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Forked from tylerneylon/.block
Created May 12, 2019 01:48
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Quick js code to draw math functions in an SVG element.
license: mit

This is a way to render a math function as a vector-based SVG. You can export your graphed functions to a pdf file using SVG Crowbar and CairoSVG if you're into that sort of thing.

Sample usage from an html file including an svg element with id="svg":

setCanvasSize(1200, 400)
var opts = {doEqualizeAxes: true, doDrawAxes: true}
drawFn(-2.9, 2.9, -0.1, 1.1, opts, function (x) {
  return Math.exp(-(x * x) / 2)

This sample code renders the scalable image below. To be clear, below is a raster screenshot, but the svg itself is vector-based.

the normal curve

I'm using graph_calc.js to help generate images as part of a pandoc setup for writing math-containing markdown docs that can generate both vector-based pdfs as well as a nicely styled html files with the same content.

// graph_calc.js
// This is a quick and dirty way to graph mathematical functions expressed in
// JavaScript and rendered as SVG. The file example.html provides an example use
// case. It's important to call setCanvasSize before graphing with a call to
// drawFn.
var svg = document.getElementById('svg')
var svgNS = svg.namespaceURI
var lightStyle = {stroke: '#ddd', fill: 'transparent', 'stroke-width': 3}
var darkStyle = {stroke: '#666', fill: 'transparent', 'stroke-width': 3}
var xSize
var ySize
var numFnPts = 300
function setCanvasSize(w, h) {
xSize = w
ySize = h
addAttributes(svg, {width: xSize, height: ySize})
function add(eltName, attr) {
var elt = document.createElementNS(svgNS, eltName)
if (attr) addAttributes(elt, attr)
return elt
function addAttributes(elt, attr) {
for (var key in attr) {
elt.setAttribute(key, attr[key])
return elt
function drawFn(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, opts, fn) {
if (opts && fn === undefined) {
fn = opts
opts = null
if (opts && opts.doEqualizeAxes) {
// This means to *increase* the frame just enough so that the axes are
// equally scaled.
var xRatio = (xMax - xMin) / xSize
var yRatio = (yMax - yMin) / ySize
if (xRatio < yRatio) {
var xMid = (xMax + xMin) / 2
var half = (xMax - xMin) / 2
xMin = xMid - half * (yRatio / xRatio)
xMax = xMid + half * (yRatio / xRatio)
} else {
var yMid = (yMax + yMin) / 2
var half = (yMax - yMin) / 2
yMin = yMid - half * (xRatio / yRatio)
yMax = yMid + half * (xRatio / yRatio)
function canvasPtFromXY(x, y) {
var xPerc = (x - xMin) / (xMax - xMin)
var yPerc = (y - yMin) / (yMax - yMin)
return [xPerc * xSize, ySize - yPerc * ySize]
function drawTickAroundPt(p, dir) {
var tick = add('line', lightStyle)
var a = [p[0], p[1]]
a[dir] -= 5
var b = [p[0], p[1]]
b[dir] += 5
addAttributes(tick, {x1: a[0], y1: a[1], x2: b[0], y2: b[1]})
if (opts && opts.doDrawAxes) {
// The x-axis.
var leftPt = canvasPtFromXY(xMin, 0)
var rightPt = canvasPtFromXY(xMax, 0)
if (0 <= leftPt[1] && leftPt[1] < ySize) {
var xAxis = add('line', lightStyle)
addAttributes(xAxis, {x1: leftPt[0], y1: leftPt[1],
x2: rightPt[0], y2: rightPt[1]})
for (var x = Math.ceil(xMin); x <= Math.floor(xMax); x++) {
var p = canvasPtFromXY(x, 0)
drawTickAroundPt(p, 1) // 1 == vertical tick
// The y-axis.
var botPt = canvasPtFromXY(0, yMin)
var topPt = canvasPtFromXY(0, yMax)
if (0 <= botPt[0] && botPt[0] < xSize) {
var yAxis = add('line', lightStyle)
addAttributes(yAxis, {x1: botPt[0], y1: botPt[1],
x2: topPt[0], y2: topPt[1]})
for (var y = Math.ceil(yMin); y <= Math.floor(yMax); y++) {
var p = canvasPtFromXY(0, y)
drawTickAroundPt(p, 0) // 0 == horizontal tick
var xDelta = (xMax - xMin) / (numFnPts - 1)
var pts = []
var xPrev = xMin
var prevCanvasY = false
for (var i = 0; i < numFnPts; i++) {
var x, xTarget = xMin + i * xDelta
do {
x = xTarget
var y = fn(x)
var canvasPt = canvasPtFromXY(x, y)
var perc = 0.5
while (prevCanvasY && Math.abs(prevCanvasY - canvasPt[1]) > 30 &&
perc > 0.0001) {
x = (1 - perc) * xPrev + perc * xTarget
var y = fn(x)
var canvasPt = canvasPtFromXY(x, y)
perc /= 2
pts.push(canvasPt[0], canvasPt[1])
xPrev = x
prevCanvasY = canvasPt[1]
} while (x < xTarget);
var polyline = add('polyline', darkStyle)
addAttributes(polyline, {points: pts.join(' ')})
<body style="background-color:#fff0ff">
<svg width="10" height="10" vertion="1.1"
id="svg" xmlns="">
<script type="text/javascript" src="graph_calc.js"></script>
setCanvasSize(960, 500)
var opts = {doEqualizeAxes: true, doDrawAxes: true}
drawFn(-2.9, 2.9, -0.1, 1.1, opts, function (x) {
return Math.exp(-(x * x) / 2)
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