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Last active July 12, 2016 14:26
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open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
type Suit = | Clubs | Spades | Hearts | Diamonds
type Rank =
| Two | Three | Four | Five
| Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten
| Jack | Queen | King | Ace
type Card = { rank: Rank // Rank field must come before suit so that card comparison is correct
suit: Suit }
module Rank =
let toAbbrMapping =
Map.ofList [Two, '2'; Three, '3'; Four, '4'; Five, '5'; Six, '6'; Seven, '7'; Eight, '8';
Nine, '9'; Ten, 'T'; Jack, 'J'; Queen, 'Q'; King, 'K'; Ace, 'A']
let fromAbbrMapping = toAbbrMapping |> Map.toList |> (fun (k, v) -> v, k) |> Map.ofList
let toAbbr rank = toAbbrMapping.[rank]
let fromAbbr abbr = fromAbbrMapping.[abbr]
module Suit =
let toAbbrMapping = Map.ofList [Clubs, 'C'; Spades, 'S'; Hearts, 'H'; Diamonds, 'D']
let fromAbbrMapping = toAbbrMapping |> Map.toList |> (fun (k, v) -> v, k) |> Map.ofList
let toAbbr suit = toAbbrMapping.[suit]
let fromAbbr abbr = fromAbbrMapping.[abbr]
module Card =
let rank card = card.rank
let suit card = card.suit
let standardDeck =
[for suit in FSharpType.GetUnionCases typeof<Suit> do
for rank in FSharpType.GetUnionCases typeof<Rank> do
yield { suit = downcast FSharpValue.MakeUnion (suit, [||])
rank = downcast FSharpValue.MakeUnion (rank, [||]) } ]
/// Attempts to find the next higher rank above the input, unless it is an Ace, in which case the function returns None
let tryIncRank = function
| Two -> Some Three | Three -> Some Four | Four -> Some Five | Five -> Some Six
| Six -> Some Seven | Seven -> Some Eight | Eight -> Some Nine | Nine -> Some Ten | Ten -> Some Jack
| Jack -> Some Queen | Queen -> Some King | King -> Some Ace | Ace -> None
/// Attempts to find the next lower rank below the input, unless it is a Two, in which case the function returns None
let tryDecRank = function
| Two -> None | Three -> Some Two | Four -> Some Three | Five -> Some Four
| Six -> Some Five | Seven -> Some Six | Eight -> Some Seven | Nine -> Some Eight | Ten -> Some Nine
| Jack -> Some Ten | Queen -> Some Jack | King -> Some Queen | Ace -> Some King
let rec compareRankedLists ranks1 ranks2 =
match ranks1, ranks2 with
| [], [] -> 0
| x::xs, y::ys ->
if x > y then 1
elif x < y then -1
else compareRankedLists xs ys
| _ -> raise (new ArgumentException("The lists had different lengths."))
type HandKind =
| HighCard of Rank list
| OnePair of pairRank: Rank * remainder: Rank list
| TwoPair of pair1Rank: Rank * pair2Rank: Rank * remainder: Rank list
| ThreeOfAKind of Rank
| Straight of highest: Rank // 5 consecutive cards of any suit
| Flush of Rank list // 5 cards of the same suit
| FullHouse of tripleRank: Rank // The rank of the pair in the full house is never relevant
| FourOfAKind of foursRank: Rank * remainder: Rank
| StraightFlush of Rank
/// Groups cards by rank.
let groupRanks cards = cards |> List.groupBy (fun { rank = rank } -> rank) |> snd
/// Identifies a straight by its highest card, returining None if there was no straight. Assumes the input hand is 5 cards.
let tryFindStraight cards =
let cards = List.sortDescending cards
List.fold (fun lastRank card ->
lastRank |> Option.bind (fun lastRank -> tryDecRank lastRank |> Option.bind (fun expectedRank ->
if card.rank = expectedRank then Some(card.rank) else None)))
(Some((List.head cards).rank)) (List.tail cards)
/// Identifies a flush by all of its cards, returning None if there is no flush present. Assumes the input hand is 5 cards.
let tryFindFlush cards =
// In other words, count up the different suits and see if this list only contains one suit
if ((List.countBy (fun card -> card.suit) cards).Length = 1)
then Some ( (fun card -> card.rank) cards |> List.sort)
else None
/// Returns the strongest poker hand ranking present in the given set of cards.
let determineStrongestHand cards =
if List.length cards <> 5 then invalidArg "Number of cards was not 5." "cards"
match tryFindFlush cards with
| Some(flushRanks) ->
match tryFindStraight cards with
| Some(highestRank) -> StraightFlush highestRank
| None -> Flush (List.sortDescending flushRanks)
| None ->
match tryFindStraight cards with
| Some(highestRank) -> Straight highestRank
| None ->
// Sort the cards into two groups: one group of cards that have others of the same rank, and the rest (the singular, "lonely" cards)
let lonelyRanks, pairsOrHigherRanks = groupRanks cards |> ( Card.rank) |> List.partition (fun rs -> rs.Length = 1)
let lonelyRanks = lonelyRanks |> List.concat |> List.sortDescending
if pairsOrHigherRanks.Length = 0 then
HighCard (cards |> Card.rank |> List.sortDescending)
let maxGroup = List.maxBy List.length pairsOrHigherRanks
// We can put four-of-a-kinds down here because you can't have a straight at the same time anyway
match pairsOrHigherRanks.Length, maxGroup.Length with
| _, 4 -> FourOfAKind(maxGroup.[0], lonelyRanks.[0])
| 2, 3 -> FullHouse maxGroup.[0]
| _, 3 -> ThreeOfAKind maxGroup.[0]
| 2, _ -> TwoPair(pairsOrHigherRanks.[0].[0], pairsOrHigherRanks.[1].[0], lonelyRanks)
| 1, _ -> OnePair (pairsOrHigherRanks.[0].[0], lonelyRanks)
| _, _ -> HighCard (cards |> Card.rank |> List.sortDescending)
let cards = (fun (rank, suit) -> { rank = rank; suit = suit })
#nowarn "25"
let parseCards (str: string) =
str.Split [|' '|] |> List.ofArray |> (Seq.toList >> (fun (rank::suit::[]) ->
let rank =
match rank with
| '2' -> Two | '3' -> Three | '4' -> Four | '5' -> Five
| '6' -> Six | '7' -> Seven | '8' -> Eight | '9' -> Nine | 'T' -> Ten
| 'J' -> Jack | 'K' -> King | 'Q' -> Queen | 'A' -> Ace
let suit = match suit with | 'C' -> Clubs | 'S' -> Spades | 'H' -> Hearts | 'D' -> Diamonds
rank, suit ))
|> cards
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