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Created December 13, 2021 13:35
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Trixi Discontinuous Galerkin Maxwell
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using LinearAlgebra
using StaticArrays
using Trixi
import Trixi: AbstractEquations, varnames, flux
abstract type AbstractMaxwellEquations{NDIMS, NVARS} <: AbstractEquations{NDIMS, NVARS} end
struct MaxwellEquations2D{RealT<:Real} <: AbstractMaxwellEquations{2, 6}
function MaxwellEquations2D(μ₀=1.0, ϵ₀=1.0, α::T=1.0) where T<:Real
0.0 <= α <= 1.0 || throw(ArgumentError("Upwindedness parameter, α, must be ∈ [0,1]."))
return new{T}(μ₀, ϵ₀, α)
varnames(_, MaxwellEquations2D) = ("Ex","Ey","Ez","Bx","By","Bz")#,"Jx","Jy","Jz","rho","μ", "ϵ")
electricfield(u, eq::MaxwellEquations2D) = (@view u[1:3])
magneticfield(u, eq::MaxwellEquations2D) = (@view u[4:6])
#currentfield(u, eq::MaxwellEquations2D) = (@view u[7:9])
#chargefield(u, eq::MaxwellEquations2D) = u[10]
#permeability(u, eq::MaxwellEquations2D) = u[11]
#permitivity(u, eq::MaxwellEquations2D) = u[12]
# Calculate 1D flux for a single point
@inline function flux(u, normal::AbstractVector, eq::MaxwellEquations2D)
# Calculate flux for conservative state variables
FE = -cross(normal, magneticfield(u, eq)) / (eq.μ₀ * eq.ϵ₀) # * permeability(u, eq)
FH = cross(normal, electricfield(u, eq))
return @SVector [FE[1], FE[2], FE[3], FH[1], FH[2], FH[3]]#, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
flux(u, i::Int, eq::MaxwellEquations2D) = flux(u, (@SVector [j == i for j ∈ 1:3]), eq)
# Calculate 1D flux for a single point
@inline function flux_upwind(u⁻, u⁺, i::Int, eq::MaxwellEquations2D)
n̂ = @SVector [j == i for j ∈ 1:3]
return flux_upwind(u⁻, u⁺, n̂, eq)
@inline function flux_upwind(u⁻::T, u⁺::T, n::AbstractArray, eq::MaxwellEquations2D)::T where {T}
H⁻ = magneticfield(u⁻, eq) / eq.μ₀ # * permeability(u⁻, eq)
H⁺ = magneticfield(u⁺, eq) / eq.μ₀ # * permeability(u⁺, eq)
E⁻ = electricfield(u⁻, eq)
E⁺ = electricfield(u⁺, eq)
Z⁻ = 1 #sqrt(permeability(u⁻, eq) / permitivity(u⁻, eq))
Z⁺ = 1 #sqrt(permeability(u⁺, eq) / permitivity(u⁺, eq))
Z̄ = Z⁺ + Z⁻
FE = cross(n, (H⁺ - H⁻) * Z⁺ - cross(n, E⁺ - E⁻)) / Z̄
FH = cross(n, -(E⁺ - E⁻) / Z⁺ - cross(n, H⁺ - H⁻)) * Z̄
return T([FE[1], FE[2], FE[3], FH[1], FH[2], FH[3]])#, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
function initial_condition(x, t, equations::MaxwellEquations2D)
kx = ky = pi
Ex = sin(kx*x[1]) * cos(ky*x[2]) * kx * 0
Ey = -cos(kx*x[1]) * sin(ky*x[2]) * ky * 0
Ez = Bx = By = 0.0
Bz = sin(kx * x[1]) * sin(ky * x[2])
return @SVector [Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz]
function run()
# const volume_flux = (flux_central, flux) # ? how use
# const surface_flux = (flux_lax_friedrichs, flux) # ? how use
solver = DGSEM(; RealT=Float64, polydeg=3,
surface_flux=flux_upwind, # ? is this right
surface_integral=SurfaceIntegralWeakForm(flux_upwind),# ? is this right
volume_integral=VolumeIntegralWeakForm())# ? is this right
eqns = MaxwellEquations2D()
ncells1D = 128
mesh = TreeMesh((-1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0), # min/max coordinates
semi = SemidiscretizationHyperbolic(mesh, eqns, initial_condition, solver)
tspan = (0.0, 2.0)
ode = semidiscretize(semi, tspan)
summary_callback = SummaryCallback()
analysis_interval = 100
save_solution = SaveSolutionCallback(
solution_variables=(u, eq) -> u)
callbacks = CallbackSet(summary_callback, save_solution)
sol = solve(ode,
dt=1/ncells1D / 10, # how small?
summary_callback() # print the timer summary
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