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Last active October 19, 2015 21:11
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type Cell = | On | Off
let (%) x m = ((x % m) + m) % m
/// Tells you how many neighbors are on
let nOnNeighbors (cells : _ [,]) (x, y) =
[for xOffset in -1..1 do
for yOffset in -1..1 do
if not ((xOffset = 0) && (yOffset = 0)) then
let x = (x + xOffset) % Array2D.length1 cells
let y = (y + yOffset) % Array2D.length2 cells
match cells.[x,y] with | On -> yield 1 | Off -> yield 0]
|> List.sum
let next gameState =
gameState |> Array2D.mapi (fun x y cellState ->
let n = nOnNeighbors gameState (x, y)
match cellState with
| On -> if n = 2 || n = 3 then On else Off
| Off -> if n = 3 then On else Off)
let display gameState =
for x in 0..(Array2D.length1 gameState - 1) do
for y in 0..(Array2D.length2 gameState - 1) do
match gameState.[x,y] with
| On -> printf "*"
| Off -> printf " "
printfn ""
let rec run gameState =
display gameState
System.Console.ReadKey () |> ignore
System.Console.Clear ()
run (next gameState)
let initial = [[Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off]
[Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off]
[Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off]
[Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; On; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off]
[Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; On; Off; Off; Off; Off]
[Off; Off; Off; Off; On; On; On; Off; Off; Off; Off]
[Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off]
[Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off]
[Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off]
[Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off; Off]]
|> array2D
let main args =
run initial
module Graphics
open Microsoft.Xna.Framework
open Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
type GameWindow(game) as this =
inherit Game()
let mutable graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this)
override this.Initialize () =
override this.Draw gameTime =
this.GraphicsDevice.Clear Color.OrangeRed
let main args =
using (new GameWindow(Game.initial)) (fun game ->
game.Run ())
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