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Created March 24, 2016 23:44
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F# state monad / computation expression builder, and example usage
open System
open System.IO
type State<'s, 'a> = State of ('s -> ('a * 's))
module State =
let inline run state x = let (State(f)) = x in f state
let get = State(fun s -> s, s)
let put newState = State(fun _ -> (), newState)
let map f s = State(fun (state: 's) ->
let x, state = run state s
f x, state)
/// The state monad passes around an explicit internal state that can be
/// updated along the way. It enables the appearance of mutability in a purely
/// functional context by hiding away the state when used with its proper operators
/// (in StateBuilder()). In other words, you implicitly pass around an implicit
/// state that gets transformed along its journey through pipelined code.
type StateBuilder() =
member this.Zero () = State(fun s -> (), s)
member this.Return x = State(fun s -> x, s)
member inline this.ReturnFrom (x: State<'s, 'a>) = x
member this.Bind (x, f) : State<'s, 'b> =
State(fun state ->
let (result: 'a), state = state x state (f result))
member this.Combine (x1: State<'s, 'a>, x2: State<'s, 'b>) =
State(fun state ->
let result, state = state x1 state x2)
member this.Delay f : State<'s, 'a> = f ()
member this.For (seq, (f: 'a -> State<'s, 'b>)) =
|> f
|> Seq.reduceBack (fun x1 x2 -> this.Combine (x1, x2))
member this.While (f, x) =
if f () then this.Combine (x, this.While (f, x))
else this.Zero ()
let state = new StateBuilder()
let multiplesOfThreeUptoTwenty =
// Reads like imperative code, but it's actually chaining a series of transformations
// on an invisible state value behind the scenes. No mutable state here.
state {
for i in 0..20 do
let! s = State.get
if i % 3 = 0 then do! State.put (s + i)
return! State.get
} |> 0 |> fst
/// Cons the input to the state
let push x = State(fun (s: 's seq) -> (), Seq.append [x] s)
/// Update and remove the return value from the top of the stack
let pop = State(fun (s: 's seq) -> Seq.head s, Seq.tail s)
/// Update the return value to the top of the stack
let peek = State(fun (s: 's seq) -> Seq.head s, s)
module Seq =
/// Create a safe lazy infinite sequence of random integers using a System.Random
let fromRandom (randGen: Random) = Seq.unfold (fun () -> Some(randGen.Next (), ())) () |> Seq.cache
state {
// Pull the first random number off the stack
let! rand1 = pop
// Pull another random number
let! rand2 = pop
// Do some math on them and return the result
return (rand1 % 4) + (rand2 % 4)
} |> (Seq.fromRandom (new Random()))
// Some utility types and functions for the next state monad example
module String =
let split chars (s: string) = s.Split chars
type FileType = File | Dir
/// Lazily returns every file and directory that has the given root path as a parent. Directories paths
/// occur before their children.
let rec getSystemEntriesRec path =
seq { yield Dir, path
for subPath in Directory.GetDirectories path do
yield! getSystemEntriesRec subPath
yield! Directory.GetFiles path |> (fun f -> File, f) }
let relativePath root fullPath =
let sep = [|Path.DirectorySeparatorChar|]
fullPath |> String.split sep |> Array.skip ((String.split sep root).Length) |> Path.Combine
// We can use the state monad to implement dependency injection very readably and cleanly. The state is a
// record of functions that we thread through transparently, so that when we want to call a special function,
// we just have to get the current function table and call one of its defined functions.
/// A table of replaceable I/O functions. Not to be confused with an IO monad.
type IO = { copyFile: string * string -> unit; mkdir: string -> unit }
/// Copies a single file, relative to src, into a path relative to dst
let copyFile fileType src dst =
state {
// The state monad is like an underground stream running under all our functions using it.
// When we want to use a value, we fish for the state value at this point in the stream
// and then use it how we please, then putting it a changed version back if we so wish
// (though for the purpose of this example there's no need for ever setting the state).
let! io = State.get
match fileType with
| File -> io.copyFile (src, dst)
| Dir -> io.mkdir dst
/// Copies a list of files, relative to src, into a path relative to dst
let copyFiles srcRoot dstRoot files =
state {
// Get the absolute paths of each source and destination path
let fullSrcDstPaths =
|> (fun (fileType, srcFullPath) ->
fileType, srcFullPath, Path.Combine ([|dstRoot; relativePath srcRoot srcFullPath|]))
for (fileType, src, dst) in fullSrcDstPaths do
do! copyFile fileType src dst
/// Recursively copy everything in src to dst
let copyRecursive src dst = getSystemEntriesRec src |> copyFiles src dst
/// A table of IO functions that actually perform the IO
let realIO = { copyFile = File.Copy; mkdir = ignore << Directory.CreateDirectory }
/// A table of mock IO functions that only log their inputs.
let testIO = { copyFile = fun (src, dst) -> printfn "cp %s %s" src dst
mkdir = fun dir -> printfn "mkdir %s" dir }
let realCopyRecursive src dst =
copyRecursive src dst |> realIO |> ignore
let testCopyRecursive src dst =
copyRecursive src dst |> testIO |> ignore
let files = [Dir, "/foo"; Dir, "/foo/dir1"; Dir, "/foo/dir2"; File, "foo/file1"; File, "foo/file2"; File, "foo/dir1/hello"]
files |> copyFiles "/foo" "/foo2" |> testIO |> fst
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