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Created March 12, 2014 21:59
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series = ChallengeVideoSeries.create name: 'Year One', break: 7
ChallengeVideo.create day: 0, week_number: 0, video_title: 'Member Orientation', video_key: '65860414', daycode: '486c3d2854', series_id:, video_description: "You now have in your possession the most powerful achievement system ever created, and it can change your life. Whether you want to make more money, get in shape, pay off debts, or improve your relationships, The 12 Week YearTM Challenge is designed to get you there. <br /><br />A core idea that you will come to know intimately is: "High performance and goal achievement is all about execution!" <br /><br /> What separates you from the life you desire is not a lack of knowledge, or intellect, or strategy, or ideas -- but a lack of execution.<br /><br /> The Orientation Guide will get you started on your amazing 12 Week Year.<br /><br /> Download the guide and watch the video to get started!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 0, week_number: 0, video_title: 'Vision', video_key: '65859426', daycode: '4c3b764164', series_id:, video_description: "Vision is the starting point of all achievement. We create things mentally before we create them physically. To achieve your best, you need a vision of the future that is more compelling than the present. A compelling vision will propel you forward through the difficulty and uncertainty that you will encounter on your way to achieving your goals. <br /><br /> Creating a powerful, compelling vision is your first step in your 12 Week YearTM Challenge. <br /><br /> Get started by downloading the workbook, watching the video, and crafting your vision!<br /><br />PLEASE NOTE… <br /><br />This exercise and the one for tomorrow on planning are the most time consuming. But for an individual like you who is serious about their goals – Not a problem! Give yourself the necessary time, as this sets the foundation for the entire 12 Week YearTM."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 0, week_number: 0, video_title: 'Planning', video_key: '65697995', daycode: '2336304b3e', series_id:, video_description: "You've likely heard before that people don't plan to fail; they just fail to plan. A plan is the road map that guides you along your journey to your destination of achievement. If you've never planned before, or you find planning boring, all that is about to change. <br /><br /> For most, planning is an exercise that, to a great degree, is a waste of time and energy -- primarily because the plan never gets implemented. 12-Week Planning is different! 12-Week Planning is the first place where your vision and goals become real. Once you learn to execute, planning becomes fun. <br /><br /> Download the planning document, watch the video, and build your plan!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 1, week_number: 1, video_title: 'Getting Started', video_key: '69640201', daycode: '37384947wqe2', series_id:, video_description: "You now have in your possession the most powerful achievement system ever created, and it can change your life. Whether you want to make more money, get in shape, pay off debts, or improve your relationships, The 12 Week Year &trade; is designed to get you there. <br /> <br />A core idea that you will come to know intimately is the following: <br /> “High performance and goal achievement is all about execution!” <br /> <br /> What separates you from the life you desire is not a lack of knowledge, or intellect, or strategy, or ideas – but a lack of execution. <br /> <br /> Today’s video will walk you through all the resources you have available to help you execute over the next 12 weeks."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 2, week_number: 1, video_title: 'Start Where You Stand', video_key: '65698223', daycode: '464f2a2d50', series_id:, video_description: "At this point, you’ve crafted a compelling vision, established your 12-Week YearTM Goals, and built your Plan. <br /><br /> Many of us wish we could be starting farther down the “road to success” than we actually are. In the end, wherever you are is your starting point. The critical point is that you start. The sooner you start, the sooner you will arrive!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 3, week_number: 1, video_title: 'Accountability', video_key: '65674907', daycode: '3e425f2465', series_id:, video_description: "Accountability is one of the most misunderstood concepts today. Most people equate accountability with consequences. Let me set the record straight: Accountability is NOT about consequences, it's about ownership! <br /><br /> At the heart of accountability is free-will choice. In the end, you always have choice. There are no "have to's" in life. Learn to take ownership of your choices to get more of what you want in life!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 4, week_number: 1, video_title: 'Commitment', video_key: '65681490', daycode: '6b4c373a6a', series_id:, video_description: "Commitments are powerful. Commitments can be life-changing. There is a big difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested, you take action when circumstances permit. When you're committed, circumstances don't matter -- you make things happen.<br /><br /> Keeping commitments with others builds trust and relationships. Keeping your promises to yourself builds esteem and character!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 5, week_number: 1, video_title: 'Time Use', video_key: '65702242', daycode: '757a497a6a', series_id:, video_description: "Everything happens in the context of time. If you are not in control of your time, then you are not in control of your results. Learning to be intentional about how you use your time is critical to your success.<br /><br /> If you are serious about your goals, then you must be intentional with your time. To maximize your time use you will need to do 3 things. They are: <ul><li> Block out time for the important activities. </li><li> Manage the interruptions, and reduce/eliminate the low value activities. </li><li> Take time to refresh and rejuvenate!</li>"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 6, week_number: 1, video_title: 'Action Over Comfort', video_key: '65681385', daycode: '4e56462d66', series_id:, video_description: "Let's face it -- as human beings, we are wired for comfort. However, there is very little about success that is comfortable except the results. The process of succeeding is often just the opposite: very uncomfortable. <br /><br /> If you are going to have something you don't currently have, you will need to do something you currently are not doing. That means change, and change is uncomfortable.<br /><br /> To achieve your best, you will need to "get comfortable with being uncomfortable!" Decide right this moment that you will choose pleasurable results, over pleasurable activity."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 7, week_number: 1, video_title: 'Sunday Mindset', video_key: '65698289', daycode: '7730463743', series_id:, video_description: "For centuries, Sunday has been a day of rest. Not so today. For many, Sunday is just another day to work. There is a reason we are commanded to rest.<br /><br /> It is because we need rest to be at our best. You need time to rest and rejuvenate. Make a habit of taking one day a week and not working. Relax, play, tinker... or do nothing. It doesn't have to be Sunday, but make certain you have at least one day a week to refresh and recharge."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 8, week_number: 2, video_title: 'After-Action Review', video_key: '65926358', daycode: '5943332538', series_id:, video_description: "Congratulations on completing your first week. How did you do in Week 1? <br /><br /> In today’s lesson, we will look back over your first week through an After Action Review and determine what worked, and areas where you need to be more effective this week.<br /><br /> An After Action Review is a critical component of any high performance system. Living the life you desire is not about perfection, it is about learning. The After Action Review is all about learning."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 9, week_number: 2, video_title: 'Emotional Cycle of Change', video_key: '65687614', daycode: '2e4536626c', series_id:, video_description: "Achieving your goals requires a willingness to do things different, and to do different things, and that involves change. Changing behavior and installing new habits can be an emotional roller coaster. <br /><br /> There is an emotional pattern, or cycle, that you will experience as you begin to execute on your goals and plans. The Emotional Cycle of Change describes how individuals and organization experience change in five phases. Understanding the phases within the change cycle allows you to be more productive and keep advancing."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 10, week_number: 2, video_title: 'Thinking', video_key: '65702210', daycode: '274541564d', series_id:, video_description: "Breakthroughs happen first at the thinking level, and then in the physical world. Years ago, Earl Nightingale said "You become what you think about." Before Earl, the Bible said "As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is." <br /><br /> Ultimately, your thinking determines your results and fulfillment in life. Your thinking drives your actions. You behave the way you do based on your thinking. If you want to get different results, then it makes sense that you'll first need to first shift your thinking."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 11, week_number: 2, video_title: 'Why Measure', video_key: '65859853', daycode: '7e2d50274e', series_id:, video_description: "Measurement is the "breakfast of champions." You simply cannot perform at your best without measurement.<br /><br /> Measurement is the feedback mechanism that provides you with valuable information regarding the effectiveness of your actions.<br /><br /> To be great you will need to measure your progress and results. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, you will need to measure your execution. In The 12 Week YearTM Challenge, you will learn how to use measurement to help you get more of what you want in life."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 12, week_number: 2, video_title: 'Greatness In The Moment', video_key: '65691439', daycode: '6b2c2e384a', series_id:, video_description: "When does a person become great? Your initial response might be similar to mine -- "When they do something great, of course!" Yet, I've come to realize that is not when an individual becomes great. The result is simply the evidence of their greatness. Here's why... <br /><br />Life is lived in the moment. That really is all we have -- the eternal Right Now. And if you or I are ever going to be great it has to be in the moment. In the end, whether or not we are great in the moment is reflected in our future results."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 13, week_number: 2, video_title: 'Lean Into It!', video_key: '65691723', daycode: '79452f283f', series_id:, video_description: "When we experience change, and are on unfamiliar ground, the natural tendency is to pull back. This response, as natural as it may be, is unproductive, and is one of the reasons why people struggle and fail. <br /><br /> What the situation calls for is not a pull back, rather just the opposite: a leaning into. Think about the difference between a novice downhill skier and a pro. The novice leans back because he is fearful and uncertain, but by leaning back he loses control. The pro on the other hand leans into the hill. It's the same when you are faced with change. Don't pull back. Instead, learn to lean into it!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 14, week_number: 2, video_title: 'Celebrate!', video_key: '65681252', daycode: '2a353c7b35', series_id:, video_description: "It's time to celebrate and recharge! In every week you need time to perform, and time to rest and recuperate.<br /><br /> Today is a day of recuperation -- enjoy it!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 15, week_number: 3, video_title: 'After-Action Review', video_key: '65859855', daycode: '5e7e2a3c36', series_id:, video_description: "Congratulations on completing your second week... How did you do?<br /><br /> Just like last Monday, today we will look back over your week through an After Action Review. We will determine what worked, and identify areas in which you need to be more effective this week.<br /><br /> An After Action Review is a critical component of any high performance system. Living the life you desire is not about perfection, it is about learning. The After Action Review is all about learning."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 16, week_number: 3, video_title: 'Start & End The Day Positively', video_key: '65698203', daycode: '5f546f684f', series_id:, video_description: "Have you ever had a day that literally went bad from the get-go? <br /><br />How you start your day, and how you end your day, has a profound impact on what happens throughout the day. <br /><br />Starting and ending the day positively leads to a more productive day. It sets the tone for the entire day. It establishes a mindset, and an attitude, that equips you to deal more effectively with whatever the day brings. Developing the habit of starting and ending your day on a positive pays big dividends."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 17, week_number: 3, video_title: 'The Freedom of Discipline', video_key: '65698357', daycode: '45335a2764', series_id:, video_description: "In today's society, "discipline" is almost a four-letter word. People don't want discipline; they want freedom. Discipline sounds burdensome and onerous – who wants that? We want creativity, and resourcefulness, and an easy flow to life.<br /><br /> I'll let you in on a little secret: Discipline creates freedom. Without discipline, you lack focus. Without discipline you end up fighting fires with very little time left for the important things in life. Discipline allows you to be fiercely original and creative. With discipline, you get more of what you want in life."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 18, week_number: 3, video_title: 'Who You Associate With', video_key: '65702581', daycode: '29492b306d', series_id:, video_description: "One of the most important decisions you make in life is the decision of with whom you choose to associate. All of us have people in our lives that build us up, and encourage us. Unfortunately, most of us also have people in our lives who drag us down. <br /><br /> If you're going to achieve your goals and be the best you can be, you will need to intentionally associate with positive, successful people. Surround yourself with people who care about you, people who will challenge you and encourage you, people who bring out the best in you."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 19, week_number: 3, video_title: 'Asking For Help', video_key: '65753901', daycode: '4c67656258', series_id:, video_description: "For many, asking for help is an admission of incompetence; it represents the white flag of surrender. This is especially true in America, where we value the "rugged individualist." <br /><br /> If you study the most successful people throughout history, you will find that they all leaned on others at times to help them succeed. Asking for help is not an act of ignorance, but rather one of courage and intelligence. It's just plain smart to get help. "
ChallengeVideo.create day: 20, week_number: 3, video_title: 'Clean Up The Mess', video_key: '65681433', daycode: '40304d634f', series_id:, video_description: "As you build success, you add complexity. Every time you advance to a new level, you create new complexities. Complexity slows you down. <br /><br /> The path to higher performance is not strewn with complexity, quite the contrary. Breakthroughs are simple, elegant, uncomplicated. Complexity clouds your vision, slows you down, and robs you of your enjoyment.<br /><br /> The solution: organize, systematize, simplify - clean up the messes."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 21, week_number: 3, video_title: 'Be A Bucket Filler', video_key: '65681168', daycode: '553e375749', series_id:, video_description: "Are you a "Bucket Filler?" <br /><br /> A bucket filler is someone who goes out of his or her way to make someone feel valued or appreciated. Appreciating others does two things. First, it makes a difference for the person on the receiving end of your comments. It's sad, but most people get very little encouragement and appreciation as they go through their day.<br /><br /> Second, it makes a difference for you. It flat out feels good to complement and appreciate others. That feeling affects your mindset and attitude as you engage various tasks and interact with others. "
ChallengeVideo.create day: 22, week_number: 4, video_title: 'After-Action Review', video_key: '65925908', daycode: '20337b7061', series_id:, video_description: "Congratulations on completing your third week! How did you do?<br /><br /> Just like last Monday, today we will look back over your week through an After Action Review. We will determine what worked, and identify areas in which you need to be more effective this week. <br /><br /> An After Action Review is a critical component of any high performance system. Living the life you desire is not about perfection, it is about learning. The After Action Review is all about learning."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 23, week_number: 4, video_title: 'Deliberate Practice', video_key: '65687499', daycode: '783e7c774f', series_id:, video_description: "You've heard the adage that "practice makes perfect." You've probably even heard the one that says, "perfect practice makes perfect." But have you heard about Deliberate Practice? <br /><br /> Deliberate practice is how you become world-class in any field. It is a highly structured way of improving. There are three steps to this type of practice: <br /><br />1. Set a process goal;<br /><br />2. Monitor your process and outcomes as they unfold;<br /><br />3. Conduct an after action review.<br /><br /> In today's video, you will learn how to apply deliberate practice in a powerful way."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 24, week_number: 4, video_title: 'Action Over Comfort', video_key: '65681385', daycode: '2b4a552a42', series_id:, video_description: "It takes sacrifice to be great. The good news is that you don't have to sacrifice your family, your health, or your sanity. The number one thing you do need to sacrifice to be great is your comfort.<br /><br /> As humans, we are wired for comfort. We seek comfort in our physical environment, our relationships, and our actions. It's one of the primary roadblocks to being more successful and accomplishing your dreams.<br /><br /> If you are going to perform at your best and achieve what you're capable of, you will need to be willing to choose pleasurable results over pleasurable activity. "
ChallengeVideo.create day: 25, week_number: 4, video_title: 'Gratitude', video_key: '65691470', daycode: '3e58533c2b', series_id:, video_description: "Success and fulfillment is a balancing act between striving for more and appreciating what you have. It's easy to take for granted what you have and only focus on what you want, but currently don't have, in your life. <br /><br /> Learning to appreciate all that is good in your life is key to not only greater fulfillment and joy, but also success. When you recognize that most areas of your life are working well, you approach your desires and challenges from a position of strength and gratitude. This empowers you to accomplish even greater things. When you walk in gratitude, it sets you up for success."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 26, week_number: 4, video_title: 'Rethink Failure', video_key: '65698021', daycode: '72695a5051', series_id:, video_description: "Did you know that some of the most successful people in the history of the world are also some of the biggest failures? The reason they succeeded is because they thought about failure differently. <br /><br /> Take Thomas Edison for example. Did you know that he had over 9,000 failed experiments before he succeeded in inventing electric light? Had he viewed failure as most do, we might still be reading by candlelight.<br /><br /> Failure can be devastating, or it can simply be a learning experience. How you think about failure makes all the difference."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 27, week_number: 4, video_title: 'Let Others Know', video_key: '65691791', daycode: '6126547b43', series_id:, video_description: "So much of success comes down to accountability. As you now know, accountability is not consequences, but ownership. To achieve anything, you must own it.<br /><br /> One of the ways you can create greater ownership is by going public with your goals. The more people who know about your goals, the more you will do to make certain you succeed. Tell others. Let the world know what you intend to do. Then use that as added motivation to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 28, week_number: 4, video_title: 'Write A Letter', video_key: '65702642', daycode: '402442364d', series_id:, video_description: "With cell phones, emails, and texting, it seems letter writing has become a lost art. Therefore, one way to stand out in the crowd is to be a letter writer. Because a hand written letter is rare nowadays, when you receive one, you appreciate and remember it. <br /><br /> It only takes a few minutes. Once you begin the habit, you'll find that there are all sorts of occasions for which to send a letter. Try it for the remainder of the 12 Week YearTM Challenge. Start small. Make a commitment to send one letter a week, and see what happens.<br /><br /> If you want to build better relationships and have a positive impact on others, be a letter writer."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 29, week_number: 5, video_title: 'Recognizing Progress', video_key: '65695140', daycode: '6e527b564b', series_id:, video_description: "It's important that you celebrate your progress. The bulk of the journey is the progress, not the arrival. By recognizing your progress, you stay motivated and inspired to continue to take action.<br /><br /> One of the challenges for successful, goal-oriented people, is the loss of perspective on progress. It's easy to lose sight of progress when you are focused on achieving a specific goal."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 30, week_number: 5, video_title: 'The Power Of Ownership', video_key: '65698380', daycode: '4d22477862', series_id:, video_description: "If there is one characteristic that all successful people have in common, it's accountability, or better put "Ownership." <br /><br />Success requires ownership. To achieve your goals, and live the life you are truly capable of, you will need to stop looking outside of yourself for someone or something to change.<br /><br />Take ownership of your situation and focus on the things that you control. At one level it really doesn’t matter what others do, or what the economy does. If you own your goals, and your actions, you will find a way to achieve your vision."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 31, week_number: 5, video_title: 'Make The Day Count', video_key: '65694940', daycode: '2e413b6e65', series_id:, video_description: "Our long-term results are created by what we do each and every day. Sir William Osler, Founder of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, said that the secret of his success was living his life in "day-tight compartments." What he discovered was that while we plan for the future, we act in the day.<br /><br />To be truly effective, our daily activity must align with our long-term vision, strategies and tactics. The life you will be living in a year, or 2 years, is being created right now by the actions you take. Learn to make each day count!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 32, week_number: 5, video_title: 'Keeping Your Word', video_key: '65691662', daycode: '7c3f7b4f52', series_id:, video_description: "Are you the type of person who keeps his or her word? When you tell someone that you'll do something, do you deliver? Keeping your word is critical to your success. When you keep your word, you build trust. You build relationships.<br /><br /> A person who keeps his or her word attracts others. People want to associate with a promise keeper. When you consistently keep your word, others know they can count on you. More opportunities come your way, you're included in more deals, people seek your assistance and provide more input. The bottom line is that people who keep their word are more successful."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 33, week_number: 5, video_title: 'Coming Back', video_key: '66087787', daycode: '27373b446a', series_id:, video_description: "Have you noticed how easy it is to get distracted and lose focus?<br /><br /> Often, we don't realize how diffused our attention is until we consciously attempt to maintain focus. Maintaining focus, whether individually or as an organization, is not a matter of never losing focus, but a matter of reducing the periods of lost focus. <br /><br />To increase your ability to focus, you will need to become good at "Coming Back". Distractions are part of life.The key is coming back to what matters most."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 34, week_number: 5, video_title: 'Courage', video_key: '65681635', daycode: '775a385f53', series_id:, video_description: "The courage to begin and continue is what separates the great ones. Once you've begun something, have the courage to keep moving. The difficulties you encounter will resolve themselves as you advance.<br /><br />The power of courage resides in your decision to do what you know you need to do. Courage is a character trait, and I'm convinced that character is built through application. You can't build character just by reading about it. Character, and specifically courage, is acquired only by exercising it. To have courage you must be courageous. Be courageous this week and do the things you need to do!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 35, week_number: 5, video_title: 'The Power Of 3', video_key: '65698404', daycode: '765e272050', series_id:, video_description: "Throughout this 12 Week Year ChallengeTM, we continue to implore you to be great at a few things instead of mediocre at many. <br /><br />Today I want to share with you a concept called "The Power of 3." Success comes through focus and concentration. Diffusion leads to frustration and failure. The Power of 3 is all about focus. <br /><br />Here's how The Power of 3 works. Identify the three most important activities that will bring you the greatest results and spend 80% of your time on them. Sound too simplistic? Try it! It's powerful!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 36, week_number: 6, video_title: 'Execution Is key', video_key: '65687655', daycode: '3d26436547', series_id:, video_description: "What separates the best from the rest? It's not what you think. Most think that the top performers know something the rest of the world doesn't. The truth is that the very best don't have better ideas, they simply execute more effectively. <br /><br />Knowledge is only powerful if it's acted on. And great ideas are worthless unless they are implemented. That is why The 12 Week YearTM Challenge is structured to help you execute more effectively."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 37, week_number: 6, video_title: 'Intentional Imbalance', video_key: '65691604', daycode: '3933513861', series_id:, video_description: "The concept of life balance is an illusion. We're led to believe that somehow we can spend equal time in all the various areas of life – family, work, spouse, health, friends, and community. That's just not possible. And even if it were, I doubt it would create the joy and fulfillment that it promises. <br /><br />Rather than seek life balance, we should strive for intentional imbalance. There will be times in life -- seasons, if you will -- when you decide to spend more time in one area over another. There is nothing wrong with that. The key is that it is intentional, and by design."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 38, week_number: 6, video_title: 'Productive Tension', video_key: '65695122', daycode: '683b6e4252', series_id:, video_description: "One interesting thing that often happens around this time in the 12 Week YearTM, is what we call "Productive Tension." Productive tension is the uncomfortable feeling you get when you're not doing the things you know you need to do to reach your goals. <br /><br />Productive Tension is exactly what you want to experience. It is the lead indicator of substantive change. If you eliminate bailing out as an option, then the discomfort of Productive Tension will eventually compel you to take action on your tactics. If turning back is not an option, then the only way to resolve the discomfort is to move forward by executing your plan."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 39, week_number: 6, video_title: 'Difficult Things First', video_key: '65687543', daycode: '78577c5345', series_id:, video_description: "With all we have to do in a day it's no wonder we tend to put off the difficult things. When faced with the choice of tackling a new and difficult task or completing a familiar, easier task, most of us choose the latter. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's human nature. Yet, if you are going to accomplish big things in your life, then you will need to stop putting off your future. <br /><br />To overcome this tendency, I recommend that you build the habit of doing the difficult things early in the week and early in the day. Learn to start your week and your day with your most challenging tasks. By doing this, you eliminate the natural inclination to engage with other activities. Tackling the difficult tasks first will create a feeling of confidence and control. It also will produce amazing results."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 40, week_number: 6, video_title: 'The Power Of Noticing', video_key: '66088997', daycode: '6a2f5b7b56', series_id:, video_description: "Emotions are powerful. They can cause us to behave in ways that amaze us, and sometimes embarrass us. At times it feels like we have no say in our emotions, that they just happen and we respond -- but science and research say otherwise. <br /><br />In the end, your thinking creates your emotions. For every emotion you feel, there is a thought that is creating it. The concept of the “Power of Noticing” asserts that if you put a space between your emotion and your response, and you check-in with your thinking, then you can shift your negative, unproductive emotions to a more productive state."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 41, week_number: 6, video_title: 'Intentional Time Use', video_key: '65702242', daycode: '7e645d334e', series_id:, video_description: "Time is the ultimate equalizer. We all get the same amount and yet some seem to do so much more with it than others. <br /><br />Being more effective with your time can pay huge dividends with respect to both results and happiness. The key to effective time use is intentionality -- being intentional about those activities with which you engage."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 42, week_number: 6, video_title: 'Make A Difference', video_key: '65694974', daycode: '717d4d445c', series_id:, video_description: "Earl Nightingale, a pioneer in self-help, often talked about giving first. He said that if you drive down the street and look at the homes, the individuals living in the larger homes were the ones who created the most value for others. Nowadays, it may just be that they have more debt, but you get the point. <br /><br />To accomplish more in your life, help others accomplish more in their lives. Make a difference."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 43, week_number: 7, video_title: 'Half-Way Through The Year', video_key: '65681117', daycode: '79387d6972', series_id:, video_description: "Week 7 already, can you believe it? You are now half way through the 12 Week YearTM Challenge. Counting this week, you have 6 weeks left to accomplish your goals. <br /><br />This is a logical point in your challenge to assess your progress. You will want to evaluate your execution, and your results. You will also want to determine which actions are having the desired affect and where additional actions may be necessary. The review process is designed to position you for a strong finish."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 44, week_number: 7, video_title: 'The 12-Week Year', video_key: '65753903', daycode: '6a2b652235', series_id:, video_description: "The 12 Week YearTM is a powerful concept that creates urgency around the things that matter most. At seven weeks into the challenge, you should be feeling that urgency. Time is running out. You have six weeks left to hit your goals. You cannot afford to have an off week. The fact is – everyday matters. <br /><br />Your success lies in doing day by day. The cumulative effect of daily action is potent and convincing."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 45, week_number: 7, video_title: 'Top Personal Relationships', video_key: '65702276', daycode: '55662e7b36', series_id:, video_description: "The importance of solid personal relationships cannot be over stated. This is because our best relationships tend to give us more energy, courage, ideas, comfort, grounding, and joy. And yet, sometimes we take these relationships for granted, knowing they will be there. <br /><br />It's time to reconnect with the people who matter most. Make a list of the top 12 most important personal relationships you have, and decide how you will be more intentional with these key people moving forward."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 46, week_number: 7, video_title: 'Training Vs. Trying', video_key: '65702333', daycode: '7.87E+55', series_id:, video_description: "If you are not a runner, but for some reason decided to run a marathon, you probably would not go out and run one this weekend. Instead, you would prepare; you would train. Frankly, you would have to train, because no matter how hard you tried you would most likely fail. Trying will only get you so far. If you’re serious, you would enter into a life of training. <br /><br />Training is required for more than just athletics. It’s necessary if you want to learn to play a musical instrument, speak a new language, or run a business. The point is that there is a huge difference between training to do something and trying to do something. If you want to be great, you will need to train to be great."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 47, week_number: 7, video_title: 'Free Will', video_key: '65687852', daycode: '545c645373', series_id:, video_description: "The greatest power that a person has is the power to choose. No matter what happens, you always have choice. W. Clement Stone said this: “You always do what you want to do. This is true with every act. You may say that you had to do something, or that you were forced to, but actually, whatever you do, you do by choice.” <br /><br /> To Stone’s point, there are no “have to’s” in life, you always have choice. Understanding free-will choice, and taking ownership of your choices, is a game changer."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 48, week_number: 7, video_title: 'Say No', video_key: '65698078', daycode: '792031797c', series_id:, video_description: "Do you have a difficult time saying “no”? When we feel like we can’t say no, we often over commit. When we over commit, we break promises and disappoint others -- the very thing we were trying to avoid by not saying no in the first place. <br /><br />The lack of willingness to say no is founded in good intent. Unfortunately, the reality is that you often over commit and disappoint. People would much rather have you say no up front, then not deliver on the back end. Learning to say no, when it’s appropriate, is an important skill."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 49, week_number: 7, video_title: 'What Is Your Purpose?', video_key: '65702545', daycode: '69253d7c2d', series_id:, video_description: "If I asked you to write a sentence that encapsulates your purpose, how would that sentence read? <br /><br />The question of purpose is one of the most important questions you will ever answer. The question of purpose gets at your WHY. People who have a clear purpose live more fully engaged. They are turned on. They have more passion, more courage and more joy. <br /><br />Get clear on your purpose and align your vision and actions for greater results and happiness."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 50, week_number: 8, video_title: 'Consistent Action', video_key: '65681595', daycode: '6e22552666', series_id:, video_description: "Strong results require sustained action. Over time, sustained action creates a cumulative effect. <br /><br />John D. Rockefeller said, "I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature." <br /><br />The power to hold on in spite of obstacles; to endure the discomfort of change; to push on in the face of great difficulty -- that's what winners do."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 51, week_number: 8, video_title: 'Top Professional Relationships', video_key: '65702300', daycode: '6a3d695325', series_id:, video_description: "Strong professional relationships are critically important. Strong business relationships improve your productivity, output, and results. Simply put, they are the most valuable assets in your business life. <br /><br />Identify your Top 12 professional relationships -- the people in your professional life who can, and have, had the greatest impact on your success. Then, determine actions you can take to further build these key relationships."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 52, week_number: 8, video_title: 'Seek Feedback', video_key: '65698145', daycode: '4f5751614e', series_id:, video_description: "Feedback is an amazing thing. On one hand, if it's positive, it can be uplifting and encouraging. On the other hand, if it's negative, it can be discouraging. The possibility of negative feedback keeps many people from seeking it in the first place. <br /><br />If you're going to improve, you need feedback -- both positive and constructive. Build feedback into your 12 Week YearTM. Seek feedback through measurement and through input from others. Don't worry that some of it may be negative. Sometimes the negative can be the most helpful and, ultimately, have the greatest positive impact in the end."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 53, week_number: 8, video_title: 'Be Great at a Few Things', video_key: '65681222', daycode: '3a445c4249', series_id:, video_description: "Diffusion is a common barrier that keeps people from achieving their goals and dreams. In an effort to accomplish more, we often take on too much and end up making a little progress across a broad range of areas. That is a recipe for mediocrity. <br /><br />Our philosophy is, “Let’s be great at a few things versus mediocre at many.” Greatness comes through focus. It’s impossible to be great at everything. Focus on one or two areas and you can create outstanding results. <br /><br />One of the inspiring aspects of The 12 Week YearTM Challenge is that you can focus in on one or two areas and really make significant progress. Then, for the next 12 weeks, focus on one or two different areas."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 54, week_number: 8, video_title: 'Feel The Fear, Then Do It Anyway', video_key: '65687774', daycode: '416c766c53', series_id:, video_description: "Fear is a crippler. The fear of failure, and yes, even the fear of success, keeps many people from achieving all of which they are capable. The bondage of fear prevents people from having a greater impact, from accomplishing more, from being their best. <br /><br />The most successful people you know have fears. The difference is that they don't let their fears stop them. They push on in spite of their fear. Where others are stymied or stopped by their fears, successful people acknowledge their fears, but "do it anyway!""
ChallengeVideo.create day: 55, week_number: 8, video_title: 'Align Actions With Intentions', video_key: '65674991', daycode: '212331305f', series_id:, video_description: "We tend to judge ourselves by our intentions, while the world judges us by our actions. It's easy to feel good about ourselves based on good intentions, even if we never act on the intentions. By doing so, we cover over our incongruity between how we perceive our self, and how we show up with others. <br /><br />As the old adage goes, "Intentions count for very little, if they are not backed up by actions." It's not enough to have good intentions. You must back them up with action."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 56, week_number: 8, video_title: 'Keeping Your Word', video_key: '65691662', daycode: '584b7e215c', series_id:, video_description: "Your word is your bond with others. How well do you keep your word? Do you meet, or often miss, the promises you make to others, at work, and at home? <br /><br />Broken promises are the number source of relationship pain. Good relationships are built on trust. It is impossible to have trust in a relationship full of broken promises. Even a few, seemingly insignificant, broken promises can adversely affect the relationship. <br /><br />Learning to more effectively make and keep your word, whether you struggle mightily in this area or just occasionally let others down, can make a tremendous difference in your personal and professional relationships."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 57, week_number: 9, video_title: 'Fail Faster', video_key: '65687714', daycode: '656e5e4325', series_id:, video_description: "Thomas Edison conducted over 9,000 failed experiments, over the course of a couple of years, before he successfully invented electric light. That's a lot of failure! <br /><br />Yet, sometimes the only way to accomplish your goal is to take some action and learn from it -- fail your way to success. In this scenario, the faster you fail, the sooner you succeed. The 12 Week YearTM Challenge will help you fail faster and succeed sooner."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 58, week_number: 9, video_title: 'Model Success', video_key: '65695001', daycode: '367e382771', series_id:, video_description: "There is a saying that "success leaves clues." Many of the things you want to accomplish have already been accomplished by someone else. That means someone has figured out what works, and what doesn't. <br /><br />One of the quickest ways to reach your goal is to find someone who is already there and model their approach."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 59, week_number: 9, video_title: 'Critical Few', video_key: '65687461', daycode: '34595d3732', series_id:, video_description: "You may have heard the phrase, "Good is the enemy of great." The fact is, you can't do everything. The good news is that you don't have to. Success comes by focusing on the things that matter most and not letting all the other stuff get in the way. <br /><br />Be clear on what the Critical Few are for you, and then align your actions with those activities."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 60, week_number: 9, video_title: 'Relationships To Repair', video_key: '65695161', daycode: '4323784044', series_id:, video_description: "We've discussed how important relationships are and have had you identify your top priority relationships. Now we need to look at those relationships that need repair. <br /><br />Some relationships have suffered due to neglect, others due to conflict. Regardless of the reason, it's time to take positive action to repair these relationships. In some cases, that is as simple as reconnecting; in others, it may mean confrontation and reconciliation."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 61, week_number: 9, video_title: 'Confidence', video_key: '65681553', daycode: '42306a3231', series_id:, video_description: "Confidence is defined as "a belief or self-assurance in your ability to succeed." When we're confident, we risk more, try new things, and take them on with a mind set that we will be successful. When people believe in themselves they typically try harder and longer, thereby increasing their chances of success. <br /><br />Confidence is created through action. You can't talk your way to confidence. You must take action. In business, athletics, and all other areas of life, confidence is created by the combined actions of preparation and execution."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 62, week_number: 9, video_title: 'Taking Risks', video_key: '65698332', daycode: '2d4d782465', series_id:, video_description: "FEAR! All of us experience it at some level. Some people are paralyzed by it, while others seem to be able to push through it. To be great -- to experience the exhilaration of life lived at your potential -- you will need to learn to overcome your fear and push through the uncertainty and discomfort. <br /><br />The way to move beyond your fear is to focus on your vision, not the risk. Make your vision and goals crystal clear. Be sure that you have a strong emotional attachment to reaching your vision. Imagine reaching your goal -- how good that will feel. <br /><br />By focusing like this on your vision each day, you will be able to set aside your fears and accomplish your goals."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 63, week_number: 9, video_title: 'Connect With Your Vision', video_key: '65706420', daycode: '326455612d', series_id:, video_description: "Vision is the starting point of all high performance. It doesn't matter whether it's in your business or in your personal life -- in every role and aspect from spiritual, to family and spouse, to health and finances, to your impact in the community, to your legacy -- vision is the starting point. <br /><br />Yet, having a vision is not enough. That may seem a little confusing after all that I've just said about vision. Ultimately, for a vision to be powerful in your life you must move beyond creating one -- you must then stay connected with it. The more you think about your vision, the stronger it becomes."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 64, week_number: 10, video_title: 'Great Vision, Great Accomplishment', video_key: '65691493', daycode: '4554642622', series_id:, video_description: "Great accomplishments are preceded by great vision. Think of all the great accomplishments of mankind -- space travel, antibiotics, the Internet -- all of these first began in someone's mind as a vision. The vision precedes the accomplishment. <br /><br />It's the same for you and me. Before you can create something great in the physical world, you must first create it in your mind."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 65, week_number: 10, video_title: 'Personal Discipline', video_key: '65695092', daycode: '5526757822', series_id:, video_description: "For some, the notion of discipline sounds constricting and onerous. Yet personal discipline is necessary if you want to perform at your best. Without discipline, chaos ensues. Personal discipline is the connective tissue that allows you to leverage your creativity in a productive way."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 66, week_number: 10, video_title: 'Failure vs. Falure', video_key: '65687744', daycode: '57466e5c30', series_id:, video_description: "Jim Collins, author of "Good to Great", wrote an interesting article discussing the difference between failure and fallure. He wrote that failure occurs when one gives up -- quits, whereas he defined fallure as going to your limit. Going to fallure means going all the way -- not giving your self an intellectual way out. <br /><br />You never find your true capability when you only go to failure. Only by going to fallure can you find your true limits."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 67, week_number: 10, video_title: 'Creativity', video_key: '65687419', daycode: '6178267457', series_id:, video_description: "When you think of the creative people you know, who comes to mind? What about you? Do you consider yourself to be creative? Or is creativity one of those qualities that "others" possess. <br /><br />Think about all the business innovations from cars and computers, to cellular phones and post-it-notes. These creative breakthroughs have created entire industries and have changed the way we live and work. Well, ok, maybe not post-it-notes. <br /><br />Yet, if you think creativity is reserved just for others, you're mistaken. Your innovations may never be as grand as the ones I just mentioned, but they can have a positive impact and provide genuine value."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 68, week_number: 10, video_title: 'The Comfort Zone', video_key: '65706474', daycode: '585e46612e', series_id:, video_description: "We all have things that we are comfortable doing, and other things that are outside our comfort zone. The only way to bring something that is outside your comfort zone into your comfort zone is to expand your zone. In a sense, you don't really bring a task in to your comfort zone. Instead, you expand your comfort zone to include this item. <br /><br />You do this by taking action. You cannot expand your comfort zone unless you are willing to act. In most cases, it will require you to repeat your actions many times before your zone expands. Every time you take on something new and expand your comfort zone it builds your confidence and creates new capabilities that you can use to succeed."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 69, week_number: 10, video_title: 'The Brain On Change', video_key: '65859854', daycode: '3e3e615a5e', series_id:, video_description: "Robert Frost said: "The brain is an amazing organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and doesn't quit until you get into the office." The fact is, the brain is an amazing organ. The more you know about how it functions, the more you can use it to achieve your 12 Week goals. <br /><br />There is a portion of your brain that supports you living a life of greatness. It's called the pre-frontal cortex. The more you exercise your pre-frontal cortex, the stronger it becomes. When you think about a vision of greatness you engage the pre-frontal cortex. So just by thinking about accomplishing something great, you can train your brain to act on it."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 70, week_number: 10, video_title: 'Passion', video_key: '65695027', daycode: '772e727e63', series_id:, video_description: "Are you passionate about your goals, your family, and your work? <br /><br />Benjamin Disraeli said over a century ago that people achieve greatness only when they act from their heart and their passion. <br /><br />Passion is a powerful force. I'm not talking about the romantic variety -- although there's nothing wrong with that -- but rather the passion that fills you with energy and excitement… the kind of passion that makes you lose track of time, lifts you up, and inspires you. Passion does not yield to obstacles or difficulty; it finds a way through. With passion, the journey is an adventure. The setbacks are temporary and the end goal is always clear and visible. Passion is a choice. It's created through vision."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 71, week_number: 11, video_title: 'Finish Strong', video_key: '65687824', daycode: '5c686f5032', series_id:, video_description: "Just 2 more weeks, and this year is over. Now is year-end. It's time to pull out all the stops. It's time to do everything you can to hit your goals. Regardless of your results so far -- whether you've exceeded your goals, or are woefully short -- do not give up! Now is the time to learn to Finish Strong. <br /><br />So make a commitment to finish strong. <br /><br />- Finish the Year strong!<br /><br />- Finish the Week strong! <br /><br />- Finish the Day strong!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 72, week_number: 11, video_title: 'Align Your Personal & Business Visions', video_key: '65675021', daycode: '7150656c44', series_id:, video_description: "The more you connect your business or career vision with your personal vision, the more effective you will be. Think through what success in business will enable for you personally, for your family, your coworkers, your community and the causes you believe in. If you had more free time and more money, what would be different for you? <br /><br />Align your personal vision with your business vision and then connect with it daily."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 73, week_number: 11, video_title: 'Keep Moving', video_key: '65694862', daycode: '4.57E+76', series_id:, video_description: "John D. Rockefeller said, "I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature." Achieving your goals will take consistent effort and daily action. <br /><br />Success is a little like wrestling a gorilla... You don't quit when you are tired; you quit when the gorilla is tired! Make up your mind to persist. Keep moving even if it feels like nothing is happening. The cumulative affect will create a breakthrough."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 74, week_number: 11, video_title: 'Act Right Now', video_key: '65674962', daycode: '3a4572742e', series_id:, video_description: "If you could go back in time and act at precisely the right moment, you could change the course of history. The fact is you can't change the past. However, the power of acting at the right moment can change the future. <br /><br />The 12 Week YearTM Challenge is all about acting on the right things each day. Your future is being created right now by the actions you take. By defining your vision, developing a plan, and then acting on your plan daily, you can change the future."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 75, week_number: 11, video_title: 'Facing Your Fears', video_key: '65687674', daycode: '7359543f6e', series_id:, video_description: "If there's one thing that keeps most people from living the life they truly desire, it's fear. <br /><br />We all have reservations and fears when we step out on new ground and take on new challenges. We fear rejection, failure, and occasionally even success! We fear loss of image, being alone, public speaking, making a mistake… the list goes on and on. Fear can be paralyzing and can stop you in your tracks. It erodes confidence and is the enemy of progress. <br /><br />Funny thing is, the only way to overcome the fear is to take action. Delay will only increase the fear. Fear grows stronger every time you avoid it. Dale Carnegie said, "Do the thing you fear and keep doing it… that is the quickest and surest way to conquer fear.""
ChallengeVideo.create day: 76, week_number: 11, video_title: 'Peer Support', video_key: '65695053', daycode: '3e78333e30', series_id:, video_description: "Several years ago, a study found that only 10% of people diagnosed with life-threatening heart disease were successful in sticking to their diet and exercise programs. It's worth repeating... Despite the threat of imminent death, only 1 in 10 stuck with their lifestyle changes! <br /><br />However, the study also went on to find that nearly 77% WERE successful in sticking with their lifestyle changes if they were involved in a peer support group. Peer support is a proven and powerful way to increase your odds of success in any endeavor. Find a peer, or peer group and meet regularly. Challenge each other, support one another, and celebrate your successes."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 77, week_number: 11, video_title: 'Stop Waiting To Be Great!', video_key: '65698247', daycode: '556d316f27', series_id:, video_description: "Are you still waiting to be great? What are you waiting for? Are you waiting until you have more time? More money? More support? Perhaps you're waiting for a better job, or a different mate? <br /><br />Stop waiting! The time will never be "just right." <br /><br />The 12 Week Year ChallengeTM is all about acting, not waiting. You become great the moment you decide to do the things that it takes to be great. Each moment presents an opportunity for you to be great -- Take it!"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 78, week_number: 12, video_title: 'Connect With Your Vision', video_key: '65706420', daycode: '4366446721', series_id:, video_description: "Wow, your last week on the Challenge! Only one week until year-end! <br /><br />I hope you’ve learned a lot the past 12 weeks about yourself and about what it takes to accomplish the things you want in your life. <br /><br />Today, I’m going to talk one last time about vision. If it seems like I talk a lot about vision, it’s because I do. But there’s a reason. Vision is the starting point of all high performance. My goal is to get you to spend more time on your vision – crafting it, connecting with it, and celebrating it. <br /><br />Everything you want to achieve starts with a compelling vision. The stronger your “why,” the easier the “how” becomes."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 79, week_number: 12, video_title: 'The Rigor Of Greatness', video_key: '65698045', daycode: '644455317c', series_id:, video_description: "We’ve all heard the saying, “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” If you want something that has value, then you will need to sacrifice something of value – time, money, energy, or effort. <br /><br />Simply put, being great requires you to sacrifice. Just as there is no legitimate “get rich quick” program, greatness also comes at a cost. To be great requires rigor. It takes time, energy, and effort to be great. Learning to embrace the rigor by creating the structure and actively engaging in the core success activities is what drives success."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 80, week_number: 12, video_title: 'Leaving A Legacy', video_key: '65694896', daycode: '3d4f762375', series_id:, video_description: "What legacy are you creating? Whether you know it or not, your legacy is being created right now. How people remember you, and the impact you have on the world around you, is your legacy. <br /><br />Legacy is one of those things about which we seldom give much thought. That’s why today I want you to consider it. If your life ended today, what would be your legacy? How would the world remember you? What lasting impact have you had on your co-workers and on those you love? The great news is that your life won’t end today (at least statistically, you’re safe), but being more intentional about your legacy will help you to live a life of significance, with no regrets."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 81, week_number: 12, video_title: 'Celebrating', video_key: '65681252', daycode: '207756335f', series_id:, video_description: "We’ve talked before about the importance of celebration. What you recognize and celebrate reinforces those areas as being central and meaningful to your life, success, and happiness. The 12 Week YearTM offers you more opportunities to celebrate. Be sure to take full advantage of it! <br /><br />Your task for today is to plan your celebration for next week. How will you recognize your progress and the things you’ve achieved in The 12 Week YearTM Challenge? Make it a big deal, because it is! Throw a party! Invite your friends. Go somewhere special for a long weekend with your sweetheart. It really doesn’t matter what form your celebration takes, as long as it’s meaningful to you."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 82, week_number: 12, video_title: 'Discard Annualized Thinking', video_key: '65687581', daycode: '69225e2d75', series_id:, video_description: "It might seem strange that I’m talking about the concept of the 12 Week YearTM at the end of your Challenge. I do so because I want to impress upon you the need to continue on the path you’ve begun. Annual goals and plans are simply not as effective. Going back to annual goals at this point should not even be an option. <br /><br />You have experienced firsthand the power and benefit of working in the context of the 12 Week YearTM. Now is the time to prepare for your next 12 Week YearTM. Plan on taking some time to rest and celebrate next week. Then, come back and establish your goals and plans for this upcoming year."
ChallengeVideo.create day: 83, week_number: 12, video_title: 'Shifting Your Thinking', video_key: '65698175', daycode: '42282c4f6e', series_id:, video_description: "It’s been 12 incredible weeks since you began your Challenge. I’m certain that many things have changed for you. This past week, I’ve been revisiting some of the core fundamentals that I want you to carry with you long after this 12 Week YearTM has ended. <br /><br />Today, I want to reinforce how critical your thinking is. By now you know that your thinking drives your actions and, in turn, your actions create your results. Thus, ultimately, your thinking creates your results. Therefore, it stands to reason that if you want a different result – increased income, better health, more loving relationships – then you will need to change something in your thinking in order to consistently change your actions. <br /><br />So, the question I have for you is this: How has your thinking shifted over the past 12 Weeks?"
ChallengeVideo.create day: 84, week_number: 12, video_title: 'You Did It!', video_key: '65702653', daycode: '2724424262', series_id:, video_description: "CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! You’ve completed The 12 Week YearTM Challenge! As your Coach, I’m very proud of you, and you should be, too. The commitment you’ve made, the leadership you’ve demonstrated, and the effort you’ve put forth is worthy of recognition. <br /><br />I want you to use this experience to know that you are capable of anything you set your mind to. There, literally, is no limit to the success you can achieve when you are focused and committed. <br /><br />Thank you for being a part of The 12 Week YearTM Challenge! It has been an honor to be part of what you’ve accomplished."
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