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Created April 1, 2015 22:59
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// This example tests out the calculation of second derivatives
// Run me with:
// ./second_derivs-opt -d 2 -n 2 -o FIRST -ksp_monitor -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type boomeramg > second_derivs.log
// C++ include files that we need
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <set>
// Basic include file needed for the mesh functionality.
#include "libmesh/libmesh.h"
#include "libmesh/mesh.h"
#include "libmesh/mesh_generation.h"
#include "libmesh/exodusII_io.h"
#include "libmesh/gnuplot_io.h"
#include "libmesh/linear_implicit_system.h"
#include "libmesh/equation_systems.h"
#include "libmesh/fe.h"
#include "libmesh/quadrature_gauss.h"
#include "libmesh/dof_map.h"
#include "libmesh/sparse_matrix.h"
#include "libmesh/numeric_vector.h"
#include "libmesh/dense_matrix.h"
#include "libmesh/dense_vector.h"
#include "libmesh/perf_log.h"
#include "libmesh/elem.h"
#include "libmesh/dirichlet_boundaries.h"
#include "libmesh/analytic_function.h"
#include "libmesh/string_to_enum.h"
#include "libmesh/getpot.h"
#include "libmesh/fe_interface.h"
// Bring in everything from the libMesh namespace
using namespace libMesh;
// Function prototype. This is the function that will assemble
// the linear system for our Poisson problem. Note that the
// function will take the \p EquationSystems object and the
// name of the system we are assembling as input. From the
// \p EquationSystems object we have acess to the \p Mesh and
// other objects we might need.
void assemble_poisson(EquationSystems& es,
const std::string& system_name);
// Exact solution function prototype.
Real exact_solution (const Real x,
const Real y,
const Real z = 0.);
// Define a wrapper for exact_solution that will be needed below
void exact_solution_wrapper (DenseVector<Number>& output,
const Point& p,
const Real)
output(0) = exact_solution(p(0),
// Begin the main program.
int main (int argc, char** argv)
// Initialize libMesh and any dependent libaries, like in example 2.
LibMeshInit init (argc, argv);
// Declare a performance log for the main program
// PerfLog perf_main("Main Program");
// Create a GetPot object to parse the command line
GetPot command_line (argc, argv);
// Check for proper calling arguments.
if (argc < 3)
if (init.comm().rank() == 0)
libmesh_error_msg("Usage:\n" << "\t " << argv[0] << " -d 2(3)" << " -n 15");
// Brief message to the user regarding the program name
// and command line arguments.
std::cout << "Running " << argv[0];
for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
std::cout << " " << argv[i];
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
// Read problem dimension from command line. Use int
// instead of unsigned since the GetPot overload is ambiguous
// otherwise.
int dim = 2;
if (, "-d") )
dim =;
// Skip higher-dimensional examples on a lower-dimensional libMesh build
libmesh_example_requires(dim <= LIBMESH_DIM, "2D/3D support");
// Create a mesh with user-defined dimension.
// Read number of elements from command line
int ps = 15;
if (, "-n") )
ps =;
// Read FE order from command line
std::string order = "SECOND";
if (, "--order", "-o") )
order =;
// An enumeration of the order string
Order order_enumeration = Utility::string_to_enum<Order>(order);
// Read FE Family from command line
std::string family = "LAGRANGE";
if (, "--fe-family", "-f") )
family =;
// Cannot use discontinuous basis.
if ((family == "MONOMIAL") || (family == "XYZ"))
if (init.comm().rank() == 0)
libmesh_error_msg("ex4 currently requires a C^0 (or higher) FE basis.");
// An enumeration of the family string
FEFamily family_enumeration = Utility::string_to_enum<FEFamily>(family);
// Pick suitable default element type based on dim and order
std::string elem_type;
switch (order_enumeration)
case FIRST:
switch (dim)
case 1:
elem_type = "EDGE2";
case 2:
elem_type = "QUAD4";
case 3:
elem_type = "HEX8";
libmesh_error_msg("Invalid dimension: " << dim);
case SECOND:
switch (dim)
case 1:
elem_type = "EDGE3";
case 2:
elem_type = "QUAD9";
case 3:
elem_type = "HEX27";
libmesh_error_msg("Invalid dimension: " << dim);
libmesh_error_msg("Invalid order_enumeration = " << order_enumeration);
// Read geometric element type from command line
if (, "--elem-type", "-e") )
elem_type =;
// An enumeration of the elem_type string
ElemType elem_type_enumeration = Utility::string_to_enum<ElemType>(elem_type);
// Should we do our finite difference check in the x, y, or z direction
int perturbation_index = 0;
if (, "--perturbation-index", "-p") )
perturbation_index =;
if ((perturbation_index < 0) || (perturbation_index > 2))
libmesh_error_msg("Error! Perturbation index must be = 0, 1, 2.");
// Get user's finite-differencing parameter. We do second-order central differencing,
// so expect the error to be O(fd_eps**2).
Real fd_eps = 1.e-3;
if (, "--fd-eps") )
fd_eps =;
// Create a mesh, with dimension to be overridden later, distributed
// across the default MPI communicator.
Mesh mesh(init.comm());
Real halfwidth = dim > 1 ? 1. : 0.;
Real halfheight = dim > 2 ? 1. : 0.;
// Use the MeshTools::Generation mesh generator to create a uniform
// grid on the square [-1,1]^D. For non-EDGE/QUAD/HEX
// elem_type_enumerations, build_cube() will produce meshes with more
// than one element -- e.g. 6 for pyramids and 24 for tets.
MeshTools::Generation::build_cube (mesh,
(dim>1) ? ps : 0,
(dim>2) ? ps : 0,
-1., 1.,
-halfwidth, halfwidth,
-halfheight, halfheight,
// Print information about the mesh to the screen.
// Node 0 will always be at (-1,-1) in 2D and (-1,-1,-1) in 3D. It
// should be fairly safe and general to displace this node in order
// to verify that the second derivatives are calculated correctly on
// non-affine elements.
// libMesh::out << mesh.point(0) << std::endl;
Node* node = mesh.node_ptr(0);
if (dim==2)
(*node)(0) = -1.1;
(*node)(1) = -1.1;
else if (dim==3)
(*node)(0) = -1.1;
(*node)(1) = -1.1;
(*node)(2) = -1.1;
// Create an equation systems object.
EquationSystems equation_systems (mesh);
// Store user's requested perturbation_index in the ES object.
equation_systems.parameters.set<int>("perturbation_index") = perturbation_index;
// Set the user's requested finite-difference parameter
equation_systems.parameters.set<Real>("fd_eps") = fd_eps;
// Declare the system and its variables.
// Create a system named "Poisson"
LinearImplicitSystem& system =
equation_systems.add_system<LinearImplicitSystem> ("Poisson");
// Add the variable "u" to "Poisson". "u"
// will be approximated using second-order approximation.
unsigned int u_var = system.add_variable("u",
// Give the system a pointer to the matrix assembly
// function.
system.attach_assemble_function (assemble_poisson);
// Construct a Dirichlet boundary condition object
// Indicate which boundary IDs we impose the BC on
// We either build a line, a square or a cube, and
// here we indicate the boundaries IDs in each case
std::set<boundary_id_type> boundary_ids;
// the dim==1 mesh has two boundaries with IDs 0 and 1
// the dim==2 mesh has four boundaries with IDs 0, 1, 2 and 3
// the dim==3 mesh has four boundaries with IDs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
// Create a vector storing the variable numbers which the BC applies to
std::vector<unsigned int> variables(1);
variables[0] = u_var;
// Create an AnalyticFunction object that we use to project the BC
// This function just calls the function exact_solution via exact_solution_wrapper
AnalyticFunction<> exact_solution_object(exact_solution_wrapper);
DirichletBoundary dirichlet_bc(boundary_ids,
// We must add the Dirichlet boundary condition _before_
// we call equation_systems.init()
// Initialize the data structures for the equation system.
// Print information about the system to the screen.
// Solve the system "Poisson", just like example 2.
// After solving the system write the solution
// to a GMV-formatted plot file.
if(dim == 1)
GnuPlotIO plot(mesh,"Introduction Example 4, 1D",GnuPlotIO::GRID_ON);
ExodusII_IO (mesh).write_equation_systems ((dim == 3) ?
"out_3.e" : "out_2.e",equation_systems);
#endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_HAVE_EXODUS_API
// All done.
return 0;
// We now define the matrix assembly function for the
// Poisson system. We need to first compute element
// matrices and right-hand sides, and then take into
// account the boundary conditions.
void assemble_poisson(EquationSystems& es,
const std::string& system_name)
// It is a good idea to make sure we are assembling
// the proper system.
libmesh_assert_equal_to (system_name, "Poisson");
// Declare a performance log. Give it a descriptive
// string to identify what part of the code we are
// logging, since there may be many PerfLogs in an
// application.
PerfLog perf_log ("Matrix Assembly");
// Get a constant reference to the mesh object.
const MeshBase& mesh = es.get_mesh();
// The dimension that we are running
const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();
// Get a reference to the LinearImplicitSystem we are solving
LinearImplicitSystem& system = es.get_system<LinearImplicitSystem>("Poisson");
// A reference to the \p DofMap object for this system. The \p DofMap
// object handles the index translation from node and element numbers
// to degree of freedom numbers. We will talk more about the \p DofMap
// in future examples.
const DofMap& dof_map = system.get_dof_map();
// Get a constant reference to the Finite Element type
// for the first (and only) variable in the system.
FEType fe_type = dof_map.variable_type(0);
// Build a Finite Element object of the specified type. Since the
// \p FEBase::build() member dynamically creates memory we will
// store the object as an \p UniquePtr<FEBase>. This can be thought
// of as a pointer that will clean up after itself.
UniquePtr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
// THIRD=2x2x...x2
// FIFTH=3x3x...x3
Order qorder = THIRD;
// A 5th order Gauss quadrature rule for numerical integration.
QGauss qrule (dim, qorder);
// Tell the finite element object to use our quadrature rule.
fe->attach_quadrature_rule (&qrule);
// Declare a special finite element object for
// boundary integration.
UniquePtr<FEBase> fe_face (FEBase::build(dim, fe_type));
// Boundary integration requires one quadraure rule,
// with dimensionality one less than the dimensionality
// of the element.
QGauss qface(dim-1, qorder);
// Tell the finte element object to use our
// quadrature rule.
fe_face->attach_quadrature_rule (&qface);
// Here we define some references to cell-specific data that
// will be used to assemble the linear system.
// We begin with the element Jacobian * quadrature weight at each
// integration point.
const std::vector<Real>& JxW = fe->get_JxW();
// The physical XY locations of the quadrature points on the element.
// These might be useful for evaluating spatially varying material
// properties at the quadrature points.
const std::vector<Point>& q_point = fe->get_xyz();
// The element shape functions evaluated at the quadrature points.
const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = fe->get_phi();
// The element shape function gradients evaluated at the quadrature
// points.
const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> >& dphi = fe->get_dphi();
// The element shape function second derivatives evaluated at the
// quadrature points.
const std::vector<std::vector<RealTensor> >& d2phi = fe->get_d2phi();
// Define data structures to contain the element matrix
// and right-hand-side vector contribution. Following
// basic finite element terminology we will denote these
// "Ke" and "Fe". More detail is in example 3.
DenseMatrix<Number> Ke;
DenseVector<Number> Fe;
// This vector will hold the degree of freedom indices for
// the element. These define where in the global system
// the element degrees of freedom get mapped.
std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;
// Now we will loop over all the elements in the mesh.
// We will compute the element matrix and right-hand-side
// contribution. See example 3 for a discussion of the
// element iterators.
MeshBase::const_element_iterator el = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
const MeshBase::const_element_iterator end_el = mesh.active_local_elements_end();
for ( ; el != end_el; ++el)
// Start logging the shape function initialization.
// This is done through a simple function call with
// the name of the event to log.
perf_log.push("elem init");
// Store a pointer to the element we are currently
// working on. This allows for nicer syntax later.
const Elem* elem = *el;
std::cout << "\nAssembling element: " << elem->id() << std::endl;
// Get the degree of freedom indices for the
// current element. These define where in the global
// matrix and right-hand-side this element will
// contribute to.
dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);
// Compute the element-specific data for the current
// element. This involves computing the location of the
// quadrature points (q_point) and the shape functions
// (phi, dphi) for the current element.
fe->reinit (elem);
// Zero the element matrix and right-hand side before
// summing them. We use the resize member here because
// the number of degrees of freedom might have changed from
// the last element. Note that this will be the case if the
// element type is different (i.e. the last element was a
// triangle, now we are on a quadrilateral).
Ke.resize (dof_indices.size(),
Fe.resize (dof_indices.size());
// Stop logging the shape function initialization.
// If you forget to stop logging an event the PerfLog
// object will probably catch the error and abort.
perf_log.pop("elem init");
// Now we will build the element matrix. This involves
// a double loop to integrate the test funcions (i) against
// the trial functions (j).
// We have split the numeric integration into two loops
// so that we can log the matrix and right-hand-side
// computation seperately.
// Now start logging the element matrix computation
perf_log.push ("Ke");
for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<phi.size(); j++)
Ke(i,j) += JxW[qp]*(dphi[i][qp]*dphi[j][qp]);
// Stop logging the matrix computation
perf_log.pop ("Ke");
// Now we build the element right-hand-side contribution.
// This involves a single loop in which we integrate the
// "forcing function" in the PDE against the test functions.
// Start logging the right-hand-side computation
perf_log.push ("Fe");
for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
// fxy is the forcing function for the Poisson equation.
// In this case we set fxy to be a finite difference
// Laplacian approximation to the (known) exact solution.
// We will use the second-order accurate FD Laplacian
// approximation, which in 2D on a structured grid is
// u_xx + u_yy = (u(i-1,j) + u(i+1,j) +
// u(i,j-1) + u(i,j+1) +
// -4*u(i,j))/h^2
// Since the value of the forcing function depends only
// on the location of the quadrature point (q_point[qp])
// we will compute it here, outside of the i-loop
const Real x = q_point[qp](0);
const Real y = q_point[qp](1);
const Real y = 0.;
const Real z = q_point[qp](2);
const Real z = 0.;
const Real eps = 1.e-3;
const Real uxx = (exact_solution(x-eps,y,z) +
exact_solution(x+eps,y,z) +
const Real uyy = (exact_solution(x,y-eps,z) +
exact_solution(x,y+eps,z) +
const Real uzz = (exact_solution(x,y,z-eps) +
exact_solution(x,y,z+eps) +
Real fxy = - (uxx + ((dim==1) ? 0. : uyy) + ((dim==2) ? 0. : uzz));
// Add the RHS contribution
for (unsigned int i=0; i<phi.size(); i++)
Fe(i) += JxW[qp]*fxy*phi[i][qp];
// libMesh::out << std::endl;
// // Real U_xx=0., U_xy=0.;
// for (unsigned int i=0; i<d2phi.size(); i++)
// {
// // U_st = sum u_i phi_{i,st}
// // U_xx += system.current_solution(dof_indices[i])*d2phi[i][qp](0,0);
// // U_xy += system.current_solution(dof_indices[i])*d2phi[i][qp](0,1);
// // At each qp, the second derivative is a tensor of values
// // xx xy xz
// // yx yy yz
// // zx zy zz
// if (i==0)
// std::cout << "x_qp = " << q_point[qp] << std::endl;
// std::cout << "D^2 phi[i=" << i << "]= " << std::endl;
// std::cout << d2phi[i][qp];
// }
// libMesh::out << "U_xx[" << qp << "]= " << U_xx << std::endl;
// libMesh::out << "U_xy[" << qp << "]= " << U_xy << std::endl;
// Stop logging the right-hand-side computation
perf_log.pop ("Fe");
// Make a copy of shape function quantities before we reinitialize the quadrature rule at new points.
const std::vector<std::vector<Real> > center_phi = phi;
const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> > center_dphi = dphi;
const std::vector<std::vector<RealTensor> > center_d2phi = d2phi;
// 0=perturb in x direction, 1=perturb in y, etc
const int perturbation_index = es.parameters.get<int>("perturbation_index");
// Finite differencing parameter, as requested by user
const Real fd_eps = es.parameters.get<Real>("fd_eps");
// Forward perturbation vector
Point delta;
delta(perturbation_index) = fd_eps;
// Perturb quadrature points in *physical* space, inverse_map()
// them back to reference space, in preparation for doing a
// finite difference calculation of various element data to
// check second derivative quantities.
std::vector<Point> forward_perturbed_physical_points(qrule.n_points());
for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
// Perturb by fd_eps
forward_perturbed_physical_points[qp] = q_point[qp] + delta;
// Inverse map the perturbed point back to reference space
std::vector<Point> forward_perturbed_reference_points(qrule.n_points());
// Print before/after
// std::cout << "\nOriginal quadrature points." << std::endl;
// for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
// std::cout << qrule.get_points()[qp] << std::endl;
// std::cout << "\nForward perturbed quadrature points." << std::endl;
// for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
// std::cout << forward_perturbed_reference_points[qp] << std::endl;
// Reinitialize the FE at the perturbed quadrature points
fe->reinit (elem, &forward_perturbed_reference_points);
// Save the forward-perturbed shape function values
const std::vector<std::vector<Real> > forward_phi = phi;
const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> > forward_dphi = dphi;
const std::vector<std::vector<RealTensor> > forward_d2phi = d2phi;
// Reverse perturbation vectors. Note: because I already perturbed
// forward by +fd_eps, I have to perturb backward by 2 fd_eps to get
// to a backward perturbed state..
Point delta;
delta(perturbation_index) = -2.*fd_eps;
// Perturb quadrature points in *physical* space, inverse_map()
// them back to reference space, in preparation for doing a
// finite difference calculation of various element data to
// check second derivative quantities.
std::vector<Point> reverse_perturbed_physical_points(qrule.n_points());
for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
// Perturb by fd_eps
reverse_perturbed_physical_points[qp] = q_point[qp] + delta;
// Inverse map the perturbed point back to reference space
std::vector<Point> reverse_perturbed_reference_points(qrule.n_points());
// Reinitialize the FE at the perturbed quadrature points
fe->reinit (elem, &reverse_perturbed_reference_points);
// Save the reverse-perturbed shape function values
const std::vector<std::vector<Real> > reverse_phi = phi;
const std::vector<std::vector<RealGradient> > reverse_dphi = dphi;
const std::vector<std::vector<RealTensor> > reverse_d2phi = d2phi;
// Look at values of various things at perturbed quadrature points
for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qrule.n_points(); qp++)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<dphi.size(); i++)
// First derivative quantities
Real abs_err_1st[3] = {0., 0., 0.}; // d/dx=0, d/dy=1, d/dz=2
Real fd_approx_1st[3] = {0., 0., 0.}; // d/dx=0, d/dy=1, d/dz=2
Real fe_1st[3] = {0., 0., 0.}; // d/dx=0, d/dy=1, d/dz=2
const char* deriv_strings_1st[3] = {"x", "y", "z"};
// Second derivative quantities
Real abs_err[9] =
0., 0., 0., // xx=0, xy=1, xz=2
0., 0., 0., // yx=3, yy=4, yz=5
0., 0., 0. // zx=6, zy=7, zz=8
Real fd_approx_2nd[9] =
0., 0., 0., // xx=0, xy=1, xz=2
0., 0., 0., // yx=3, yy=4, yz=5
0., 0., 0. // zx=6, zy=7, zz=8
// The second derivative, as computed by the FE object.
Real fe_2nd[9] =
0., 0., 0., // xx=0, xy=1, xz=2
0., 0., 0., // yx=3, yy=4, yz=5
0., 0., 0. // zx=6, zy=7, zz=8
const char* deriv_strings[9] = {"xx", "xy", "xz", "yx", "yy", "yz", "zx", "zy", "zz"};
// (Depending on perturbation_index!) compute:
// u_x \approx (u(x+fd_eps) - u(x-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
// u_y \approx (u(y+fd_eps) - u(y-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
// u_z \approx (u(z+fd_eps) - u(z-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
fd_approx_1st[perturbation_index] = (forward_phi[i][qp] - reverse_phi[i][qp])/2./fd_eps;
fe_1st[perturbation_index] = center_dphi[i][qp](perturbation_index);
abs_err_1st[perturbation_index] = std::abs(fd_approx_1st[perturbation_index] - fe_1st[perturbation_index]);
// Compute whichever 3 of the following second derivatives makes sense for the current perturbation_index:
// u_{xy} = u_{yx} \approx (u_x(y+fd_eps) - u_x(y-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
// u_{yy} \approx (u_y(y+fd_eps) - u_y(y-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
// u_{zy} = u_{yz} \approx (u_z(y+fd_eps) - u_z(y-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
// u_{xy} = u_{yx} \approx (u_x(y+fd_eps) - u_x(y-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
// u_{yy} \approx (u_y(y+fd_eps) - u_y(y-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
// u_{zy} = u_{yz} \approx (u_z(y+fd_eps) - u_z(y-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
// u_{xz} = u_{zx} \approx (u_x(z+fd_eps) - u_x(z-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
// u_{zy} = u_{yz} \approx (u_y(z+fd_eps) - u_y(z-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
// u_{zz} \approx (u_z(z+fd_eps) - u_z(z-fd_eps))/2/fd_eps
for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; ++j)
fe_2nd[j+3*perturbation_index] = center_d2phi[i][qp](perturbation_index, j);
fd_approx_2nd[j+3*perturbation_index] = (forward_dphi[i][qp](j) - reverse_dphi[i][qp](j))/2./fd_eps;
abs_err[j+3*perturbation_index] = std::abs(fd_approx_2nd[j+3*perturbation_index] - fe_2nd[j+3*perturbation_index]);
// 1st derivative error messages
std::ios_base::fmtflags cout_flags = std::cout.flags();
std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(16);
for (unsigned j=0; j<3; ++j)
// if (abs_err_1st[j] > 1.e-10) // Print if error is above tolerance
if (abs_err_1st[j] > 0.) // Print any non-zero error
std::cout << "i=" << i << ", qp=" << qp << " = "
<< "FE Approx u_" << deriv_strings_1st[j] << "=" << fe_1st[j]
<< ", FD Approx u_" << deriv_strings_1st[j] << "=" << fd_approx_1st[j]
<< ", Abs. Error in u_" << deriv_strings_1st[j] << "=" << abs_err_1st[j] << std::endl;
// 2nd derivative error messages
for (unsigned j=0; j<9; ++j)
// if (abs_err[j] > 1.e-10) // Print if error is above tolerance
if (abs_err[j] > 0.) // Print any non-zero error
std::cout << "i=" << i << ", qp=" << qp << " = "
<< "FE Approx u_" << deriv_strings[j] << "=" << fe_2nd[j]
<< ", FD Approx u_" << deriv_strings[j] << "=" << fd_approx_2nd[j]
<< ", Abs. Error in u_" << deriv_strings[j] << "=" << abs_err[j] << std::endl;
// Actually *stop* executing when we find such an error?
// libmesh_error_msg("Error between FD and FE approximation to second derivative!");
// Restore formatting flags
} // end for i
} // end for qp
// If this assembly program were to be used on an adaptive mesh,
// we would have to apply any hanging node constraint equations
// Also, note that here we call heterogenously_constrain_element_matrix_and_vector
// to impose a inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.
dof_map.heterogenously_constrain_element_matrix_and_vector (Ke, Fe, dof_indices);
// The element matrix and right-hand-side are now built
// for this element. Add them to the global matrix and
// right-hand-side vector. The \p SparseMatrix::add_matrix()
// and \p NumericVector::add_vector() members do this for us.
// Start logging the insertion of the local (element)
// matrix and vector into the global matrix and vector
perf_log.push ("matrix insertion");
system.matrix->add_matrix (Ke, dof_indices);
system.rhs->add_vector (Fe, dof_indices);
// Start logging the insertion of the local (element)
// matrix and vector into the global matrix and vector
perf_log.pop ("matrix insertion");
// That's it. We don't need to do anything else to the
// PerfLog. When it goes out of scope (at this function return)
// it will print its log to the screen. Pretty easy, huh?
Real exact_solution (const Real x,
const Real y,
const Real /*z*/)
return x*y;
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