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Some suggestions for Twitter to help devs struggling with the Streaming API deprecation

I'm writing this up in a hurry tonight, apologies if it's a little rambly/ranty. There are a lot of devs out there who have really great apps that rely on the Streaming API and really want to port their apps to webhooks but have no idea how to do it because the technical communication around all this has been scattershot.

-Darius Kazemi, @tinysubversions, 14 May 2018

Make your Securing Webhooks document more helpful

If there is one thing that your team has been clear on, it is this: we need to replace our usage of the Streaming API with the Account Activity API, which uses webhooks. In your Getting Started with webhooks document, the first step is "get your auth keys", which is fine. The second step refers the reader to [Securing webhooks](https://deve