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Created March 4, 2012 02:02
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Alex design discussion
Search should be consistent
Centre the search
Put it in top right/left, just below horizontal bar
On opposing side of it, have header describing what page you're on ("Dashboard", "Discussion")
Then, search always stays in exact same spot
How we should have search bar on every page: like on search results page, with bar across top -- perhaps centre it
Calling attention to search:
Can put light grey bar behind it
Don't necessarily need logo over search bar all the time -- just need text input, search button
Dashboard: way too much text currently
Look at news sites -- their target audience is people who want info quickly
How do they handle headline typography? People just scan headlines ("Heart Palpitations"), don't read text below
Need way to distinguish between different memos/discussions
Hierarchy of content now: very even, very heavy
For Dashboard, have identifiable cues that will indicate importance
Perhaps colour, perhaps differnet icons for different types
Top navigation is good right now -- perhaps make "logout" text smaller, same size as "Memos"
User name should also be same size as rest of text
It should just be text -- not a button
"Logout" could have door opening/closing
Don't make it button -- that makes people more likely to look to it as first action
Reduce information presented
Show only headline -- expands upon click to show full text
Provide comment form
Biggest thing we need to worry about: clarifying exact functionality
What can we do to make it more of an app? To cut down information, to give more useful things?
Studguru mockup:
Good use of welcome message
Shows clearly what you can do on dashboard without being overwhelming -- edit stuff, add picture, etc.
Clearly shows what you can do
Numero uno key message: establish your goals for project, then figure out how to express those in design
Good example:
You see that thre are devices and teams
Not lots of information presented, but you can see exactly what's there, and what you can do with it
Good use of icons to simplify delivery -- simpler than text
Based on design, you can see that icons are sub-nav of Devices
Key idea: little things that break up design, make information useful
Whenever we come to dispute about design, make "mock profile" of user -- "52 year old doc, very busy, needed by lots of people; not up to date with latest tech, but knows his field inside-out; what would Frank the Doctor prefer in this situation?"
Add active states for navigation in nav bar at top
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