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Created June 2, 2020 15:15
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Vue.component('spec', {
props: ['code', 'default'],
inject: ['$getSettings'],
computed: {
// details of this are irrelavent to vue, we're just figuring out what to display
getText() {
const settings = this.$getSettings();
if (!settings.hasOwnProperty(this.code)) {
return this.default;
let text = settings[this.code].value;
if (settings[this.code].hasOwnProperty('unit') && settings[this.code].unit.length > 0) {
text += ' ' + settings[this.code].unit;
return text;
template: '<span>{{ getText }}</span>'
const vm = new Vue({
el: '#spec',
data: {
spec: {
name: '',
settings: {}
provide: function() {
return {
$getSettings: () => this.getSettings
computed: {
getSettings() {
return this.spec.settings;
const specFromSource = {
name: 'Test',
settings: {
abc123: {
value: 42,
unit: 'mm'
}; // in reality, we get spec from window.postMessage
vm.spec = specFromSource; // this triggers an update
// Usage:
// <body>
// <spec code="abc123"></spec> <!-- this should display "42 mm"
// </body>
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