Design using services.
Service = independent, concurrent objects behind well-defined, consistent interface
41: Always design for concurrency.
Allows you to deploy application as standalone, client-server, n-tier ...
Converting noncurrent application to concurrent one is really hard
42: Separate views from models.
Ideally, can add new views without changing underlying model
43: Use blackboards to coordinate workflow.
Post objects to board when they're ready, then retrieve based on type or parameters
Ch. 4: Pragmatic paranoia:
30: You can't write perfect software.
Deal with it, bro
31: Design with contracts.
Preconditions, postconditions, class invariants
32: Crash early.
Don't let problem propagate through system
33: If it can't happen, use assertions to ensure that it won't.
Leave turned on in production to ensure you'll crash early on problems
34: Use exceptions for exceptional problems.
Don't use for normal processing -- essentially a cascading "goto", which makes for bad code
35: Finish what you start.
Code section that allocates resource must also be responsible for deallocating it
Ch. 3: The basic tools (just "debug" section)
24: Fix the problem, not the blame.
25: Don't panic.
*Think* about what could be causing bug
Don't say "that's impossible" -- obviously, problem is possible
26: "select" isn't broken.
Problem is likely in your code
Use "rubber ducking" (explain problem to rubber duck) to find fallacious assumptions
27: Don't assume it -- prove it.
Ch. 6: While you are coding
44: Don't program by coincidence.
Know *why* your code works -- understand everything you write
Document assumptions
45: Estimate the order of your algorithms.
46: Test your estimates.
Use code profilers
47: Refactor early, refactor often.
Bad code leads to more bad code -- "broken window" theory
48: Design to test.
Put tests alongside application code; make running tests easy, so you do so frequently
49: Test your software, or your users will.
50: Don't use wizard code you don't understand.
Fixtures: provide test data for repeated use
Code inspections: extremely effective at finding bugs
No code at Google checked in until it's passed code review
In study, of bugs implanted in code base, code review found 80% of them, while unit testing found 50%
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