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Last active June 28, 2021 18:26
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Automatic differentiation through inverse of coordinate transforms
using ForwardDiff: Dual, Tag, jacobian, value, tagtype, partials, gradient
using LinearAlgebra
using NLsolve
using Random
using Test
const jac = jacobian
valueise(x) = x
valueise(x::T) where {T<:Dual} = valueise(value(x))
function changevalue!(x::AbstractVector, y, s)
for i in eachindex(x)
x[i] == s[i] && (x[i] = y[i])
return x
function changevalue!(x::AbstractVector{<:Dual}, y, s)
for i in eachindex(x)
x[i] = changevalue!(x[i], y[i], s[i])
return x
function changevalue!(x::Dual{<:Tag}, y, s) where {T<:AbstractFloat, D}
return Dual{tagtype(x)}(changevalue!(x.value, y, s), partials(x))
function changevalue!(x::Dual{<:Tag{<:Function,T}, T, D}, y::T, s::T
) where {T<:AbstractFloat, D}
return x.value == s ? Dual{tagtype(x)}(y, partials(x)) : x
changevalue(x, y) = changevalue!(deepcopy(x), y, valueise.(x))
Given coordinate transform f(y) -> x, find y for given x.
function inversion(f::F, x::AbstractVector{T}, initial_y=ones(size(x))
) where {F, T}
f!(m, y) = (m .= f(y) .- valueise.(x); return nothing)
y = NLsolve.nlsolve(f!, initial_y, autodiff=:forward, ftol=1e-12).zero
# What is the proper way? This only works for a single AD pass.
return changevalue(x, y)
"""Cylindrical to Cartesian"""
function f(rθ)
r, θ = rθ
return [r * cos(θ), r * sin(θ)]
"""Cartesian to Cylindrical"""
function f⁻¹(xy)
x, y = xy
return [sqrt(x^2 + y^2), atan(y, x)]
# I want to work in curvlinear coordinates R
# For the real problem it's only tractable to write down `f⁻¹`
# so I use an inversion function to go from `R` to `X` to get useful
# things out of `f⁻¹` in lieu of having an `f`
@testset "ForwardDiff" begin
X = 5 * (rand(2) .- 0.5)
R = f⁻¹(X)
@assert f(R) ≈ X # otherwise it'll never work
@assert f⁻¹(X) ≈ R # otherwise it'll never work
@assert R[1] > 0
@assert -π <= R[2] <= π
@test inversion(f⁻¹, R) ≈ X
@test inv(jac(f, R)) ≈ jac(f⁻¹, X) # yep
@test inv(jac(f, R)) ≈ jac(r->f⁻¹(inversion(f⁻¹, r)), R)
# now apply AD on top of the jacobian calculation
# create arbitrary-ish function
foo(R) = det(jac(f, R)) # get a single number so can do gradient
bar(R) = det(inv(jac(r->f⁻¹(inversion(f⁻¹, r)), R)))
expected = gradient(foo, R)
@test expected ≈ [1, 0] # easy answer
# gradient(bar, R) actually calculates d bar / dX so need dX/dR' d bar/dX
@test jac(r->f⁻¹(inversion(f⁻¹, r)), R) * gradient(bar, R) ≈ expected # nearly
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