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Last active October 25, 2018 05:49
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Yosemite Install

Yosemite Install

This is a fresh install of Yosemite and the steps I took to get my machine back up and running.


  1. Make a backup on TimeMachine. Fucking hope that it worked
  2. Ensure that Dropbox has everything synced
  3. Make sure there was nothing needed in the ~/Downloads directory
  4. Make sure there was no code that needed to be pushed to GitHub from the ~/Projects directory


  1. Download it from the App Store
  2. Connect a USB/Drive and title it Untitled
  3. sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ --volume /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ --nointeraction ** THIS DOES DELETE EVERYTHING FROM THE USB/DRIVE
  4. Reboot and hold down Option
  5. Use the utilities to erase the main harddrive
  6. Install Yosemite


  1. Install XCode from the App Store
  2. Install Homebrew ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  3. brew install wget
  4. brew install zsh
  5. brew install chruby
  6. brew install ruby-install
  7. brew install vim
  8. brew install the_silver_searcher
  9. sudo gem install bundler
  10. sudo gem install rake
  11. mkdir ~/Projects && cd ~/Projects
  12. git clone
  13. cd dotfiles
  14. rake
  15. chsh -s /bin/zsh
  16. brew install tmux
  17. brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
  18. sudo gem install tmuxinator
  19. brew tap nviennot/tmate
  20. brew install tmate
  21. brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
  22. brew cask install alfred
  23. brew cask alfred link
  24. brew cask install dropbox
  25. brew cask install google-chrome
  26. brew cask install firefox
  27. brew cask install fantastical
  28. brew cask install omnifocus
  29. brew cask install iterm2
  30. brew cask install slack
  31. brew cask install spotify
  32. brew cask install sequel-pro

Current App Dependencies

  1. brew install postgres
  2. brew install mysql
  3. brew install imagemagick
  4. brew install phantomjs
  5. Install Java SDK for ElasticSearch
  6. brew install elasticsearch
  7. brew install heroku



  1. Generate an SSH key like so and upload to GitHub:

Internet Accounts

  1. Twitter (@jwright)
  2. Facebook BF
  3. Google BF
  4. Google WL
  5. Google Seed (calendars, messages only)

Remapping Keys

  1. Remap CapsLock to Control by going to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Modifier Keys

Notable issues

  1. brew install phantomjs did not work, nor did building it with --HEAD. I downloaded the zip file and copied the executable to /usr/local/bin/
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