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Last active September 18, 2020 19:26
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Toggle between two audio devices on macOS as a shell script. Set the devices on line 11 and 12. Requires Homebrew to be installed in the usual directory.
#! /bin/bash
# Author: James W Mann (jwmann)
# Dependencies: homebrew, SwitchAudioSource (
# Notes: If SwitchAudioSource, the script will install it automatically
# See all audio devices: $> SwitchAudioSource -a
# Manually switch with: $> SwitchAudioSource -s device_name
toggle_audio() {
if [ -f $brew ]; then
switchAudioSource=$($brew --prefix)/bin/SwitchAudioSource
if [ -f $switchAudioSource ]; then
currentOutput="$($switchAudioSource -c)"
audioOutputA="Vanatoo T0"
audioOutputB="Built-in Digital Output"
case $currentOutput in
$audioOutputA )
$audioOutputB )
$switchAudioSource -s "$switchTo" > /dev/null 2>&1
osascript -e 'display notification "'"${switchTo//\"/\\\"}"'" with title "Audio Output"'
return 0
osascript -e 'display notification "SwitchAudioSource binary not found. Installing now." with title "Error Switching Audio"'
$brew install switchaudio-osx && osascript -e 'display notification "SwitchAudioSource binary successfully installed." with title "Audio Output"' && toggle_audio
return 0
osascript -e 'display notification "Homebrew not found. Please install homebrew." with title "Error Switching Audio"'
return 1
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